Steve Harris f80f98cee2 13.3.1-12 baseline
Former-commit-id: be96282207 [formerly 0be473728a] [formerly aaac0b51e5 [formerly 1f109861760e5fbc9d7a13cc4f518341cbc31276]]
Former-commit-id: aaac0b51e5
Former-commit-id: bc439aee4f
2013-03-25 13:27:13 -05:00

397 lines
16 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
import os, sys, time, copy, LogStream
# This class takes a VTEC active table and eliminates unnecessary
# records. Records purged consist of old SPC watches, old Tropical
# events, last year's records, and extraneous records not needed for
# new event ETN determination.
class VTECTableSqueeze:
def __init__(self, currentTime, debug=True):
self.__ctime = currentTime
self.__thisYear = time.gmtime(self.__ctime)[0]
self.__debug = debug
#squeezes the active table by eliminating entries that are no longer
#needed for VTEC calculations.
def squeeze(self, table):
if self.__debug:
LogStream.logDebug("************** ORIGINAL TABLE *********************")
# modify old UFN events (in case fcstrs didn't CAN them)
table, modTable = self.__modifyOldUFNEvents(table)
if self.__debug:
LogStream.logDebug("************** MOD UFN TABLE *********************")
for old, new in modTable:
t = [old, new]
LogStream.logDebug(" -----------")
# remove the national center and short fused events
shortWFO, shortNC, purgeT = \
if self.__debug:
LogStream.logDebug("************** SHORT WFO TABLE *********************")
LogStream.logDebug("************** SHORT NATL CENTER TABLE *************")
LogStream.logDebug("************** INITIAL PURGE TABLE *************")
# separate out the shortWFO into dictionary structure
dict = self.__separateTable(shortWFO)
# purge old entries with LowerETNs that aren't in effect
shorterT, purgeT2 = self.__purgeOldEntriesWithLowerETNs(dict)
if self.__debug:
LogStream.logDebug("************** TRIMMED WFO TABLE ******************")
LogStream.logDebug("************** ADDITIONAL PURGE TABLE *************")
#add in any shortNC entries to final table
for r in shortNC:
#add in the purged entries from before
for r in purgeT2:
if self.__debug:
LogStream.logDebug("************** FINAL TABLE ********************")
return shorterT, purgeT
# separates table into a series of nested dictionaries and returns the
# dictionary. Dictionary returned is organized by:
# oid, phensig, issuanceYear, etn, id, and contains a sequence of records
def __separateTable(self, table):
d = {}
for rec in table:
oid = rec['officeid']
phensig = (rec['phen'], rec['sig'])
issuance = time.gmtime(rec['issueTime'])[0]
etn = rec['etn']
id = rec['id']
# oid
if not d.has_key(oid):
d[oid] = {}
if not d[oid].has_key(phensig):
d[oid][phensig] = {}
#issuance year
if not d[oid][phensig].has_key(issuance):
d[oid][phensig][issuance] = {}
if not d[oid][phensig][issuance].has_key(etn):
d[oid][phensig][issuance][etn] = {}
if not d[oid][phensig][issuance][etn].has_key(id):
d[oid][phensig][issuance][etn][id] = []
prevRecords = d[oid][phensig][issuance][etn][id]
return d
#figure out any "obsolete records" from the old table. Obsolete
#if there is a newer record available, regardless of action.
#Skip over ROU codes. Returns tuple of shortened table WFO,
#shortened table NC, and purged table.
def __removeOldNationalAndShortFusedEvents(self, table):
compare = ['id', 'phen', 'sig', 'officeid', 'pil']
convWatch=[('SV','A'), ('TO','A')]
#tropicalPhen=['TR','TY','HU'] Removed to disable 24hour purging for OB 8.2
#shortFused=[('FA','W'), ('FF','W'), ('FL','W'), ('MA','W'),
# ('SV','W'), ('TO','W'), ('TS','W')]
shortFused = [] #no longer purge shortFused events
purgeTable = []
shortTableWFO = []
shortTableNC = []
for oldR in table:
#toss any old convective watch entries that are beyond their
#times plus an hour. We don't need to keep around these
#entries for ETN determination.
if (oldR['phen'], oldR['sig']) in convWatch and \
self.__ctime > oldR['endTime'] + (1*3600):
#toss any old tropical entries that are beyond their
#times. Since the ending time is UFN, we have to use the
#current time and issuance time for comparison:
#We don't need to keep around these entries for ETN determination
#TPC should issue these every 6 hours, so we err on the
#safe side by saying 24 hr
if oldR['phen'] in tropicalPhen and \
self.__ctime > oldR['issueTime'] + (24*3600):
#toss any short-fused warning entries that are older than 1 hour
if (oldR['phen'], oldR['sig']) in shortFused and \
self.__ctime > oldR['endTime'] + (1*3600):
#toss any events that ended last year
if self.__thisYear > time.gmtime(oldR['endTime'])[0]:
#keep this record
# if oldR['officeid'] in ['KWNS', 'KNHC']:
if oldR['officeid'] in ['KWNS']:
return shortTableWFO, shortTableNC, purgeTable
# Modify UntilFurtherNotice events that are very old to be "CAN"
# Returns list of events that were modified, and the updated table.
def __modifyOldUFNEvents(self, table):
modTable = []
for x in xrange(len(table)):
entry = table[x]
ufn = entry.get('ufn', 0)
#UFN events only, old active events (2 weeks old)
if ufn and self.__ctime > entry['issueTime'] + (14*86400) and \
entry['act'] not in ['CAN','EXP','UPG']:
oldR = copy.deepcopy(entry)
entry['act'] = "CAN" #force to CANcel event
modTable.append((oldR, entry)) #save old and mod events
return table, modTable
# Only keep the lowest ids from each phen/sig. The "d" is a separated
# out VTEC active table. All of the records in "d" end in the current
# year (or future year).
# d is [oid][phensig][issueYear][etn][id] dictionary of records
def __purgeOldEntriesWithLowerETNs(self, d):
saveRec = []
purgeRec = []
for o in d.keys():
phensig = d[o].keys()
for ps in phensig:
issueYears = d[o][ps].keys()
for iy in issueYears:
dd = d[o][ps][iy]
etns = dd.keys()
#get two maxetn for tropicalPhen (one for site created and the other
#for NHC created. The etn will be more than 100 for NHC hazards),
#and the minimum id for this hazard
maxetn1 = max(etns)
maxetn2 = 0
if maxetn1 >= 1000:
for my_etn in etns:
if my_etn > maxetn2 and my_etn < 1000:
maxetn2 = my_etn
maxetn2 = maxetn1
ids1 = dd[maxetn1]
minid1 = min(ids1)
ids2 = ids1
minid2 = minid1
if maxetn2 > 0 and maxetn2 != maxetn1:
ids2 = dd[maxetn2]
minid2 = min(ids2)
#determine what to keep and what to toss
for etn in etns:
all_hourOld = True
all_cancelled = True
all_twoWeeksOld = True
ufn = None
for id in dd[etn].keys():
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
if ufn is None:
ufn = rec.get('ufn', False)
hourOld = self.__ctime > rec['endTime'] + (1*3600)
twoWeeksOld = self.__ctime > rec['issueTime'] + (14*86400)
cancelled = rec['act'] in ['CAN','UPG','EXP']
all_hourOld &= hourOld
all_cancelled &= cancelled
all_twoWeeksOld &= twoWeeksOld
# keep records if the event:
# 1. is UFN, not cancelled, and not older then two weeks.
# 2. not UFN, and not ended in the last hour
# 3. cancelled, from this year, keep only records that are minid, and maxetn
if ufn and not all_cancelled and not all_twoWeeksOld: # 1
for id in dd[etn].keys():
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
elif not ufn and not all_hourOld: # 2
for id in dd[etn].keys():
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
elif iy == self.__thisYear and etn == maxetn1: # 3
for id in dd[etn].keys():
if (id == minid1):
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
LogStream.logDebug("******** WILL PURGE *******", rec['vtecstr'])
elif (iy == self.__thisYear) and (etn == maxetn2): # 3
for id in dd[etn].keys():
if (id == minid2):
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
LogStream.logDebug("******** WILL PURGE *******", rec['vtecstr'])
for id in dd[etn].keys():
for rec in dd[etn][id]:
LogStream.logDebug("******** WILL PURGE *******", rec['vtecstr'])
return saveRec, purgeRec
#prints the dictionary organized by oid, phensig, issueYear, etn, id
def __printTable(self, d):
oid = d.keys()
for o in oid:
LogStream.logDebug("OFFICE: ", o)
phensig = d[o].keys()
for ps in phensig:
LogStream.logDebug(" phensig: ", ps)
issuances = d[o][ps].keys()
for iy in issuances:
LogStream.logDebug(" issueyear: ", iy)
etns = d[o][ps][iy].keys()
for etn in etns:
LogStream.logDebug(" etn: ", etn)
ids = d[o][ps][iy][etn].keys()
for id in ids:
LogStream.logDebug(" id: ", id)
#LogStream.logDebug(a list of records)
def __printActiveTable(self, activeTable):
#Pretty-prints the active table, returns the string, skip output
#of captured text. if combineID is set, then all identical records
#except for id will be combined.
s = ''
combinedEntries = []
compare = ['vtecstr', 'startTime', 'act', 'endTime', 'phensig', 'phen', 'sig',
'officeid', 'etn', 'seg', 'purgeTime', 'issueTime']
for a in activeTable:
found = 0
for b in combinedEntries:
if self._recordCompare(a, b, compare):
found = 1
ids = b['id']
b['id'] = ids #update list of ids
if found == 0:
b = copy.deepcopy(a)
b['id'] = [b['id']]
for a in combinedEntries:
s = s + self.__printRecord(a) + "\n"
return s
def __printRecord(self, a):
#Pretty-prints a single record.
state = a.get('state', "???")
if a['id'] is list:
id = `a['id']`
id = a['id']
ufn = a.get('ufn', 0)
t = 'Vtec: ' + a['vtecstr'] + \
'\nStart: ' + time.asctime(time.gmtime(a['startTime'])) +\
' ' + `a['startTime']` + ' Action: ' + a['act'] + ' Pil: ' + \
a['pil'] + '\nEnd: ' + \
time.asctime(time.gmtime(a['endTime'])) + ' ' + `a['endTime']` + \
'\nPurge: ' + time.asctime(time.gmtime(a['purgeTime'])) + \
" " + `a['purgeTime']` + ' Key: ' + a['phensig'] + \
'\nIssue: ' + time.asctime(time.gmtime(a['issueTime'])) + \
" " + `a['issueTime']` + ' UFN: ' + `ufn` + \
'\nPhen: ' + a['phen'] + ' Sig: ' + a['sig'] + ' Office: ' +\
a['officeid'] + ' Etn: ' + "%04i" % int(a['etn']) + " Seg: " + \
`a['seg']` + '\nZone: ' + `id` + "\n"
return t
def _recordCompare(self, rec1, rec2, fields):
#Compares two records for equality, based on the fields given.
#Records are dictionaries. Fields are assumed to exist in both recs.
for f in fields:
if rec1[f] != rec2[f]:
return 0
return 1