878 lines
33 KiB
878 lines
33 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Name:
# %PM%
# %PID%
# Status:
# %PS%
# History:
# %PL%
# Change Document History:
# %PIRC%
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# Oct 28, 2015 15464 zhao Modified mkTempo & mkProb30 to handle case
# of "TS"+"SKC"
# Feb 02, 2018 7001 tgurney Clean up NameErrors
# Mar 07, 2020 21314 mporricelli Updated to allow LAMP data fields to have
# extended forecast hours
# Feb 01, 2021 8316 randerso Added missing default value in
# LampProjection.mkProb30(). Cleaned up
# Python 2 style -inf values.
# Mar 10, 2022 8808 randerso Update ConfigParser to better work with
# Java commons.configuration
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import logging
import math
import Avn
import AvnConfigParser
import AvnLib
import AvnParser
_Logger = logging.getLogger(Avn.CATEGORY)
# moved here from GridData.py
def fixPcp(plist):
if not plist or plist == [' ']:
return ''
# skip the first one if it is an empty string
if plist[0] == ' ':
plist = plist[1:]
# TS is always first, set in makeRec()
if plist[0] == 'TS':
plist = plist[1:]
ts = 'TS'
ts = None
# push FZ to the top of the list
for p in plist:
if 'FZ' in p:
fz = p
fz = ''
if ts:
if fz:
pcp = 'TS %s' % fz
elif plist:
if plist[0][0] in ['+', '-']:
i, p = plist[0][0], plist[0][1:]
i, p = '', plist[0]
# replace SH by TS
if p[:2] == 'SH':
pcp = '%sTS%s' % (i, p[2:])
pcp = '%sTS%s' % (i, p)
plist[0] = pcp
return 'TS'
elif fz:
pcp = fz
pcp = plist[0]
for p in plist:
if p[0] in ('+', '-'):
p = p[1:]
if pcp.find(p) == -1:
pcp = pcp + p
return pcp
class Config:
def __init__(self, siteIdent, model):
self.grpTafFile = Avn.getTafPath(siteIdent, 'grp_taf.cfg')
self.fltCatFile = Avn.getTafPath(siteIdent, 'flt_cat.cfg')
self.model = model
def grpTaf(self):
config = AvnConfigParser.AvnConfigParser()
prdCfg = {}
if config.has_section(self.model):
prdCfg['prev_pop'] = config.getint(self.model, 'prev_precip')
prdCfg['prev_tstm'] = config.getint(self.model, 'prev_tstm')
prdCfg['tempo_tstm'] = config.getint(self.model, 'tempo_tstm')
prdCfg['tempo_pop'] = config.getint(self.model, 'tempo_precip')
prdCfg['prob30_tstm'] = config.getint(self.model, 'prob30_tstm')
prdCfg['prob30_pop'] = config.getint(self.model, 'prob30_precip')
else: #use mos configuration as a default
prdCfg['prev_pop'] = config.getint('mos', 'prev_precip')
prdCfg['prev_tstm'] = config.getint('mos', 'prev_tstm')
prdCfg['tempo_tstm'] = config.getint('mos', 'tempo_tstm')
prdCfg['tempo_pop'] = config.getint('mos', 'tempo_precip')
prdCfg['prob30_tstm'] = config.getint('mos', 'prob30_tstm')
prdCfg['prob30_pop'] = config.getint('mos', 'prob30_precip')
prdCfg['prob30'] = config.getboolean('prob30', 'value')
prdCfg['short_dt'] = config.getint('def_singleton', 'short_dt')
prdCfg['long_dt'] = config.getint('def_singleton', 'long_dt')
prdCfg['low_p'] = config.getint('def_singleton', 'low_p')
prdCfg['vis_cat'] = {'dc':config.getint('vis_diff', 'dc_vis')}
prdCfg['vis_cat']['low_c'] = config.getint('vis_diff', 'low_c_vis')
prdCfg['vis_cat']['high_c'] = config.getint('vis_diff', 'high_c_vis')
prdCfg['cig_cat'] = {'dc':config.getint('cig_diff', 'dc_cig')}
prdCfg['cig_cat']['low_c'] = config.getint('cig_diff', 'low_c_cig')
prdCfg['cig_cat']['high_c'] = config.getint('cig_diff', 'high_c_cig')
prdCfg['cbhight'] = config.getint('cb_hi', 'value')
prdCfg['calmwd'] = config.getint('wind', 'calm_wind')
prdCfg['wdthrsh'] = config.getint('wind', 'high_wind')
prdCfg['wddt'] = config.getint('wind', 'wind_chg')
return prdCfg
_Logger.exception('Cannot read taf config file,%s.', self.grpTafFile)
def fltCat(self):
cat_cfg = AvnConfigParser.AvnConfigParser()
vc, cc = [], []
vc = [float(v) for v in cat_cfg.get('vis', 'thresholds').split(',')]
cc = [int(v) for v in cat_cfg.get('cig', 'thresholds').split(',')]
return {'vis':vc, 'cig':cc}
_Logger.exception('Cannot read flight category config file,%s.', self.fltCatFile)
class Projection:
def __init__(self, siteId, grpTaf, fltCat, fcstData, itime):
self.siteId = siteId
self.startTime = fcstData.get('time').get('from')
self.endTime = fcstData.get('time').get('to')
self.itime = itime
self.wind = fcstData.get('wind')
self.vis = fcstData.get('vsby')
self.sky = fcstData.get('sky')
self.obv = fcstData.get('obv')
self.grpTaf = grpTaf
self.fltCat = fltCat
self.visCat = self.mkVisCat()
self.cigCat = self.mkCigCat()
self.pcp = self.mkPcp(fcstData.get('pcp'))
self.tstm = self.mkTstm(fcstData.get('pcp'))
self.tempo = self.mkTempo(fcstData.get('pcp'))
#mkProb30 needs to be called after mkTempo since some
#consolidation is done in mkProb30
self.prob30 = self.mkProb30(fcstData.get('pcp'))
def getCat(self, val, thresholds):
if thresholds[-1] == 5:#MVFR limit
thresholds[-1] = 5.1 #so that 5 SM will be MVFR
nlen = len(thresholds)
if val < 0:
return 0
elif val < thresholds[0]:
return 1
#VFR or the last category
elif val >= thresholds[-1]:
return nlen + 1
#LIFR, IFR , MVFR, VFR(when more than one VFR categories exist)
for i in range(nlen - 1):
if thresholds[i] <= val < thresholds[i + 1]:
return i + 2
def mkVisCat(self):
if self.vis:
return self.getCat(self.vis['value'], self.fltCat['vis'])
return 0
def mkCigCat(self):
if self.sky and self.sky.get('cig'):
return self.getCat(self.sky['cig'], self.fltCat['cig'])
return 0
def mkPcp(self, pcpn):
if not pcpn:
pop = pcpn.get('pop', -math.inf)
if pop >= self.grpTaf['prev_pop']:
return pcpn['str']
def mkTstm(self, pcpn):
if not pcpn:
pot = pcpn.get('pot', -math.inf)
if pot >= self.grpTaf['prev_tstm']:
self.sky['str'] += 'CB'
return 'TS'
def mkTempo(self, pcpn):
tmpStr = []
if pcpn:
if (self.grpTaf['prev_tstm'] > pcpn.get('pot', -math.inf) >=
if (self.grpTaf['prev_pop'] > pcpn.get('pop', -math.inf) >=
if tmpStr == ['TS'] and self.pcp:
if tmpStr:
skyStr = self.sky['str']
if 'TS' in tmpStr:
# make sure cig is below threshold
cig = int(self.sky['str'][3:])
except ValueError:
cig = 250
if cig > self.grpTaf['cbhight']:
cig = self.grpTaf['cbhight']
skyStr = "%s%03d%s" % ('BKN', cig, 'CB')
return {'wxStr':fixPcp(tmpStr), 'visStr':self.vis['str'],
def mkProb30(self, pcpn):
if (self.startTime - self.itime >= 9 * 3600 and
self.grpTaf['prob30'] and pcpn):
tmpStr = []
if not pcpn.get('str'):
pcpn['str'] = []
if (self.grpTaf['prob30_tstm'] <= pcpn.get('pot', -math.inf) <
if (self.grpTaf['prob30_pop'] <= pcpn.get('pop', -math.inf) <
if tmpStr:
# Consolidate 'TS' & precip in tempo and prob30 seperately
if self.tempo and self.tempo['wxStr'].find('TS') >= 0:
tmpStr.insert(0, self.tempo['wxStr'])
self.tempo['wxStr'] = fixPcp(tmpStr)
return None
elif 'TS' in tmpStr:
self.tempo = None
if tmpStr == ['TS'] and self.pcp:
skyStr = self.sky['str']
if 'TS' in tmpStr:
# make sure cig is below threshold
cig = int(self.sky['str'][3:])
if cig > self.grpTaf['cbhight']:
cig = self.grpTaf['cbhight']
skyStr = "%s%03d%s" % ('BKN', cig, 'CB')
return {'wxStr':fixPcp(tmpStr), 'visStr':self.vis['str'],
except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError):
return None
def getData(self):
return {'visCat':self.visCat, 'cigCat':self.cigCat, 'tempo':self.tempo,
'prob30':self.prob30, 'startTime':self.startTime, 'endTime':self.endTime,
'vis':self.vis, 'sky':self.sky, 'wind':self.wind, 'obv':self.obv,
'tstm':self.tstm, 'pcp':self.pcp}
class LampProjection(Projection):
def __init__(self, siteId, grpTaf, fltCat, fcstData, itime):
self.siteId = siteId
self.startTime = fcstData.get('time').get('from')
self.endTime = fcstData.get('time').get('to')
self.itime = itime
self.wind = fcstData.get('wind')
self.vis = fcstData.get('vsby')
self.sky = fcstData.get('sky')
self.obv = fcstData.get('obv')
self.grpTaf = grpTaf
self.fltCat = fltCat
self.pcat = fcstData.get('pcp', {}).get('pcat')
self.tcat = fcstData.get('pcp', {}).get('tcat')
self.csky = fcstData.get('csky')
self.cvis = fcstData.get('cvsby')
self.pcp = self.mkPcp(fcstData['pcp'])
if self.pcp: # If precip,use conditional cig/vis
self.vis = self.cvis
self.sky = self.csky
self.visCat = self.mkVisCat()
self.cigCat = self.mkCigCat()
self.tstm = self.mkTstm(fcstData['pcp'])
self.tempo = self.mkTempo(fcstData['pcp'])
# mkProb30 needs to be called after mkTempo since some
# consolidation is done in mkProb30
self.prob30 = self.mkProb30(fcstData['pcp'])
def mkPcp(self, pcpn):
if self.pcat or pcpn['pop'] > self.grpTaf['prev_pop']:
self.sky = self.csky
self.vis = self.cvis
self.visCat = self.mkcVisCat()
self.cigCat = self.mkcCigCat()
return pcpn['str']
except Exception as e:
_Logger.info('mkPcp: Field not yet available in LAMP data for this forecast hour. ' + str(e) + ' Skip this calculation.')
return None
def mkcVisCat(self):
return self.getCat(self.cvis['value'], self.fltCat['vis'])
def mkcCigCat(self):
return self.getCat(self.csky['cig'], self.fltCat['cig'])
def mkTempo(self, pcpn):
tmpStr = []
if self.grpTaf['prev_tstm'] > pcpn.get('pot', -math.inf) >= self.grpTaf['tempo_tstm']:
if self.pcat != 1 and self.grpTaf['prev_pop'] > pcpn.get('pop', -math.inf) >= self.grpTaf['tempo_pop']:
if tmpStr:
skyStr = self.csky['str']
visStr = self.cvis['str']
# dry thunder
if tmpStr == ['TS'] and self.pcp:
skyStr = self.sky['str']
visStr = self.vis['str']
if 'TS' in tmpStr:
# make sure cig is below threshold
if skyStr != 'SKC':
cig = int(skyStr[3:])
if cig > self.grpTaf['cbhight']:
cig = self.grpTaf['cbhight']
skyStr = "%s%03d%s" % ('BKN', cig, 'CB')
return {'wxStr': fixPcp(tmpStr), 'visStr': visStr, 'skyStr': skyStr}
def mkProb30(self, pcpn):
if self.startTime - self.itime >= 9 * 3600 and self.grpTaf['prob30']:
tmpStr = []
if not pcpn.get('str'):
pcpn['str'] = []
if self.grpTaf['prob30_tstm'] <= pcpn.get('pot', 0) < \
if self.pcat != 1 and self.grpTaf['prob30_pop'] <= \
pcpn.get('pop', -math.inf) <= self.grpTaf['tempo_pop']:
if tmpStr:
#Consolidate tempo and prob30
if self.tempo and self.tempo['wxStr'].find('TS') >= 0:
tmpStr.insert(0, self.tempo['wxStr'])
self.tempo['wxStr'] = fixPcp(tmpStr)
return None
elif 'TS' in tmpStr:
self.tempo = None
skyStr = self.csky['str']
visStr = self.cvis['str']
if tmpStr == ['TS'] and self.pcp:
skyStr = self.sky['str']
visStr = self.vis['str']
if 'TS' in tmpStr:
#make sure cig is below threshold
if skyStr != 'SKC':
cig = int(skyStr[3:])
if cig > self.grpTaf['cbhight']:
cig = self.grpTaf['cbhight']
skyStr = "%s%03d%s" % ('BKN', cig, 'CB')
return {'wxStr':fixPcp(tmpStr), 'visStr':visStr, \
class Comparison:
def __init__(self, proj1, proj2, grpTaf):
self.dataA = proj1
self.dataB = proj2
self.grpTaf = grpTaf
def compVis(self):
if self.dataA['visCat'] == self.dataB['visCat']:
return 1
def compCig(self):
if self.dataA['cigCat'] == self.dataB['cigCat']:
return 1
def compWind(self):
if self.dataA['wind'] and self.dataB['wind']:
aff = self.dataA.get('wind', {}).get('ff', 0)
bff = self.dataB.get('wind', {}).get('ff', 0)
add = self.dataA.get('wind', {}).get('dd', 0)
bdd = self.dataB.get('wind', {}).get('dd', 0)
agg = self.dataA.get('wind', {}).get('gg', 0)
bgg = self.dataB.get('wind', {}).get('gg', 0)
if (agg > 10 or bgg > 10) and abs(agg - bgg) > 5:
return None
if aff < self.grpTaf['wdthrsh'] and bff < self.grpTaf['wdthrsh']:
return 1
ddir = abs(add - bdd)
dspd = abs(aff - bff)
if ddir > 180:
ddir = 360 - ddir
if ddir < 30 and dspd < self.grpTaf['wddt']:
return 1
elif not self.dataA['wind'] and not self.dataB['wind']:
return 1
def compPcp(self):
if self.dataA.get('pcp') == self.dataB.get('pcp'):
return 1
def compTstm(self):
if self.dataA.get('tstm') == self.dataB.get('tstm'):
return 1
def compTempo(self):
if (self.dataA.get('tempo') and self.dataB.get('prob30')) or \
(self.dataA.get('prob30') and self.dataB.get('tempo')):
return None
if not self.dataA.get('tempo') or not self.dataB.get('tempo'):
return 1
if self.dataA.get('tempo').get('wxStr') == \
self.dataB.get('tempo').get('wxStr') and \
self.dataA.get('tempo').get('skyStr')[3:] == \
self.dataB.get('tempo').get('skyStr')[3:] and \
self.dataA.get('tempo').get('visStr')[-3:] == \
return 1
def compProb30(self):
if not self.dataA.get('prob30') or not self.dataB.get('prob30'):
return 1
if self.dataA.get('prob30').get('wxStr') == \
self.dataB.get('prob30').get('wxStr') \
and self.dataA.get('prob30').get('skyStr')[3:] == \
self.dataB.get('prob30').get('skyStr')[3:] \
and self.dataA.get('prob30').get('visStr')[-3:] == \
return 1
def isSame(self):
return self.compVis() and self.compCig() and self.compWind() and \
self.compPcp() and self.compTempo() and self.compProb30() and \
class Summarize:
def __init__(self, grpTaf, list):
self.startTimes = [v['startTime'] for v in list]
self.endTimes = [v['endTime'] for v in list]
self.grpTaf = grpTaf
self.vis = [v['vis'] for v in list]
self.sky = [v['sky'] for v in list]
self.wdDir = []
self.wdSpd = []
self.wdGst = []
for v in list:
if v['wind']:
self.obv = [v['obv'] for v in list]
#for the following elements,they should be identical in the list
self.pcp = list[0]['pcp']
self.tstm = list[0]['tstm']
self.tempo = [t['tempo'] for t in list]
self.prob30 = [p['prob30'] for p in list]
def summTime(self):
return {'from':self.startTimes[0], 'to':self.endTimes[-1]}
def summVis(self):
if [_f for _f in self.vis if _f]:
vsby = min([v['value'] for v in self.vis if v is not None])
vsby = -1
return AvnLib.fixTafVsby(vsby)
def summSky(self):
d = {}
if [_f for _f in self.sky if _f]:
for s in self.sky:
d[s['cig']] = s['str']
minCig = min(d.keys())
return {'str':d[minCig]}
def summObv(self):
d = {}
for s, v in zip(self.obv, self.vis):
if s:
if s['str'] == 'FG' and v['value'] > 0.625:
s['str'] = 'BR'
elif s['str'] == 'BR' and v['value'] <= 0.625:
s['str'] = 'FG'
d[s['str']] = 1
return {'str': ' '.join(d)}
def varWind(self, wdir, wspd):
wdir = [w for w in self.wdDir if w is not None]
wspd = [w for w in self.wdSpd if w is not None]
if wdir and wspd and max(wspd) <= 6 and min(wspd) > self.grpTaf['calmwd']:
for d1 in wdir:
for d2 in wdir[1:]:
dDir = abs(d1 - d2)
if dDir > 180:
dDir = 360 - dDir
if dDir > 30:
varW = 'VRB%02dKT' % (sum(wspd) / len(wspd))
return {'str': varW}
def summWind(self):
rt = self.varWind(self.wdDir, self.wdSpd)
if not rt:
wdir = [a for a in self.wdDir if a != None]
wspd = [a for a in self.wdSpd if a != None]
if wdir and wspd:
u = sum(math.cos(math.radians(270 - dir)) * spd
for dir, spd in zip(wdir, wspd))
v = sum(math.sin(math.radians(270 - dir)) * spd
for dir, spd in zip(wdir, wspd))
dd = math.degrees(math.atan2(v, u))
#missing dir or spd, ski
return ''
if dd >= -90:
dd = 270 - dd
dd = -90 - dd
dd = int(10 * ((dd + 5) // 10))
if dd == 0:
dd = 360
ff = sum(wspd) // len(wspd)
if ff < self.grpTaf['calmwd']:
dd, ff = 0, 0
gst = [_f for _f in self.wdGst if _f]
if gst:
# calculate average wgust
gg = sum(gst) / len(gst)
if gg - ff > 5:
return {'str':'%03d%02dG%02dKT' % (dd, ff, gg)}
return {'str':'%03d%02dKT' % (dd, ff)}
return {'str':'%03d%02dKT' % (dd, ff)}
return rt
def summPcp(self):
if self.tstm:
if self.pcp:
return {'str':fixPcp(['TS', self.pcp])}
return {'str':'TS'}
return {'str':self.pcp}
def summOcnlTime(self):
tp = [_f for _f in self.tempo if _f]
pb = [_f for _f in self.prob30 if _f]
tList = []
if tp:
for t, ind in zip(self.tempo, range(30)):
if t:
elif pb:
for t, ind in zip(self.prob30, range(30)):
if t:
b = self.startTimes[tList[0]]
e = self.endTimes[tList[-1]]
return {'from':b, 'to':e}
def summOcnl(self):
#The ocnl str should be identical, so pick up the first one
tempo, prob30 = None, None
if [_f for _f in self.tempo if _f]:
tempo = [_f for _f in self.tempo if _f][0]
if [_f for _f in self.prob30 if _f]:
prob30 = [_f for _f in self.prob30 if _f][0]
if tempo:
return {'type':'TEMPO', 'pcp':{'str':tempo['wxStr']},
elif prob30:
return {'type':'PROB', 'pcp':{'str':prob30['wxStr']},
def returnPrd(self):
prd = {'time':self.summTime()}
if self.summWind() and self.summWind().get('str'):
prd['wind'] = self.summWind()
if self.summPcp() and self.summPcp().get('str'):
prd['pcp'] = self.summPcp()
if self.summObv() and self.summObv().get('str'):
prd['obv'] = self.summObv()
if self.summVis() and self.summVis().get('str'):
if ('pcp' not in prd and 'obv' not in prd and
self.summVis()['value'] < 6):
prd['vsby'] = {'str':'6SM', 'value':6.0}
prd['vsby'] = self.summVis()
if self.summSky() and self.summSky().get('str'):
prd['sky'] = self.summSky()
if self.summOcnl():
return {'prev':prd, 'ocnl':self.summOcnl()}
return {'prev':prd}
class TafGen:
def __init__(self, modelId, allFcst, tafType=' ', tafTime=None):
self.model = modelId
self.ident = allFcst['ident']['str']
self.fcst = allFcst['group']
self.startTimes = [t['time']['from'] for t in self.fcst]
self.endTimes = [t['time']['to'] for t in self.fcst]
self.grpTaf = Config(self.ident, modelId).grpTaf()
self.fltCat = Config(self.ident, modelId).fltCat()
self.tafType = tafType
self.formatTafTime = tafTime
if tafTime:
self.tafTime = tafTime
self.tafTime = AvnLib.getValidTime(tafType)
#get TAF's start and end projections
self.tafDuration = int(AvnParser.getTafSiteCfg(self.ident)['thresholds']['tafduration'])
self.tafDuration = 24
nBeg, nEnd = self.getTafPrd(self.tafDuration)
if self.model == 'gfslamp':
self.projData = [LampProjection(self.ident, self.grpTaf, self.fltCat,
dat, self.tafTime).getData() for dat in self.fcst[nBeg:nEnd]]
self.projData = [Projection(self.ident, self.grpTaf, self.fltCat, dat,
self.tafTime).getData() for dat in self.fcst[nBeg:nEnd]]
#create a subset time series
self.subStartTimes = self.startTimes[nBeg:nEnd]
self.subEndTimes = self.endTimes[nBeg:nEnd]
def getTafPrd(self, duration=24):
endtm = ((self.tafTime + duration * 3600) // 21600) * 21600
times = self.startTimes
n_st = 0
n_ed = len(times)
for i in range(1, len(times)):
if times[i - 1] <= self.tafTime < times[i]:
n_st = i - 1
for i in range(1, len(times)):
if times[i - 1] < endtm <= times[i]:
n_ed = i
return (n_st, n_ed)
def meetThrshds(self, short, long, dict):
longPrd = self.projData[dict[long]]
if long > 1:
lgdt = (self.subEndTimes[dict[long]] -
self.subEndTimes[dict[long - 1]])
lgdt = (self.subEndTimes[dict[long]] -
longCigCat = longPrd['cigCat']
longVisCat = longPrd['visCat']
shrtPrd = self.projData[dict[short]]
shrtCigCat = shrtPrd['cigCat']
shrtVisCat = shrtPrd['visCat']
if (lgdt > self.grpTaf['long_dt'] * 3600 and
abs(shrtVisCat - longVisCat) < self.grpTaf['vis_cat'] and
abs(shrtCigCat - longCigCat) < self.grpTaf['cig_cat'] and
longVisCat < self.grpTaf['vis_cat']['high_c'] and
shrtVisCat < self.grpTaf['vis_cat']['high_c'] and
longVisCat > self.grpTaf['vis_cat']['low_c'] and
shrtVisCat > self.grpTaf['vis_cat']['low_c'] and
longCigCat < self.grpTaf['cig_cat']['high_c'] and
shrtCigCat < self.grpTaf['cig_cat']['high_c'] and
longCigCat > self.grpTaf['cig_cat']['low_c'] and
shrtCigCat > self.grpTaf['cig_cat']['low_c']):
return 1
def isSingleton(self, ref, dict):
if (self.projData[dict[ref]]['tempo'] or
return None
#check if the period is short enough to be a singleton
dt = self.subEndTimes[dict[ref]] - self.subEndTimes[dict[ref - 1]]
pTime = self.subEndTimes[dict[ref]] - self.subStartTimes[0]
if dt < self.grpTaf['short_dt'] * 3600 and pTime > self.grpTaf['low_p'] * 3600:
if (self.meetThrshds(ref, ref - 1, dict) and
Comparison(self.projData[dict[ref]], self.projData[dict[ref - 1]],
return ref - 1
elif (self.meetThrshds(ref, ref + 1, dict) and
Comparison(self.projData[dict[ref]], self.projData[dict[ref + 1]],
return ref + 1
def filterSingleton(self, grpList):
dic = {}
for g, ind in zip(grpList, range(100)):
dic[g] = ind
for k in list(dic.keys())[1:]:
neighbor = self.isSingleton(k, dic)
if neighbor and neighbor < k:
dic[neighbor] = dic[k]
dic[k] = None
elif neighbor and neighbor > k:
dic[k] = None
return dic
def Brk4Tempo(self, gList, fcstD):
#fcstD is the current proj to be determined if it can be combined with
#last group in gList.
#find the starting proj for the last group in the gList
startInd = gList.index(gList[-1])
dt = fcstD['endTime'] - self.subStartTimes[startInd]
if fcstD['tempo'] and dt > 4 * 3600:
return 1
def checkOcnl(self, grpInd):
#create the indexes that mark the locations of tempo & prob30
pstr = ''.join('1' if 'prob30' in x else '0' for x in self.projData)
tstr = ''.join('1' if 'tempo' in x else '0' for x in self.projData)
# the dic that marks the end of each group
grpDic = {}
for g, i in zip(grpInd, range(30)):
grpDic[g] = i
# create an empty list to hold
binary = []
for i in range(len(pstr)):
beg = 0
for s in grpDic:
if s > 1:
beg = grpDic[s - 1] + 1
e = grpDic[s]
# if the group has only one projection, skip it
if e - beg <= 0:
pp = pstr[beg:e + 1].find('1')
pt = tstr[beg:e + 1].find('1')
pp1, pt1 = -1, -1
if pp >= 0:
pp1 = pstr[beg + pp + 1:e + 1].find('1')
if pt >= 0:
pt1 = tstr[beg + pt + 1:e + 1].find('1')
if (pp >= 0 and pp1 > 0) or \
(pt >= 0 and pt1 > 0) or \
(pp >= 0 and pt >= 0):
brks = [pp, pt, pp1, pt1]
brkPts = [a for a in brks if a >= 0]
# we need to break from the 2nd
for b in brkPts[1:]:
# if the first group,b is identical to index of grpInd
if s == 1:
binary[b] = 1
else: # grpDic[s-1]+1 is the grp begining index
binary[b + grpDic[s - 1] + 1] = 1
#merge grpInd and binary
lev = 0
newInd = []
for g, b in zip(grpInd[1:], binary[1:]):
if b == 0:
newInd.append(g + lev)
#if this one was in the same level as the previous,break
if g == newInd[-1]:
lev += 1
newInd.append(g + lev)
return newInd
def formNewDic(self, noGrp):
period = []
if noGrp:
for p in self.projData:
period.append(Summarize(self.grpTaf, [p]).returnPrd())
#Create index strings for prob30 and tempo
grpInd = []
grpDic = {}
count = 1
for d1, d2 in zip(self.projData, self.projData[1:]):
if Comparison(d1, d2, self.grpTaf).isSame() and not self.Brk4Tempo(grpInd, d2):
count += 1
newGrpInd = self.checkOcnl(grpInd)
grpDic = self.filterSingleton(newGrpInd)
#summarize period element values
grpDicKeys = sorted(grpDic.keys())
for i in grpDicKeys:
endProj = grpDic[i]
if i == 1:
fcstList = self.projData[:endProj + 1]
period.append(Summarize(self.grpTaf, fcstList).returnPrd())
elif i == grpDicKeys[-1]:
fcstList = self.projData[grpDic[i - 1] + 1:]
period.append(Summarize(self.grpTaf, fcstList).returnPrd())
fcstList = self.projData[grpDic[i - 1] + 1:endProj + 1]
period.append(Summarize(self.grpTaf, fcstList).returnPrd())
return period
def createTaf(self, noGrp=1):
taf = AvnLib.indentTaf(AvnLib.makeTafFromPeriods(self.ident, self.tafType,
return taf