] [formerly9f8cb727a5
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: 73930fb29d0c1e91204e76e6ebfdbe757414f319 [formerlya28d70b5c5
] Former-commit-id:33a67cdd82
928 lines
29 KiB
928 lines
29 KiB
* vgstruct.h *
* Contains the structure for a drawing element that is being stored *
* or retrieved from a Vector Graphics File. Elements are stored *
* in this file in a geographic coordinate fashion. This lets GEMPAK *
* handle all of the device to world coordinate transformations. *
* *
** *
* E. Wehner/EAi 03/97 Created *
* D. Keiser/GSC 04/97 Added contour, symbols, line *
* D. Keiser/GSC 04/97 Added special line *
* E. Wehner/EAi 05/97 Added padding and a class to header *
* E. Safford/GSC 06/97 Added special text *
* E. Wehner/EAi 06/97 Added file header and group info *
* E. Safford/GSC 07/97 Mofified SpTextInfo to include offsets *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 09/97 Remove LatLonPt and IntPt structures *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 02/98 Updated Watch Box structures *
* S. Law/GSC 04/98 Added comment for unused1 usage *
* I. Durham/GSC 04/98 Added DARR_ELM and HASH_ELM *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 6/98 Added w_shape to watches *
* E. Safford/GSC 08/98 added MAXGHOST *
* E. Safford/GSC 09/98 Removed MAXGHOST *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 9/98 Modified watch info definitions *
* A. Hardy/GSC 10/98 Added CMBSY *
* E. Safford/GSC 11/98 bumped MAX_RECTYPES to 26 *
* A. Hardy/GSC 11/98 Added circle structures *
* S. Law/GSC 05/99 Added track structure and defines *
* G. Krueger/EAI 05/99 Modified circles for latlon array *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 6/99 Added sigmet structure *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 8/99 Added parmeters for SIGMETs *
* S. Law/GSC 8/99 Increased MAX_RECTYPES to 35 *
* S. Law/GSC 8/99 Made changes to SIGMETs *
* S. Law/GSC 9/99 Made changes to SIGMETs *
* S. Law/GSC 9/99 Cleaned up SIGMET string lengths *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 12/99 Added WATCH STATUS MESSAGE element type *
* M. Li/GSC 12/99 Added SWPALL, SWPHDR and SWPINF *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 2/00 Added CCFP element *
* S. Law/GSC 02/00 More CCF work *
* S. Law/GSC 02/00 increased MAX_SIGMETS, CCFLVL changes *
* H. Zeng/EAI 08/00 added skip for TrackInfo *
* F. J. Yen/NCEP 08/00 Added more SIGMET info *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 10/00 Added anchor info to watch element *
* M. Li/GSC 10/00 Added itxfn, ithw and sztext to track *
* J. Wu/GSC 11/00 Changed SymData & WindData size to 1 *
* J. Wu/GSC 11/00 Removed CONTOUR_ELM type & struct *
* J. Wu/GSC 01/01 Added definitions for latest VG version *
* J. Wu/GSC 02/01 Renamed 'unused1' & 'unused2' to *
* meaningful 'smooth' & 'version' *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 8/01 Chg watch element to include FIPS codes *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 9/01 Chg watch element to incr states string *
* E. Safford/SAIC 05/02 add WatchBoxInfo string lengths *
* J. Wu/SAIC 06/02 Watch box ver. 4->5, "cn_stat" removed *
* J. Wu/SAIC 09/02 add a new structure - list *
* J. Wu/SAIC 09/02 add loctyp/lat/lon into List structure *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 10/02 Reduced MAXLISTITEMS from 3000 to 10 *
* J. Wu/SAIC 09/02 revise List struct, MAXLISTITEMS to 1600*
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 01/03 added new info for WatchBoxInfo *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 6/03 Add new ash cloud and volcano element *
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 08/03 Added new fields fpr volcano element *
* J. Wu/SAIC 8/03 add Jet element & related definitions *
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 09/03 added ash cloud line types *
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 11/03 added addlsorc for volcano element *
* J. Wu/SAIC 01/04 add GFA element & related definitions *
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 01/04 added more Ash Cloud types *
* B. Yin/SAIC 02/04 added tca element & related definitions *
* J. Wu/SAIC 02/04 add lat/lon into GfaInfo *
* J. Wu/SAIC 03/04 add GFA subtype definitions *
* B. Yin/SAIC 03/04 added storm type in tca element *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 03/04 added list type LISTYP_MZCNTY *
* B. Yin/SAIC 04/04 added type TcaWw_T *
* J. Wu/SAIC 05/04 add GFA_GFA subtype & description *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 07/04 removed NOTAVBL&ENDVAA *
* B. Yin/SAIC 07/04 changed TCA break point array to pointer*
* changed the order of basins *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/04 reduce MAXLISTITEMS to MAXPTS *
* E. Safford/SAIC 08/04 change gfa top & bottom to char arrays *
* J. Wu/SAIC 09/04 remove definition for GFA subtypes *
* J. Wu/SAIC 10/04 redesign GFA structure *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 11/04 removed CCFLVL_MEDIUM *
* B. Yin/SAIC 12/04 added timezone into TCA *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 02/05 added back CCFLVL_MEDIUM *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 03/05 added ASHCLD_OTHERS *
* B. Yin/SAIC 04/05 added issue status into TCA *
* removed year from TCA *
* T. Piper/SAIC 10/05 Moved MAXPTS to gemprm.h *
* S. Gilbert/NCEP 11/05 Added text_lat, text_lon, text_font, *
* text_size, and text_width to TcaInfo *
* S. Gilbert/NCEP 01/06 Changed advisoryNum from int to char *
* F. J. Yen/NCEP 03/07 Moved MAX_CNTY to gemprm.h *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 04/07 Add new TC error, TC track and *
* TC breakpoint line elements *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 10/08 Add stSrc to TCT element *
#ifndef _vgstruct_include
#define _vgstruct_include
#define MAX_TEXT 255
#define MAX_TRACKS 50
#define MAX_SIGMET 100
#define MAX_ASH 50 /* Max number of points per ash cloud */
#define MAX_ATSUNIT 12 /* Maximum of ATS unit */
#define MAX_ATTR 100 /* Max number of area attributes */
#define STD_STRLEN 1024 /* Max length of attribute string */
#define MAX_BREAK_PT_STR 256 /* Max length of break points string */
#define MAX_STORM_STR 128 /* Max length of storm name string */
#define MAX_TCAWW 50 /* Max number of TCA warning/watches */
#define MAX_DSCRPTN_LEN 50 /* Max length of GFA description string */
#define MAX_TCT_STRING 50 /* Max length of TCTrack entry string */
#define MAX_RECTYPES 42
/* Values for vg_type from struct vg_hdrstruct */
#define LINE_ELM 1 /* line */
#define FRONT_ELM 2 /* front */
#define CIRCLE_ELM 4 /* circle symbol */
#define WXSYM_ELM 5 /* weather symbol */
#define WBOX_ELM 6 /* watch box */
#define WCNTY_ELM 7 /* watch county */
#define BARB_ELM 8 /* wind barb */
#define ARROW_ELM 9 /* wind arrow */
#define CTSYM_ELM 10 /* cloud symbol */
#define ICSYM_ELM 11 /* icing symbol */
#define PTSYM_ELM 12 /* pressure tendency symbol */
#define PWSYM_ELM 13 /* past weather symbol */
#define SKSYM_ELM 14 /* sky cover */
#define SPSYM_ELM 15 /* special symbol */
#define TBSYM_ELM 16 /* turbulence symbol */
#define TEXT_ELM 17 /* text */
#define TEXTC_ELM 18 /* justified text */
#define MARK_ELM 19 /* marker */
#define SPLN_ELM 20 /* special line */
#define SPTX_ELM 21 /* special text */
#define FILEHEAD_ELM 22 /* FILE Header element */
#define DARR_ELM 23 /* directional arrow */
#define HASH_ELM 24 /* hash mark */
#define CMBSY_ELM 25 /* combination weather symbol */
#define TRKSTORM_ELM 26 /* storm track */
#define SIGINTL_ELM 27 /* international SIGMET */
#define SIGNCON_ELM 28 /* non-convective SIGMET */
#define SIGCONV_ELM 29 /* convective SIGMET */
#define SIGOUTL_ELM 30 /* convective outlook */
#define SIGAIRM_ELM 31 /* AIRMET */
#define SIGCCF_ELM 32 /* CCF */
#define WSM_ELM 33 /* watch status */
#define LIST_ELM 34 /* list */
#define VOLC_ELM 35 /* volcano element */
#define ASHCLD_ELM 36 /* ash cloud element */
#define JET_ELM 37 /* jet element */
#define GFA_ELM 38 /* gfa element */
#define TCA_ELM 39 /* tca element */
#define TCERR_ELM 40 /* tc error-cone element */
#define TCTRK_ELM 41 /* tc track element */
#define TCBKL_ELM 42 /* tc break point line element */
#define VGFHEAD_COMMENT "NAWIPS Vector Graphic Format \0"
#define SWPALL 0
#define SWPHDR 1
#define SWPINF 2
* watch types (doubles as display color)
#define UNDWTCH 7
#define TRWWTCH 6
#define TORWTCH 2
* watch styles
#define WBC 6
#define PGRAM 4
* watch style PGRAM shapes
#define NONE 0
#define NS 1
#define EW 2
#define ESOL 3
* Ash cloud subtypes
#define ASHCLD_AREA 0
#define ASHCLD_LINE 1
* CCF defines
#define CCFLVL_HIGH 0
#define CCFLVL_LOW 2
#define CCFGRW_FAST 0
#define CCFGRW_POS 1
#define CCFGRW_NC 2
#define CCFGRW_NEG 3
* SIGMET subtypes
#define SIGTYP_AREA 0
#define SIGTYP_LINE 1
#define SIGTYP_ISOL 2
* maximum SIGMET string sizes
#define MAX_AREASTR 8
#define MAX_DIRSTR 4
#define MAX_FIRSTR 32
#define MAX_SIGSTR 768
#define MAX_MIDSTR 12
#define MAX_PHENSTR 32
#define MAX_PHENMSTR 35
#define MAX_LATSTR 8
#define MAX_LONSTR 8
#define MAX_MOVESTR 8
#define MAX_SPDSTR 4
#define MAX_TRENDSTR 8
#define MAX_REMSTR 80
#define MAX_FTEXTSTR 256
#define MAX_TOPSSTR 80
#define MAX_FCSTRSTR 16
#define MAX_TIMESTR 20
* SIGMET side of line options
#define SIGLINE_ESOL 0
#define SIGLINE_NOF 1
#define SIGLINE_SOF 2
#define SIGLINE_EOF 3
#define SIGLINE_WOF 4
* Latest version of VG elements in use. Only SIGMET, WATCH
* BOX have more than one versions now. Other VG elements
* are still using version 0.
#define CUR_SIG_VER 1
#define CUR_WBX_VER 6
* String length limits for WatchBoxInfo
#define MAX_FCSTR_LEN ( 64 )
#define MAX_REPLW_LEN ( 24 )
* Maximum list items allowed for ListType
* List subtypes
#define LISTYP_COUNTY 1 /* county list */
#define LISTYP_ZONE 2 /* zone list */
#define LISTYP_WFO 3 /* wfo list */
#define LISTYP_STATE 4 /* state list */
#define LISTYP_MZCNTY 5 /* Marine zone/county list */
* Maximum points along a Jet line
#define MAX_JETPTS 50
* TCA issue status
#define TCA_TEST 'T'
typedef struct frontinfo
int numpts;
int fcode;
int fpipsz;
int fpipst;
int fpipdr;
int fwidth;
char frtlbl[4];
} FrontInfo;
typedef struct watchboxinfo
int numpts;
/* watch definition information */
int w_style; /* watch style (WBC or PGRAM) */
int w_shape; /* PGRAM watch shape (EW, NS or ESOL) */
int w_mrktyp; /* marker type to identify county */
float w_mrksiz; /* marker size for county */
int w_mrkwid; /* marker width for county */
char w_a0id[8]; /* watch anchor point #0 station id */
float w_a0lt; /* watch anchor point #0 latitude */
float w_a0ln; /* watch anchor point #0 longitude */
int w_a0dis; /* watch anchor point #0 distance (sm) */
char w_a0dir[4]; /* watch anchor point #0 dir (16-pt) */
char w_a1id[8]; /* watch anchor point #1 station id */
float w_a1lt; /* watch anchor point #1 latitude */
float w_a1ln; /* watch anchor point #1 longitude */
int w_a1dis; /* watch anchor point #1 distance (sm) */
char w_a1dir[4]; /* watch anchor point #1 dir (16-pt) */
/* watch formatting and issuance relevant information */
int w_istat; /* watch issuing status */
int w_number; /* watch number */
char w_iss_t[20]; /* watch issue time */
char w_exp_t[20]; /* watch expiration time */
int w_type; /* watch type (TORNADO or SVR T-STM) */
int w_severity; /* watch severity */
char w_timezone[4]; /* watch primary time zone */
char w_hailsz[8]; /* watch max hail size */
char w_windg[8]; /* watch max wind gust */
char w_tops[8]; /* watch max tops */
char w_msmv_d[8]; /* watch mean storm motion vector (dir) */
char w_msmv_s[8]; /* watch mean storm motion vector (spd) */
char w_states[80]; /* watch states included */
char w_adjarea[80]; /* watch adjacent areas included */
char w_replw[MAX_REPLW_LEN]; /* watch replacement watch numbers */
char w_fcstr[MAX_FCSTR_LEN]; /* watch issuing forecaster name(s)*/
char w_file[128]; /* watch filename */
int w_issued; /* watch flag for issuance: =0 N, =1 Y */
/* watch status message formatting and issuance relevant info */
char wsm_iss_t[20]; /* wsm issue time */
char wsm_exp_t[20]; /* wsm expiration time */
char wsm_ref[32]; /* wsm reference direction */
char wsm_from[128]; /* wsm most recent "from" line */
char wsm_meso[8]; /* wsm mesoscale discussion number */
char wsm_fcstr[MAX_FCSTR_LEN];/* wsm issuing forecaster name(s)*/
/* county information */
int numcnty; /* number of counties */
int cn_flag; /* county plot flag */
int cn_fips[MAX_CNTY]; /* county FIPS code */
float cn_ltln[MAX_CNTY*2]; /* county locations */
} WatchBoxInfo;
typedef struct syminfo
int numsym;
int width;
float size;
int ityp;
} SymInfo;
typedef struct windinfo
int numwnd;
int width;
float size;
int wndtyp;
float hdsiz;
} WindInfo;
typedef struct lineinfo
int numpts;
int lintyp;
int lthw;
int width;
int lwhw;
} LineInfo;
typedef struct splninfo
int numpts;
int spltyp;
int splstr;
int spldir;
float splsiz;
int splwid;
} SpLineInfo;
typedef struct textinfo
float rotn;
float sztext;
int itxfn;
int ithw;
int iwidth;
int ialign;
float lat;
float lon;
int offset_x;
int offset_y;
} TextInfo;
typedef struct spltextinfo
float rotn;
float sztext;
int sptxtyp;
int turbsym;
int itxfn;
int ithw;
int iwidth;
int txtcol;
int lincol;
int filcol;
int ialign;
float lat;
float lon;
int offset_x;
int offset_y;
} SpTextInfo;
typedef struct cntrinfo
LineInfo line;
TextInfo txt;
} CntrInfo;
typedef struct volinfo {
char name[64]; /* volcano name */
float code; /* symbol code (volcano) */
float size; /* symbol size */
int width; /* symbol width */
char number[17]; /* volcano Smithsonian number */
char location[17]; /* volcano location (e.g., N1901W09837) */
char area[33]; /* volcano area (e.g., Mexico) */
char origstn[17]; /* originating station */
char vaac[33]; /* VAAC */
char wmoid[8]; /* WMO ID */
char hdrnum[9]; /* header number */
char elev[9]; /* volcano elevation (m) */
char year[9]; /* year */
char advnum[9]; /* advisory number */
char corr[4]; /* correction flag */
char infosorc[256]; /* information source(s) */
char addlsorc[256]; /* additional source(s) */
char avcc[16]; /* aviation color code */
char details[256]; /* eruption details */
char obsdate[16]; /* obs date */
char obstime[16]; /* obs time */
char obsashcld[1024]; /* obs (analyzed) ash cloud "from line" */
char fcst_06[1024]; /* 06hr fcst ash cloud "from line" */
char fcst_12[1024]; /* 12hr fcst ash cloud "from line" */
char fcst_18[1024]; /* 18hr fcst ash cloud "from line" */
char remarks[512]; /* remarks */
char nextadv[128]; /* next advisory */
char fcstrs[64]; /* forecaster(s) */
} VolInfo;
typedef struct ashinfo {
int subtype; /* type of ash cloud (isol,line,area) */
int npts; /* number of points for ash cloud */
float distance; /* distance (nautical miles) */
int fhr; /* forecast hour */
int lintyp; /* line type */
int linwid; /* line width */
int sol; /* side of line */
float spd; /* speed (kts), (will be removed later) */
char spds[16]; /* speed (kts) */
char dir[4]; /* direction (16-pt compass) */
char flvl1[16]; /* flight level 1 (100s of ft) */
char flvl2[16]; /* flight level 2 (100s of ft) */
} AshInfo;
typedef struct ccfinfo {
int subtype; /* type of CCF ( 0-line or 1-area) */
int npts; /* number of points */
int cover; /* coverage (defines the color) */
int tops; /* tops */
int prob; /* prob */
int growth; /* growth */
float spd; /* speed */
float dir; /* direction */
} CCFInfo;
typedef struct sigmetinfo {
int subtype; /* type of sigmet area (isol,line,area) */
int npts; /* number of points for sigmet area */
int lintyp; /* line type */
int linwid; /* line width */
int sol; /* side of line */
char area[MAX_AREASTR]; /* area(MWO) indicator of unit */
char fir[MAX_FIRSTR]; /* location indicator of FIR unit(s) */
int status; /* 0 = new, 1 = amend, 2 = cancel */
float distance; /* distance (nautical miles) */
char msgid[MAX_MIDSTR]; /* message id (alfa,bravo,etc.) */
int seqnum; /* sequence number (1,2,3,...) */
char stime[MAX_TIMESTR]; /* start valid time (ddhhmm) */
char etime[MAX_TIMESTR]; /* end valid time (ddhhmm) */
char remarks[MAX_REMSTR]; /* descriptive remarks */
int sonic; /* supersonic indicator (0,1) */
char phenom[MAX_PHENSTR]; /* phenomenon */
char phenom2[MAX_PHENSTR]; /* second phenomenon */
char phennam[MAX_PHENMSTR]; /* phenomenon name */
char phenlat[MAX_LATSTR]; /* phenomenon latitude */
char phenlon[MAX_LONSTR]; /* phenomenon longitude */
int pres; /* pressure */
int maxwind; /* max wind */
char freetext[MAX_FTEXTSTR]; /* free text */
char trend[MAX_TRENDSTR]; /* trend */
char move[MAX_MOVESTR]; /* movement */
int obsfcst; /* observed/forecast indicator (0,1,2) */
char obstime[MAX_TIMESTR]; /* observed/forecast time (ddhhmm, UTC) */
int fl; /* flight level (100s ft) */
int spd; /* speed of phenomenon (kts) */
char dir[MAX_DIRSTR];/* direction of phenomenon (compass) */
char tops[MAX_TOPSSTR]; /* tops */
char fcstr[MAX_FCSTRSTR]; /* forecaster name */
} SigmetInfo;
typedef struct trackinfo {
int subtype; /* just in case */
int npts; /* total number of points */
int nipts; /* number of initial points */
int ltype1; /* type of initial line */
int ltype2; /* type of extrapolated line */
int mtype1; /* type of initial mark */
int mtype2; /* type of extrapolated mark */
int width; /* width of lines */
float speed; /* speed between last two initial points */
float dir; /* direction between last two initial points */
int incr; /* increment between extrapolated points */
int skip; /* skip factor for extrapolated time labels */
int itxfn; /* text font number */
int ithw; /* font hw/sw flag */
float sztext; /* font size */
fdttms_t times[MAX_TRACKS]; /* times for each point */
} TrackInfo;
typedef struct listinfo {
int subtyp; /* list type:
ZONE = 2
WFO = 3
MARINE = 5 */
int mrktyp; /* marker type */
float mrksiz; /* marker size */
int mrkwid; /* marker width */
} ListInfo;
* structs and enums for TCA element
enum basin_t {
enum tca_sev_t {
enum storm_type_t {
enum tca_adv_t {
WATCH = 0,
enum tca_sp_geog_t {
NO_TYPE = 0,
typedef struct breakpt_t { /* break point structure */
float lat;
float lon;
char breakPtName[ MAX_BREAK_PT_STR ];
} Breakpt_T;
typedef struct tcaww_t { /* tca watches/warning */
enum tca_sev_t severity; /* hurricane or tropical storm */
enum tca_adv_t advisoryType; /* watch or warning */
enum tca_sp_geog_t specialGeog; /* special geography type */
int numBreakPts; /* number of break points */
struct breakpt_t *breakPnt; /* break points */
} TcaWw_T;
struct tcawwfile_t { /* file version of tca */
char tcawwStr[ STD_STRLEN ]; /* watches/warnings */
char breakPts[ STD_STRLEN ];
typedef struct tcainfo {
int stormNum; /* storn number */
char issueStatus; /* issue status */
enum basin_t basin; /* basin */
char advisoryNum[5]; /* advisory number */
char stormName[ MAX_STORM_STR ]; /* storm name */
enum storm_type_t stormType; /* storm type */
char validTime[ DTTMSZ ]; /* valid time in GEMPAK format */
int wwNum; /* number of watches/warnings */
struct tcaww_t tcaww[ MAX_TCAWW ]; /* array of watches/warnings */
char timezone[ 4 ]; /* time zone */
float text_lat; /* Lat of Zero WW box */
float text_lon; /* Lon of Zero WW box */
int text_font; /* Font used in zero W/W text box */
float text_size; /* Text size used in zero W/W text box */
int text_width; /* Text width used in zero W/W text box */
} TcaInfo;
typedef struct tcafileinfo { /* file version of tca */
char attrib1[ STD_STRLEN ];
char attrib2[ STD_STRLEN ];
} TcaFileInfo;
typedef struct tcatype {
TcaInfo info;
} TcaType;
* TC Info structure is the same for TCT and TCE elements
typedef struct tcinfo {
char stormNum [ 5 ]; /* storm number */
char issueStatus [ 2 ]; /* issue status */
char basin [ 5 ]; /* basin */
char advisoryNum[5]; /* advisory number */
char stormName[ MAX_STORM_STR ]; /* storm name */
char stormType [5 ]; /* storm type */
char validTime[ DTTMSZ ]; /* valid time in GEMPAK format */
char timezone[ 4 ]; /* time zone */
char fcstpd[ 5 ]; /* forecast period */
} TcInfo;
* TCE element structure
typedef struct tcecone {
int lincol; /* line color */
int lintyp; /* line type */
int filcol; /* fill color */
int filtyp; /* fill pattern*/
int npts; /* number of points */
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} TceCone;
typedef struct tcerrtype {
TcInfo info; /* tropical cyclone info*/
TceCone cone; /* cone of uncertanty */
} TcerrType;
* TCT element structure
typedef struct tctrack {
float lat; /* point lat */
float lon; /* point lon */
char advDate [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* advisory date */
char tau [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* forecast period */
char mxWnd [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* max wind in knots */
char wGust [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* wind gusts in knots */
char mslp [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* minimum sea level pressure */
char tcDv [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* level of tc development */
char tcDvLbl [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* label for tc development */
char tcDir [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* direction of tc movement */
char tcSpd [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* speed of tc movement */
char dtLbl [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* advisory date */
char stSrc [MAX_TCT_STRING]; /* storm source (tropical or extratropical) */
} TcTrack;
typedef struct tctrktype {
TcInfo info; /* tropical cyclone info*/
int lincol; /* line color */
int lintyp; /* line type */
int numTrackPts; /* number of track points */
struct tctrack *trackPnt; /* tropical cyclone track */
} TctrkType;
* TCB element structure
typedef struct tcbkltype {
TcInfo info; /* tropical cyclone info*/
int lincol; /* line color */
int linwid; /* line width */
int tcww; /* TC Watch-Warning level:
HU warning = 0
HU watch = 1
TS warning = 2
TS watch = 3 */
int numBkPts; /* number of break points in segment*/
struct breakpt_t *bkPntLn; /* break points */
} TcbklType;
typedef struct symdata
float code[1];
float latlon[2];
int offset_xy[2];
} SymData;
typedef struct winddata
float spddir[2];
float latlon[2];
} WindData;
typedef struct circdata
float latlon[4];
} CircData;
typedef struct listdata
int nitems; /* number of list members */
char item[MAXLISTITEMS][9]; /* list of members */
float lat[MAXLISTITEMS];
float lon[MAXLISTITEMS]; /* Lat and lon are centroids
for bounds */
} ListData;
typedef struct fileheadtype
char version[128];
char notes[256];
} FileHeadType;
typedef struct fronttype
FrontInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} FrontType;
typedef struct watchboxtype
WatchBoxInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} WatchBoxType;
typedef struct watchsmtype
SpLineInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} WatchSMType;
typedef struct symtype
SymInfo info;
SymData data;
} SymType;
typedef struct windtype
WindInfo info;
WindData data;
} WindType;
typedef struct linetype
LineInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} LineType;
typedef struct splntype
SpLineInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} SpLineType;
typedef struct texttype
TextInfo info;
char text[MAX_TEXT];
} TextType;
typedef struct sptxtype
SpTextInfo info;
char text[MAX_TEXT];
} SptxType;
typedef struct circtype
LineInfo info;
CircData data;
} CircType;
typedef struct sigmettype {
SigmetInfo info;
float latlon[MAX_SIGMET*2];
} SigmetType;
typedef struct ccftype {
CCFInfo info;
float latlon[MAX_SIGMET*2];
} CCFType;
typedef struct tracktype {
TrackInfo info;
float latlon[MAX_TRACKS*2];
} TrackType;
typedef struct listtype {
ListInfo info;
ListData data;
} ListType;
typedef struct ashtype {
AshInfo info;
SptxType spt; /* "NOT SEEN" type attrib. info */
float latlon[MAX_ASH*2];
} AshType;
typedef struct voltype {
VolInfo info;
float latlon[2];
int offset_xy[2];
} VolType;
typedef struct lineattr
int splcol; /* Line color */
SpLineType spl; /* Line attribute info */
} LineAttr;
typedef struct barbattr
int wndcol; /* Wind barb color */
WindType wnd; /* Wind barb attribute info */
int sptcol; /* Flight level color */
SptxType spt; /* Flight level attribute info */
} BarbAttr;
typedef struct hashattr
int wndcol; /* Hash mark color */
WindType wnd; /* Hash mark attribute info */
} HashAttr;
typedef struct jettype {
LineAttr line; /* Line attribute info */
int nbarb; /* Number of barbs */
BarbAttr barb[MAX_JETPTS]; /* Wind barb attribute info */
int nhash; /* Number of hashs */
HashAttr hash[MAX_JETPTS]; /* Hash mark attribute info */
} JetType;
* Structs for GFA element
#define MAX_GFA_BLOCKS 10
typedef char gfaBlock_t[STD_STRLEN];
typedef struct gfainfo {
int nblocks;
int npts;
gfaBlock_t *blockPtr[MAX_GFA_BLOCKS];
} GfaInfo;
typedef struct gfatype {
GfaInfo info;
float latlon[MAXPTS*2];
} GfaType;
typedef struct vg_hdrstruct
char delete;
char vg_type;
char vg_class;
signed char filled;
char closed;
char smooth; /* smooth level of VG elements */
char version; /* version number of VG elements */
char grptyp;
int grpnum;
int maj_col;
int min_col;
int recsz;
float range_min_lat;
float range_min_lon;
float range_max_lat;
float range_max_lon;
} VG_HdrStruct;
typedef struct vg_dbstruct
VG_HdrStruct hdr;
FileHeadType fhed;
FrontType frt;
LineType lin;
SpLineType spl;
WatchBoxType wbx;
WatchSMType wsm;
SymType sym;
WindType wnd;
TextType txt;
SptxType spt;
CircType cir;
TrackType trk;
SigmetType sig;
CCFType ccf;
ListType lst;
AshType ash;
VolType vol;
JetType jet;
GfaType gfa;
TcaType tca;
TcerrType tce;
TctrkType tct;
TcbklType tcb;
} elem;
} VG_DBStruct;
#include "proto_vg.h"