] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
107 lines
3.7 KiB
107 lines
3.7 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
## @file
from numpy import zeros
from numpy import where
from numpy import greater_equal
precipDict1 = {-9999:'RA',0:'',1:'FZRA',2:'SN',3:'RA'} # Precip type (always rain in summer)
precipDict2 = {-9999:'',0:'',1:'FZRA',2:'SN',3:'RA',4:'RASN'}
precipDict3 = {-9999:'P',0:'',1:'FZRA',2:'SN',3:'RA'}
obsStructDict1 = {-9999:'',1:'BL',2:'HZ',3:'FG',4:'',5:'BR'} # Obstruction code
obsStructDict3 = {-9999:'',1:'SS',2:'HZ',3:'FG',4:'',5:'BR'} # Obstruction code
def execute1(QPF6hr_bestCat, obVis_bestCat, precipType,tstorm6hr, severe6hr):
"Calculate present weather."
sixHourPlotCheck = QPF6hr_bestCat >= 0
qpfYes = QPF6hr_bestCat >= 1
obsTypeAtAll = zeros(obVis_bestCat.shape, dtype='|S10')
wxTypeAtAll = zeros(precipType.shape, dtype='|S10')
precipTransform = typeTransform(precipType, precipDict1)
obsTransform = typeTransform(obVis_bestCat, obsStructDict1)
tstormYes = tstorm6hr >= 20
severeYes = severe6hr >= 10
storms = zeros(severeYes.shape,dtype='|S10')
storms[tstormYes] = 'TS'
storms[severeYes] = '+TS'
wxTypeAtAll[qpfYes] = precipTransform[qpfYes]
obsTypeAtAll[sixHourPlotCheck] = obsTransform[sixHourPlotCheck]
return concatArrays([obsTypeAtAll, wxTypeAtAll, storms])
def execute2(precipType, QPF12hr_bestCat, POP12hr, tstorm12hr):
"Calculate present weather."
qpfYes = QPF12hr_bestCat >= 1
popYes = POP12hr >= 30
precipTransform = typeTransform(precipType, precipDict2)
wxType = zeros(precipType.shape, dtype='|S10')
wxType[qpfYes] = precipTransform[qpfYes]
wxType[popYes] = precipTransform[popYes]
tstormYes = tstorm12hr >= 20
storms = zeros(tstormYes.shape,dtype='|S10')
storms[tstormYes] = 'TS'
storms = where(greater_equal(precipType, 0), storms, '')
return concatArrays([wxType, storms])
def execute3(obVis_bestCat, precipType, POP_hour_bestCat):
"Calculate present weather."
popYes = POP_hour_bestCat == 1
obsTransform = typeTransform(obVis_bestCat, obsStructDict3)
precipTransform = typeTransform(precipType, precipDict3)
wxType = zeros(precipType.shape, dtype='|S10')
wxType[popYes] = precipTransform[popYes]
return concatArrays([wxType, obsTransform])
def typeTransform(dataArray, lookup):
sDataArray = dataArray.astype('|S10')
for value in lookup:
search = dataArray == value
sDataArray[search] = lookup[value]
return sDataArray
def concatArrays(stringArrays, delimiter=" "):
finalStringArray = list()
for num in xrange(len(stringArrays)):
flatArray = list(stringArrays[num])
for stringLoc in xrange(len(flatArray)):
if num == 0:
if flatArray[stringLoc].itemsize > 0:
if num > 0:
finalStringArray[stringLoc] += delimiter
finalStringArray[stringLoc] += flatArray[stringLoc]
return finalStringArray