Steve Harris 2c82d9cb07 12.11.1-4 baseline
Former-commit-id: 98171b5de9 [formerly d3497e47eb] [formerly 6958b861f0 [formerly dddf20c9518c578d1bebd0b5e01b10c5080fd24e]]
Former-commit-id: 6958b861f0
Former-commit-id: cbbdb231ce
2012-10-16 13:27:07 -05:00

117 lines
3.2 KiB

<project default="build" basedir=".">
<!-- private static variables -->
<property name="openfire.src"
value="openfire_src_3_7_1.tar.gz" />
<property name="openfire.src.dir"
value="${basedir}/tmp/build/openfire_src" />
<property name="baseline.dir"
value="${basedir}/../" />
<!-- optional command-line parameters -->
<property name=""
value="" />
<target name="clean">
<!-- Remove artifacts from a previous build, if they exist. -->
<available file="${basedir}/tmp" type="dir" />
<delete quiet="true" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/tmp" />
<target name="init" depends="clean">
<!-- Unpack the source in a temporary directory. -->
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/tmp/build" />
<!-- since untar is not working in this version of ant. -->
<exec executable="/bin/tar">
<arg value="-xf" />
<arg value="${basedir}/src/${openfire.src}" />
<arg value="-C" />
<arg value="${basedir}/tmp/build" />
<target name="build" depends="init">
<!-- Build openfire -->
<ant antfile="${openfire.src.dir}/build/build.xml"
dir="${openfire.src.dir}" />
<!-- List plugins to build here. -->
<build.openfire.plugin"com.raytheon.openfire.plugin.configuration.collaboration" />
<build.openfire.plugin"com.raytheon.openfire.plugin.detailedfeedlog" />
<antcall target="clean" />
<macrodef name="build.openfire.plugin">
<attribute name="" />
<!-- ensure that the plugin exists -->
<available file="${baseline.dir}/@{}"
type="dir" />
<fail message="Error: the specified plugin '@{}' does not exist." />
<echo message="Building Openfire Plugin: @{}" />
<!-- setup -->
<ant antfile="${baseline.dir}/@{}/setup.xml"
<property name=""
value="@{}" />
<property name="openfire.src.dir"
value="${openfire.src.dir}" />
<property name="baseline.dir"
value="${baseline.dir}" />
<!-- build the plugin -->
<ant antfile="${openfire.src.dir}/build/build.xml"
dir="${openfire.src.dir}" target="plugin">
<property name="plugin"
value="@{}" />
<!-- verify that the plugin exists now. -->
file="${openfire.src.dir}/target/openfire/plugins/@{}.jar" />
message="Error: the plugin '@{}.jar' cannot be found at the expected location." />
<!-- if specified, copy the plugin to the destination directory. -->
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="" />
<copy todir="${}">
file="${openfire.src.dir}/target/openfire/plugins/@{}.jar" />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
classpath="${basedir}/ant/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />