root 9f19e3f712 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

1638 lines
54 KiB

* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.viz.gfe.contours;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.grid.Grid2DFloat;
import com.raytheon.viz.gfe.contours.util.CLine;
import com.raytheon.viz.gfe.contours.util.ContourValueDistance;
import com.raytheon.viz.gfe.contours.util.SearchDir;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
* @author wdougherty
public class TestContourAnalyzer {
private static final int SUBGRID_FACTOR = 4;
private static final int XDIM = 10;
private static final int YDIM = 10;
private static final int XDIMBIG = 143;
private static final int YDIMBIG = 143;
private static final float[] ORIGINAL_VALUES;
static {
float[] tmp = new float[XDIM * YDIM];
for (int i = 0; i < XDIM * YDIM; i++) {
tmp[i] = (i - XDIM * YDIM);
public ContourAnalyzer analyzer;
private Grid2DFloat originalGrid;
private List<CLine> contours;
private float xOrigin;
private float yOrigin;
private float xGridRatio;
private float yGridRatio;
private int xMin;
private int xMax;
private int yMin;
private int yMax;
private float valMin;
private float valMax;
private boolean clampOn;
// private GeometryFactory factory;
// private CoordinateSequenceFactory seqFactory;
// private CoordinateSequence cseq;
private CLine contour;
private float contourLevel;
private Grid2DFloat result;
// testDoAnalysis(), testGridValueFromGradient(), and
// testComputeShadowAreas() work on the output of successive stages of
// analysis on the same grid.
// This is output from the legacy system for that grid.
private static final float[] REGRESSIONDATA;
static {
REGRESSIONDATA = new float[] { 7.84327f, 5.96378f, 6.0503f, 1.50418f,
4.36618f, 3.66293f, 6f, 6f, 4.04976f, 3.88061f, 8.01783f,
7.77779f, 5.46911f, 5.57095f, 3.00279f, 5.31989f, 5.42566f,
6.22717f, 4.58707f, 5.87048f, 8.26714f, 8.06572f, 7.78835f,
5.39567f, 5.55349f, 4.50139f, 5.65495f, 6.38618f, 6.5898f,
6.03285f, 2.02754f, 8.46209f, 8.28246f, 8.01465f, 4.67585f,
5.33792f, 6f, 7.02801f, 7.32415f, 7.98623f, 8.8943f, 7.99071f,
9.78866f, 8.8779f, 8.81802f, 8.42469f, 8.53871f, 8.69406f,
8.81388f, 8.87169f, 8.98692f, 10.1995f, 8.47962f, 9.77953f,
10.1211f, 10.1349f, 11.0184f, 10.6321f, 10.1308f, 9.79553f,
15.0084f, 9.83671f, 10.0956f, 10.4576f, 13.0028f, 12.5014f,
12f, 11.5288f, 10.9972f, 10.4958f, 9.92034f, 10.1534f,
10.4598f, 12.5776f, 12.4059f, 13.3379f, 12.2844f, 11.7405f,
11.6913f, 12.1395f, 10.1143f, 10.3609f, 12.4444f, 12.4115f,
14.6758f, 12.6393f, 12.4409f, 12f, 13.3856f, 12.3722f,
10.2388f, 11.9461f, 11.9149f, 16.0138f, 13.5024f, 14.1094f,
12f, 12f, 13.8694f, 14.0784f };
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
// Configure log4j
// BasicConfigurator.configure();
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
* This initializes fields to default values for the ContourAnalyzer ctor,
* so our test cases can just override the defaults we need.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Set the most common values to pass to the ContourAnalyzer ctor.
originalGrid = new Grid2DFloat(XDIM, YDIM, ORIGINAL_VALUES);
contours = new ArrayList<CLine>(); // most tests will add points
xOrigin = 0;
yOrigin = 0;
xGridRatio = 1.0f;
yGridRatio = 1.0f;
xMin = 0;
xMax = XDIM;
yMin = 0;
yMax = YDIM;
clampOn = false;
valMax = 1e37f;
valMin = -valMax;
// factory = new GeometryFactory();
// seqFactory = factory.getCoordinateSequenceFactory();
contourLevel = 100.0f;
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Helper method for comparing the expected output grid to the actual output
* grid. We'll do this a lot. The label gives us something to make it easier
* to determine which test failed.
* @param expected
* The Grid2DFloat we expected to get out of the analyzer.
* @param result
* The grid we actually got from the analyzer.
* @param label
* A string to help us distinguish between test cases
public void checkResult(Grid2DFloat expected, Grid2DFloat result,
String label) {
assertEquals(label + ":getXdim()", expected.getXdim(), result.getXdim());
assertEquals(label + ":getYdim()", expected.getYdim(), result.getYdim());
assertArrayEquals(label + ":values", expected.getNumPy(),
* @param label
* @param expected
private void invokeAnalyzer(String label, Grid2DFloat expected) {
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
result = analyzer.getFinalResultData();
checkResult(expected, result, label);
public void testSimplestContour() throws Exception {
Coordinate[] outerRing = new Coordinate[5];
outerRing[0] = new Coordinate(-1.0, -1.0);
outerRing[1] = new Coordinate((XDIM + 1), -1.0);
outerRing[2] = new Coordinate((XDIM + 1), (YDIM + 1));
outerRing[3] = new Coordinate(-1.0, (YDIM + 1));
outerRing[4] = new Coordinate(-1.0, -1.0);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(outerRing);
contour = new CLine(outerRing, contourLevel, true);
Grid2DFloat expected = new Grid2DFloat(XDIM, YDIM, contourLevel);
invokeAnalyzer("testSimplestContour", expected);
public void testDiagonalBars() throws Exception {
Coordinate[] firstBar = new Coordinate[2];
firstBar[0] = new Coordinate(0.0, 2.0);
firstBar[1] = new Coordinate(2.0, 0.0);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(firstBar);
contourLevel = 1.0f;
contour = new CLine(firstBar, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] secondBar = new Coordinate[2];
secondBar[0] = new Coordinate(0.0, 5.0);
secondBar[1] = new Coordinate(5.0, 0.0);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(secondBar);
contourLevel = 4.0f;
contour = new CLine(secondBar, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] thirdBar = new Coordinate[2];
thirdBar[0] = new Coordinate(0.0, 8.0);
thirdBar[1] = new Coordinate(8.0, 0.0);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(thirdBar);
contourLevel = 9.0f;
contour = new CLine(thirdBar, contourLevel, true);
float[] EA = new float[] { -1f, 8.39801e-18f, 1f, 3.33244f, 4f, 4f,
7.77489f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f, 8.39801e-18f, 1f, 2.9833f, 4f, 4f,
7.18292f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f, 12.3333f, 1f, 2.9833f, 4f, 4f,
7.03335f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f, 11.0984f, 14f, 3.33244f, 4f, 4f,
7.00384f, 9f, 9f, 10.3579f, 12.3333f, 14f, 13.1967f, 4f, 4f,
7.03335f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f, 11.7159f, 14f, 15.6667f, 17.3333f,
4f, 7.18292f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f, 12.3333f, 13.0738f, 15.6667f,
17.3333f, 19f, 7.77488f, 9f, 9f, 10.3579f, 11.7159f, 13.0738f,
13.1967f, 15.1502f, 16.3802f, 17.6103f, 9f, 9f, 10.6667f,
12.3333f, 14f, 15.6667f, 15.1502f, 19f, 20.6667f, 22.3333f, 9f,
10.6667f, 11.0984f, 14f, 15.6667f, 17.3333f, 16.3802f,
20.6667f, 22.3333f, 24f, 10.6667f, 12.3333f, 14f, 13.1967f,
17.3333f, 19f, 17.6103f, 22.3333f, 24f, 25.6667f };
Grid2DFloat expected = new Grid2DFloat(XDIM, YDIM, EA);
invokeAnalyzer("Diagonal Bars", expected);
public void testConcentricCircles() throws Exception {
final int CIRC_PTS = 12;
Coordinate[] bigCircle = new Coordinate[CIRC_PTS + 1];
Coordinate[] midCircle = new Coordinate[CIRC_PTS + 1];
Coordinate[] littleCircle = new Coordinate[CIRC_PTS + 1];
double angle;
double xmult;
double ymult;
for (int i = 0; i < CIRC_PTS; i++) {
angle = i * 2 * Math.PI / CIRC_PTS;
xmult = Math.cos(angle);
ymult = Math.sin(angle);
bigCircle[i] = new Coordinate();
bigCircle[i].x = XDIM / 2 + ((XDIM - 1) / 2) * xmult;
bigCircle[i].y = YDIM / 2 + ((YDIM - 1) / 2) * ymult;
midCircle[i] = new Coordinate();
midCircle[i].x = XDIM / 2 + (XDIM / 3) * xmult;
midCircle[i].y = YDIM / 2 + (YDIM / 3) * ymult;
littleCircle[i] = new Coordinate();
littleCircle[i].x = XDIM / 2 + (XDIM / 5) * xmult;
littleCircle[i].y = YDIM / 2 + (YDIM / 5) * ymult;
bigCircle[CIRC_PTS] = new Coordinate(bigCircle[0]);
midCircle[CIRC_PTS] = new Coordinate(midCircle[0]);
littleCircle[CIRC_PTS] = new Coordinate(littleCircle[0]);
// cseq = this.seqFactory.create(bigCircle);
contourLevel = 4.0f;
contour = new CLine(bigCircle, contourLevel, true);
// cseq = this.seqFactory.create(midCircle);
contourLevel = 4.0f; // on purpose
contour = new CLine(midCircle, contourLevel, true);
// cseq = this.seqFactory.create(littleCircle);
contourLevel = 2.0f;
contour = new CLine(littleCircle, contourLevel, true);
Grid2DFloat expected = new Grid2DFloat(XDIM, YDIM, 1.0f);
invokeAnalyzer("Concentric circles", expected);
public void testFindNearestNorth() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestSouth() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestEast() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestWest() throws Exception {
private void testFindNearestMajor(SearchDir dir) throws Exception {
Coordinate[] line = new Coordinate[2];
double lineOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineLimitY = Double.NaN;
switch (dir) {
case N:
case S:
lineOriginX = 0;
lineOriginY = YDIM / 2;
lineLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineLimitY = YDIM / 2;
case E:
case W:
lineOriginX = XDIM / 2;
lineOriginY = 0;
lineLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineLimitY = YDIM - 1;
fail("testFindNearestMajor: cannot work with direction " + dir);
line[0] = new Coordinate(lineOriginX, lineOriginY);
line[1] = new Coordinate(lineLimitX, lineLimitY);
// cseq = this.seqFactory.create(line);
contourLevel = 10.0f;
contour = new CLine(line, contourLevel, true);
// ContourAnalyzer ctor won't set up for findNearestContour()
// properly if we don't have two contours. However, the
// contours don't have to be confined to the grid, so create
// a second contour that should never be seen.
Coordinate[] brLine = new Coordinate[2];
brLine[0] = new Coordinate(XDIM + 1, 0);
brLine[1] = new Coordinate(XDIM + 2, 1);
// cseq = this.seqFactory.create(brLine);
contourLevel = 999;
contour = new CLine(brLine, contourLevel, true);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
ContourValueDistance cvd = new ContourValueDistance();
int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 1;
j = YDIM / 2 - 1;
case S:
i = 1;
j = YDIM / 2 + 1;
case E:
i = XDIM / 2 - 1;
j = 1;
case W:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = 1;
boolean found;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
String testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID, true, found);
assertEquals(testID, 10.0, cvd.value);
assertEquals(testID, SUBGRID_FACTOR, cvd.distance);
switch (dir) {
case N:
j = YDIM / 2 + 1;
case S:
j = YDIM / 2 - 1;
case E:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = 2; // otherwise, we see brLine: it was snapped to the grid edge.
case W:
i = XDIM / 2 - 1;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID, false, found);
// Try with a contour on the edge of the grid
// put brLine back in
switch (dir) {
case N:
lineOriginX = 0;
lineOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineLimitY = YDIM - 1;
case S:
lineOriginX = 0;
lineOriginY = 0;
lineLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineLimitY = 0;
case E:
lineOriginX = XDIM - 1;
lineOriginY = 0;
lineLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineLimitY = YDIM - 1;
case W:
lineOriginX = 0;
lineOriginY = 0;
lineLimitX = 0;
lineLimitY = YDIM - 1;
line[0] = new Coordinate(lineOriginX, lineOriginY);
line[1] = new Coordinate(lineLimitX, lineLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(line);
contourLevel = 10.0f;
contour = new CLine(line, contourLevel, true);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 1;
j = YDIM - 2;
case S:
i = 1;
j = 1;
case E:
i = XDIM - 2;
j = 1;
case W:
i = 1;
j = 1;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID, true, found);
assertEquals(testID, 10.0, cvd.value);
assertEquals(testID, SUBGRID_FACTOR, cvd.distance);
// Shouldn't find it to dir if we're on the contour
switch (dir) {
case N:
j = YDIM - 1;
case S:
j = 0;
case E:
i = XDIM - 1;
case W:
i = 0;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID, false, found);
public void testFindNearestNE() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestNW() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestSE() throws Exception {
public void testFindNearestSW() throws Exception {
private void testFindNearestMinor(SearchDir dir) {
// Set up 2 lines to watch for diagonal leakage
double lineAOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineAOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitY = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitY = Double.NaN;
switch (dir) {
case NE:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = 0.0;
lineBOriginX = XDIM / 2;
lineBOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = YDIM / 2;
case NW:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = 0.0;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineBOriginX = 0.0;
lineBOriginY = YDIM / 2;
lineBLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = YDIM - 1;
case SE:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = 0.0;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineBOriginX = XDIM / 2;
lineBOriginY = 0.0;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = YDIM / 2;
case SW:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = 0.0;
lineBOriginX = 0.0;
lineBOriginY = YDIM / 2;
lineBLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = 0.0;
fail("testFindNearestMinor: cannot work with direction " + dir);
// This is the contour we want to find
Coordinate[] lineA = new Coordinate[2];
lineA[0] = new Coordinate(lineAOriginX, lineAOriginY);
lineA[1] = new Coordinate(lineALimitX, lineALimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineA);
contourLevel = 10.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineA, contourLevel, true);
// This is the one we don't want to find
Coordinate[] lineB = new Coordinate[2];
lineB[0] = new Coordinate(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY);
lineB[1] = new Coordinate(lineBLimitX, lineBLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineB);
contourLevel = 999;
contour = new CLine(lineB, contourLevel, true);
// Create the analyzer and prime it for findNearestContour() calls.
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int deltai = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int deltaj = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case NE:
i = XDIM / 2 - 2;
j = YDIM / 2 - 1;
deltai = -1;
deltaj = 0;
case NW:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = YDIM / 2 - 1;
deltai = 1;
deltaj = 0;
case SE:
i = XDIM / 2 - 1;
j = YDIM / 2 + 1;
deltai = -1;
deltaj = 0;
case SW:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = XDIM / 2;
deltai = 1;
deltaj = 0;
String testID;
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
boolean found;
ContourValueDistance cvd = new ContourValueDistance();
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
assertEquals(testID, true, found);
assertEquals(testID, 10.0, cvd.value);
// findNearestContour() uses 2 approximations for diagonal distance.
// The first is about sqrt(2.0) times n steps.
// The second is the same minus 0.414 when it avoids diagonal leakage.
assertTrue(testID, (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 1.414 == cvd.distance)
|| (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 1.414 - 0.414 == cvd.distance));
i += deltai;
j += deltaj;
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
assertEquals(testID, true, found);
assertEquals(testID, 10.0, cvd.value);
assertEquals(testID, SUBGRID_FACTOR * 1.5 * 1.414, cvd.distance);
assertTrue(testID, (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 1.5 * 1.414 == cvd.distance)
|| (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 1.5 * 1.414 - 0.414 == cvd.distance));
i += deltai;
j += deltaj;
testID = "testFindNearest(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
found = analyzer.findNearestContour(i, j, dir, cvd);
assertEquals(testID, true, found);
assertEquals(testID, 10.0, cvd.value);
assertEquals(testID, SUBGRID_FACTOR * 2 * 1.414, cvd.distance);
assertTrue(testID, (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 2 * 1.414 == cvd.distance)
|| (SUBGRID_FACTOR * 2 * 1.414 - 0.414 == cvd.distance));
public void testFindDistantN() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantS() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantE() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantW() throws Exception {
private void testFindDistantMajor(SearchDir dir) throws Exception {
double lineAOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineAOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineCOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineCOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitY = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitY = Double.NaN;
double lineCLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineCLimitY = Double.NaN;
switch (dir) {
case N:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = YDIM / 4;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = YDIM / 4;
lineBOriginX = 0.0;
lineBOriginY = YDIM / 2;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = YDIM / 2;
lineCOriginX = 0.0;
lineCOriginY = YDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineCLimitY = YDIM * 3 / 4;
case S:
lineAOriginX = 0.0;
lineAOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM / 4;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM / 4;
lineBOriginX = 0.0;
lineBOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM / 2;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM / 2;
lineCOriginX = 0.0;
lineCOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineCLimitY = (YDIM - 1) - YDIM * 3 / 4;
case E:
lineAOriginX = XDIM / 4;
lineAOriginY = 0.0;
lineALimitX = XDIM / 4;
lineALimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineBOriginX = XDIM / 2;
lineBOriginY = 0.0;
lineBLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineCOriginX = 3 * XDIM / 4;
lineCOriginY = 0.0;
lineCLimitX = 3 * XDIM / 4;
lineCLimitY = YDIM - 1;
case W:
lineAOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM / 4;
lineAOriginY = 0.0;
lineALimitX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM / 4;
lineALimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineBOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM / 2;
lineBOriginY = 0;
lineBLimitX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineCOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCOriginY = 0.0;
lineCLimitX = (XDIM - 1) - XDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitY = YDIM - 1;
fail("testFindDistantMajor: cannot work with direction " + dir);
Coordinate[] lineA = new Coordinate[2];
lineA[0] = new Coordinate(lineAOriginX, lineAOriginY);
lineA[1] = new Coordinate(lineALimitX, lineALimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineA);
contourLevel = 10.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineA, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] lineB = new Coordinate[2];
lineB[0] = new Coordinate(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY);
lineB[1] = new Coordinate(lineBLimitX, lineBLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineB);
contourLevel = 15.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineB, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] lineC = new Coordinate[2];
lineC[0] = new Coordinate(lineCOriginX, lineCOriginY);
lineC[1] = new Coordinate(lineCLimitX, lineCLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineC);
contourLevel = 999.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineC, contourLevel, true);
// Create the analyzer and prime it for findDistantContour() calls.
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 0;
j = 0;
case S:
i = 0;
j = YDIM - 1;
case E:
i = 0;
j = 0;
case W:
i = XDIM - 1;
j = 0;
ContourValueDistance cvd1 = new ContourValueDistance();
ContourValueDistance cvd2 = new ContourValueDistance();
int numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
String testID = "testFindDistantMajor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 2, numcFound);
assertEquals(testID + "<v1>", 10.0, cvd1.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<v2>", 15.0, cvd2.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<d1>", SUBGRID_FACTOR * (YDIM / 4),
assertEquals(testID + "<d2>", SUBGRID_FACTOR * (YDIM / 2),
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 0;
j = YDIM / 4 + 1;
case S:
i = 0;
j = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 4 + 1);
case E:
i = XDIM / 4 + 1;
j = 0;
case W:
i = (YDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 4 + 1);
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMajor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 2, numcFound);
assertEquals(testID + "<v1>", 15.0, cvd1.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<v2>", 999.0, cvd2.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<d1>", SUBGRID_FACTOR
* (YDIM / 2 - (YDIM / 4 + 1)), cvd1.distance);
assertEquals(testID + "<d2>", SUBGRID_FACTOR
* (3 * YDIM / 4 - (YDIM / 4 + 1)), cvd2.distance);
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 0;
j = YDIM / 2 + 1;
case S:
i = 0;
j = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 2 + 1);
case E:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = 0;
case W:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 2 + 1);
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMajor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
// Even though there's a grid between i,j and the edge,
// the routine should return 0 because no edge points have values set.
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 0, numcFound);
// TODO: set edge points (how?), confirm rtnval, cvd1 and cvd2
switch (dir) {
case N:
i = 0;
j = YDIM * 3 / 4 + 1;
case S:
i = 0;
j = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM * 3 / 4 + 1);
case E:
i = XDIM * 3 / 4 + 1;
j = 0;
case W:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM * 3 / 4 + 1);
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMajor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 0, numcFound);
public void testFindDistantNE() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantSE() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantSW() throws Exception {
public void testFindDistantNW() throws Exception {
* Distance from point to a line segment in 2 dimensions.
* @param x1
* @param y1
* @param x2
* @param y2
* @param px
* @param py
* @return distance
public double linePtDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
double px, double py) {
double lineXdiff = x2 - x1;
double lineYdiff = y2 - y1;
double term1 = lineXdiff * (y1 - py);
double term2 = lineYdiff * (x1 - px);
double top = Math.abs(term1 - term2);
double lineLength = lineXdiff * lineXdiff + lineYdiff * lineYdiff;
lineLength = Math.sqrt(lineLength);
double distance = top / lineLength;
return distance;
public void testFindDistantMinor(SearchDir dir) throws Exception {
double lineAOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineAOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineBOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineCOriginX = Double.NaN;
double lineCOriginY = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineALimitY = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineBLimitY = Double.NaN;
double lineCLimitX = Double.NaN;
double lineCLimitY = Double.NaN;
switch (dir) {
case NE:
lineAOriginX = 0;
lineAOriginY = YDIM / 4;
lineALimitX = XDIM / 4;
lineALimitY = 0;
lineBOriginX = 0;
lineBOriginY = YDIM / 2;
lineBLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = 0;
lineCOriginX = 0;
lineCOriginY = YDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitX = XDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitY = 0;
case SE:
lineAOriginX = 0;
lineAOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 4);
lineALimitX = XDIM / 4;
lineALimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineBOriginX = 0;
lineBOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 2);
lineBLimitX = XDIM / 2;
lineBLimitY = YDIM - 1;
lineCOriginX = 0;
lineCOriginY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM * 3 / 4);
lineCLimitX = XDIM * 3 / 4;
lineCLimitY = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
lineAOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 4);
lineAOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 4);
lineBOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 2);
lineBOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 2);
lineCOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM * 3 / 4);
lineCOriginY = YDIM - 1;
lineCLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineCLimitY = (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM * 3 / 4);
case NW:
lineAOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 4);
lineAOriginY = 0;
lineALimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineALimitY = YDIM / 4;
lineBOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 2);
lineBOriginY = 0;
lineBLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineBLimitY = YDIM / 2;
lineCOriginX = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM * 3 / 4);
lineCOriginY = 0;
lineCLimitX = XDIM - 1;
lineCLimitY = YDIM * 3 / 4;
fail("testFindDistantMinor: cannot work with direction " + dir);
Coordinate[] lineA = new Coordinate[2];
lineA[0] = new Coordinate(lineAOriginX, lineAOriginY);
lineA[1] = new Coordinate(lineALimitX, lineALimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineA);
contourLevel = 10.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineA, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] lineB = new Coordinate[2];
lineB[0] = new Coordinate(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY);
lineB[1] = new Coordinate(lineBLimitX, lineBLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineB);
contourLevel = 15.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineB, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] lineC = new Coordinate[2];
lineC[0] = new Coordinate(lineCOriginX, lineCOriginY);
lineC[1] = new Coordinate(lineCLimitX, lineCLimitY);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineC);
contourLevel = 999.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineC, contourLevel, true);
// Create the analyzer and prime it for findDistantContour() calls.
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case NE:
i = 0;
j = 0;
case SE:
i = 0;
j = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
i = XDIM - 1;
j = XDIM - 1;
case NW:
i = XDIM - 1;
j = 0;
ContourValueDistance cvd1 = new ContourValueDistance();
ContourValueDistance cvd2 = new ContourValueDistance();
int numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
String testID = "testFindDistantMinor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 2, numcFound);
assertEquals(testID + "<v1>", 10.0, cvd1.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<v2>", 15.0, cvd2.value);
double expectedD1 = linePtDistance(lineAOriginX, lineAOriginY,
lineALimitX, lineALimitY, i, j);
expectedD1 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d1>", expectedD1, cvd1.distance);
double expectedD2 = linePtDistance(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY,
lineBLimitX, lineBLimitY, i, j);
expectedD2 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d2>", expectedD2, cvd2.distance);
switch (dir) {
case NE:
i = 1;
j = 0;
case SE:
i = 1;
j = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
i = XDIM - 2;
j = YDIM - 1;
case NW:
i = XDIM - 2;
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMinor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 2, numcFound);
assertEquals(testID + "<v1>", 10.0, cvd1.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<v2>", 15.0, cvd2.value);
expectedD1 = linePtDistance(lineAOriginX, lineAOriginY, lineALimitX,
lineALimitY, i, j);
expectedD1 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d1>", expectedD1, cvd1.distance);
expectedD2 = linePtDistance(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY, lineBLimitX,
lineBLimitY, i, j);
expectedD2 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d2>", expectedD2, cvd2.distance);
switch (dir) {
case NE:
i = XDIM / 4 + 1;
j = 0;
case SE:
i = XDIM / 4 + 1;
j = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 4 + 1);
j = YDIM - 1;
case NW:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 4 + 1);
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMinor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 2, numcFound);
assertEquals(testID + "<v1>", 15.0, cvd1.value);
assertEquals(testID + "<v2>", 999.0, cvd2.value);
expectedD1 = linePtDistance(lineBOriginX, lineBOriginY, lineBLimitX,
lineBLimitY, i, j);
expectedD1 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d1>", expectedD1, cvd1.distance);
expectedD2 = linePtDistance(lineCOriginX, lineCOriginY, lineCLimitX,
lineCLimitY, i, j);
expectedD2 *= SUBGRID_FACTOR;
assertEquals(testID + "<d2>", expectedD2, cvd2.distance);
switch (dir) {
case NE:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = 0;
case SE:
i = XDIM / 2 + 1;
j = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 2 + 1);
j = YDIM - 1;
case NW:
i = (XDIM - 1) - (XDIM / 2 + 1);
j = 0;
numcFound = analyzer.findDistantContours(i, j, dir, cvd1, cvd2);
testID = "testFindDistantMinor(" + dir + "):" + i + "," + j;
assertEquals(testID + "<num>", 0, numcFound);
public void testFindAdjacentN() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentS() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentE() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentW() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentNE() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentSE() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentSW() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacentNW() throws Exception {
public void testFindAdjacent(SearchDir dir) throws Exception {
int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int j = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case N:
xMin = 0;
xMax = 0;
yMin = 0;
yMax = YDIM - 2;
i = 0;
j = 0;
case S:
xMin = 0;
xMax = 0;
yMin = 1;
yMax = YDIM - 1;
i = 0;
j = YDIM - 1;
case E:
xMin = 0;
xMax = XDIM - 2;
yMin = 0;
yMax = 0;
i = 0;
j = 0;
case W:
xMin = 1;
xMax = XDIM - 1;
yMin = 0;
yMax = 0;
i = XDIM - 1;
j = 0;
case NE:
xMin = 0;
yMin = 0;
xMax = XDIM - 2;
yMax = YDIM - 1;
i = 0;
j = 0;
case SE:
xMin = 0;
xMax = XDIM - 2;
yMin = 0;
yMax = YDIM - 1;
i = 0;
j = YDIM - 1;
case SW:
xMin = 1;
xMax = XDIM - 1;
yMin = 0;
yMax = YDIM - 1;
i = XDIM - 1;
j = YDIM - 1;
case NW:
xMin = 1;
xMax = XDIM - 1;
yMin = 0;
yMax = YDIM - 1;
i = XDIM - 1;
j = 0;
fail("Invalid search direction: " + dir);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
double expected = Double.MIN_VALUE;
switch (dir) {
case N:
analyzer.howFound.set(0, YDIM - 1, 2);
expected = -XDIM;
case S:
analyzer.howFound.set(0, 0, 2);
expected = -(XDIM * YDIM);
case E:
analyzer.howFound.set(XDIM - 1, 0, 2);
expected = -(XDIM * YDIM) + XDIM - 1;
case W:
analyzer.howFound.set(0, 0, 2);
expected = -(XDIM * YDIM);
case NE:
analyzer.howFound.set(XDIM - 1, YDIM - 1, 2);
expected = -1;
case SE:
analyzer.howFound.set(XDIM - 1, 0, 2);
expected = -(XDIM * YDIM) + XDIM - 1;
case SW:
analyzer.howFound.set(0, 0, 2);
expected = -(XDIM * YDIM);
case NW:
analyzer.howFound.set(0, YDIM - 1, 2);
expected = -XDIM;
ContourValueDistance cvd = new ContourValueDistance();
boolean found = analyzer.findAdjacentValue(i, j, dir, cvd);
assertEquals("", true, found);
assertEquals("", expected, cvd.value);
public void testDoAnalysis() throws Exception {
// Create a pair of narrow contours.
// These will exercise
Coordinate[] lineA = new Coordinate[3];
lineA[0] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 1, 0);
lineA[1] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 1, YDIM / 2 - 2);
lineA[2] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 2, 0);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineA);
contourLevel = 6.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineA, contourLevel, true);
Coordinate[] lineB = new Coordinate[3];
lineB[0] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 1, YDIM - 1);
lineB[1] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 1, (YDIM - 1) - (YDIM / 2 - 2));
lineB[2] = new Coordinate(XDIM / 2 + 2, YDIM - 1);
// cseq = seqFactory.create(lineB);
contourLevel = 12.0f;
contour = new CLine(lineB, contourLevel, true);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
// confirm that they were set in the right way
int[] howFound = analyzer.howFound.getBuffer().array();
// Default for points that weren't copied from the contours or analyzed.
int[] expectedHF = new int[100];
Arrays.fill(expectedHF, -9);
// These points should have been copied from the contours we supplied
int[] contouredIndices = new int[] { 6, 7, 36, 66, 96, 97 };
for (int i = 0; i < contouredIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[contouredIndices[i]] = 9;
// These points should have been analyzed.
int[] analyzedIndices = new int[] { 0, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 31,
32, 33, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59,
61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 87, 90 };
for (int i = 0; i < analyzedIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[analyzedIndices[i]] = 1;
// Confirm that operations were carried out on the right set of points.
assertArrayEquals(expectedHF, howFound);
float[] analyzedValues = analyzer.finalResultData.getFloats();
for (int i = 0; i < analyzedIndices.length; i++) {
assertEquals("REGRESSIONDATA[" + analyzedIndices[i] + "]",
public void testGridValueFromGradient() throws Exception {
// confirm that they were set in the right way
int[] howFound = analyzer.howFound.getBuffer().array();
// Default for points that weren't copied from the contours or analyzed.
int[] expectedHF = new int[100];
Arrays.fill(expectedHF, -9);
// These points should have been copied from the contours we supplied
int[] contouredIndices = new int[] { 6, 7, 36, 66, 96, 97 };
for (int i = 0; i < contouredIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[contouredIndices[i]] = 9;
// These points should have been analyzed.
int[] analyzedIndices = new int[] { 0, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 31,
32, 33, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59,
61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 87, 90 };
for (int i = 0; i < analyzedIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[analyzedIndices[i]] = 1;
// These points should have been generated from a gradient.
int[] gradientIndices = new int[] { 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 25, 26, 30, 34,
35, 38, 60, 64, 65, 68, 75, 76, 84, 86, 88, 93, 99 };
for (int i = 0; i < gradientIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[gradientIndices[i]] = 2;
// Confirm that operations were carried out on the right set of points.
assertArrayEquals(expectedHF, howFound);
// Confirm that points that were calculated by gridValueFromGradient()
// match the output of the legacy system.
float[] gradientValues = analyzer.finalResultData.getFloats();
for (int i = 0; i < gradientIndices.length; i++) {
assertEquals("expectedValue[" + gradientIndices[i] + "]",
public void testComputeShadowAreas() throws Exception {
// All points should have been computed by now.
// All the -9s in testGridValueFromGradient should be 3s in this step.
int[] expectedHF = new int[100];
Arrays.fill(expectedHF, 3);
// Now override the same values we did in testGridValueFromGradient.
// These points should have been copied from the contours we supplied
int[] contouredIndices = new int[] { 6, 7, 36, 66, 96, 97 };
for (int i = 0; i < contouredIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[contouredIndices[i]] = 9;
// These points should have been analyzed.
int[] analyzedIndices = new int[] { 0, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 31,
32, 33, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59,
61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 87, 90 };
for (int i = 0; i < analyzedIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[analyzedIndices[i]] = 1;
// These points should have been generated from a gradient.
int[] gradientIndices = new int[] { 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 25, 26, 30, 34,
35, 38, 60, 64, 65, 68, 75, 76, 84, 86, 88, 93, 99 };
for (int i = 0; i < gradientIndices.length; i++) {
expectedHF[gradientIndices[i]] = 2;
// Confirm that operations were carried out on the right set of points.
int[] howFound = analyzer.howFound.getBuffer().array();
assertArrayEquals("how-found", expectedHF, howFound);
// since everything has been computed, finalResultData should
// completely match the regression data from the legacy routine.
float[] finalValues = analyzer.finalResultData.getFloats();
for (int i = 0; i < REGRESSIONDATA.length; i++) {
assertEquals("finalValues[" + i + "]", REGRESSIONDATA[i],
public void testFullSize() throws Exception {
originalGrid = new Grid2DFloat(XDIMBIG, YDIMBIG, -1.0f);
// Writing the contours as code didn't work (64k limit), so parse jtext
// to create the contours
contours = ContourTextfileReader
// contours are parsed!
// Likewise, the expected output is too big to create inline in a static
// block, so parse it, too.
float[] expectedA ="testdata/contours/output",
Grid2DFloat expected = new Grid2DFloat(XDIMBIG, YDIMBIG, expectedA);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
result = analyzer.getFinalResultData();
final float threshold = 0.01f;
float expval;
float actual;
boolean failed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < XDIMBIG; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < YDIMBIG; j++) {
actual = result.get(i, j);
expval = expected.get(i, j);
if (Math.abs(actual - expval) > threshold) {
System.out.println("Grid discrepancy at (" + i + "," + j
+ "): expected " + expval + " but value was "
+ actual);
failed = true;
if (failed) {
fail("Grid discrepancies were encountered. Consult output for details.");
public void testFullSize2() throws Exception {
originalGrid = new Grid2DFloat(XDIMBIG, YDIMBIG, -1.0f);
// Writing the contours as code didn't work (64k limit), so parse jtext
// to create the contours
contours = ContourTextfileReader
// contours are parsed!
// Likewise, the expected output is too big to create inline in a static
// block, so parse it, too.
float[] expectedA ="testdata/contours/output2",
Grid2DFloat expected = new Grid2DFloat(XDIMBIG, YDIMBIG, expectedA);
analyzer = new ContourAnalyzer(originalGrid, contours, xOrigin,
yOrigin, xGridRatio, yGridRatio, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax,
clampOn, valMax, valMin);
result = analyzer.getFinalResultData();
final float threshold = 0.01f;
float expval;
float actual;
boolean failed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < XDIMBIG; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < YDIMBIG; j++) {
actual = result.get(i, j);
expval = expected.get(i, j);
if (Math.abs(actual - expval) > threshold) {
System.out.println("Grid discrepancy at (" + i + "," + j
+ "): expected " + expval + " but value was "
+ actual);
failed = true;
if (failed) {
fail("Grid discrepancies were encountered. Consult output for details.");