75 lines
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75 lines
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File: rejectdata_show.c
Date: December 1999
Author: Russell Erb
History: Bryon Lawrence June 8, 2001
Moved the declaration of the orderby_clause
global variable from this header file into
the rejectdata_show.c file. This was done
to remedy duplicate symbol problems that
were being encountered while linking with
the libTimeSeries.a library.
Purpose: Function protype for the file "rejectdata_show.c"
time_convert.h is to convert time to a certain format.
rejectdata.h is generated by XDesigner.
rejectdata_show.h is for the function protype for this program.
DbmsUtils.h includes utility routins to work with the database.
Xtools.h includes collection of usuful functions for X.
ShefPe.h includes data structure of shefpe table.
#ifndef rejectdata_show_h
#define rejectdata_show_h
#include "DbmsDefs.h"
#include "time_convert.h"
#include "Observation.h"
#include "Forecast.h"
#include "RejectedData.h"
#include "rejectdata.h"
#include "ShefPe.h"
#include "IngestFilter.h"
#include "LoadUnique.h"
#include "DbmsUtils.h"
#include "Xtools.h"
#include "QualityCode.h"
#define MAX_PHRASE 2500
#define PE_NAME_LEN 30
#define HDRTRASH "Location Name PE Dur TS Ext Value ObsTime BasisTime RV SQ QC User Type PostTime Product ProdTime"
/* Function prototypes */
void rejectdata_show(Widget w, char *location);
void add_rejectdata_cbs();
void loadpeLI();
void sched_strip(char *str_ptr);
void load_rejectdata_list(char *);
char *get_time_format(char *);
char *createFilterPE();
void closeTrashBin_CB();
void free_rejectdata();
void trashBinFilterSort_CB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void emptyTrashBin_CB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void emptyTrashBin(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void deleteTrash_CB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void deleteTrash(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void repostTrash_CB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
void rejectdata_question_cancel(Widget w, XtPointer ptr, XtPointer cbs);
void createDeleteWhere(char *delete_where, RejectedData *rejdataPtr);
void setRejectedData2Observation(RejectedData *trash, Observation *obs);
void setRejectedData2Forecast(RejectedData *trash, Forecast *fcst);
/* Global variables */
RejectedData *RejDataHead;
UniqueList *UHead;
ShefPe *SHead;