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`core-item` is a simple line-item object: a label and/or an icon that can also
act as a link.
<core-item icon="settings" label="Settings"></core-item>
To use as a link, put <a> element in the item.
<core-item icon="settings" label="Settings">
<a href="#settings" target="_self"></a>
@group Polymer Core Elements
@element core-item
@homepage github.io
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon/core-icon.html">
<polymer-element name="core-item" attributes="label icon src" horizontal center layout>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="core-item.css">
<template if="{{icon || src}}">
<core-icon src="{{src}}" id="icon" icon="{{icon}}" hidden?="{{!src && !icon}}"></core-icon>
<div id="label">{{label}}</div>
Polymer('core-item', {
* The URL of an image for the icon.
* @attribute src
* @type string
* @default ''
* Specifies the icon from the Polymer icon set.
* @attribute icon
* @type string
* @default ''
* Specifies the label for the menu item.
* @attribute label
* @type string
* @default ''