2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Methods for interfacing to the Text Formatter infrastructure components.
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import Analysis
import Translator
import TextUtils
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.reference import ReferenceID
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.reference import ReferenceData
class Interfaces(TextUtils.TextUtils):
def __init__(self):
def getSampler(self, argDict, sampleInfo, sampleFromServer=0):
# Get a HistoSampler given
# sampleInfo, which is a list of tuples, or just a single tuple
# of tuples ([elements], [periods], [areas])
# the elements are [(name, method)] -- basically the analysis list
# the periods [(timeRange, label)]
# areas [(name,label)] or [(refData, label)] or [(refID, label)]
ifpClient = argDict["ifpClient"]
databaseID = argDict["databaseID"]
from com.raytheon.viz.gfe.sampler import SamplerRequest, HistoSampler
from java.util import ArrayList
# convert input sampleInfo to samplerRequests
samplerRequests = ArrayList()
if type(sampleInfo) == tuple:
sampleInfo = [sampleInfo]
for si in sampleInfo:
elements, periods, areas = si
for e in elements:
parmID = self.getParmID(e[0], databaseID)
for p in periods:
for a in areas:
if type(a[0]) is str:
samplerRequests.add(SamplerRequest( \
parmID, ReferenceID(a[0]), p[0].toJavaObj()))
elif hasattr(a[0], "java_name") and \
(a[0].java_name == ReferenceID.java_name or
a[0].java_name == ReferenceData.java_name):
SamplerRequest(parmID, a[0], p[0].toJavaObj()))
raise TypeError("area is not String, ReferenceID, or ReferenceData")
# do sampling
if sampleFromServer:
sampler = ifpClient.sampleRequest(samplerRequests)
sampler = HistoSampler(ifpClient.getJavaClient(), samplerRequests)
if sampler.isValid() != 1:
print("Cannot Sample: Check for invalid Weather Elements, ",\
"Invalid Areas", str(samplerRequests))
return None
#print "sampler ", sampler
return sampler
# Interfaces to Analysis
def getStatList(self, sampler, analysisList, timeRanges, editArea, componentName=None):
# For each period, get Statistics specified in analysisList
# over the Edit Area
statList = []
for timeRange, label in timeRanges:
stats = self.getStatDict(
sampler, analysisList, timeRange, editArea, componentName)
return statList
def getStatDict(self, sampler, analysisList, timeRange, area, componentName=None):
# Get Statistic dictionary for given analysisList, timeRange,
# and area
# Area can be ReferenceData or text string
# Convert area to ID if necessary
if area is None:
return None
if isinstance(area, str):
area = ReferenceID(area)
area = area.getId()
return Analysis.Analysis(sampler).createStats(
analysisList, area, timeRange, componentName)
def getStats(self, statDict, entry, argDict=None):
if statDict is None:
return None
stats = statDict[entry]
stats = None
# Look for any temporal resolution e.g.
# if entry = "Wind__vectorAvg",
# return any temporal resolution for
# vectorAvg
if "__" in entry:
for (key, value) in statDict.items():
if entry in key:
stats = value
#if stats is None:
# Check for notification
# self.checkMissingData_notification(statDict, argDict, entry)
return stats
# Interfaces to TextFormatter
def generateProduct(self, productName, argDict, area=None,
timeRange=None, elements=None, areaLabel="",
# Generate the given product and return a text string
# representing the results.
# If areas are specified or a timeRange given, the
# product will be generated accordingly.
# Time Range is assumed to be an AFPS.TimeRange.
# Time Range Name is the name of the time range, if available
# Area is the name of the area over which to generate the
# product. This need only be supplied if you are
# looping through areas.
# Otherwise, this information is assumed to be included
# in argDict.
# Set up time range
if timeRange is not None:
argDict["timeRange"] = timeRange
argDict["useRawTR"] = 1
argDict["timeRangeName"] = timeRangeName
# Set up area -- It must be a ReferenceID
if area is not None:
argDict["editAreas"] = [(area, areaLabel)]
if "areaList" in argDict:
#area = self.getEditArea(area, argDict)
argDict["areaList"][0] = (area, areaLabel)
# Reinitialize variables
argDict["timePeriod"] = None
argDict["language"] = None
# Preserve information
saveSelf = argDict["self"]
combinations = argDict["combinations"]
# Generate the forecast
getForecast = argDict["getForecast"]
fcst = getForecast(productName, argDict)
# Restore information
argDict["self"] = saveSelf
argDict["combinations"] = combinations
return fcst
# Interfaces to Translator
def translateExpr(self, phrase, language):
"Translate the time or heading"
if language == "english" or phrase == "":
return phrase
trans = Translator.Translator(language)
return trans.getExpression(phrase)
def translateForecast(self, forecast, language):
"Translate the forecast"
if language == "english":
return forecast
trans = Translator.Translator(language)
return trans.getForecast(forecast)