Everett Kladstrup a3f44810f9 Issue Post "derived parameter move" changes
* move derived parameter definitions to base localization level
* remove java 7 exception constructor from inventory plugin
* move python function adapter to derivparam.python plugin

Former-commit-id: e222fc706e [formerly 0e88702cea] [formerly 16b4c9253e] [formerly e222fc706e [formerly 0e88702cea] [formerly 16b4c9253e] [formerly 41b154802c [formerly 16b4c9253e [formerly c54110914a3a64a2ea7c22093327c9e0d84689b2]]]]
Former-commit-id: 41b154802c
Former-commit-id: 4c979bd398 [formerly 2ace82f815] [formerly bbcf6ba629d8e4a1649178671bcae72d11e64f57 [formerly f6bf1f43bd]]
Former-commit-id: 10f940c3c864c69ac5c7993834bc5f3162aceaca [formerly a89211f60a]
Former-commit-id: abf4bd55a1
2014-04-09 11:20:14 -05:00

163 lines
6.1 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
import numpy as np
import AdiabaticTemp
# create an array of base pressures
pBases = np.array([200,350,500,600,700,850,1000], dtype=np.float32)
# create an array of splitpoints for pressure bins
pSplits = np.array([250,400,550,650,750,900], dtype=np.float32)
tmax = 333
tmin = 193
# create a lookup table of adiabatic temperatures for chosen base pressures
parr, tarr = np.ogrid[0:len(pBases), tmin:tmax]
parr = pBases[parr]
tarr = np.array(tarr, dtype=np.float32)
lookupTable = AdiabaticTemp.execute(tarr, parr)
# Calculate the saturation temperature of an equivalent temperature at
# the specified pressure. Another way of expressing it is to find the
# temperature TofTe such that AdiabaticTemp.execute(TofTe,P)=T.
# @param T: Adiabatic temperature of TofTe at P (K)
# @type T: Numpy array of float32
# @param P: The pressure at which the calculation is made (mb)
# @type P: Numpy array of float32
# @return: TofTe
# @rtype: Numpy array
def execute(T,P):
"Find Tans such that AdiabaticTemp.execute(Tans,P) == T."
if np.shape(T) != np.shape(P):
bcastOnes = np.ones(T.shape, dtype=np.float32) * np.ones(np.shape(P), dtype=np.float32)
T = T * bcastOnes
P = P * bcastOnes
pBaseIdx = np.searchsorted(pSplits, P)
# find cells that are too low or too high
lowTMask = T<lookupTable[pBaseIdx,1]
goodhighTMask = ((T<=lookupTable[pBaseIdx,-1]) & ~(T<=tmax)) # NaNs in T are True in highTMask
Tgood = np.array(T, dtype=np.float32)
Tgood[goodhighTMask] = tmax
highTMask = ~(Tgood<=lookupTable[pBaseIdx,-1])
goodMask = ~( lowTMask | highTMask)
Tgood = Tgood[goodMask]
pBaseIdx = pBaseIdx[goodMask]
# find t1 and t2, lower/upper integer estimate arrays
t1 = np.ones(Tgood.shape, dtype=np.integer) * tmin
t2 = np.array(Tgood, dtype=np.integer)
TMask = t2-t1>=3
t1Mask = np.ones(np.shape(TMask), dtype=np.bool)
t2Mask = np.ones(np.shape(TMask), dtype=np.bool)
# Tgood cells just above the lower threshold can result in False TMask cells.
# Don't allow t1Mask or t2Mask to be True where TMask is False.
t1Mask[:] = TMask
t2Mask[:] = TMask
# t = (int)((t1+t2)/2), for cells where TMask is True
tEst = np.array((t1[TMask]+t2[TMask])/2, dtype=np.integer)
telu = lookupTable[pBaseIdx[TMask], tEst-tmin]
# where adiabaticTemp(t,pBase) is > T, adjust t2 down.
cmpMask = telu > Tgood[TMask]
t2Mask[TMask] = cmpMask
t2[t2Mask] = tEst[cmpMask]
# where adiabaticTemp(t,pBase) is < T, adjust t1 up.
cmpMask = telu < Tgood[TMask]
t1Mask[TMask] = cmpMask
t1[t1Mask] = tEst[cmpMask]
# where we hit it exactly, set t1 and t2 to one-off.
cmpMask = (telu == Tgood[TMask])
t1Mask[TMask] = cmpMask
t2Mask[TMask] = cmpMask
t1[t1Mask] = tEst[cmpMask]-1
t2[t2Mask] = tEst[cmpMask]+1
# Clean up t1Mask and t2Mask for next iteration.
# Without this, t?[t?Mask] could expect too many values.
t1Mask[TMask] = False
t2Mask[TMask] = False
# figure out which cells still need the estimate narrowed.
TMask[TMask] = t2[TMask]-t1[TMask]>=3
# weight t1 and t2 by the ratio of base pressure to P
# (t1 and t2 become floating-pt here)
pBase = pBases[pBaseIdx]
weight = np.sqrt(pBase/P[goodMask])
t1 = (1-weight) * lookupTable[pBaseIdx, t1-tmin] + weight * t1.astype(T.dtype)
t2 = (1-weight) * lookupTable[pBaseIdx, t2-tmin] + weight * t2.astype(T.dtype)
# now find a new weight based on the difference between T and
# the adiabatic temperature of t1 and t2.
if np.isscalar(P):
PP = P
PP = P[goodMask]
diff1 = T[goodMask] - AdiabaticTemp.execute(t1,PP)
diff2 = AdiabaticTemp.execute(t2,PP) - T[goodMask]
weight = diff2/(diff1+diff2)
Tans = weight*t1 + (1-weight)*t2
diff = AdiabaticTemp.execute(Tans,PP) - T[goodMask]
# Iterate to find result to nearest .01 degree K
TMask[:] = True # all cells still to calculate
for loopcount in xrange(10):
if np.any(TMask):
# see which estimates are high and low
t1Mask[TMask] = diff[TMask] < -0.01
t2Mask[TMask] = diff[TMask] > 0.01
# adjust down the high estimates
t2[t2Mask] = Tans[t2Mask]
diff2[t2Mask] = diff[t2Mask]
# adjust up the low estimates
t1[t1Mask] = Tans[t1Mask]
diff1[t1Mask] = -diff[t1Mask]
# calculate a new weight, estimated T, and diff for active cells
if np.isscalar(P):
PPP = PP[TMask]
weight[TMask] = diff2[TMask]/(diff1[TMask]+diff2[TMask])
Tans[TMask] = weight[TMask]*t1[TMask] + (1-weight[TMask])*t2[TMask]
diff[TMask] = AdiabaticTemp.execute(Tans[TMask], PPP) - T[TMask]
# eliminate cells we've finished
TMask[TMask] = t1Mask[TMask] | t2Mask[TMask]
# Create an empty fully masked array for the result
result = np.empty(np.shape(T), dtype=np.float32)
result[:] = np.NaN
result[goodMask] = Tans
# replace the very low input values with the original T
result[lowTMask] = T[lowTMask]
return result