root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

419 lines
11 KiB

/* struct_defs.h */
/* AV 2/6/01 added sac_snow in non_univ_techniques_struct
#ifndef struct_defs_h
#define struct_defs_h
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#define MAXPOLY 10
typedef struct HRAP {
float x;
float y;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} point;
typedef struct {
char id[20];
char SegmentID[9]; /* For MAP Basins only... */
char name[21]; /* added for county names - dp 2/26/94 */
int npts;
int order;
HRAP *hrap;
float map[30];
int map_date;
} overlay_struct;
typedef struct {
char id[20];
int npts;
HRAP *hrap;
} county_struct;
typedef struct
char name[30];
char river[30];
char id[9];
float Lat;
float Long;
} fcstpoint_struct;
typedef struct {
short int **data_array;
int maximum_columns, maximum_rows;
int num_levels;
int *levels;
int states_on;
int county_on;
int rivers_on;
int basins_on;
int rings_on;
int cities_on;
int forecastPoints_on;
int currentForecastGroup_on;
int fcstGroup_bounds_on;
int ssnum;
point origin;
point center;
GC *gc;
GC *Basin_gc;
Pixmap pix;
Pixmap pixbase;
Pixmap highlightedArea_pixmap;
Region selectedRegion;
Region HighlightedRegion;
Region ForecastGroupRegion;
float zoom_factor;
Widget w;
Dimension width;
Dimension height;
} draw_struct;
typedef struct
int npoly;
int npoints[MAXPOLY];
GC gc;
Widget shell;
int isite;
int xpoly,xpt;
} rubber_poly_data;
typedef struct
int start_x;
int start_y;
int last_x;
int last_y;
GC gc;
Widget w;
} rubber_band_data;
typedef struct
XPoint start;
XPoint last;
GC gc;
Widget w;
} rubber_line_data;
typedef struct
short center_x;
short center_y;
XArc circle[2];
GC gc;
} circle_rubber_band_data;
typedef struct
Widget query_shell;
Widget MAP_Basin_label;
Widget County_label;
Widget tools_shell;
Widget arrow_tool;
Widget marquee_tool;
Widget locator_tool;
Widget query_tool;
Widget circle_tool;
Widget scale_tool;
Widget zoomIn_tool;
Widget zoomOut_tool;
} MappingWidgetStruct;
typedef struct _ZoomStruct
point origin;
point center;
point upperLeft;
point lowerRight;
int rows;
int columns;
struct _ZoomStruct *prevLevel;
struct _ZoomStruct *nextLevel;
} ZoomStruct;
#include "extra_e19.h"
typedef struct _non_univ_tech
int snow;
int frost;
int upsc;
int upwe;
int sac_snow;
int printsma;
int printsnw;
int prtro;
int tables;
} non_univ_techniques_struct;
typedef struct _e19
char id[50];
int in_fgroup;
char name[9];
char description[21];
int num_MAP_basins; /* Number of MAP basins */
char **MAP_names; /* Array of MAP basin names */
/* extra_e19 extra;*/
extra_e19 *extra;
int NumRC; /*number rating curve or forecast points,or length of extra*/
char f_group[9]; /*this 4 variables moved from extra_e19.h*/
char c_group[9];
char upstream[5][9];
char downstream[2][9];
} e19_data;
typedef struct _node
int status;
int computed_status;
struct _e19 e19;
overlay_struct **MAP_data; /* An array of pointers to structs for each MAP basin */
Region segment_region;
struct _non_univ_tech *techniques;
Widget parent_widget;
Widget segment_widget;
Widget popup_shell;
int which_tree;
struct _node *parent;
struct _node *left;
struct _node *mid_left;
struct _node *center;
struct _node *mid_right;
struct _node *right;
} node;
typedef struct
char segment_name[9];
int status_id;
} seg_status;
typedef struct
Widget on;
Widget off;
Widget no_change;
} buttonStruct;
typedef struct
Widget forecastGroup_list;
Widget carryoverGroup_list;
Widget carryoverDate_list;
XmString *carryover_dates;
} FcstGroupSelectionDialogStruct;
typedef struct
Widget shell;
Widget list;
Widget show;
char *filePath[2]; /* Array of two pointers to char, */
/* 1st gives the path to OFS Mods, */
/* 2nd gives the path to new Mods */
int *arrayPosition; /* Array of ints; */
/* for a given list item, identifies */
/* which path to follow to get the */
/* newest Mod of the selected type... */
} CurrentModStruct;
typedef struct
Widget toplevel;
Widget bb;
Widget run_info_bb;
Widget ForecastGroup_label;
Widget Scale_TextField;
Widget form_widget;
Widget menuBar;
Widget sw_for_delete_list;
Widget delete_list;
Widget delete_shell;
Widget tree_shell;
Widget version_shell;
Widget version_ToggleButton;
Widget sw_for_tree_widgets;
Widget rc_for_tree_widgets;
Widget run_info_shell;
Widget listWidget_for_forecastSegments;
Widget control_mainMenuItem;
Widget options_mainMenuItem;
Widget display_mainMenuItem;
Widget mods_mainMenuItem;
Widget begin_widget;
Widget new_ForecastGroup_widget;
Widget rerun_widget;
Widget next_widget;
Widget revert_widget;
Widget keepSubset_widget;
Widget deleteSegments_widget;
Widget reset_widget;
Widget setDates_widget;
Widget universal_widget;
Widget techniques_widget;
Widget non_universal_widget;
Widget showDeletedSegments_widget;
Widget showRunSegments_widget;
Widget showTimeSeriesTable_widget;
Widget showTulsaPlot_widget;
Widget showPlotTS_widget;
Widget showOtherMods_widget;
Widget showModsViewer_widget;
Widget showRatingCurve_widget;
Widget showOperationsTable_widget;
Widget showFGroup_Topology_widget;
Widget showCurrentMods_widget;
Widget setDates_popup_shell;
the_widgets *controls;
the_widgets *viewDates;
Widget universalTech_popup_shell;
Widget non_universalTech_popup_shell;
Widget universalTech_ok_widget;
Widget inputFrame_label;
Widget outputFrame_label;
Widget modsFrame_label;
Widget non_univ_swindow;
Widget non_univ_list;
Widget continue_widget;
Widget select_next_shellWidget;
Widget selectNext_listWidget;
Widget select_widget;
node *head[MAX_NUM_SUBGROUPS];
Widget all_toggleButton;
Widget selected_toggleButton;
buttonStruct snowButtons;
buttonStruct frostButtons;
buttonStruct upscButtons;
buttonStruct upweButtons;
buttonStruct sac_snowButtons;
Widget NWSRFS_working_shell;
Widget NWSRFS_stopped_shell;
XtIntervalId stopped_timeout_id;
char segment_selected[9];
char current_segment[9];
char *ForecastGroupNames; /* 8 characters each */
int NumForecastGroups; /* Number of Forecast Groups... */
char selected_ForecastGroupName[9]; /* 9 characters, incld. '\0'... */
Widget previous_segment;
Widget go_to_widget;
Widget run_multiple_widget;
Widget currentSegment_widget;
Widget send_mods_shell;
int fg_label_height;
char *current_command;
Widget non_universalTech_ok_widget;
Widget popupHelp_shell;
Cursor cursor;
Widget FcstGroup_selectionBoxShell;
Widget FcstGroup_selectionBoxCancel;
Widget files_date_label;
Widget mods_date_label;
int GoToNextForecastGroup;
FcstGroupSelectionDialogStruct *dataStruct;
MappingWidgetStruct *mappingStruct;
circle_rubber_band_data *CircleToolData;
rubber_line_data *ScaleToolData;
GC ScaleToolData_gc;
ZoomStruct *zoom;
draw_struct *overlays; /* formerly global 'rad_data' */
Widget main_canvas; /* Start mapping widgets */
Widget drawArea_SWindow; /* . */
Widget Latitude_widget; /* . */
Widget Longitude_widget; /* . */
Widget Distance_widget; /* . */
Widget states_widget; /* . */
Widget county_widget; /* . */
Widget rivers_widget; /* . */
Widget cities_widget; /* . */
Widget basin_boundaries_widget; /* . */
Widget forecastPoints_widget; /* . */
Widget FcstGroup_widget; /* . */
Widget FcstGroupBoundaries_widget; /* End mapping widgets */
CurrentModStruct *currentModData;
Widget sac_widget;
Widget snow_widget;
} the_widget_struct;
typedef struct
the_widget_struct *dataStruct;
node *branch;
} tree_data_struct;
node *null_it();
node *find_it();
non_univ_techniques_struct *non_univ_Techniques;
rubber_band_data rbdata;
draw_struct *rad_data;
draw_struct zoom_data;
overlay_struct **bound;
overlay_struct **fgbasin;
overlay_struct **mapbasin;
overlay_struct **river;
overlay_struct **state;
overlay_struct **county;
fcstpoint_struct *forecastpoints;
HRAP LatLongToHrap();
HRAP HrapToLatLong();
overlay_struct **read_overlay_data();
#endif /* READ_DATA_DEF */
#endif /* struct_defs_h */