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`paper-shadow` is a container that renders two shadows on top of each other to
create the effect of a lifted piece of paper.
<paper-shadow z="1">
... card content ...
@group Paper Elements
@class paper-shadow
<link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="paper-shadow.css" rel="stylesheet" shim-shadowdom>
<polymer-element name="paper-shadow">
<div id="shadow-bottom" fit animated?="[[animated]]" class="paper-shadow-bottom-z-[[z]]"></div>
<div id="shadow-top" fit animated?="[[animated]]" class="paper-shadow-top-z-[[z]]"></div>
publish: {
* The z-depth of this shadow, from 0-5. Setting this property
* after element creation has no effect. Use `setZ()` instead.
* @attribute z
* @type number
* @default 1
z: 1,
* Set this to true to animate the shadow when setting a new
* `z` value.
* @attribute animated
* @type boolean
* @default false
animated: false
* Set the z-depth of the shadow. This should be used after element
* creation instead of setting the z property directly.
* @method setZ
* @param {Number} newZ
setZ: function(newZ) {
if (this.z !== newZ) {
this.$['shadow-bottom'].classList.remove('paper-shadow-bottom-z-' + this.z);
this.$['shadow-bottom'].classList.add('paper-shadow-bottom-z-' + newZ);
this.$['shadow-top'].classList.remove('paper-shadow-top-z-' + this.z);
this.$['shadow-top'].classList.add('paper-shadow-top-z-' + newZ);
this.z = newZ;