] [formerly33bc5fd816
] [formerly328c6dccad
[formerly bd9eec1d4e6fd843c7bb594b8adb882d72edc6cf]]] Former-commit-id:328c6dccad
] Former-commit-id:547c1dedd1
136 lines
4.6 KiB
136 lines
4.6 KiB
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "qpid/framing/amqp_types.h"
#include "qpid/Exception.h"
#include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#ifndef _Buffer_
#define _Buffer_
namespace qpid {
namespace framing {
struct OutOfBounds : qpid::Exception {
OutOfBounds() : qpid::Exception(std::string("Out of Bounds")) {}
class Content;
class FieldTable;
class Buffer
uint32_t size;
char* data;
uint32_t position;
uint32_t r_position;
void checkAvailable(uint32_t count) { if (position + count > size) throw OutOfBounds(); }
/** Buffer input/output iterator.
* Supports using an amqp_0_10::Codec with a framing::Buffer.
class Iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<
Iterator, char, boost::random_access_traversal_tag>
Iterator(Buffer& b) : buffer(&b) {}
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
char& dereference() const { return buffer->data[buffer->position]; }
void increment() { ++buffer->position; }
bool equal(const Iterator& x) const { return buffer == x.buffer; }
Buffer* buffer;
friend class Iterator;
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN Buffer(char* data=0, uint32_t size=0);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void record();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void restore(bool reRecord = false);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void reset();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t available() { return size - position; }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t getSize() { return size; }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t getPosition() { return position; }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void setPosition(uint32_t p) { position = p; }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN Iterator getIterator() { return Iterator(*this); }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN char* getPointer() { return data; }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putOctet(uint8_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putShort(uint16_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putLong(uint32_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putLongLong(uint64_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putInt8(int8_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putInt16(int16_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putInt32(int32_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putInt64(int64_t i);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putFloat(float f);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putDouble(double f);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putBin128(const uint8_t* b);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint8_t getOctet();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint16_t getShort();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t getLong();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint64_t getLongLong();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN int8_t getInt8();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN int16_t getInt16();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN int32_t getInt32();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN int64_t getInt64();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN float getFloat();
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN double getDouble();
template <int n>
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint64_t getUInt();
template <int n>
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putUInt(uint64_t);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putShortString(const string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putMediumString(const string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putLongString(const string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getShortString(string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getMediumString(string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getLongString(string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getBin128(uint8_t* b);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putRawData(const string& s);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getRawData(string& s, uint32_t size);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void putRawData(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void getRawData(uint8_t* data, size_t size);
template <class T> void put(const T& data) { data.encode(*this); }
template <class T> void get(T& data) { data.decode(*this); }
QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void dump(std::ostream&) const;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Buffer&);
}} // namespace qpid::framing