root e2ecdcfe33 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

288 lines
9 KiB

// Component - base class for different types of topology.
// Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file.
// Notes:
// History:
// 06 Jan 1998 Matthew J. Rutherford, Riverside Technology, inc
// Created initial version.
// 13 Jan 1998 Daniel Weiler, RTi Added some set/get functions.
// 18 Feb 1998 MJR Removed some extra routines and variables that are
// no longer used. Also added routines to deal with
// constants being set.
// 20 Feb 1998 MJR Added the print function to help with debugging.
// 04 Mar 1998 MJR Added the checkMethods function to make sure that
// each method has been constructed. Also change the
// getMethod function so that it takes three id's, the
// method type, the component, and the method id.
// 31 Mar 1998 MJR Add the solve() and finalizeSolution() functions to
// the class.
// 02 Apr 1998 DKW Added first version of the inflow/outflow wiring.
// 07 Apr 1998 DKW Added setStates virtual.
// 15 Apr 1998 DKW Added finalize function which calls finalizeSolution
// recursively.
// 27 Apr 1998 DKW Added mean release TS. (outflow? JRV)
// 05 May 1998 DKW Added prev_date.
// 05 May 1998 DKW Added buildSubTree.
// 03 Jun 1998 DKW Added Carryover date stuff
// 24 May 2001 James R. VanShaar, Rti Added resetInflowTS()
// 13 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added virtual function setCOstring(TSDate &)
// 13 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added virtual function setCOstring()
// 05 Jun 2002 JRV, RTi Added virtual function setEndInflow(TSDate &)
// 11 Dec 2002 JRV, RTi Added _SolutionOrder, setSolutionOrder,
// getSolutionNumber.
// 13 Dec 2002 JRV, RTi Added _specialTieOut, _specialTieIn,
// buildSubTree_specialTieIn,
// builtSubTree_specialTieOut, getMethod( char * ).
// 19 Feb 2004 JRV, RTi Added _totalInflow timeseries.
// 19 Feb 2006 JRV, RTi Added buildSubTree_CompIDList( Component *ucp,
// char ** IDList, int* nList )
// Variables: I/O Description
#ifndef Component_INCLUDED
#define Component_INCLUDED
#include "ResJ.h"
#include "Expression.h"
#include "HourTS.h"
#include "Method.h"
#define PRETRAV 1
#define POSTTRAV 2
#define MAX_METHOD 200
class Component
int addSon( Component* );
// Adds a son to the component and sets the
// father pointer.
Component(); // Default constructor.
Component( const Component& );
virtual ~Component(); // Destructor.
int addConstant( char*, char* );
int addConstant( char*, double );
// Routines to attach constant values to
// a component.
int addExpression( Expression*, char*, char*, char* );
int addMethod( Expression*, Method* );
Component* buildSubTree( Component*, Method*, TSDate &, HourTS & );
//Component* buildSubTree( Component*, Method* );
// BUilds sub-topology used by Max Stage.
char** buildSubTree_CompIDList( Component*, char**, int* );
int buildSubTree_specialTieOut( Component*, Component* );
int buildSubTree_specialTieIn( );
int checkMaxStageUS( Component* );
// Checks to see if there are any MaxStage
// methods directly upstream of this.
int checkMethods(); // Recursively checks all the methods of the
// component.
virtual Component* copy() = 0;
virtual int finalizeSolution( TSDate& ) = 0;
int finalize( TSDate& );
// Takes care of solver cleanup at the end of
// each time step for the component.
Component* findRoot(); // Traverses the tree upward from any
// Component in a tree and returns the root..
int freeDataSpace(); // Frees object's memory.
Component* getComponentPtr( char* );
char* getID( ); // Returns the ID from the topo number.
HourTS** getInflowTS();
HourTS* getOutflowTS();
HourTS* getOutputTS( char* );
// Gets the appropriate TS depending on the
// char*; i.e. release, outflow, etc.
Method* getMethod( char*, char*, char* );
// Returns a method pointer from the
// component and method IDs.
Method* getMethod( char* );
// Returns a method pointer using a method ID.
int getSolutionNumber(); // Returns the value of _SolutionNumber.
char* getType(); // Returns the type string.
double* getValuePtr( char* );
// Returns the pointer to a double that is
// identified by the passed in string.
void operator= ( const Component& );
// = overload.
void print( FILE* );
// Prints the contents of the component.
int setID( char* ); // Sets the component's identification.
int resetInflowTS( HourTS* );
virtual int setCOstring(); // Prepares carryover string for
// original parameter input and CO array
// sizing
virtual int setCOstring(TSDate&); // Prepares carryover string for
// an existing the ResJSys carry
// over array
int setInflowTS( HourTS* );
void setOutflowVal( TSDate&, double );
virtual int setStates( char**, int ) = 0;
double sumInflow( TSDate& );
// Sums the list of inflows if the Component
// has multiple upstream feeders.
double getTotalInflow( TSDate& );
// Sums the list of inflows if the Component
// has multiple upstream feeders.
int _SolutionNumber; // A number representing the order in which
// Components will be solved for a given
// timestep.
int solve( TSDate&, int );
// Function which solves each of the
// expression-method pairs if necessary.
int verifyExpressions();
// Calls verify recursively on the expression
// tree.
char _type[MAXC]; // The type of component.
Component **_son_list;
// Dynamically allocated array of sons...
Component *_father;
// Father pointer.
char **_const_id_list,
// List of constant identifiers.
// Identifier of this component.
double *_const_val_list;
Expression** _expr_list;
int _n_const,
// Number of constants..
_n_meth,// Number of expressions and methods in the
// _expr_list and _method_list
_n_son; // Number of sons in the _son_list.
int _in_count;
// Number of inflow TS in _inflow
Method** _method_list;
HourTS **_inflow_ts,
// Inflow which is a pointer to the upstream
// Component's outflow (possibly multiple).
// Mean outflow.
// WARNING: The next is hardcoded here and elsewhere
// in the code!!
HourTS *_output_ts[15];
// Array of TS pointers that will be written
// back to the Process Database.
int _n_output_ts;
int setPrevDate( TSDate& );
TSDate _prev_date,
// Previous date used in the solve methods.
virtual double* getInternalValuePtr( char* ) = 0;
// Returns the pointer to a private data
// member based on the key-word passed in.
void printComponent( FILE* );
// Prints the contents of the component.
virtual void printContents( FILE* ) = 0;
// Prints the contents of the derived classes.
static int setCOFlag( int );
static int _is_co_date;
// If this is true, save carryover on every
// component.
static double _lfactor, // length conversion factor
_ffactor, // flow conversion factor
_vfactor, // volume conversion factor
_cfactor; // length/flow conversion factor
int _conserve_mass;
virtual int transferCO( Component * resOLD, char * cOLD, char * cNEW,
int * ipr );
// Transfers component carryover given
// the old and new components and the old
// and new related portions of the carryover
// strings
int initialize(); //initialize private data members.
virtual void setEndInflow(TSDate&); // Sums inflows at the end of
// the current timestep and sets
// the value of _endInflow, and
// also puts it in the
// _totalInflow timeseries, if
// applicable.
virtual void setEndInflow(TSDate&, double);
// Sets the value of _endInflow,
// and also puts it in the
// _totalInflow timeseries, if
// applicable.
virtual int setEndOfTimestepStates(TSDate&); // Reset states for next
// timestep and output
// carryover, if
// necessary.
int setSolutionOrder( int ); // Defines _SolutionNumber based on the
// order in which Components will be
// solved for a given timestep.
int _specialTieOut; // Trigger used for handling of flows
// in finalizeSolution. Specifically
// currently used for SetWithdraw
// ToComp approach.
// Value of 0, no special tie to Comp.
int _specialTieIn; // Trigger to know if one or more of the
// inflows is from a _specialTieOut.