$Id: README,v 1.12 2003/03/21 19:30:22 steve Exp $
The ulog routines allow you to route log messages directly to a file
or to syslogd, switchable at run time. If you are going to send the
data to syslogd, you should configure it. Read the manual pages for
syslog(3), syslogd(8), and syslog.conf(5). Also logger(1) if your system
has it.
Configuring syslog.
It is highly recommended that you use syslogd for logging.
This allows you to close and rename the logfile on a daily or hourly
basis and avoid filling up the filesystem with logs.
ulog.h defines the "facility" used by the ldm programs, LOG_LDM,
as LOG_LOCAL0. The examples below assume you are using this default.
(If you need to use a different facility, becasue for example
LOG_LOCAL0 is already used on your campus for some other purpose, see
the note below on how to change the default.)
Add a line like the following to /etc/syslog.conf. Use a logfile path
name appropriate to your system setup. The white space between "debug" and
"/var" _must_ be a tab.
# entry for ldm logging
local0.debug /var/data/ldm/ldmd.log
For this to take effect,
date > /var/data/ldm/ldmd.log
where `hupsyslog' comes with this package and sends a HUP signal to
the syslog daemon. `hupsyslog', needs to be installed `setuid root'. You will
NEED to be root to do this, type `make install_setuids'. You do NOT need to
have root privilege for any other part of the install. If you cannot get root
privilege, hupsylog will not have permission to send the HUP signal and
the logs will not be rotated.
Test with the following csh script:
% foreach level (err warning notice info)
? echo $level | logger -i -t test -p local0.$level
? end
Your logfile should have some lines sort of like this:
Jul 24 02:49:28 zeppo test[26767]: err
Jul 24 02:49:28 zeppo test[26769]: warning
Jul 24 02:49:28 zeppo test[26771]: notice
Jul 24 02:49:28 zeppo test[26773]: info
Add a line like this to the crontab file of the LDM, setup (using 'crontab -e'):
# Shift LDM log files once a day, 17 Z local is 0 zulu.
00 17 * * * bin/ldmping -l /dev/null -h zero && bin/newlog logs/ldmd.log 24 && bin/hupsyslog
# Shift LDM log files once an hour at 30 minutes past. ldmstats needs the logs
# rotated once an hour.
30 * * * * bin/ldmping -l /dev/null -h zero && bin/newlog logs/ldmd.log 24 && bin/hupsyslog
i) The ldmping is executed first, because if it fails, the logs
are not rotated and the error information is saved in
ii) The newlog script rotates the log and it has two parameters:
the logfile with the relative path (required) and the number of
files to save (optional). This configuration saves 24 files.
The default is 8 files.
iii) hupsyslog is executed, it sends a kill HUP signal to syslog so
syslog writes to the new ldmd.log file.
Note: If instead you need to use LOG_LOCAL1 instead of LOG_LOCAL0,
for example, you will need to do the following:
1. Set the environment variable ULOG_FACILITY_OVERRIDE to `1' in
the startup file for the ldm user, for example in the .cshrc file
2. Edit the script ../scour/scour consistently, changing `local0'
to `local1'.
3. Use `local0' instead of `local1' in /etc/syslog.conf and in the
testing above.
4. Edit the installed "ldmadmin" script: set the "$logFacility" variable.
There is auxiliary information in the Installation Section of the Site
Manager's Guide.