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# ScalarPhrases.py
# Methods for producing text forecast from SampleAnalysis statistics.
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import PhraseBuilder
import types
class ScalarPhrases(PhraseBuilder.PhraseBuilder):
def __init__(self):
### To override, override the associated method in your text product class.
### T
def temp_trend_nlValue(self, tree, node):
return 20.0
### Td
### MaxT and MinT
### Sky
def pop_sky_lower_threshold(self, tree, node):
"""Do not include an explicit Sky forecast when PoPs are
>= 60% for the majority of the forecast period.
# Get all the PoP stats for this component
component = node.getComponent()
compRange = component.getTimeRange()
popStats = tree.stats.get('PoP', compRange, node.getAreaLabel(),
# If the PoP stats are missing
if popStats is None or popStats == []:
return 100.0 # keep sky cover as a precaution
# Initialize a counter to keep track of the number of subperiods
# where the PoP >= 55% (rounds to 60%)
count = 0
# Look at each PoP value
for (value, timeRange) in popStats:
# See if PoP is 'likely' or 'categorical'
if value >= 55.0:
count += 1 # count this subphrase period
# Determine the percentage of the time PoP is 'likely' or 'categorical'
percent = 100.0 * float(count)/float(len(popStats))
# If the majority of the period has 'likely' or 'categorical' PoPs
if percent > 50.0:
val = 59.0 # omit sky cover from the forecast
val = 100.0 # sky cover required
return val
def clearing_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Threshold for phrases such as:
# mostly cloudy in the morning then clearing
# Used by sky_phrase
return 31
def sky_valueList(self, tree, node):
# Phrases for sky given values. Tuples consist of:
# (threshold, dayTime phrase, nightTime phrase)
# Used by skyRange_phrase
# NOTE: If you change these words, you MUST also
# adjust the similarSkyWords_list and preferredSkyWords
# used for sub-phrase combining and reporting sky trends.
return [
(5, "sunny", "clear"),
(25, "sunny", "mostly clear"),
(50, "mostly sunny", "partly cloudy"),
(69, "partly sunny", "mostly cloudy"),
(87, "mostly cloudy", "mostly cloudy"),
(100, "cloudy", "cloudy"),
def similarSkyWords_list(self, tree, node):
# The following pairs of sky words will be considered
# "equal" when comparing for phrase combining
# and redundancy
# For trends, (e.g. Sunny in the morning then partly cloudy in the afternoon.)
# the following transitions are not allowed:
# Day time:
# Sunny <--> mostly sunny
# Mostly sunny <--> partly sunny
# Partly cloudy <--> mostly cloudy
# Night time:
# Clear <--> mostly clear
# Mostly clear <--> partly cloudy
# Mostly cloudy <--> cloudy
# In other words these transitions are allowed:
# Day time:
# sunny <--> partly sunny or above
# mostly sunny <--> mostly cloudy or above
# partly sunny <--> sunny or cloudy
# mostly cloudy <--> mostly sunny
# Night time:
# clear can go to partly cloudy or above
# mostly clear <--> mostly cloudy or above
# partly cloudy <--> mostly cloudy or above
# mostly cloudy <--> partly cloudy or below
dayNight = self.getPeriod(node.getTimeRange(), 1)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
return [
("sunny", "mostly sunny"),
("mostly sunny", "partly sunny"),
("partly sunny", "mostly cloudy"),
("mostly cloudy", "cloudy"),
return [
("clear", "mostly clear"),
("mostly clear", "partly cloudy"),
("mostly cloudy", "cloudy"),
def similarSkyWords_flag(self, tree, node, words1, words2):
# Returns 1 if the pair of words is equal or similar
# according to the "similarSkyWords_list"
if words1 == words2:
return 1
# Check for similarity
for value1, value2 in self.similarSkyWords_list(tree, node):
if (words1 == value1 and words2 == value2) or \
(words2 == value1 and words1 == value2):
return 1
return 0
def preferredSkyWords(self, tree, node, words1, words2):
# Returns the preferred words given the pair
# of words1, words2
preferredList = ["mostly sunny", "mostly clear", "cloudy"]
if words1 in preferredList:
return words1
if words2 in preferredList:
return words2
return words1
def reportIncreasingDecreasingSky_flag(self, tree, node):
# If 1, will use "increasing clouds", "decreasing clouds"
# wording instead of "mostly cloudy becoming sunny"
# You have 3 options:
# return 0 -- do not use increasing/decreasing wording
# return 1 -- use increasing/decreasing wording if applicable
# Use the code shown below to use increasing/decreasing wording
# but avoid repetitive usage.
return 0
#return 1
# Use the following code to avoid redundancy e.g.
# SUNDAY...Increasing clouds.
# SUNDAY NIGHT...Increasing clouds.
#If the previous period had increasing or decreasing wording, return 0
# Otherwise, return 1
# Check to see if previous period had increasing or decreasing wording
component = node.getComponent()
prevComp = component.getPrev()
if prevComp is not None:
# Look at the sky_phrase
skyWords = self.findWords(
tree, prevComp, "Sky", node.getAreaLabel(),
phraseList=[node.getAncestor('name')], phraseLevel=1)
if skyWords is not None:
if skyWords.find("increasing") >= 0 or \
skyWords.find("decreasing") >= 0:
return 0
return 1
return 1
def reportClearSkyForExtendedPeriod_flag(self, tree, node):
# If 1, will report clear/mostly clear wording for periods that
# exceed 12 hours. Otherwise, will report sunny/mostly sunny.
return 1
def sky_value(self, tree, node, value, dayNight, returnIndex=0):
# Check for areal coverage term
# Otherwise, access the sky_valueList and return words corresponding to value
if value is None:
return ""
words = self.areal_sky_value(tree, node, value, dayNight)
if words is not None:
# Set to use then connector only
node.set("connector", " then ")
# Return areal wording
if returnIndex:
return words, 0
return words
sky_valueList = self.sky_valueList(tree, node)
for i in range(len(sky_valueList)):
threshold, dayWords, nightWords = sky_valueList[i]
if value <= threshold:
flag = self.reportClearSkyForExtendedPeriod_flag(tree, node)
if flag == 1:
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
words = dayWords
words = nightWords
if dayNight == self.NIGHTTIME():
words = nightWords
words = dayWords
if returnIndex:
return words, i
return words
def areal_sky_flag(self, tree, node):
# Set to 1 if you want to use areal (e.g. patchy clouds, areas of clouds)
# vs. traditional sky wording when appropriate.
# BE SURE AND SET THE "arealSkyAnalysis" flag to 1 in the Definition section!
# You may want to base this decision on the current edit area and/or
# component e.g. "Period_1"
return 0
def areal_sky_value(self, tree, node, value, dayNight):
if not self.areal_sky_flag(tree, node):
return None
skyBins = tree.stats.get("Sky", node.getTimeRange(),
#print "skyBins", skyBins, node.getTimeRange()
if skyBins is None:
return None
# Determine percent in highest bin
length = len(skyBins)
highBin = skyBins[length-1]
low, high, highBinPercent = highBin
# Base wording on high bin percent
words = None
#print "highBinPercent", highBinPercent
for skyPercent, skyWords in self.areal_skyPercentages(tree, node):
#print "skyPercent", skyPercent
if highBinPercent > skyPercent:
words = skyWords
#print "words", words
if words is None:
return None # Revert to traditional coverage
# Check for sky-related Wx
wxStats = tree.stats.get("Wx", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if wxStats is None:
return None
# Keep track of skyRelatedWx that we have added to the wording already
# so we don't end up with "Areas of low clouds and fog and fog."
foundWx = []
for wx in self.areal_skyRelatedWx(tree, node):
# Look for "dense" fog
dense = ""
if wx == "F":
for subkey, rank in wxStats:
if subkey.wxType() == "F" and subkey.intensity() == "+":
dense = "dense "
for subkey, rank in wxStats:
if subkey.wxType() == wx and wx not in foundWx:
# Add wording
words = words + " and " + dense + subkey.wxDef().typeDesc(wx).lower()
return words
def areal_skyPercentages(self, tree, node):
# Used IF the areal_sky_flag is 1.
# Each tuple is a (skyValue, words) pair such that if the
# sky percentage with the highest areal coverage exceeds
# the given skyValue, the associated words are used.
return [
(80, "low clouds"),
(40, "areas of clouds"),
(9, "patchy clouds"),
def areal_skyRelatedWx(self, tree, node):
# Used IF the areal_sky_flag is 1.
# Weather types that are related to sky cover and will be included in the
# sky phrase if their areal coverage matches the sky areal coverage.
# For example: areas of low clouds and fog in the morning, then mostly sunny.
return ["F", "L"]
def disableSkyRelatedWx(self, tree, node):
# Disable the areal_skyRelatedWx subkeys for the given node
wxStats = tree.stats.get("Wx", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if wxStats is None:
disabled = node.getAncestor("disabledSubkeys")
if disabled is None:
disabled = []
#print "wxStats", wxStats
for wx in self.areal_skyRelatedWx(tree, node):
for subkey, rank in wxStats:
if subkey.wxType() == wx:
node.set("disabledSubkeys", disabled)
def sky_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.sky_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.sky_words,
"phraseMethods": [
def sky_setUp(self, tree, node):
sky = self.ElementInfo("Sky", "List")
elementInfoList = [sky]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def combineSky(self, tree, node):
return self.combineChildren(tree, node, self.combine_sky)
def combine_sky(self, tree, node, subPhrase1, subPhrase2):
skyValue1 = self.getScalarData(tree, subPhrase1, "Sky", "MinMax")
skyValue2 = self.getScalarData(tree, subPhrase2, "Sky", "MinMax")
if skyValue1 is None and skyValue2 is None:
return 1, None
if skyValue1 is None or skyValue2 is None:
return 0, None
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if timeRange.duration() > 12*3600:
dayNight = -1
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
words1 = self.sky_value(tree, subPhrase1, self.getValue(skyValue1), dayNight)
words2 = self.sky_value(tree, subPhrase2, self.getValue(skyValue2), dayNight)
if self.similarSkyWords_flag(tree, subPhrase1, words1, words2):
min1, max1 = skyValue1
min2, max2 = skyValue2
newVal = (min(min1, min2), max(max1, max2))
elementInfoList = node.get("elementInfoList")
newSubPhrase = self.combine2SubPhrases(
tree, node, subPhrase1, subPhrase2, elementInfoList, newVal)
return 1, newSubPhrase
return 0, None
def skySpecialCases(self, tree, node):
# If phrase has exactly 2 subphrases,
# Look for clearing.
# If not, then if reportIncreasingDecreasing,
# report increasing/decreasing wording.
subPhrases = node.get("childList")
if len(subPhrases) == 2:
words = None
skyValue1 = self.getScalarData(tree, subPhrases[0], "Sky", "Average")
skyValue2 = self.getScalarData(tree, subPhrases[1], "Sky", "Average")
# Look for clearing
clearing_threshold = self.clearing_threshold(tree, node)
if skyValue1 > skyValue2 and skyValue2 <= clearing_threshold and skyValue1 > clearing_threshold:
period1Phrase = self.timePeriod_descriptor(tree, node, subPhrases[0].getTimeRange())
period1Phrase = self.addSpace(period1Phrase, "leading")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if timeRange.duration() > 12*3600:
dayNight = -1
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
words1 = self.sky_value(tree, subPhrases[0], skyValue1, dayNight)
words = words1 + period1Phrase + " then clearing"
reportIncreasingDecreasing = self.reportIncreasingDecreasingSky_flag(tree, node)
if reportIncreasingDecreasing:
if skyValue2 > skyValue1:
words = "increasing clouds"
words = "decreasing clouds"
if words is not None:
# End processing of the phrase; we are done
node.set("doneList", node.get("methodList"))
return self.setWords(node, words)
return self.DONE()
def sky_timeDescriptorModeration(self, tree, node):
# If only two subphrases, turn off second time descriptor
childList = node.get("childList")
length = len(childList)
# Check for words
if length > 0:
words = childList[0].get("words")
if words is None:
return self.DONE()
if length == 2:
words0 = childList[0].get("words")
words1 = childList[1].get("words")
if words0 != "" and words1 != "":
# Neither is null
flag0 = 1
flag1 = 0
else: # One is null
flag0 = 1
flag1 = 1
if words0 == "": # First sub-phrase is null
childList[1].set("words", "becoming " + words1)
childList[0].set("timeDescFlag", flag0)
childList[1].set("timeDescFlag", flag1)
return self.DONE()
def sky_words(self, tree, node):
# Create sky phrase.
statDict = node.getStatDict()
sky = self.getStats(statDict, "Sky")
if sky is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Check Pop i.e. don't report sky if we can assume overcast
threshold = self.pop_sky_lower_threshold(tree, node)
if self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold) == 0:
return self.setWords(node, "")
sky = self.getValue(sky)
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if timeRange.duration() > 12*3600:
words = self.getSkyDiurnalWords(tree, node)
if words is not None:
return self.setWords(node, words)
dayNight = -1
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
words = self.sky_value(tree, node, sky, dayNight)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def getSkyDiurnalWords(self, tree, node):
# Produce words such as
# xx in the night and morning otherwise yy
# where xx is the sky value for the night and morning
# and yy is the sky value otherwise
# If the night and morning words are the same as the
# evening and afternoon, (no diurnal pattern),
# return None
# If we have not tested for diurnal sky and wx, return
if "DiurnalSkyWx" not in self.periodCombining_elementList(tree, node):
return None
wordList = []
index = 0
trList = self.divideRange(node.getTimeRange(), 6)
dayNight = self.getPeriod(trList[0], 1)
# Need to save timeRange so we can re-set it for determining
# words for sub-ranges
saveTR = node.getTimeRange()
# Only need to use first 12 hours to check for similarity
for tr in trList[0:2]:
sky = tree.stats.get("Sky", tr, node.getAreaLabel(),
sky = self.getValue(sky)
node.timeRange = tr
result = self.sky_value(tree, node, sky, dayNight)
#print "\nsky, tr", sky, tr
#print "words", result
index += 1
# Re-set timeRange
node.timeRange = saveTR
#print "\nwordList", wordList
if wordList[0] == wordList[1]:
return None
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
# First period is the morning
words1 = wordList[0]
words2 = wordList[1]
descriptor = " in the morning and night"
# First period is the evening
words1 = wordList[1]
words2 = wordList[0]
descriptor = " in the night and morning"
words2 = words2.replace("sunny", "clear")
words = words1 + descriptor + ", otherwise " + words2
#print "returning", words
return words
def simple_sky_phrase(self):
return {
"phraseMethods": [
self.simple_sky_words, # phrase.words
def simple_sky_words(self, tree, phrase):
# Create sky phrase.
# If no information, do not report sky condition
timeRange = phrase.getTimeRange()
#print "Getting sky"
skyStats = tree.stats.get("Sky", timeRange, phrase.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="List")
#print "Sky ", skyStats
statsByRange = self.makeRangeStats(tree, self.SCALAR(), skyStats, timeRange)
#print "Sky ", statsByRange
if statsByRange is None:
return self.setWords(phrase, "")
# Check Pop i.e. don't report sky if we can assume overcast
threshold = self.pop_sky_lower_threshold(tree, phrase)
if self.lowPop_flag(tree, phrase, threshold) == 0:
return self.setWords(phrase, "")
reportIncreasingDecreasing = self.reportIncreasingDecreasingSky_flag(tree, phrase)
# Get values for each part of time range
if len(statsByRange) == 1:
skyTime1, period1 = statsByRange[0]
skyTime2, period2 = statsByRange[0]
skyTime1, period1 = statsByRange[0]
skyTime2, period2 = statsByRange[1]
skyTime1 = self.getValue(skyTime1)
skyTime2 = self.getValue(skyTime2)
dayNight1 = self.getPeriod(period1, 1)
dayNight2 = self.getPeriod(period2, 1)
# Determine category and phrase for skyTime1 and skyTime2
skyPhrase, valueIndex = self.sky_value(tree, phrase, skyTime1, dayNight1, 1)
words1 = skyPhrase
index1 = valueIndex
skyPhrase, valueIndex = self.sky_value(tree, phrase, skyTime2, dayNight2, 1)
words2 = skyPhrase
index2 = valueIndex
period1Phrase = self.timePeriod_descriptor(tree, phrase, period1)
period1Phrase = self.addSpace(period1Phrase, "leading")
# Look for clearing
clearing_threshold = self.clearing_threshold(tree, phrase)
if skyTime1 > skyTime2 and skyTime2 <= clearing_threshold and skyTime1 > clearing_threshold:
return self.setWords(phrase, words1 + period1Phrase + " then clearing")
# See if skyTime1 is different from skyTime2 by more than
# one category of sky values
if abs(index1 - index2) > self.sky_index_difference(tree, phrase):
if reportIncreasingDecreasing == 1:
if skyTime2 > skyTime1:
return self.setWords(phrase, "increasing clouds")
return self.setWords(phrase, "decreasing clouds")
return self.setWords(phrase, words1 + period1Phrase + " then becoming " + words2)
# Report Average value
skyValue = self.average(skyTime1, skyTime2)
if timeRange.duration() > 12*3600:
dayNight = -1
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
words = self.sky_value(tree, phrase, skyValue, dayNight)
return self.setWords(phrase, words)
# PoP
def wxQualifiedPoP_flag(self, tree, node):
# If 1, PoP phrases will be qualified with the weather type
# E.g. "Chance of rain and snow 20 percent." instead of
# "Chance of precipitation 20 percent."
return 1
def popMax_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.popMax_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.popMax_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods()
def popMax_setUp(self, tree, node):
# NOTE: The method is set to "Average" instead of "List" so
# that the PoP phrase will always cover the full period.
# It doesn't matter what method (other than List) we choose
# since the popMax_words method gets its PoP value directly from
# the "matchToWx" method.
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("PoP", "Average")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def popMax_words(self, tree, node) :
"Create phrase Probability of Precipitation for maximum value"
# Wait for weather phrase to complete
wxWords = ""
attrDict = {}
if self.wxQualifiedPoP_flag(tree, node) == 1:
compArea = node.getComponent().getAreaLabel()
wxWords, attrDict = self.findWords(tree, node, "Wx", [node.getAreaLabel(), compArea],
phraseList=["weather_phrase", "skyPopWx_phrase"],
if wxWords is None:
#print "wxWords", wxWords
if wxWords == "":
#print "setting popMax to Null"
return self.setWords(node, "null")
#print "PopMax", node.getAreaLabel(), wxWords
pop = self.matchToWx(tree, node, "PoP")
#print " Pop", pop
if pop is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Check pop thresholds
pop = self.getValue(pop, "Max")
if pop < self.pop_lower_threshold(tree, node) or \
pop > self.pop_upper_threshold(tree, node):
return self.setWords(node, "")
popType = self.getPopType(tree, node, pop, wxWords, attrDict)
node.set("popType", popType)
result = self.checkRepeatingString(tree, node, popType, "popType",0)
if result == -1:
# Wait for previous phrase to finish
popType = self.addSpace(result)
unit = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "unit", "percent")
popStr = self.getPopStr(tree, node, pop)
words = popType + popStr + " " + unit
# Need to try and set phrase descriptor at this point since
# weather phrase was not complete during phrase set-up
phrase = node.parent
if phrase.get("descriptor") is None:
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(tree, phrase, "PoP", "PoP")
phrase.set("descriptor", descriptor)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def getPopStr(self, tree, node, pop):
pop = int(pop)
if pop >= 100:
popWords = "near 100"
popWords = repr(pop)
return popWords
def getPopType(self, tree, node, pop, wxWords, attrDict):
popType = "precipitation"
if self.wxQualifiedPoP_flag(tree, node) == 1:
# Examine reported weather type(s) from phrase.
# If there is more than one descriptor for precipitating weather
# or if they are general weather types,
# return "precipitation"
# Otherwise, describe the weather type
# e.g. chance of rain, chance of snow
wxTypes = []
if "reportedRankList" in attrDict:
rankList = attrDict["reportedRankList"]
for subkey, rank in rankList:
generalTypes = ["IP", "ZL", "ZR", "ZF", "ZY"]
for general in generalTypes:
if general in wxTypes:
return "precipitation"
descriptors = {
"R": "rain",
"RW": "showers",
"S": "snow",
"SW": "snow",
"T": "thunderstorms",
popTypes = []
for wxType in wxTypes:
if wxType in ["R", "S", "RW", "SW", "T"]:
desc = descriptors[wxType]
if desc not in popTypes:
if len(popTypes) > 1:
popType = "precipitation"
elif len(popTypes) == 1:
popType = popTypes[0]
return popType
# This version will report only the weather types that
# match the reported PoP
## def getPopType(self, tree, node, pop, wxWords, attrDict):
## popType = "precipitation"
## if self.wxQualifiedPoP_flag(tree, node) == 1:
## ## Need to find weather type(s) from phrase.
## ## "wxWords" is the concatenation of all weather phrases
## ## for this component.
## ## Returns "popType" e.g. chance of rain, chance of rain and snow
## wxTypes = []
## if attrDict.has_key("reportedRankList"):
## rankList = attrDict["reportedRankList"]
## for subkey, rank in rankList:
## # Check the coverage against the reported PoP
## covLow, covHigh = self.coveragePoP_value(subkey.coverage())
## if covHigh >= pop:
## wxTypes.append(subkey.wxType())
## popType = None
## generalTypes = ["IP", "ZL", "ZR", "ZF", "ZY"]
## for general in generalTypes:
## if general in wxTypes:
## popType = "precipitation"
## if popType is None:
## rain = 0
## snow = 0
## thunder = 0
## showers = 0
## snowShowers = 0
## rainShowers = 0
## if "R" in wxTypes:
## rain = 1
## if "S" in wxTypes:
## snow = 1
## if "RW" in wxTypes:
## showers = 1
## if "SW" in wxTypes:
## snowShowers = 1
## if "T" in wxTypes:
## thunder = 1
## if showers and not snowShowers:
## rainShowers = 1
## if (rain or rainShowers or thunder) and snow:
## popType = "precipitation"
## else:
## if snow or snowShowers:
## if rain or rainShowers:
## if wxWords.find(" or ") > -1:
## popType = "rain or snow"
## else:
## popType = "rain and snow"
## else:
## popType = "snow"
## elif rain and not rainShowers:
## popType = "rain"
## elif showers:
## popType = "showers"
## if thunder:
## popType = "showers and thunderstorms"
## elif thunder:
## popType = "thunderstorms"
## else:
## popType = "precipitation"
## if popType is None:
## popType = "precipitation"
## return popType
def areal_or_chance_pop_descriptor(self, tree, node, key, elementName):
# Stats: dominantWx
# Returns descriptor for a pop phrase based on Wx
# Returns areal coverage of precipitation OR
# chance of precipitation
# Get weather. Determine if ANY terms in the period are convective. If so,
# change the phrase to "areal coverage". This is an Amarillo WFO
# preference.
wxPhrase = self.findWords(tree, node, "Wx", node.getAreaLabel(),
phraseList=["weather_phrase", "skyPopWx_phrase"])
if wxPhrase is None:
return None
if wxPhrase == "":
return "chance of"
use_areal = 0
if wxPhrase.find("isolated") >= 0:
use_areal = 1
if wxPhrase.find("scattered") >= 0:
use_areal = 1
if wxPhrase.find("numerous") >= 0:
use_areal = 1
if wxPhrase.find("widespread") >= 0:
use_areal = 1
if use_areal == 1:
return "areal coverage of"
return "chance of"
def allAreal_or_chance_pop_descriptor(self, tree, node, key, elementName):
# Stats: rankedWx
# Returns descriptor for a pop phrase based on Wx
# Returns areal coverage of precipitation OR
# chance of precipitation
# Get weather. Determine if ALL terms in the period are convective. If so,
# change the phrase to "areal coverage". This is an Amarillo WFO
# preference.
statsByRange = tree.stats.get(
"Wx", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="List")
if statsByRange is None:
return "chance of"
use_areal = 1
for rankList, subRange in statsByRange:
subkeys = self.getSubkeys(rankList)
for subkey in subkeys:
if self.precip_related_flag(tree, node, subkey):
cov = subkey.coverage()
if cov not in ["Iso", "Sct", "Num", "Wide", "<NoCov>"]:
use_areal = 0
if use_areal == 1:
return "areal coverage of"
return "chance of"
# Temperature worded phrases:
# using temp_phrase_threshold
def highs_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.highs_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.temp_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods()
def highs_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("MaxT", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def lows_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.lows_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.temp_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def lows_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("MinT", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def temp_words(self, tree, node):
stats = self.getTempStats(tree, node)
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
elementName = node.getAncestor("elementName")
words = self.getTempPhrase(tree, node, stats, elementName)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def tempDiff_threshold(self, tree, node):
# If the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature values
# exceeds this range, report the actual values e.g. 23 to 29.
return 4
def getTempPhrase(self, tree, node, temp, elementName):
minVal, maxVal = self.getValue(temp, "MinMax")
minVal = int(minVal)
maxVal = int(maxVal)
# Chris Gibson's version
## # Handle teens
## ave = int((maxVal + minVal)/2)
## if ave < 20 and ave > 9:
## if ave > 15:
## return "15-20"
## elif ave == 15 or ave == 14:
## return "near 15"
## elif ave == 10 or ave == 11:
## return "near 10"
## else:
## return "10-15"
## if ave < 10 and ave > 0:
## if ave > 4:
## return "5 to 10 above"
## else:
## return "zero to 5 above"
## if minVal <=0 or maxVal <=0:
## maxVal = int(self.round(maxVal, "Nearest", 5))
## minVal = int(self.round(minVal, "Nearest", 5))
# End Chris Gibson's version
# Check for exceptions
exceptions = self.tempPhrase_exceptions(tree, node)
for minBoundaries, maxBoundaries, equalityPhrase, phrase in exceptions:
if minVal >= minBoundaries[0] and minVal <= minBoundaries[1] and \
maxVal >= maxBoundaries[0] and maxVal <= maxBoundaries[1]:
if minVal == maxVal:
resultPhrase = equalityPhrase
resultPhrase = phrase
return self.constructTempException(resultPhrase, minVal, maxVal)
# Handle actual range values
if abs(maxVal-minVal) > self.tempDiff_threshold(tree, node):
return repr(minVal) + " to " + repr(maxVal)
# set up for "lower," "mid," or "upper" wording
# Modulus (%) gets tricky below zero so have to take
# modulus of abs(temperature)
decadeMaxStr = self.getDecadeStr(maxVal)
decadeMinStr = self.getDecadeStr(minVal)
digitMax = abs(maxVal) % 10
digitMin = abs(minVal) % 10
boundaries = self.tempPhrase_boundary_dict(tree, node)
digitMinStr = self.getDigitStr(digitMin, boundaries)
digitMaxStr = self.getDigitStr(digitMax, boundaries)
lowerMax = boundaries["lower"][1]
upperMin = boundaries["upper"][0]
if decadeMinStr == decadeMaxStr:
# this solves the problem of returning "...IN THE LOWER 60s TO LOWER 60s..."
if digitMinStr == digitMaxStr:
return "in the " + digitMinStr + " " + decadeMinStr
# shortens a return of "...lower to upper..." to "...in the xxS"
elif digitMin <= lowerMax and digitMax >= upperMin:
return "in the " + decadeMaxStr
return "in the " + digitMinStr + " to " + digitMaxStr + " " + decadeMaxStr
elif digitMinStr == digitMaxStr:
# return 50s TO LOWER 60s (not LOWER 50s TO LOWER 60s)
return "in the " + decadeMinStr + " to " + digitMaxStr + " " + decadeMaxStr
else: # different decade
if maxVal >= 100 and minVal < 100: # UPPER 80s to 102
return digitMinStr + " " + decadeMinStr + " to " + str(maxVal)
# return NEAR 60 (not UPPER 50s TO LOWER 60s)
elif digitMin >= upperMin and digitMax <= lowerMax and maxVal - minVal <= 10:
roundedMax = int(self.round(maxVal, "Nearest", 10))
return self.constructTempException("near %max", minVal, roundedMax)
# return 50s and 60s (not lower 50s to upper 60s)
elif digitMin <= lowerMax and digitMax >= upperMin:
return "in the " + decadeMinStr + " to " + decadeMaxStr
digitMinPhrase = digitMinStr + " " + decadeMinStr
digitMaxPhrase = digitMaxStr + " " + decadeMaxStr
return "in the " + digitMinPhrase + " to " + digitMaxPhrase
def constructTempException(self, phrase, minVal, maxVal):
phrase = phrase.replace("%min", repr(minVal))
phrase = phrase.replace("%max", repr(maxVal))
zeroPhraseMin = self.getZeroPhrase(minVal)
zeroPhraseMax = self.getZeroPhrase(maxVal)
phrase = phrase.replace("%zeroPhraseMin", zeroPhraseMin)
phrase = phrase.replace("%zeroPhraseMax", zeroPhraseMax)
return phrase
def getDecade(self, value):
decade = abs(int(value)) // 10 * 10
if value < 0:
decade = -decade
return decade
def getDecadeStr(self, value):
decade = self.getDecade(value)
if decade == 0:
return "single digits"
elif decade == 10:
return "teens"
elif decade == -10:
return "teens below zero"
return repr(decade) + "s"
def getDigitStr(self, value, boundaries):
for (key, pair) in boundaries.items():
lower, upper = pair
if value >= lower and value <= upper:
return key
def tempPhrase_exceptions(self, tree, node):
# These exceptions to the getTempPhrase are processed before trying to
# generate a phrase such as "in the lower 20's to upper 30's".
return [
# Boundaries are inclusive
# Min boundaries # Max boundaries # phrase if Min == Max # phrase if Min != Max
# %min will be replaced by the minimum temperature value
# %max will be replaced by the maximum temperature value
# %zeroPhraseMin will be replaced with a zero-based phrase for the min e.g.
# 12 below
# %zeroPhraseMax will be replaced with a zero-based phrase for the min e.g.
# 5 above
# Both 100 and above
[(100,200), (100,200), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
# Min in 90's, Max 100 and above
[(90, 99), (100,200), "", "%min to %max"],
# Handle lower temperatures
[(1, 19), (1, 29), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
# Handle zero temperatures
[(0, 0), (0, 29), "near zero", "zero to %zeroPhraseMax"],
[(-200, 0), (0, 0), "near zero", "%zeroPhraseMin to zero"],
# Min below zero, Max above zero
[(-200,-1), (1,200), "near zero", "%zeroPhraseMin to %zeroPhraseMax zero"],
# Both below zero
#[(-200,-1), (-200,-1), "%zeroPhraseMin","%zeroPhraseMax to %zeroPhraseMin zero"],
[(-200,-1), (-200,-1), "around %zeroPhraseMin","%zeroPhraseMax to %zeroPhraseMin zero"],
## # Chris Gibson's version Comment out the above exception and use this instead:
## #[(-200,-1), (-200,-1), "near %zeroPhraseMax","%zeroPhraseMax to %zeroPhraseMin zero"]
# Around phrases fix from Steve Nelson
[(20, 20), (20, 20), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(30, 30), (30, 30), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(40, 40), (40, 40), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(50, 50), (50, 50), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(60, 60), (60, 60), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(70, 70), (70, 70), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(80, 80), (80, 80), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
[(90, 90), (90, 90), "around %min", "%min to %max"],
def tempPhrase_boundary_dict(self, tree, node):
return {
"lower": (0,3),
"mid": (4,6),
"upper": (7,9),
# Temperature worded phrases:
# HIGHS 45 TO 50
# using range_nlValue for "MinT", "MaxT"
def highs_range_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.highs_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.tempRange_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def lows_range_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.lows_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.tempRange_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def tempRange_words(self, tree, node) :
"Create phrase for Min or Max Temperature"
stats = self.getTempStats(tree, node)
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
elementName = node.getAncestor("elementName")
words = self.getTempRangePhrase(tree, node, stats, elementName)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def getTempRangePhrase(self, tree, node, temp, elementName):
connector = self.value_connector(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
min, max = self.getValue(temp, "MinMax")
decadeMax = self.getDecade(max)
digitMax = max % 10
decadeMin = self.getDecade(min)
digitMin = min % 10
diff = abs(max - min)
# "Around" phrases
# e.g. a range of 19-21 --> "highs around 20"
around = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "around", elementName))
if 0 < diff <= 3 and (digitMax == 0 or digitMax == 1):
if decadeMax <= 10:
decadeMax = self.getZeroPhrase(decadeMax)
decadeMax = repr(decadeMax)
return around + decadeMax
# Report the range
min = int(min)
max = int(max)
if min == max:
# Adjust descriptor e.g. highs --> high
descriptor = node.parent.get("descriptor")
if descriptor is not None and around == "":
descriptor = descriptor.replace("s", "")
node.parent.set("descriptor", descriptor)
if min <= 10:
min = self.getZeroPhrase(min)
min = repr(min)
return around + min
elif min > 0 and max > 0:
return repr(min) + connector + repr(max)
elif min <= 0 and max > 0:
minval = self.getZeroPhrase(min)
maxval = self.getZeroPhrase(max, 1)
return minval + " to " + maxval
if min < 0 and max < 0:
firstVal = self.getZeroPhrase(max)
secondVal = self.getZeroPhrase(min, 1)
firstVal = self.getZeroPhrase(min)
secondVal = self.getZeroPhrase(max, 1)
return firstVal + connector + secondVal
def getZeroPhrase(self, val, addZero=0):
if val == 0:
return "zero"
if val < 0:
phrase = repr(abs(val)) + " below"
phrase = repr(val) + " above"
if addZero == 1:
phrase = phrase + " zero"
return phrase
# Extended Temperatures
def extended_temp_range(self, tree, node):
# Range for extended temperatures e.g.
# "Highs 45 to 55."
# This value must be 10 or 5.
# Other values are not supported for extended ranges.
return 10
#return 5
def extended_highs_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.highs_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.extended_temp_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def extended_lows_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.lows_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.extended_temp_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def extended_temp_words(self, tree, node) :
"Create phrase for Min or Max Temperature"
stats = self.getTempStats(tree, node)
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
elementName = node.get("elementName")
if elementName == "MaxT":
mergeMethod = "Max"
mergeMethod = "Min"
temp = int(self.getValue(stats, mergeMethod))
words = self.getExtendedTempPhrase(tree, node, temp)
return self.setWords(node, words)
def getExtendedTempPhrase(self, tree, node, temp):
# Temperatures above 99
# Give exact value
if temp > 99:
if node.getIndex() == 0:
parent = node.getParent()
descriptor = parent.get("descriptor")
descriptor = descriptor.replace("s ", " ")
parent.set("descriptor", descriptor)
return repr(int(temp))
# Temperatures below 10
# Build and return special phrases
if temp < -27:
return "25 below to 35 below"
elif temp < -22:
return "20 below to 30 below"
elif temp < -17:
return "15 below to 25 below"
elif temp < -12:
return "10 below to 20 below"
elif temp < -7:
return "5 below to 15 below"
elif temp < -2:
return "zero to 10 below"
elif temp < 3:
return "5 below zero to 5 above"
elif temp < 8:
return "zero to 10 above"
elif temp < 10:
return "5 to 15"
# Determine modifier for temperature: around, lower, mid, upper
decade = self.getDecade(temp)
digit = temp % 10
range = self.extended_temp_range(tree, node)
if range == 10:
if digit >= 0 and digit <= 2:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade-5, decade+5)
elif digit >= 3 and digit <= 7:
if decade == 10:
phrase = "in the " + "teens"
elif decade <= 0 or decade >= 100:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade, decade+10)
phrase = "in the " + repr(decade) + "s"
elif digit >= 8 and digit <=9:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade+5, decade+15)
else: # Assume range of 5
if digit >= 0 and digit <= 2:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade, decade+5)
elif digit >= 3 and digit <= 7:
if decade == 10:
phrase = "in the " + "teens"
elif decade <= 0 or decade >= 100:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade, decade+5)
phrase = "in the " + repr(decade) + "s"
elif digit >= 8 and digit <=9:
phrase = self.getExtTemp(decade+5, decade+10)
return phrase
def getExtTemp(self, val1, val2):
v1 = repr(val1)
if val1 < 0:
v1 = v1 + " below"
v2 = repr(val2)
if val2 < 0:
v2 = v2 + " below"
return v1 + " to " + v2
def getTempStats(self, tree, node):
"Get correct Temperature stats (MaxT or MinT) to determine temperature phrase"
elementName = node.getAncestor("elementName")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
areaLabel = node.getAreaLabel()
day = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
# day is 1=DAYTIME or 0=NIGHTTIME or -1=DAYNIGHT (spans both day and night)
# In the normal case, MaxT is greater than MinT and:
# for highs, return MaxT
# for lows, return MinT
# If, however, MaxT is less than MinT, then MaxT and MinT have to be switched
# Don't do highs at night or lows in the day
if elementName == "MaxT":
dayValue = self.DAYTIME()
dayValue = self.NIGHTTIME()
if not day == self.DAYNIGHT() and not day == dayValue:
return None
if timeRange.duration() <= 12*3600:
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, elementName)
return stats
# If the time period spans day and night,
# get the conglomerate stats.
maxT = tree.stats.get("MaxT", timeRange, areaLabel,
minT = tree.stats.get("MinT", timeRange, areaLabel,
if maxT is None and minT is None:
return None
if maxT is None:
if dayValue == self.DAYTIME():
return None
return minT
if minT is None:
if dayValue == self.NIGHTTIME():
return None
return maxT
# Check for case of MaxT < MinT
max = self.getValue(maxT, "Max")
min = self.getValue(minT, "Max")
if max < min:
temp = maxT
maxT = minT
minT = temp
if dayValue == self.DAYTIME():
return maxT
return minT
def temp_trends_addToPhrase_flag(self, tree, node):
# If set to 0, will report:
# "Temperatures falling in the afternoon."
# If set to 1:
# "Temperatures falling to the 50's in the afternoon."
# If set to 2:
# "Temperatures falling to the lower 50's in the afternoon."
return 2
def temp_trends(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.temp_trends_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.temp_trends_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def temp_trends_setUp(self, tree, node):
duration = node.getTimeRange().duration()
if duration > 12*3600:
return self.setWords(node, "")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if dayNight == self.NIGHTTIME():
eleInfo = self.ElementInfo("MinT", "Min")
eleInfo = self.ElementInfo("MaxT", "Max")
elementInfoList = [eleInfo]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
node.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def temp_trends_words(self, tree, node):
"Look for sharp temperature increases or decreases"
# Determine if temps rise or fall in a non-diurnal way.
# MaxT/MinT temps -- min/max tuple for each
# Hourly Temp Stats: list of hourly temperature tuples
# Each tuple has:
# -- average temperature value
# -- hour of occurrence
# For a Daytime period, compare MaxT to T for the last grid
# of the period and report "temperatures falling in the afternoon"
# if the difference exceeds the temp_trend_nlValue
# For a Nighttime period, compare MinT to T for the last grid
# of the period and report "temperatures rising overnight"
# if the difference exceeds the temp_trend_threshold.
statDict = node.getStatDict()
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
tStats = tree.stats.get("T", timeRange, node.getAreaLabel(),
if tStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
tStats, subRange = tStats[0]
if tStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange,1)
trend_nlValue = self.temp_trend_nlValue(tree, node)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
maxT = self.getStats(statDict, "MaxT")
if maxT is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
maxT = self.getValue(maxT)
threshold = self.nlValue(trend_nlValue, maxT)
minT = self.getStats(statDict, "MinT")
if minT is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
minT = self.getValue(minT)
threshold = self.nlValue(trend_nlValue, minT)
halfWay = len(tStats) // 2
index = len(tStats)-1
while index >= halfWay:
tempValue, curHour = tStats[index]
if tempValue is None:
index = index - 1
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
if tempValue <= (maxT - threshold):
toPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, tempValue)
words = "temperatures falling" + toPhrase + " in the afternoon"
return self.setWords(node, words)
if tempValue >= (minT + threshold):
toPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, tempValue)
words = "temperatures rising" + toPhrase + " after midnight"
return self.setWords(node, words)
return self.setWords(node, "")
def getToPhrase(self, tree, node, tempValue):
flag = self.temp_trends_addToPhrase_flag(tree, node)
if flag > 0:
if flag > 1:
rangeStr = self.getDigitStr(
abs(tempValue)%10, self.tempPhrase_boundary_dict(tree, node))
rangeStr += " "
rangeStr = ""
return " into the " + rangeStr + self.getDecadeStr(tempValue)
return ""
## def temp_trends_words(self, tree, node):
## "Look for sharp temperature increases or decreases"
## # Here is an alternative temp_trends method provided by Tom Spriggs.
## # If a 12-hour period, it looks at the 12, 3, and 5 o'clock grids
## # (both am/pm depending on time of day) and verifies the trend (either
## # going down or up) and then looks at the difference between the
## # 5 o'clock grid and the MaxT/MinT grid. It only needs to look at the
## # 5 o'clock grid since that is the last one in the 12-hour period,
## # and if it is going to trip the threshold anywhere, it will be on that
## # hour since if you have an unusual temperature trend, it will peak at
## # that grid. If less than a 12-hour period, then the 3 times that it
## # checks will be adjusted accordingly inside the smaller time range.
## statDict = node.getStatDict()
## timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
## tStats = tree.stats.get("T", timeRange, node.getAreaLabel(),
## mergeMethod="List")
## if tStats is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## tStats, subRange = tStats[0]
## if tStats is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange,1)
## trend_nlValue = self.temp_trend_nlValue(tree, node)
## if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
## maxT = self.getStats(statDict, "MaxT")
## if maxT is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## maxT = self.getValue(maxT)
## threshold = self.nlValue(trend_nlValue, maxT)
## else:
## minT = self.getStats(statDict, "MinT")
## if minT is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## minT = self.getValue(minT)
## threshold = self.nlValue(trend_nlValue, minT)
## if len(tStats) >= 6:
## halfWay = len(tStats) - 6
## quarterWay = len(tStats) - 3
## endPoint = len(tStats) - 1
## elif len(tStats) >= 4:
## halfWay = 0
## quarterWay = len(tStats) - 3
## endPoint = len(tStats) - 1
## elif len(tStats) == 1:
## halfWay = 0
## quarterWay = 0
## endPoint = 0
## else:
## halfWay = 0
## quarterWay = 1
## endPoint = len(tStats) - 1
## tempValue_halfWay, curHour1 = tStats[halfWay]
## tempValue_quarterWay, curHour2 = tStats[quarterWay]
## tempValue_endPoint, curHour3 = tStats[endPoint]
## if tempValue_halfWay is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## if tempValue_quarterWay is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## if tempValue_endPoint is None:
## return self.setWords(node, "")
## words = ""
## if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
## if tempValue_quarterWay < tempValue_halfWay:
## if tempValue_endPoint <= tempValue_quarterWay:
## if tempValue_endPoint <= (maxT - threshold):
## # large temp fall (i.e. >= threshold)
## toPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, tempValue_endPoint)
## mxPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, maxT)
## if (toPhrase == mxPhrase):
## # avoid saying--"high in the upper 50s. temperature falling
## # into the 50s in the afternoon."
## # instead say--"high in the upper 50s. temperature falling
## # through the 50s in the afternoon."
## toPhrase = " through" + toPhrase[5:]
## if len(tStats) <= 6: #assumes already in the afternoon
## words = "temperature falling" + toPhrase + " by late afternoon"
## else:
## words = "temperature falling" + toPhrase + " in the afternoon"
## elif tempValue_endPoint < maxT:
## # small temp fall (i.e. < threshold)
## if len(tStats) <= 6: #assumes already in the afternoon
## words = "temperature steady or slowly falling through late afternoon"
## else:
## words = "temperature steady or slowly falling in the afternoon"
## else:
## if tempValue_quarterWay > tempValue_halfWay:
## if tempValue_endPoint >= tempValue_quarterWay:
## if tempValue_endPoint >= (minT + threshold):
## # large temp rise (i.e. >= threshold)
## toPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, tempValue_endPoint)
## mnPhrase = self.getToPhrase(tree, node, minT)
## if (toPhrase == mnPhrase):
## # avoid saying--"low in the lower 30s. temperature rising
## # into the 30s after midnight."
## # instead say--"low in the lower 30s. temperature rising
## # through the 30s after midnight."
## toPhrase = " through" + toPhrase[5:]
## if len(tStats) <= 6: #assumes already after midnight
## words = "temperature rising" + toPhrase + " through sunrise"
## else:
## words = "temperature rising" + toPhrase + " after midnight"
## elif tempValue_endPoint > minT:
## # small temp rise (i.e. < threshold)
## if len(tStats) <= 6: #assumes already after midnight
## words = "temperature steady or slowly rising through sunrise"
## else:
## words = "temperature steady or slowly rising after midnight"
## return self.setWords(node, words)
def reportTrends(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.reportTrends_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.reportTrends_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def reportTrends_setUp(self, tree, node):
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if dayNight == self.NIGHTTIME():
eleInfo = self.ElementInfo("MinT", "Min")
eleInfo = self.ElementInfo("MaxT", "Max")
elementName = "MaxT"
elementInfoList = [eleInfo]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
node.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def reportTrends_words(self, tree, node):
"Compare current analysis to previous analysis for trends"
elementName = node.get("elementName")
statDict = node.getStatDict()
curStats = self.getStats(statDict, elementName)
if curStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
areaLabel = node.getAreaLabel()
prevTimeRange = self.adjustTimeRange(timeRange, -24)
prevStats = tree.stats.get(elementName, prevTimeRange, areaLabel,
#print "Report trends", timeRange, elementName, curStats, prevStats
if prevStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
prevStats = self.getValue(prevStats)
curStats = self.getValue(curStats)
#print "stats", prevStats, curStats
diff = curStats - prevStats
value = self.reportTrends_valueStr(tree, node, diff, curStats)
#print " returning ", value
return self.setWords(node, value)
def reportTrends_valueStr(self, tree, node, diff, temp):
# Given a difference between current and 24-hour prior
# MaxT or MinT grids, report a trend.
var = self.colder_warmer_dict(tree, node)
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
if diff > 10:
return self.nlValue(var["HighWarmer"], temp)
elif diff < -20:
return self.nlValue(var["HighMuchColder"], temp)
elif diff <= -10 and diff >= -20:
return self.nlValue(var["HighColder"], temp)
return ""
if diff > 10:
return self.nlValue(var["LowWarmer"], temp)
elif diff < -20:
return self.nlValue(var["LowMuchColder"], temp)
elif diff <= -10 and diff >= -20:
return self.nlValue(var["LowColder"], temp)
return ""
return ""
# colder_warmer_Dict
# Dictionary of non-linear dictionaries each with
# phrases to use instead of colder/warmer
# based on the temperature
def colder_warmer_dict(self, tree, node):
# This dictionary of non-linear dictionaries controls what phrase is returned
# for cold/much colder warmer/much warmer. It is based off
# of the maxT or MinT
dict = {}
dict["LowColder"] = {
(-80,45): "colder",
(45,70): "cooler",
(70,150): "not as warm",
"default": "",
dict["LowMuchColder"] = {
(-80,45): "much colder",
(45,70): "much cooler",
(70,150): "not as warm",
"default": "",
dict["LowWarmer"] = {
(-80,35): "not as cold",
(35,50): "not as cool",
(50,150): "warmer",
"default": "",
dict["HighColder"]= {
(-80,45): "colder",
(45,75): "cooler",
(75,90): "not as warm",
(90,150): "not as hot",
"default": "",
dict["HighMuchColder"]= {
(-80,45): "much colder",
(45,75): "much cooler",
(75,90): "not as warm",
(90,150): "not as hot",
"default": "",
dict["HighWarmer"]= {
(-80,45): "not as cold",
(45,65): "not as cool",
(65,150): "warmer",
"default": "",
return dict
## def reportTrends_valueStr(self, tree, node, diff):
## # Given a difference between current and 24-hour prior
## # MaxT or MinT grids, report a trend.
## if diff > 15 and diff < 25:
## return "warmer"
## elif diff >= 25:
## return "much warmer"
## elif diff < -15 and diff > -25:
## return "cooler"
## elif diff <= -25:
## return "much colder"
## else:
## return ""
def extremeTemps_phrase(self):
### NEW METHOD written by Tom Spriggs
### ZFP_Local
return {
"setUpMethod": self.extremeTemps_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.extremeTemps_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def extremeTemps_setUp(self, tree, node):
dayNight = self.getPeriod(node.getTimeRange(), 1)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
elementInfoList = [
self.ElementInfo("MaxT", "Max"),
self.ElementInfo("MinT", "Min"),
elementInfoList = [
self.ElementInfo("MinT", "Min"),
self.ElementInfo("MaxT", "Max"),
elementInfoList.append(self.ElementInfo("HeatIndex", "Max"))
elementInfoList.append(self.ElementInfo("WindChill", "Min"))
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
node.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def extremeTemps_words(self, tree, node):
"Compare current analysis to previous analysis for trends"
tempPhrases = ["reportTrends"]
words = self.findWords(tree, node, None, node.getAreaLabel(),
if words is None:
# If words have not yet been set, return
# We need to wait for reportTrends to complete
# before doing the extremeTemps_phrase
statDict = node.getStatDict()
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
element = "MaxT"
element = "MinT"
tStats = self.getStats(statDict, element)
if tStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
tStats = self.getValue(tStats)
chillStats = self.getStats(statDict, "WindChill")
chillStats = self.getValue(chillStats, "Min")
heatStats = self.getStats(statDict, "HeatIndex")
heatStats = self.getValue(heatStats, "Max")
words = ""
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
if tStats > 99:
if heatStats is None:
words = "very hot"
elif (heatStats - tStats) > 7:
words = "very hot and humid"
words = "very hot"
elif tStats > 95:
if heatStats is None:
words = "hot"
elif (heatStats - tStats) > 6:
words = "hot and humid"
words = "hot"
elif tStats < 20:
if chillStats is None:
words = "very cold"
elif chillStats < -9:
words = "bitterly cold"
words = "very cold"
elif heatStats is None:
words = ""
elif heatStats >= self.heatIndex_threshold(tree, node):
words = "hot and humid"
elif chillStats is None:
words = ""
elif chillStats <= self.windChill_threshold(tree, node):
words = "bitterly cold"
if tStats < 5:
if chillStats is None:
words = "very cold"
elif chillStats <= self.windChill_threshold(tree, node):
words = "bitterly cold"
words = "very cold"
elif chillStats is None:
words = ""
elif chillStats <= self.windChill_threshold(tree, node):
words = "bitterly cold"
if words == "":
return self.setWords(node, words)
# Clear the words in reportTrends to
# prevent extra temperature phrases
component = node.getComponent()
progeny = component.getProgeny()
for child in progeny:
phraseName = child.get("name")
if phraseName in tempPhrases:
child.set("words", "")
return self.setWords(node, words)
## Submitted by Brian Walawender
## Reviewed by Tracy Hansen
def steady_temp_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Diurnal ranges less than this value will
# be reported as steady temperatures
return 4
def steady_temp_trends(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.steady_temp_trends_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.steady_temp_trends_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def steady_temp_trends_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = []
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
node.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def steady_temp_trends_words(self, tree, node):
"Look for small diurnal changes"
# Check Diurnal range in T. If range is
# less than steady_temp_threshold report
# a temperatures steady phrase
# i.e. "temperature steady in the mid 20s"
tempPhrases = ["highs_phrase", "lows_phrase",
"highs_range_phrase", "lows_range_phrase",
"extended_lows_phrase", "extended_highs_phrase"
words = self.findWords(tree, node, None, node.getAreaLabel(),
if words is None:
# If words have not yet been set, return
# We need to wait for all highs_phrases to complete
# before doing the steady_temp_phrase
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
tStats = tree.stats.get("T", timeRange, node.getAreaLabel(),
if tStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# tStats is a list of (hourlyTemp, subRange) tuples
max = -999
min = 999
words = ""
sum = 0
count = 0
for hourlyTemps, subRange in tStats:
if hourlyTemps is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
for t, hr in hourlyTemps:
if t is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
if t < min:
min = t
if t > max:
max = t
sum = sum + t
count = count + 1
diff = max - min
if diff >= self.steady_temp_threshold(tree,node):
return self.setWords(node, "")
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
avg = int((sum/count)+0.5)
avg = int(sum/count)
phrase = self.getTempPhrase(tree, node, avg, "")
words = "near steady temperature " + phrase
# Clear the words in high and lows phrase
# prevent extra temperature phrases
component = node.getComponent()
progeny = component.getProgeny()
for child in progeny:
phraseName = child.get("name")
if phraseName in tempPhrases:
child.set("words", "")
# Begin ER changes
# Not sure if this is used...but set anyway
child.set("emptyPhrase", 1)
# Now erase subphrase words. This is what seems to fix
# the problem of high/low phrases still appearing with
# the steady phrase - PJ
if subphrases is not None:
for n in subphrases:
n.set("words", "")
return self.setWords(node, words)
### SnowAmt
def pop_snow_lower_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Snow accumulation will not be reported
# if Pop is below this threshold
return 60
def getSnowReportEndDay(self, tree, node):
# This is the first day we do not try to report total accumulation.
return self.createTimeRange(96,108)
def snow_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.snow_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.snow_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def snow_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("SnowAmt", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
component = node.getComponent()
index = component.getIndex()
# Calculate past snow
prodTR = tree.getTimeRange()
pastSnowMin = 0
pastSnowMax = 0
pastSnowTimeRange = self.makeTimeRange(prodTR.startTime() - 12*3600,
stats = tree.stats.get("SnowAmt", pastSnowTimeRange,
node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="MinMax")
if stats is not None:
# site is using a past SnowAmt grid
pastSnowMin, pastSnowMax = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
# If first period is less than 12 hours long, thus an "update"
# report as "new" snow accumulation ONLY IF
# there was some previous snow accumulation
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if index == 0 and timeRange.duration() < 12*3600 and \
pastSnowMax > 0.0:
node.set("newFlag", 1)
# site is NOT using a past SnowAmt grid
# If first period is less than 12 hours long, thus an "update"
# report as "new" snow accumulation
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if index == 0 and timeRange.duration() < 12*3600:
node.set("newFlag", 1)
return self.DONE()
def snow_words(self, tree, node):
# First check if the pop threshold has been met
# If not, then do not generate phrase
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
lowPopFlag = self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold)
if lowPopFlag == 1:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Second, wait for weather phrase to complete and make sure there
# is mention of accumulating weather
wxWords, attrDict = self.findWords(tree, node, "Wx", node.getAreaLabel(),
phraseList=["weather_phrase", "skyPopWx_phrase"],
if wxWords is None:
accumFlag, descriptor = self.checkAccumulatingWx(tree, node, wxWords, attrDict)
if accumFlag == 0:
return self.setWords(node, "null")
# Third, load in the SnowAmt statistics, check for low amounts, then round to nearest inch
currentSnow = tree.stats.get("SnowAmt", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="MinMax")
if currentSnow is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
min, max = self.getValue(currentSnow, "MinMax")
if min == 0 and max == 0:
node.parent.set("descriptor", "")
return self.setWords(node, "no " + descriptor)
elif min < 0.5 and max < 0.5:
node.parent.set("descriptor", "")
return self.setWords(node, "little or no " + descriptor)
min = int(min+0.5)
max = int(max+0.5)
# Finally, generate the snow accumulation phrase
# Decide on singular or plural units
if max == 1:
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "unit", "in")
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", "in")
# Create worded phrase based on type of range
if min == 0:
upTo = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "up to", "SnowAmt"))
snowPhrase = upTo + repr(max)
elif min == max:
around = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "around", "SnowAmt"))
snowPhrase = around + repr(max)
snowPhrase = "of " + repr(min) + " to " + repr(max)
snowPhrase = snowPhrase + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, snowPhrase)
def checkAccumulatingWx(self, tree, node, wxWords, attrDict):
accumulatingWx = [
('S', 'Snow'),
('SW', 'Snow'),
('IP', 'Sleet'),
('IC', 'IceCrystal'),
desc = ""
wxTypes = []
if "reportedRankList" in attrDict:
rankList = attrDict["reportedRankList"]
for subkey, rank in rankList:
# DR_18506
if subkey.wxType() in ['SW'] and subkey.intensity() == "--":
elif subkey.wxType() in ['IC']:
for wxType, wxVar in accumulatingWx:
if wxType in wxTypes:
desc += wxVar
if desc == "":
return 0, ""
# Determine the phrase descriptor
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, desc, "SnowAmt")
if node.getAncestor('newFlag') == 1:
new = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "New", "SnowAmt"))
if new != "":
descriptor = new + descriptor
node.parent.set("descriptor", descriptor)
# The handle the case of embedded local effects, set the parent's parent as well
node.parent.parent.set("descriptor", descriptor)
return 1, descriptor
## Modifications submitted by Tom Spriggs LSX for accurately reporting total snow
## Since the total_snow_phrase uses the SnowAmt element exclusively for tallying
## up storm totals, you can use a SnowAmt grid that exists in the past
## (before the current hour) to tell us how much snow has already fallen from THIS STORM
## (this will not include already existing snow pack from other storms)
## and thus compensate for the diminishing/shrinking forecast totals.
## The method simply samples and adds the already fallen snow to what is still forecast
## to produce an accuate total snow amount for an ongoing event
## (as well as an event still yet to happen).
## This "past" SnowAmt grid will end at the current time and can go as far back as
## the user wants--but it MUST be a single grid for previously fallen snow,
## not a bunch of fragmented grids. The actual values in the "past" SnowAmt grid
## will then need to be filled with values based on already collected snow reports.
## One method to create this "old" SnowAmt grid would be through use of the CONTOUR tool.
## Using this method, it is now possible to kick off a total snow phrase in the
## first period when the total snow differs from the still yet to fall/forecasted
## snow in the first period.
## If you leave the "past" SnowAmt grid as zero, the formatter will know to treat
## it as a non-ongoing event.
def total_snow_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.total_snow_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.total_snow_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods()
def total_snow_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("SnowAmt", "MinMax"),
self.ElementInfo("IceAccum", "MinMax", primary=0)]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "TotalSnow", "SnowAmt")
node.set("descriptor", descriptor)
return self.DONE()
def total_snow_words(self, tree, node):
# Return a total accumulation phrase if appropriate
# Example:
component = node.getComponent()
index = component.getIndex()
totalSnow = ""
# See if we are prior to the snow report end day
timeRange = node.getParent().getTimeRange()
snowReportEndDay = self.getSnowReportEndDay(tree, node)
shiftedTimeRange = self.shiftedTimeRange(timeRange)
if shiftedTimeRange.startTime() < snowReportEndDay.startTime():
### Round up stats--need current period snow, next period snow, and past snow
# Obtain minimum PoP needed to report accumulations
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
# Get snow stats for the current period
currentSnow = tree.stats.get("SnowAmt", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="MinMax")
if currentSnow is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
currentMin, currentMax = self.getValue(currentSnow, "MinMax")
currentMin = int(currentMin+0.5)
currentMax = int(currentMax+0.5)
# Check PoP threshold for the current period--zero out if below threshold PoP
popStats = self.matchToWx(tree, node, "PoP", node.getTimeRange())
if popStats is None or popStats < threshold:
currentMin = 0
currentMax = 0
# Get snow stats for the next period--does the event come to an end?
nextComp = component.getNext()
if nextComp is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
nextTimeRange = nextComp.getTimeRange()
nextSnow = tree.stats.get("SnowAmt", nextTimeRange,
node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="Max")
if nextSnow is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
nextSnow = int(nextSnow+0.5)
# Check PoP threshold for the next period--zero out if below threshold PoP
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
popStats = self.matchToWx(tree, node, "PoP", nextTimeRange)
if popStats is None or popStats < threshold:
nextSnow = 0
# Get snow stats for both already fallen snow AND preceding forecast periods
minSum, maxSum = self.sumPrevStats(tree, component,
node.getAreaLabel(), "SnowAmt", "MinMax")
### Generate total snow accumulation phrase if conditions met
# We produce a total accumulation phrase for the current period IF
# the next period's snow is 0--thus snow will cease by the end of the current period AND
# there is snow accumulation expected in the current period AND
# there is snow accumulation in one or more periods immediately preceding
if nextSnow == 0 and currentMax > 0 and maxSum > 0:
# Finalize total snow amount
finalMinSum = int(currentMin + minSum)
finalMaxSum = int(currentMax + maxSum)
# Decide on singular or plural units
if finalMaxSum == 1:
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "unit", "in")
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", "in")
# Create worded phrase based on type of range
if finalMinSum == 0:
upTo = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node,
"up to", "SnowAmt"))
totalSnowPhrase = upTo + repr(finalMaxSum)
elif finalMinSum == finalMaxSum:
around = self.addSpace(self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node,
"around", "SnowAmt"))
totalSnowPhrase = around + repr(finalMaxSum)
totalSnowPhrase = repr(finalMinSum) + " to " + repr(finalMaxSum)
totalSnow = totalSnowPhrase + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, "")
return self.setWords(node, totalSnow)
def getSnowValue(self, tree, node, areaLabel=None):
# Return min and max snow values
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
lowPopFlag = self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold)
if lowPopFlag == 1:
return None
if areaLabel is None:
areaLabel = node.getAreaLabel()
stats = tree.stats.get("SnowAmt", node.getTimeRange(),
areaLabel, mergeMethod="MinMax")
if stats is None:
return None
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
min = int(min+0.5)
max = int(max+0.5)
if min < 1 and max < 1:
return None
return min, max
def getTotalSnow(self, tree, node, areaLabel=None, snowValue=None):
component = node.getComponent()
# Get sum of previous periods
if areaLabel is None:
areaLabel = node.getAreaLabel()
if snowValue is None:
snowValue = self.getSnowValue(tree, node, areaLabel)
if snowValue is None:
return None
minSnowValue, maxSnowValue = snowValue
minSum, maxSum = self.sumPrevStats(tree, component, areaLabel, "SnowAmt", "MinMax")
# Add this period's value to the sum
minSum = minSum + minSnowValue
maxSum = maxSum + maxSnowValue
minIncrement = self.nlValue(self.increment_nlValue(
tree, node, "SnowAmt", "SnowAmt"), minSum)
maxIncrement = self.nlValue(self.increment_nlValue(
tree, node, "SnowAmt", "SnowAmt"), maxSum)
minSum = self.round(minSum, "Nearest", minIncrement)
maxSum = self.round(maxSum, "Nearest", maxIncrement)
return minSum, maxSum
## TOTAL SNOW Phrase submitted by Virgil Mittendorf
def stormTotalSnow_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.stormTotalSnow_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.stormTotalSnow_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def stormTotalSnow_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("StormTotalSnow", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def stormTotalSnow_words(self, tree, node):
"Create phrase for Storm Total Snow accumulation"
# Load in the statistics for storm total snow
elementName = "StormTotalSnow"
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, elementName)
#print "storm total snow stats", stats
# test...if no stats then don't create phrase (i.e. grid missing)
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
threshold = 1
incMin = 1
incMax = 1
if min%1 == 0:
min = int(min)
minStr = repr(min)
minStr = repr(int(min+0.5))
if max%1 == 0:
max = int(max)
maxStr = repr(max)
maxStr = repr(int(max+0.5))
#print "min, max", min, max, node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(), "storm total accumulation"
if min == 0 and max == 0:
return self.setWords(node,"")
elif min < 0.5 and max < 0.5:
return self.setWords(node,"")
outUnits = self.element_outUnits(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
unit = self.units_descriptor(tree, node,"unit", outUnits)
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node,"units", outUnits)
min = int(min+0.5)
max = int(max+0.5)
# Single Value input
if min == max:
# Handle case of 1 inch
if min == 1:
units = unit
value = "around " + minStr
# Range
value = "of " + minStr + " to " + maxStr
# Handle case when lower value is 0
if min == 0:
value = "up to " + maxStr
if max == 1:
units = unit
snowPhrase = value + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, snowPhrase)
# New def by Scott. According to Directive 10-503, descriptive terms
# should be used in period 4 and beyond. This function returns
# a descriptive snow phrase.
def descriptive_snow_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.descriptive_snow_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.descriptive_snow_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def descriptive_snow_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("SnowAmt", "MinMax")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
# Do not want phrase descriptor
node.set("descriptor", "")
return self.DONE()
def descriptive_snow_words(self, tree, node):
"Create phrase for snow accumulation"
# According to Directive 10-503, descriptive terms
# should be used in period 4 and beyond. This function returns
# a descriptive snow phrase.
# According to Directive 10-503, snow accumulation
# should not be mentioned if PoP is under 60%.
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
lowPopFlag = self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold)
if lowPopFlag == 1:
return self.setWords(node, "")
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "SnowAmt")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
max = int(self.getValue(stats, "Max"))
if max < 1:
words = ""
elif max >= 1 and max <= 2:
words = "light snow accumulations"
elif max > 2 and max <= 5:
words = "moderate snow accumulations"
words = "heavy snow accumulations"
return self.setWords(node, words)
### SnowLevel
def pop_snowLevel_upper_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Snow level will be reported if Pop is above this threshold
return 60
def snowLevel_maximum_phrase(self, tree, node):
# This returns the maximum snow level value to be reported and the
# the corresponding snow level phrase. It can be set up by
# edit area as follows:
# editAreaList = [
# ("area1", 8000, "above 8000 feet"),
# ("area2", 6000, "above 6000 feet"),
# # Don't mention snow level at all in area3:
# ("area3", 0, ""),
# ]
#maxElev = 0
#phrase = ""
#for area, elev, elevPhrase in editAreaList:
# if self.currentAreaContains(tree, [area]):
# if elev > maxElev:
# maxElev = elev
# phrase = elevPhrase
#return (maxElev, phrase)
return (8000, "above 8000 feet")
def snowLevel_upper_topo_percentage(self, tree, node):
# If this percentage of the edit area is above the snow level,
# do not report snow level
return 80
def snowLevel_lower_topo_percentage(self, tree, node):
# If this percentage of the edit area is below or equal to the snow level,
# do not report snow level
return 80
def snowLevel_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.snowLevel_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.snowLevel_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def snowLevel_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("SnowLevel", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def snowLevel_words(self, tree, node):
"Create phrase for reporting snow level"
# Check for low pop
threshold = self.pop_snowLevel_upper_threshold(tree, node)
lowPopFlag = self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold)
if lowPopFlag == 1:
return self.setWords(node, "")
statDict = node.getStatDict()
snowLevel = self.getStats(statDict, "SnowLevel")
if snowLevel is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
snowLevel = self.getValue(snowLevel)
element = "SnowLevel"
roundingMethod = self.rounding_method(tree, node, element, element)
increment_nlValue = self.increment_nlValue(tree, node, element, element)
snowLevel = self.roundValue(snowLevel, roundingMethod, "Nearest", increment_nlValue, 0)
# Check Wx for R or RW
stats = tree.stats.get("Wx", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
found = 0
for rankList, subRange in stats:
subkeys = self.getSubkeys(rankList)
for subkey in subkeys:
if subkey.wxType() == "R" or subkey.wxType() == "RW":
found = 1
if found == 0:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Check for upper and lower topo percentages
percentage_above = self.calcTopoPercentage(tree, node, node.getAreaLabel(), snowLevel)
percentage_below = 100 - percentage_above
if percentage_above > self.snowLevel_upper_topo_percentage(tree, node):
return self.setWords(node, "")
if percentage_below > self.snowLevel_lower_topo_percentage(tree, node):
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Check for maximum snow level to be reported
max, words = self.snowLevel_maximum_phrase(tree, node)
if snowLevel < max:
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node, "units", "ft")
words = repr(int(snowLevel)) + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, words)
### IceAccum
def ice_accumulation_threshold(self, tree, node):
# If maximum IceAccum is greater than this threshold, it will be
# reported instead of SnowAmt in the snow_phrase
return .10
def iceAccumulation_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.iceAccumulation_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.iceAccumulation_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def iceAccumulation_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("IceAccum", "MinMax", primary=0)]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def iceAccumulation_words(self, tree, node):
"Create phrase for ice accumulation"
threshold = self.pop_snow_lower_threshold(tree, node)
lowPopFlag = self.lowPop_flag(tree, node, threshold)
if lowPopFlag == 1:
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Check for IceAccum. If it is significant, report it.
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "IceAccum")
reportIceAccum = 0
if stats is not None:
threshold = self.ice_accumulation_threshold(tree, node)
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
if max >= threshold:
reportIceAccum = 1
if reportIceAccum == 1:
component = node.getComponent()
index = component.getIndex()
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
if index == 0 and timeRange.duration() < 12*3600:
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(
tree, node, "NewIceAccum", "IceAccum")
descriptor = self.phrase_descriptor(tree, node, "IceAccum", "IceAccum")
node.parent.set("descriptor", descriptor)
elementName = "IceAccum"
return self.setWords(node, "")
if min < 0.2:
minStr = "less than one quarter"
elif min >= 0.2 and min < 0.4:
minStr = "one quarter"
elif min >= 0.4 and min < 0.7:
minStr = "one half"
elif min >= 0.7 and min < 0.9:
minStr = "three quarters"
elif min >= 0.9 and min < 1.3:
minStr = "one"
elif min >= 1.3 and min < 1.8:
minStr = "one and a half"
elif min >= 1.8:
minStr = repr(int(min+0.5))
if max < 0.2:
maxStr = "less than one quarter"
elif max >= 0.2 and max < 0.4:
maxStr = "one quarter"
elif max >= 0.4 and max < 0.7:
maxStr = "one half"
elif max >= 0.7 and max < 0.9:
maxStr = "three quarters"
elif max >= 0.9 and max < 1.3:
maxStr = "one"
elif max >= 1.3 and max < 1.8:
maxStr = "one and a half"
elif max >= 1.8:
maxStr = repr(int(max+0.5))
if min >= 0.9 and min < 1.3:
minStr = repr(int(min+0.5))
#print "min, max", min, max, node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel()
outUnits = self.element_outUnits(tree, node, elementName, elementName)
unit = self.units_descriptor(tree, node,"unit", outUnits)
units = self.units_descriptor(tree, node,"units", outUnits)
# Single Value input
if minStr == maxStr:
if min < 0.2:
icePhrase = "of " + minStr + " of an " + unit
elif min >= 0.2 and min < 0.9:
icePhrase = "around " + minStr + " of an " + unit
elif min >= 0.9 and min < 1.3:
icePhrase = "around " + minStr + " " + unit
elif min >= 1.3:
icePhrase = "around " + minStr + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, "")
# Range
if min < 0.2:
if max < 0.9:
icePhrase = "of up to " + maxStr + " of an " + unit
elif max >= 0.9 and max < 1.3:
icePhrase = "of up to " + maxStr + " " + unit
elif max >= 1.3:
icePhrase = "of up to " + maxStr + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, "")
elif min >= 0.2 and min < 0.9:
if max < 0.9:
icePhrase = "of " + minStr + " to " + maxStr + " of an " + unit
elif max >= 0.9 and max < 1.3:
icePhrase = "of " + minStr + " of an " + unit + " to " + maxStr + " " + unit
elif max >= 1.3:
icePhrase = "of " + minStr + " of an " + unit + " to " + maxStr + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, "")
elif min >= 0.9:
if max >= 1.3:
icePhrase = "of " + minStr + " to " + maxStr + " " + units
return self.setWords(node, "")
return self.setWords(node, icePhrase)
### FzLevel
### WindChill
def windChill_threshold(self, tree, node):
return 0.0
def windChillTemp_difference(self, tree, node):
# Difference between wind chill and temperature
# for reporting wind chill
return 5
def windChill_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.windChill_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.windChill_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def windChill_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("WindChill", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def windChill_words(self, tree, node):
"Create phrase for Wind Chill"
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "WindChill")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
t = tree.stats.get("T", node.getTimeRange(),
node.getAreaLabel(), statLabel="minMax",
if t is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
day = self.getPeriod(timeRange, 1)
if day == self.DAYTIME():
# Compare to max T
t = self.getValue(t,"Max")
# Compare to min T
t = self.getValue(t,"Min")
diff = self.windChillTemp_difference(tree, node)
if min <= self.windChill_threshold(tree, node) and min <= t - diff:
words = self.getTempRangePhrase(tree, node, (min, max), "WindChill")
words = ""
return self.setWords(node, words)
# Alternate phrase based on wind speed
def windChill_wind_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Minimum wind speed (mph) required for reporting wind chill
return 10
def windBased_windChill_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.windChill_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.windBased_windChill_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def windBased_windChill_words(self, tree, node) :
"Create phrase for Wind Chill"
# Wait for wind phrase to complete
windWords = self.findWords(tree, node, "Wind", node.getAreaLabel())
if windWords is None:
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "WindChill")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
if windWords == "":
return self.setWords(node, "")
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
# Check wind speed
# First try to re-use information from wind_phrase
maxWind = node.getComponent().get("maxMag")
if maxWind is None:
# Have to access it from statistics dictionary
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
wind = tree.stats.get("Wind", timeRange, node.getAreaLabel(), mergeMethod="Max")
if wind is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
maxWind, dir = wind
if maxWind < self.windChill_wind_threshold(tree, node):
return self.setWords(node, "")
# WC must be less or equal to threshold
if min <= self.windChill_threshold(tree, node):
words = self.getTempRangePhrase(tree, node, (min, max), "WindChill")
words = ""
return self.setWords(node, words)
### HeatIndex
def heatIndex_threshold(self, tree, node):
return 108.0
def heatIndexTemp_difference(self, tree, node):
# Difference between heat index and temperature
# for reporting heat index
return 5
def heatIndex_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.heatIndex_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.heatIndex_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def heatIndex_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("HeatIndex", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def heatIndex_words(self, tree, node) :
"Create phrase for Heat Index"
statDict = node.getStatDict()
stats = self.getStats(statDict, "HeatIndex")
if stats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
t = tree.stats.get("T", node.getTimeRange(),
node.getAreaLabel(), statLabel="minMax",
if t is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
min, max = self.getValue(stats, "MinMax")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
day = self.getPeriod(timeRange,1)
if day == self.DAYTIME():
# Compare to max T
t = self.getValue(t,"Max")
# Compare to min T
t = self.getValue(t,"Min")
# HI must be greater or equal to threshold and at least
# two degrees higher than the maximum T.
diff = self.heatIndexTemp_difference(tree, node)
if max >= self.heatIndex_threshold(tree, node) and max >= t + diff:
words = self.getTempRangePhrase(tree, node, (min, max), "HeatIndex")
words = ""
return self.setWords(node, words)
# RH -- Contributed by ER 8/04
def rh_threshold(self, tree, node):
# Threshold for reporting RH in extended narrative. If MinRH grid is
# lower than this threshold, an RH phrase will be formatted.
# To turn off phrase completely, set to -1.
if "_rhPhraseThreshold" in self.__dict__:
# Use Definition setting if defined
return self._rhPhraseThreshold
# Default to no phrase
return -1
def rh_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.rh_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.rh_words,
"phraseMethods": self.standard_phraseMethods(),
def rh_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = [self.ElementInfo("MinRH", "List")]
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def rh_words(self, tree, node):
# Creates phrase for MinRH. Phrase will be generated if the MinRH
# value is <= rh_threshold(tree, node). Also uses only MinRH
# grids during the day part of the extended period. Requires the
# sample analysis method to use [0] for the time duration.
minRH = None
words = ""
statDict = node.getStatDict()
rhStats = tree.stats.get("MinRH", node.getTimeRange(), node.getAreaLabel(),
if rhStats is None:
return self.setWords(node, "")
for rhValues, tr in rhStats:
# Use data only from daytime timeranges
if self.getPeriod(tr, 1):
rh = self.getValue(rhValues, "Min")
if minRH is None or rh < minRH:
minRH = rh
if minRH is not None and minRH <= self.rh_threshold(tree, node):
words = "minimum RH " + repr(int(minRH)) + " percent"
return self.setWords(node, words)
# MultipleElementTable calls
def multipleElementTable_perPeriod_phrase(self):
return {
"setUpMethod": self.multipleElementTable_perPeriod_setUp,
"wordMethod": self.multipleElementTable_perPeriod_words,
"phraseMethods": [],
def multipleElementTable_perPeriod_setUp(self, tree, node):
elementInfoList = []
self.subPhraseSetUp(tree, node, elementInfoList, self.scalarConnector)
return self.DONE()
def multipleElementTable_perPeriod_words(self, tree, node):
# Make a MultipleElementTable for this period
words = self.makeMultipleElementTable(
node.getAreaLabel(), node.getTimeRange(), tree,
return self.setWords(node.parent, words)