2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

2039 lines
72 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Version: 2020.06.03-1
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# TCMWindTool
# Version 2.7.1 2 Sept 2010 Modified to Fix RCL error
# Version 2.7.2 01 Feb 2011 Fixed Pie Slice Algorithm/Added Backgroun Options
# Version Last 14 Apr 2014 Added User-editable max winds
# Modified On 22 May 2014 Introduced option for handling asymetry
# in inner core (RMW), option to use 85th wind radii reduction based on
# 2009 paper by DeMaria or the NCST Bias Correction scheme outside radius
# of MaxWind, corrected problem with ring of lower wind value introduced
# at times in the transition between 34 knots wind radii and background
# field, and introduced option to use preliminary TCM message being
# pushed to all offices text databases beginning with 2014 season.
# Modified: 1 Jun 2014 to fix bugs with Lat grids and add option
# to use WindReductionFactor grids for Mid Atlantic offices.
# Modified: 6 June 2014 to fix bugs with large reduction factors over land.
# Modified: 9 June 2014 to fix GUI option to run or not over Selected Time Range.
# Modified: 2 July to fix decoding of PRE TCM files
# Whatever options are needed should be carefully coordinated among
# offices.
# Last Modified: October 28, 2016 to add mis to maxwindswath == "Yes" and adjust
# shift variable in interpolateQuadrants method.
# Submitted for 17.1.1
# Last Modified: August 31, 2019 to remove requirement for all 3 radii (64, 50, 34 kts)
# in the RCL message. Changed the banner message to be less confusing.
# Author: Tom LeFebvre
# Contributor: Pablo Santos
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Apr 19, 2018 7271 randerso Renamed and/or removed models. Code cleanup.
# Jul 09, 2019 21163 randerso Merged field changes to support use in
# Central Pacific
# May 25, 2020 mbelk Python 3 conversion which included RCL
# radii fix after Dorian in 2019
# Jun 02, 2020 79103 mbelk More tweaks for Python3 and performance.
# Sep 03, 2020 22205 mbelk, Add "ISSUED BY" check in decodeProductTime.
# psantos
# Jan 22, 2021 8333 mbelk, Ensured TCMDecoder.keyWordDict preserves
# randerso insertion order
# Feb 15, 2021 8363 randerso Fix returned grids to be float32. Removed
# unnecessary dependency on MetLib
# Feb 25, 2021 8363 randerso Fix infinite recursion in getLatLonGrids
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
import calendar
import copy
import time
import numpy as np
import AbsTime
import DefineMaxWindGUI
import SmartScript
import TimeRange
from collections import OrderedDict
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
VariableList = [
"Product to\ndecode:",
"Product to\n decode:",
# ("Background\nModel:", "Fcst", "radio", ["GFS0p5degGbl", "UKMET", "ECMWF", "Fcst"]),
("Number of Pie Slices?", "16", "radio", ["4", "8", "12", "16", "24"]),
("Eye Diameter:", 0, "scale", [0, 100], 1),
("34 knot radius at 3 days (NM):", 100, "scale", [0, 1000], 10),
("34 knot radius at 4 days (NM):", 100, "scale", [0, 1000], 10),
("34 knot radius at 5 days (NM):", 100, "scale", [0, 1000], 10),
("Decrease Wind over Land by (%):", 15, "scale", [-20, 50], 1),
("Make Grids over \nSelected Time Only:", "No", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]),
("MaxWind Swath for \nTCWindThreat?", "No", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]),
("Define Asymmetrical \nMax Winds?", "No", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]),
"Reduce Radii by 15% or \n NC State Bias Correction",
"Reduce by 15%",
["Reduce by 15%", "NC State Bias Correction"],
"Constant Land\nReduction (Slider Bar)\nor Wind Reduction\nFactor Grid?",
["Constant", "Grid"],
class TCMDecoder:
def __init__(self):
self.pos = 0
# key words in TCM products from NCEP
self.keyWordDict = OrderedDict([
# Cannot have this as the first item because it prevents proper decoding
# of the initial position. It skips right past.
# ("HURRICANE CENTER", self.decodeProductTime),
("FORECAST VALID", self.decodeWindForecast),
("CENTER LOCATED NEAR", self.decodeCenterLocation),
("CENTER LOCATED INLAND NEAR", self.decodeCenterLocation),
("HURRICANE CENTER", self.decodeProductTime),
("MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE", self.decodeCentralPressure),
("MAX SUSTAINED WINDS", self.decodeMaxSustainedWinds),
("MAX WIND", self.decodeMaxWind),
("OUTLOOK VALID", self.decodeWindForecast),
("EYE DIAMETER", self.decodeEyeDiameter),
("64 KT...", self.decodeRadii),
("50 KT...", self.decodeRadii),
("34 KT...", self.decodeRadii),
# key words for JTWC products
("WTPN", self.decodeJTWCProductTime),
("WARNING POSITION:", self.decodeJTWCTimeCenter),
("VALID AT:", self.decodeJTWCWindForecast),
("RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS", self.decodeJTWCRadii),
("RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS", self.decodeJTWCRadii),
("RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS", self.decodeJTWCRadii),
("RADIUS OF 100 KT WINDS", self.decodeJTWCRadii),
(" ---", self.endJTWCWindForecast),
("REMARKS:", self.stopDecodingJTWC),
self.fcstList = [] # a place to store all of the forecasts
self.text = [] # the text product
self.currentFcst = {} # the current forecast we are docoding
self.baseProductTime = 0
self.foundEyeDiameter = 0
self.AltFileName = ""
def calcEyeDiameter(self, center, maxWind):
lat = center[0] # latitude in degrees
maxWind /= 1.944 # convert to meters per second
rmw = 46.29 * np.exp(-0.0153 * maxWind + 0.0166 * lat)
# convert to diameter and convert from km to nm
ed = rmw * 2.0 / 1.852
return ed
def stripText(self):
endStr = chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(10)
self.text = [i.replace(endStr, "") for i in self.text]
def getFcstList(self):
return self.fcstList
def getBaseProductTime(self):
return self.baseProductTime
def getAltInfoFileName(self):
return self.AltFileName
def currentLine(self):
return self.text[self.pos]
def nextLine(self):
self.pos += 1
if self.pos < len(self.text):
return self.text[self.pos]
return ""
def monthNum(self, monthStr):
monthList = [
return monthList.index(monthStr) + 1
except ValueError:
return 0
def convertBaseTime(self, timeStr):
# timeStr format: "HHMM UTC DAY MON DD YYYY"
# extract time parts from the str
hour = int(timeStr[0:2])
minute = int(timeStr[2:4])
strList = timeStr.split()
monthStr = strList[3]
month = self.monthNum(monthStr)
day = int(strList[4])
year = int(strList[5])
# Get this decoded time in UTC epoch seconds
roundedTime = calendar.timegm((year, month, day, hour, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
# If we are past HH:30, move on to the next hour
if minute > 30:
roundedTime += 3600
return roundedTime
def convert_ddhhmm(self, ddhhmmStr, baseTime):
# remove the slash if present
ddhhmmStr = ddhhmmStr.replace("/", "")
if baseTime == 0:
baseTime = self._gmtime().unixTime()
# extract the time parts
dayStr = ddhhmmStr[0:2]
hourStr = ddhhmmStr[2:4]
minStr = ddhhmmStr[4:6]
day = int(dayStr)
hour = int(hourStr)
minute = int(minStr)
tupleTime = time.gmtime(baseTime)
year = tupleTime.tm_year
month = tupleTime.tm_mon
# see if we crossed over to a new month
if tupleTime.tm_mday > day:
month += 1
if month > 12:
month = 1
year += 1
# Return this time in UTC epoch seconds
return calendar.timegm((year, month, day, hour, minute, 0))
def decodeProductTime(self):
# extract the alt filename
# Time of the product found on the next line
timeStr = self.nextLine()
if "ISSUED BY" in timeStr.upper():
timeStr = self.nextLine()
# sanity check for the time string
hhmm = timeStr[0:4]
if not hhmm.isdigit():
baseTime = self.convertBaseTime(timeStr)
self.baseProductTime = baseTime
def decodeAltFileName(self):
nameStr = self.currentLine()
parts = nameStr.split()
self.AltFileName = parts[-1] # grab the last string token
def decodeCenterLocation(self):
locStr = self.currentLine()
# check for the repeat center....don't want this one
if "REPEAT" in locStr:
keyWord = "NEAR"
pos = locStr.find(keyWord)
if pos > -1: # found it
locStr = locStr[pos + len(keyWord) :]
tokenList = locStr.split()
if len(tokenList) >= 2:
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[0])
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[1])
if len(tokenList) > 3: # grab the time
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(tokenList[3], self.baseProductTime)
# New fcst (analysis actually)
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst["validTime"] = validTime
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst["radii"] = {}
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeCentralPressure(self):
presStr = self.currentLine()
pos = presStr.find(keyWord)
if pos > -1: # found it
presStr = presStr[pos + len(keyWord) :]
def decodeMaxSustainedWinds(self):
windStr = self.currentLine()
if keyWord in windStr:
windList = []
tokenList = windStr.split()
for i in range(len(tokenList)):
if "KT" in tokenList[i]:
windList.append(float(tokenList[i - 1]))
# Sometimes there is no max wind/gust reported
if windList == []:
# store the max wind
self.currentFcst["maxWind"] = windList[0]
self.currentFcst["maxGust"] = windList[1]
# if we have a center location and a max wind we can calc
# the eye diameter
if "centerLocation" in self.currentFcst and "maxWind" in self.currentFcst:
# if it's zero it's not in the product and the user didn't
# change it, so calculate it based on the Willoughby formula
if (
"eyeDiameter" in self.currentFcst
and self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] == 0
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.calcEyeDiameter(
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"], self.currentFcst["maxWind"]
else: # otherwise use what's been defined or read from the text
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeMaxWind(self):
line = self.currentLine()
line = line.replace(".", " ") # remove ...
tokenList = line.split()
if len(tokenList) >= 6:
maxWind = float(tokenList[2])
maxGust = float(tokenList[5])
# store in current fcst
self.currentFcst["maxWind"] = maxWind
self.currentFcst["maxGust"] = maxGust
# if we have a center location and a max wind we can calc
# the eye diameter
if "centerLocation" in self.currentFcst and "maxWind" in self.currentFcst:
# if it's zero it's not in the product and the user didn't
# change it, so calculate it based on the Willoughby formula
if (
"eyeDiameter" in self.currentFcst
and self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] == 0
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.calcEyeDiameter(
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"], self.currentFcst["maxWind"]
else: # otherwise use what's been defined or read from the text
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeRadii(self):
# if there's no currentFcst dict, we cannot continue
if not self.currentFcst:
line = self.currentLine()
line = line.replace(".", " ") # remove ...
tokenList = line.split()
# check for KT in the second slot
if len(tokenList) < 4 or tokenList[1] != "KT":
radiiWindValue = float(tokenList[0])
dirList = ["NE", "SE", "SW", "NW"]
radiusList = []
for token in tokenList:
for d in dirList:
pos = token.find(d)
if pos >= 0:
radiusStr = token[:pos]
radius = float(radiusStr)
# store the radii info
self.currentFcst["radii"][radiiWindValue] = radiusList
def decodeWindForecast(self):
# if we're decoding a new forecast, save the old one first
if self.currentFcst != {}:
self.currentFcst = {} # reset
line = self.currentLine()
line = line.replace("...", " ") # remove ...
tokenList = line.split()
# decode the validTime
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(tokenList[2], self.baseProductTime)
# decode the center location
if len(tokenList) >= 5:
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[3])
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[4])
# If we can't decode the lat or lon it's probably an outlook
# with no guidance so just return
if not lat or not lon:
print("Failed to decode latStr:", lat, "lonStr:", lon)
# initialize a new forecast and begin filling values
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst["validTime"] = validTime
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst["radii"] = {}
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeEyeDiameter(self):
line = self.currentLine()
tokenList = line.split()
diameter = int(tokenList[2])
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = diameter
# Since we found it in the procuct, set the default diameter
self.defaultEyeDiameter = diameter
self.foundEyeDiameter = 1 # mark that we found it
def decodeTCMProduct(self, TCMProduct, eyeDiameter):
self.text = TCMProduct
self.pos = 0
self.fcstList = []
self.defaultEyeDiameter = eyeDiameter
while self.pos < len(self.text):
line = self.currentLine()
for k in self.keyWordDict:
if k in line:
self.pos += 1
# store the last forecast in the list of forecasts
if self.currentFcst:
self.currentFcst = {} # reset
except BaseException:
# Some problem occurred during the decoding process so return an empty fcst
self.baseProductTime = 0
self.fcstList = {} # reset
def decodeLatLonToken(self, latLonStr):
dirList = ["N", "S", "E", "W"]
for d in dirList:
pos = latLonStr.find(d)
if pos >= 0:
value = float(latLonStr[0:pos])
if d in ["S", "W"]:
value = -value # flip the numeric sign
return value
except BaseException:
# it was not decodable (not numbers)
print("Failed to decode lat/lon token:", latLonStr)
return None
# undecodable latLon for some reason
return None
def decodeJTWCProductTime(self):
line = self.currentLine()
tokenList = line.split()
ddhhmmStr = tokenList[2]
self.baseProductTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(ddhhmmStr, 0)
self.baseProductTime = int(self.baseProductTime / 3600.0) * 3600
return None
def decodeJTWCTimeCenter(self):
line = self.nextLine()
tokenList = line.split()
dateTimeStr = tokenList[0][0:6]
latStr = tokenList[3]
lonStr = tokenList[4]
# could be None
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(latStr)
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(lonStr)
productTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(dateTimeStr, self.baseProductTime)
# make a new fcst object to store the analysis
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst["validTime"] = productTime
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst["radii"] = {}
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeJTWCWindForecast(self):
line = self.nextLine()
tokenList = line.split()
# Grab everything just to the left of the first 'Z'
zPos = tokenList[0].find("Z")
if zPos >= 0:
timeStr = tokenList[0][0:zPos]
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(timeStr, self.baseProductTime)
print("couldnt find Z in timeStr:", line)
latStr = tokenList[2]
lonStr = tokenList[3]
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(latStr)
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(lonStr)
# make a new currentFcst and store the info
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst["validTime"] = validTime
self.currentFcst["centerLocation"] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst["radii"] = {}
self.currentFcst["eyeDiameter"] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeJTWCRadii(self):
line = self.currentLine()
radList = []
windSpeed = 0
while line and "---" not in line:
tokenList = line.split()
if "RADIUS" in line: # it's the first line
# check to see if we need to store the radii first
if radList != []: # we decoded some already
self.currentFcst["radii"][windSpeed] = radList
radList = []
# extract the windSpeed for these radii
windSpeed = float(tokenList[2])
if "QUADRANT" not in line: # no "QUADRANT" found
radius = float(tokenList[6])
radList = [radius, radius, radius, radius]
else: # QUADRANT found
radius = float(tokenList[6])
radList = [radius]
else: # no RADIUS found so maybe a QUADRANT line
if "QUADRANT" in line:
radius = float(tokenList[0])
line = self.nextLine()
# save the last radii info
if radList != []:
self.currentFcst["radii"][windSpeed] = radList
# save the whole forecast in the list
self.currentFcst = {}
def endJTWCWindForecast(self):
if self.currentFcst:
self.currentFcst = {}
def stopDecodingJTWC(self):
line = "ZZZZZ"
while line != "":
line = self.nextLine()
# end class TCMDecoder
# begin class CircleEA
# This class helps make circular edit areas and quadrants thereof.
class CircleEA(SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, latGrid, lonGrid, center, slices):
pi_slices = (2.0 * np.pi) / float(slices)
cosLatGrid = np.cos(np.deg2rad(latGrid))
self.xDist = (lonGrid - center[1]) * 111.1 * cosLatGrid
self.yDist = (latGrid - center[0]) * 111.1
self.distGrid = np.sqrt(self.xDist ** 2 + self.yDist ** 2)
self.tanGrid = np.arctan2(-self.xDist, -self.yDist)
# mask off all but the specified quadrant.
self.quadList = []
for quad in range(1, slices + 1):
minValue = -np.pi + ((quad - 1) * pi_slices)
maxValue = -np.pi + (quad * pi_slices)
quadrant = (self.tanGrid >= minValue) & (self.tanGrid < maxValue)
# Return an edit area for just one quadrant.
# By convention quadrant numbering starts at 1 (due North) and
# progresses clockwise by one slice increment
def getQuadrant(self, quad, radius):
# trim the mask beyond the specified radius
radiusMask = self.distGrid <= radius
quadrant = radiusMask & self.quadList[quad - 1]
return quadrant
def getDistanceGrid(self):
return self.distGrid
def getXYDistGrids(self):
return self.xDist, self.yDist
# end class CircleEA -------------------------------------------------------
class Procedure(SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
# Make a timeRange based on the start and end int times
def makeTimeRange(self, start=0, end=0):
if start == 0 and end == 0:
startTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(start)
endTime = AbsTime.maxFutureTime()
startTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(start)
endTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(end)
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(startTime, endTime)
return tr
def getParmTimeConstraints(self, weName, dbName):
parm = self.getParm(dbName, weName, "SFC")
parmStart = parm.getGridInfo().getTimeConstraints().getStartTime()
parmDuration = parm.getGridInfo().getTimeConstraints().getDuration()
parmRepeat = parm.getGridInfo().getTimeConstraints().getRepeatInterval()
return parmStart, parmDuration, parmRepeat
# Use this method if you have no luck getting products
# directly from the text database
def getTextProductFromFile(self, filename):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
textList = []
line = f.readline()
while line != "":
line = f.readline()
return textList
def printFcst(self, f, baseTime=None):
"Time:", time.asctime(time.gmtime(f["validTime"])),
if baseTime is not None:
print("LeadTime:", ((f["validTime"] - baseTime) / 3600.0) + 3)
print("Center:", f["centerLocation"])
print("Eye:", f["eyeDiameter"])
if "maxWind" in f:
print("Max Wind:", f["maxWind"])
radKeys = sorted(f["radii"])
for r in radKeys:
print(r, "kts:", f["radii"][r])
def getWEInventory(self, modelName, WEName, level):
allTimes = self.makeTimeRange(0, 0)
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(modelName, WEName, level, allTimes)
trList = []
for g in gridInfo:
start = g.gridTime().startTime().unixTime()
end = g.gridTime().endTime().unixTime()
tr = self.makeTimeRange(start, end)
return trList
# returns a wind grid from the specified model most closely matched in
# time
def getClosestWindGrid(self, modelName, bgDict, timeTarget):
topo = self.getTopo()
calmGrid = self.makeWindGrid(0.0, 0.0, topo.shape)
if not bgDict:
# print("No background grids available...Using calm grid.")
return calmGrid
minDiff = 3600 * 24 * 365 # just a large number
tr = None
# sort the keys by time so we get consistent behavior
bgKeys = list(bgDict.keys())
bgKeys.sort(key=lambda x: x.startTime())
targetTR = self.makeTimeRange(timeTarget, timeTarget + 3600)
# figure out which grid is closest in time
for invTR in bgKeys:
# if we have an exact match, we're done
if invTR.overlaps(targetTR):
tr = invTR # set the tr
minDiff = 0
# update stats for "closest" grid
gTime = invTR.startTime().unixTime()
diff = abs(gTime - timeTarget)
if diff < minDiff:
tr = invTR
minDiff = diff
# if we're off by more than 4 hours, return a calm grid
if minDiff > (4 * 3600):
return calmGrid
# return the closest grid in time
if modelName == "Fcst":
grid = bgDict[tr]
grid = bgDict[tr]
grid = (grid[0] * 1.944, grid[1]) # convert from m/s
return grid
# makes a direction grid where winds blow counter-clockwise about
# the specified center.
def makeDirectionGrid(self, latGrid, lonGrid, latCenter, lonCenter):
cycWt = 0.7 # cyclonic circulation weight
convWt = 0.3 # convergence weight
cycU = -(latGrid - latCenter) # pure counter-clockwise circulation
cycV = lonGrid - lonCenter
convU = -cycV # pure convergence
convV = cycU
u = cycU * cycWt + convU * convWt
v = cycV * cycWt + convV * convWt
mag, vdir = self.UVToMagDir(u, v)
return vdir
# interpolates radii information based on the specified info.
# returns a new radii
def interpRadii(self, t1, t2, newTime, f1Radii, f2Radii):
# Add radii if they are not there
radiiList = [34.0, 50.0, 64.0, 100.0]
for r in radiiList:
if r not in f1Radii:
f1Radii[r] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if r not in f2Radii:
f2Radii[r] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
newRadii = {}
for r in radiiList:
quadList = []
# Check for partial list of radii
if len(f1Radii[r]) < 4 or len(f2Radii[r]) < 4:
print("Partial radii list found. Substituting with zero radius.")
# Add zeros if list is partial
while len(f1Radii[r]) < 4:
while len(f2Radii[r]) < 4:
for i in range(4):
r1 = f1Radii[r][i]
r2 = f2Radii[r][i]
radius = r1 + (r2 - r1) * (newTime - t1) / (t2 - t1)
newRadii[r] = quadList
return newRadii
# interpolate the wind forecasts inbetween the two specified forecasts.
# interval is assumed to be specified in hours.
# returns a new list of forecasts with f1 at the front of the list
# and f2 not present at all in the list.
def interpolateWindFcst(self, f1, f2, interval):
intSecs = 3600 * interval
t1 = f1["validTime"]
t2 = f2["validTime"]
# Just return the first fcst if the interval is too big
if t2 - t1 <= intSecs:
return [f1]
f1Lat = f1["centerLocation"][0]
f1Lon = f1["centerLocation"][1]
f2Lat = f2["centerLocation"][0]
f2Lon = f2["centerLocation"][1]
f1Eye = f1["eyeDiameter"]
f2Eye = f2["eyeDiameter"]
tDiff = f2["validTime"] - f1["validTime"]
f1MaxWind = f1["maxWind"]
f2MaxWind = f2["maxWind"]
timeSlots = int(tDiff / intSecs)
dLat = (f2Lat - f1Lat) / timeSlots
dLon = (f2Lon - f1Lon) / timeSlots
dEye = (f2Eye - f1Eye) / timeSlots
dMaxWind = (f2MaxWind - f1MaxWind) / timeSlots
f1Radii = f1["radii"]
f2Radii = f2["radii"]
if "editedMaxWinds" in f1:
emw1 = np.array(f1["editedMaxWinds"])
emw2 = np.array(f2["editedMaxWinds"])
demw = (emw2 - emw1) / timeSlots
fcstList = [f1] # include the first fcst in the list
for i in range(1, timeSlots):
newTime = t1 + (i * intSecs)
newLat = f1Lat + (i * dLat)
newLon = f1Lon + (i * dLon)
newEye = f1Eye + (i * dEye)
newMaxWind = f1MaxWind + (i * dMaxWind)
if "editedMaxWinds" in f1:
newEMW = emw1 + (i * demw)
newRadii = self.interpRadii(t1, t2, newTime, f1Radii, f2Radii)
f = {}
f["centerLocation"] = (newLat, newLon)
f["eyeDiameter"] = newEye
f["validTime"] = newTime
f["maxWind"] = newMaxWind
f["radii"] = newRadii
if "editedMaxWinds" in f1:
f["editedMaxWinds"] = list(newEMW)
return fcstList
def calcRadiusList(self, maxWind, rmw, rad34, newRadii):
for i in range(len(newRadii)):
# linearly interpolate
newRadii[i] = rmw + ((rmw - rad34) / (maxWind - 34.0)) / (64.0 - maxWind)
if newRadii[i] < 0:
newRadii[i] = 0
return newRadii
# This method fills in radii/wind values one way for the 36-72 hour period
# and another way for the 72-120 hour period. The concept is to add more
# data values to the wind field so that the wind grids look more realistic.
def extrapolateRadii(self, fcstList, baseDecodedTime, radiiFactor):
for i in range(1, len(fcstList)):
fcst = fcstList[i]
prevFcst = fcstList[i - 1]
# calc the lead time in hours
leadTime = int((fcst["validTime"] - baseDecodedTime) / 3600.0) + 3
extRadius = self.getOutlookRadius(leadTime)
zeroRadius = extRadius * radiiFactor
if leadTime <= 36: # no extrapolation for these times
# for this period, manufacture new 64 knot radii under specific conditions
if leadTime > 36 and leadTime <= 72:
# make sure we have the data we need
if 64 not in prevFcst["radii"]:
if 50 not in prevFcst["radii"]:
if 50 not in fcst["radii"]:
if 64 in fcst["radii"]:
if fcst["maxWind"] <= 64:
prev50 = prevFcst["radii"][50]
prev64 = prevFcst["radii"][64]
fcst50 = fcst["radii"][50]
newRadii = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in range(len(prev50)):
if prev50[i] == 0:
newRadii[i] = fcst50[i] / prev50[i] * prev64[i]
if 64 not in fcst["radii"]:
fcst["radii"][64] = newRadii
# add in a 5 knot radius for better blending
fcst["radii"][5.0] = [zeroRadius, zeroRadius, zeroRadius, zeroRadius]
elif leadTime > 72: # different algorithm for beyond 72 hours
# if there are radii already defined, don't extrapolate new radii
if "radii" in fcst:
if len(fcst["radii"]) > 0:
# Stuff radii into the rDict to make a cyclone
maxWind = 0
if "maxWind" in fcst:
maxWind = fcst["maxWind"]
rDict = {}
# add the radii for maxWind at the rmw
if maxWind > 0:
# calculate an rmw
lat = fcst["centerLocation"][0] # latitude in degrees
rmw = 46.29 * np.exp(-0.0153 * (maxWind / 1.944) + 0.0166 * lat)
rmw /= 1.852 # convert to nautical miles
for ws in [64.0, 50.0]:
newRadii = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if ws < maxWind:
newRadii = self.calcRadiusList(
maxWind, rmw, extRadius, newRadii
rDict[ws] = newRadii
rDict[34.0] = [extRadius, extRadius, extRadius, extRadius]
rDict[5.0] = [zeroRadius, zeroRadius, zeroRadius, zeroRadius]
fcst["radii"] = rDict
return fcstList
# Smooths the specified grid by the specified factor
# With factor == 3, 3x3 smooth, factor == 5 5x5 smooth, etc.
# Even factors (4, 6, 8,...) round up to the next odd value
# If factors <3 are specified, the unmodified grid is returned.
def smoothGrid(self, grid, factor):
# factors of less than 3 are useless or dangerous
if factor < 3:
return grid
# Specifying the grid type depends on the environment
typecode = np.float32
half = int(factor) // 2
sg = np.zeros(grid.shape, typecode)
count = np.zeros(grid.shape, typecode)
gridOfOnes = np.ones(grid.shape, typecode)
for y in range(-half, half + 1):
for x in range(-half, half + 1):
if y < 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(-y, None, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(0, y, None)
if y == 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(0, None, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(0, None, None)
if y > 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(0, -y, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(y, None, None)
if x < 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(-x, None, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(0, x, None)
if x == 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(0, None, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(0, None, None)
if x > 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(0, -x, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(x, None, None)
target = [yTargetSlice, xTargetSlice]
src = [ySrcSlice, xSrcSlice]
sg[target] += grid[src]
count[target] += gridOfOnes[src]
return sg / count
# Smooths the direction grid without regard to the magnitude
def smoothDirectionGrid(self, dirGrid, factor):
mag = np.ones(dirGrid.shape, np.float32) # 1.0 everywhere
u, v = self.MagDirToUV(mag, dirGrid)
u = self.smoothGrid(u, factor)
v = self.smoothGrid(v, factor)
mag, dirGrid = self.UVToMagDir(u, v)
return dirGrid
def makeWindGrid(self, mag, direct, gridShape):
mag = np.ones(gridShape, np.float32) * mag
direct = np.ones(gridShape, np.float32) * direct
return mag, direct
def decreaseWindOverLand(self, grid, fraction, Topo, timeRange):
if self.lessOverLandGrid == "Grid":
windFactorGrid = self.getWindReductionFactorGrid("Fcst", timeRange)
if windFactorGrid is not None:
# Restrict reduction to the cyclone winds defined by the TCM
grid[self._cycloneMask] *= (1 - windFactorGrid)[self._cycloneMask]
return grid
# If no grid was found just return the standard reduction
"Wind Reduction Factor grid not found. Using standard reduction.",
# If area over which you desire to apply land correction you prefer be
# based on Edit Are instead of areas with Topo greater than zero then
# uncomment the next two lines and specify Edit Area to use.
# editArea = self.getEditArea("LAND_EDIT_ARE_NAME_HERE")
# mask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
# Restrict reduction to the cyclone winds defined by the TCM
grid[(Topo > 0.0) & self._cycloneMask] *= fraction
return grid
# fetches and returns all of the wind reduction factor grids in Fcst DB.
def getWindReductionFactorGrid(self, modelName, timeRange):
inv = self.getWEInventory(modelName, "WindReductionFactor", "SFC")
for tr in inv:
if tr.overlaps(timeRange):
WindRedGrid = self.getGrids(
modelName, "WindReductionFactor", "SFC", timeRange, mode="First"
return WindRedGrid
# If no overlapping grids, return None
return None
except BaseException:
return None
def getTimeConstraintDuration(self, element):
parmStart, parmDuration, parmRepeat = self.getParmTimeConstraints(
element, "Fcst"
return parmDuration
def getParmMinMaxLimits(self, modelName, weName):
parm = self.getParm(modelName, weName, "SFC")
return parm.getGridInfo().getMinValue(), parm.getGridInfo().getMaxValue()
# returns the maximum allowable wind speed based on NWS directives
def getMaxAllowableWind(self, maxWind):
minAllowable, maxAllowable = self.getParmMinMaxLimits("Fcst", "Wind")
return min(maxWind, maxAllowable)
# returns an interpolated radius based on input radii
def getOutlookRadius(self, leadTime):
leadTimeList = [72, 96, 120]
radiusList = [self.day3Radius, self.day4Radius, self.day5Radius]
if leadTime < leadTimeList[0]:
return radiusList[0]
for i in range(1, len(leadTimeList)):
if leadTime < leadTimeList[i]:
dt = leadTimeList[i] - leadTimeList[i - 1]
dr = radiusList[i] - radiusList[i - 1]
return radiusList[i - 1] + (leadTime - leadTimeList[i - 1]) * dr / dt
return radiusList[-1] # return the last item
# Blends the specified grid together
def blendGrids(self, windGrid, bgGrid):
# Combine the two grids using the windGrid for the cyclone and the
# background grid everywhere else.
windMag, windDir = windGrid
bgMag, bgDir = bgGrid
# No background winds inside any defined wind radii
# Add in the point inside the defined wind radii
mask = (windMag >= 34.0) | self._cycloneMask
magGrid = np.where(mask, windMag, bgMag)
dirGrid = np.where(mask, windDir, bgDir)
return magGrid, dirGrid
def getShiftedLatLonGrids(self):
# Try to get them from the fcst database to save time
trList = self.getWEInventory("Fcst", "latGrid", "SFC")
except BaseException:
trList = []
if len(trList) > 0:
timeRange = trList[0]
latGrid = self.getGrids(
"Fcst", "latGrid", "SFC", timeRange, mode="First", noDataError=0
lonGrid = self.getGrids(
"Fcst", "lonGrid", "SFC", timeRange, mode="First", noDataError=0
if latGrid is not None and lonGrid is not None:
# adjust lonGrid, if needed
lonGrid = self.shiftPacLonGrid(lonGrid)
return latGrid, lonGrid
# make the lat and lon grids
latGrid, lonGrid = self.getLatLonGrids()
start = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / (24.0 * 3600.0)) * 24 * 3600
end = start + (24 * 3600)
timeRange = self.makeTimeRange(start, end)
# Temporarily save them in the forecast database
# adjust lonGrid, if needed
lonGrid = self.shiftPacLonGrid(lonGrid)
return latGrid, lonGrid
# This method change the lonGrid from -180/180 coordinates to 0/360.
# This allows storms and radii to cross the Dateline
def shiftPacLonGrid(self, lonGrid):
if self.basin == "Pacific":
print("Adjusting lonGrid from -180/180 to 0/360 ")
# make a mask of all the negative values.
# print(np.amin(lonGrid, axis=1))
negLonMask = lonGrid < 0.0
# add 360 to all the negative values.
lonGrid[negLonMask] += 360.0
# print("after math")
# print(np.amin(lonGrid, axis=1))
return lonGrid
# This method interpolates the specified radii in rDict to the
# number of slices specified in pieSlices. This adds more angular
# resolution to the wind forecast which typically comes with 4 slices.
def interpolateQuadrants(self, rDict, pieSlices):
# make sure we have something to do first
if pieSlices <= 4:
return rDict
newDict = {}
for k in rDict:
rList = rDict[k] # fetch the list of radii
interpFactor = pieSlices // len(rList)
newList = []
for i in range(-1, len(rList) - 1):
minVal = rList[i]
maxVal = rList[i + 1]
dVal = (maxVal - minVal) / interpFactor
for f in range(interpFactor):
radius = minVal + dVal * f
# make sure we never exceed the forecast radius
# if radius > minVal:
# radius = minVal
# Since we started with the NW quadrant we need to shift
# the list so that it starts at North to conform to convention
shift = int(pieSlices / 4.0) - 1
shiftedList = newList[shift:]
shiftedList += newList[:shift]
newDict[k] = shiftedList
return newDict
# fetches and returns all of the wind grids specified by the model
# name. Should be called before any new wind grids are created
def getBackgroundGrids(self, modelName):
bgDict = {}
modelName = "Fcst"
siteID = self.getSiteID()
if modelName == "Fcst":
level = "SFC"
elementName = "Wind"
modelName = siteID + "_D2D_" + modelName
if "ECMWF" in modelName:
level = "SFC"
elementName = "wind"
level = "FHAG10"
elementName = "wind"
inv = self.getWEInventory(modelName, elementName, level)
for tr in inv:
bgDict[tr] = self.getGrids(modelName, elementName, level, tr, mode="First")
return bgDict
def secondsToYYYYMMDDHH(self, baseTime):
# convert the base time to a string
gTime = time.gmtime(baseTime)
yearStr = str(gTime.tm_year)
monthStr = str(gTime.tm_mon)
dayStr = str(gTime.tm_mday)
hourStr = str(gTime.tm_hour)
while len(monthStr) < 2:
monthStr = "0" + monthStr
while len(dayStr) < 2:
dayStr = "0" + dayStr
while len(hourStr) < 2:
hourStr = "0" + hourStr
baseTimeStr = yearStr + monthStr + dayStr + hourStr
return baseTimeStr
# returns the index corresponding to the specified timeStr and fcstHour
def findFcst(self, fcstList, fcstHour):
for i in range(len(fcstList)):
validTime = fcstList[i]["validTime"]
leadTime = int((validTime - self.baseDecodedTime) / 3600.0)
if fcstHour == leadTime:
return i
return None
# Accepts the number of slices to interpolate and a list of defined
# wind values. Returns a new list of length slices with the specified
# windList interpolated to the new resolution.
def interpWindMax(self, slices, windList):
quads = len(windList)
ratio = slices // quads
sliceMap = []
windPos = [0] * len(windList)
# Figure out the left and right positions for each new slice
for i in range(slices):
left = int((i - int(ratio / 2)) / ratio)
if i % ratio == int(ratio / 2):
right = left
windPos[left] = i
right = left + 1
if right >= quads:
right -= quads
sliceMap.append((left, right))
# Do the actual interpolation based on the above positions
interpWindList = []
for i in range(slices):
left, right = sliceMap[i]
if left == right:
val = windList[left]
absDist = 1.1111
elif windPos[left] > windPos[right]:
absDist = slices - abs(windPos[right] - windPos[left])
absDist = abs(windPos[right] - windPos[left])
diff = i - windPos[left]
if diff < 0:
diff = slices + diff
val = windList[left] + diff * ((windList[right] - windList[left]) / absDist)
return interpWindList
# Calculate the radius of the maxWind based on teh specified eyeDiameter
def maxWindRadius(self, eyeDiameter=None):
if eyeDiameter is None:
return 12.5
rmw = (eyeDiameter / 2.0) + 8.0
return rmw
def adjustMaxWind(
maxWind = maxWindList[quad]
# check which speed/radius should be modified
if outSpeed == globalMaxWind:
outSpd = maxWind
outRad = maxWindRadius
inSpd = inSpeed
inRad = inRadius
elif inSpeed == globalMaxWind:
inSpd = maxWind
inRad = maxWindRadius
outSpd = outSpeed
outRad = outRadius
print("ERROR!!! Neither inSpeed or outSpeed is max!!!")
return outSpd, inSpd, outRad, inRad, maxWind
# Makes a Rankine Vortex wind speed grid that decreases exponentially
# from the known values at known radii. Inside the Radius of maximum
# wind the wind decreases linearly toward the center
def makeRankine(self, f, latGrid, lonGrid, pieSlices, radiiFactor, timeRange):
rDict = f["radii"]
rDict = self.interpolateQuadrants(rDict, pieSlices)
validTime = f["validTime"]
center = f["centerLocation"]
maxWind = f["maxWind"]
circleEA = CircleEA(latGrid, lonGrid, center, pieSlices)
# make a list that contains the highest non-zero radius speed
centerWindList = [0] * pieSlices
for k in rDict:
for i in range(len(rDict[k])):
if rDict[k][i] > 0 and k > centerWindList[i]:
centerWindList[i] = k
# cannot remove the list() call here since we are modifying the
# dictionary inside the loop
for k in list(rDict):
if rDict[k] == [0] * pieSlices:
del rDict[k]
# make a list of lowest wind speed found with zero radius
# and save the next lowest wind speed for later
if 100.0 in rDict:
speedList = [None, 100.0, 50.0, 34.0, 5.0]
speedList = [None, 64.0, 50.0, 34.0, 5.0]
zeroRadList = [999] * pieSlices
validRadList = [999] * pieSlices
for s in range(len(speedList) - 1):
speed = speedList[s]
nextSpeed = speedList[s + 1]
if speed not in rDict:
zeroRadList = [speed] * pieSlices
validRadList = [nextSpeed] * pieSlices
for i in range(len(rDict[speed])):
if rDict[speed][i] == 0:
zeroRadList[i] = speed
validRadList[i] = nextSpeed
# get the distance grid and make sure it's never zero anywhere
distanceGrid = circleEA.getDistanceGrid() / 1.852 # dist in NM
distanceGrid[distanceGrid == 0] = 0.01
# make a grid into which we will define the wind speeds
grid = self.empty()
# The cyclone algorithm depends on the forecast lead time
fcstLeadTime = int((validTime - self.baseDecodedTime) / 3600.0)
# add the radius for maxWind for interpolation
if "eyeDiameter" in f:
eyeDiameter = f["eyeDiameter"]
print("Error --- no eye diameter found.")
eyeDiameter = None
maxWindRadius = self.maxWindRadius(eyeDiameter)
maxWindList = []
# add the edited maxWind values, if any
if "editedMaxWinds" in f:
# First interpolate based on pie slices
maxWindList = self.interpWindMax(pieSlices, f["editedMaxWinds"])
# Add in the maxWind and radius as a point
if "maxWind" not in rDict:
rDict[maxWind] = [maxWindRadius] * pieSlices
# extract the list and sort it
wsList = sorted(rDict)
# insert a dummy wind near the center and append so it's done last
rDict[1] = [1] * pieSlices
# insert an artificial 5 knot radius at a distance proportional
# to the 34 knot radius for that quadrant
if 34.0 in rDict:
tenKnotRadList = []
radList34 = rDict[34.0]
for r in radList34:
tenKnotRadList.append(r * radiiFactor)
# insert the 5 knot radius at the beginning so is made first
rDict[5.0] = tenKnotRadList
wsList.insert(0, 5.0)
insideRMWMask = self.empty(bool)
self._cycloneMask = self.empty(bool)
# for each rDict record and quadrant, make the grid one piece at a time
for i in range(len(wsList) - 1):
self.lastRadius = [None] * pieSlices
if wsList[i] not in rDict:
radiusList = rDict[wsList[i]]
nextRadiusList = rDict[wsList[i + 1]]
for quad in range(len(radiusList)):
maxWind = f["maxWind"] # reset maxWind as we may fiddle with it
# fetch the speeds and radii we'll need
outSpeed = float(wsList[i])
inSpeed = float(wsList[i + 1])
outRadius = float(radiusList[quad])
inRadius = float(nextRadiusList[quad])
# Here's where the speeds and radii are adjusted based
# on the edited values but only if they have been edited
# and only if we're working on the maxWind.
if "editedMaxWinds" in f:
if maxWind == wsList[i] or maxWind == wsList[i + 1]:
) = self.adjustMaxWind(
# Some cases require we adjust the maxWindRadius
if outSpeed in [64.0, 50.0, 34.0] and outRadius <= maxWindRadius:
inRadius = outRadius * 0.9
self.lastRadius[quad] = outRadius
elif inSpeed == 1.0 and self.lastRadius[quad] is not None:
outRadius = self.lastRadius[quad] * 0.9
# print("Adjusting MaxWindRadius at:", inSpeed, "kts")
self.lastRadius[quad] = None
# reset the speeds if they exceed the maxWind
if fcstLeadTime <= 72 and zeroRadList[quad] is not None:
if inSpeed >= zeroRadList[quad]:
inSpeed = validRadList[quad]
if outSpeed >= zeroRadList[quad]:
outSpeed = validRadList[quad]
# set the center value to max fcst wind
if inSpeed == 1.0:
inSpeed = centerWindList[quad]
# get the edit area for this quadrant
mask = circleEA.getQuadrant(quad + 1, outRadius * 1.852)
# log10 and exp math functions are fussy about zero
if inSpeed == 0.0:
inSpeed = 0.1
if outSpeed == 0.0:
outSpeed = 0.1
if inRadius == 0.0:
inRadius = 0.1
if outRadius == 0.0:
outRadius = 0.1
# no wind speed can never exceed the maximum allowable wind speed
if inSpeed > maxWind:
inSpeed = maxWind
if outSpeed > maxWind:
outSpeed = maxWind
# don't bother with trivial cases
if inRadius < 2.0 and outRadius < 2.0:
if inRadius > outRadius:
if inSpeed == 0.0 or outSpeed == 0.0:
# calculate the exponent so that we exactly fit the next radius
denom = np.log10(inRadius / outRadius)
if denom == 0:
exponent = 1.0
exponent = (np.log10(outSpeed) - np.log10(inSpeed)) / denom
# make sure the exponent behaves itself
if exponent > 10.0:
exponent = 10.0
# inside RMW gets a linear slope to largest of max wind forecasts
if inRadius <= 1.0:
dSdR = (outSpeed - inSpeed) / (outRadius - inRadius)
grid[mask] = (inSpeed + (dSdR * distanceGrid))[mask]
insideRMWMask[mask] = True
else: # outside RMW
grid[mask] = (
inSpeed * np.power(inRadius / distanceGrid, exponent)
if outSpeed >= 34.0 and inSpeed >= 34.0:
self._cycloneMask |= mask
# Apply the NC State correction outside the RMW
if self._applyNCSCorrection:
corrGrid = self.makeCorrectionGrid(latGrid, lonGrid, center)
# self.createGrid("Fcst", "NCSCorr", "SCALAR", corrGrid, self._timeRange,
# precision=3, minAllowedValue=-1.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0)
m = np.logical_not(insideRMWMask)
grid[m] *= (1 - corrGrid)[m]
maxWind = f["maxWind"] # reset again before clipping
dirGrid = self.makeDirectionGrid(latGrid, lonGrid, center[0], center[1])
# clip values between zero and the maximum allowable wind speed
maxWind = self.getMaxAllowableWind(maxWind)
grid.clip(0.0, maxWind, grid)
# apply the wind reduction over land
fraction = 1.0 - (self.lessOverLand / 100.0)
grid = self.decreaseWindOverLand(grid, fraction, self.elevation, timeRange)
return (grid, dirGrid)
def makeMaxWindGrid(self, interpFcstList):
if not interpFcstList:
startTime = interpFcstList[0]["validTime"]
endTime = startTime + (123 * 3600) # 123 hours later
timeRange = self.makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
# Used getGrids to calculate the maximum wind grid.
# Fetch the max of the wind grids just generated as this is very fast.
maxWindGrid, maxDirGrid = self.getGrids(
"Fcst", "Wind", "SFC", timeRange, mode="Max"
maxWindGrid = self.smoothGrid(maxWindGrid, 3)
# save the grid in the server
self.saveObject("TCMMaxWindGrid", maxWindGrid, "WindGrid")
def validateCycloneForecast(self, fcstList):
# Now check each forecast to make sure that we have a radius for any
# standard wind values less than the maxWind
if len(fcstList) == 0:
return False
windValues = [34]
for f in fcstList:
for value in windValues:
if value > f["maxWind"]:
if value not in f["radii"]:
print(list(f["radii"].keys()), "is missing value:", value)
return False
return True
# Returns a dictionary that lists the min and max allowed wind for each hour
def makeWindDict(self, fcstList):
windDict = {}
for f in fcstList:
windValues = sorted(f["radii"], reverse=True)
hour = int((f["validTime"] - self.baseDecodedTime) / 3600.0)
maxWind = f["maxWind"]
minWind = 999999.0
if not f["radii"]:
minWind = 0.0
# Grab the first (highest) forecast wind speed value
if windValues:
minWind = windValues[0]
minWind = 0.0
windDict[hour] = (minWind, maxWind)
return windDict
# Pop up a GUI that will maxWind values for each quadrant and time
def launchMaxWindGUI(self, fcstList):
windDict = self.makeWindDict(fcstList)
eaMgr = None
self._maxWindGUI = DefineMaxWindGUI.DefineMaxWindGUI(self._dbss, eaMgr)
newMaxWinds = self._maxWindGUI.displayGUI(windDict)
if newMaxWinds is not None:
hourList = sorted(newMaxWinds)
return newMaxWinds
# Make the NCState bais correction grid based on the forecast.
def makeCorrectionGrid(self, latGrid, lonGrid, center):
# structure to hold the polynomial coefficients
coeff = [
[1.282e-011, -3.067e-008, 2.16e-005, -5.258e-003, 3.794e-001],
[3.768e-011, -4.729e-008, 2.097e-005, -3.904e-003, 2.722e-001],
[4.692e-011, -5.832e-008, 2.565e-005, -4.673e-003, 2.952e-001],
[3.869e-011, -4.486e-008, 1.84e-005, -3.331e-003, 2.738e-001],
# make the circle edit area and distance grid
pieSlices = 4
circleEA = CircleEA(latGrid, lonGrid, center, pieSlices)
dist = circleEA.getDistanceGrid() # dist in km
corrGrid = self.empty()
for quad in range(pieSlices):
ea = circleEA.getQuadrant(quad + 1, 500.0)
grid = (
coeff[quad][0] * dist ** 4
+ coeff[quad][1] * dist ** 3
+ coeff[quad][2] * dist ** 2
+ coeff[quad][3] * dist
+ coeff[quad][4]
corrGrid[ea] = grid[ea]
return corrGrid
def execute(self, varDict, timeRange):
self.toolTimeRange = timeRange
# define the default eye diameter for bulletins where they are missing
eyeStr = varDict["Eye Diameter:"]
self.dialogEyeDiameter = float(eyeStr)
maxwindswath = varDict["MaxWind Swath for \nTCWindThreat?"]
Topo = self.getTopo()
tcDuration = self.getTimeConstraintDuration("Wind")
tcHours = int(tcDuration / 3600) # durations are expressed in seconds
# set the time interpolation interval to the duration
interval = tcHours
# get the product ID
productList1 = varDict["Product to\ndecode:"]
productList2 = varDict["Product to\n decode:"]
productList1 += productList2 # concatenate
if len(productList1) != 1:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select one TCM bulletin only.", "S")
return None
productID = productList1[0]
self.basin = "Atlantic"
if not "AT" in productID and self.getSiteID() in ["GUM", "PQE", "PQW", "HFO"]:
print("Setting basin to Pacific")
self.basin = "Pacific"
bgModelName = "Fcst"
self.day3Radius = varDict["34 knot radius at 3 days (NM):"]
self.day4Radius = varDict["34 knot radius at 4 days (NM):"]
self.day5Radius = varDict["34 knot radius at 5 days (NM):"]
# grab all of the background grids now before we make any new grids
bgDict = self.getBackgroundGrids(bgModelName)
# Radial slices hard-coded to 4. Changing this will divide the wind
# forecast into more radial pieces. Recommended alternative values:
# 12, 20, 36, 72.
pieSlices = int(varDict["Number of Pie Slices?"])
# define radii factor - may make this configurable
# Multiply 3-5 day radius by this factor to get the zero radius.
# Smaller values ramp the cyclone down to zero more quickly.
self.lessOverLand = int(varDict["Decrease Wind over Land by (%):"])
self.lessOverLandGrid = varDict[
"Constant Land\nReduction (Slider Bar)\nor Wind Reduction\nFactor Grid?"
self.elevation = Topo
rclDecoder = TCMDecoder()
tcmDecoder = TCMDecoder()
msg = ""
# Fetch the text product
if productID == "preTCM":
textProduct = self.getTextProductFromFile("/tmp/preTCM.txt")
decoder = TCMDecoder()
decoder.decodeTCMProduct(textProduct, self.dialogEyeDiameter)
fcstList = decoder.getFcstList()
baseTime = decoder.getBaseProductTime()
# elif productID == "WRKTCM":
# textProduct = self.getTextProductFromFile("/data/local/research/TPCWindProb/WRKTCM")
# try fetching the RCL first.
rclProductID = "MIARCL" + productID[3:]
print("Attempting to Fetch rclProductID:", rclProductID)
rclTextProduct = self.getTextProductFromDB(rclProductID)
completeFcst = False
if len(rclTextProduct) < 5:
# msg = rclProductID + " not found. Using TCM to make cyclone."
# self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
rclBaseTime = 0
rclDecoder.decodeTCMProduct(rclTextProduct, self.dialogEyeDiameter)
rclFcstList = rclDecoder.getFcstList()
rclBaseTime = rclDecoder.getBaseProductTime()
completeFcst = self.validateCycloneForecast(rclFcstList)
if productID[:3] == "PRE":
productID = "MIA" + productID
tcmTextProduct = self.getTextProductFromDB(productID)
if len(tcmTextProduct) < 5:
msg = productID + " could not be retrieved from the text database."
self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
return None # Just return if no TCM is found. Something's really wrong
tcmDecoder.decodeTCMProduct(tcmTextProduct, self.dialogEyeDiameter)
tcmFcstList = tcmDecoder.getFcstList()
tcmBaseTime = tcmDecoder.getBaseProductTime()
# print("TCM and RCL Base Times are: ", tcmBaseTime, rclBaseTime)
if not completeFcst or rclBaseTime != tcmBaseTime:
msg = (
+ " incomplete. Revert and rerun tool using HSU input for GUI sliders for days 3, 4, 5"
# self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
fcstList = tcmFcstList
baseTime = tcmBaseTime
msg = "RCL message looked good so used that for TCM."
fcstList = rclFcstList
baseTime = rclBaseTime
productID = rclProductID
print("Decoded:", len(fcstList), " forecasts.")
except (IndexError, KeyError):
# adjust center point longitude, if needed
if self.basin == "Pacific":
for i in range(len(fcstList)):
# print(i)
# print("before")
# print(fcstList[i]["centerLocation"])
if fcstList[i]["centerLocation"][1] < 0.0:
tempLat = fcstList[i]["centerLocation"][0]
tempLon = fcstList[i]["centerLocation"][1]
tempLon += 360.0
fcstList[i]["centerLocation"] = (tempLat, tempLon)
# print("after")
print("converted center point lon to 0/360")
# Set the baseDecodedTime - validTime of first entry - 3 hours
if fcstList:
self.baseDecodedTime = fcstList[0]["validTime"] - 3 * 3600
if varDict["Define Asymmetrical \nMax Winds?"] == "Yes":
newMaxWinds = self.launchMaxWindGUI(fcstList)
for i in range(len(fcstList)):
fcstHour = int((fcstList[i]["validTime"] - baseTime) / 3600.0) + 3
maxList = newMaxWinds[fcstHour]
fcstList[i]["editedMaxWinds"] = maxList
fcstList = self.extrapolateRadii(fcstList, baseTime, RADII_FACTOR)
# See if the decoded fcst is close to the current time. This is needed
# so the tool will work on archived data sets (testMode)
# testMode = False
# if abs(self._gmtime().unixTime() - self.baseDecodedTime) > 2 * 24 * 3600: # older than 2 days
# testMode = True
# restrict grids to the selected time period if option is selected.
testMode = False
restrictAnswer = varDict["Make Grids over \nSelected Time Only:"]
if restrictAnswer == "Yes":
testMode = True
# Turn off testMode if the selected timeRange is less than an hour in duration
if self.toolTimeRange.duration() < 3600:
testMode = False
# interpolate the wind forecasts we got from the decoder
selectedStartTime = self.toolTimeRange.startTime().unixTime()
selectedEndTime = self.toolTimeRange.endTime().unixTime()
interpFcstList = []
for i in range(len(fcstList) - 1):
newFcstList = self.interpolateWindFcst(
fcstList[i], fcstList[i + 1], interval
# Make sure the fcst is within the selected time range or we're in testMode
for f in newFcstList:
if (
and (
f["validTime"] >= selectedStartTime
and f["validTime"] < selectedEndTime
) or (not testMode):
# append the very last forecast on to the end of the interpolated list
if fcstList:
if (
and (
f["validTime"] >= selectedStartTime
and f["validTime"] < selectedEndTime
) or (not testMode):
if len(fcstList) == 1:
interpFcstList = fcstList
if not interpFcstList:
"No cyclone forecasts found within the Selected TimeRange", "S"
# If the wind grids are more than 3 hours long, the first grid ends up being double
# duration. So, add an extra duplicate forecast at the beginning and reset
# the validTime
print("tcHours:", tcHours)
if tcHours > 3:
interpFcstList.insert(0, copy.deepcopy(interpFcstList[0]))
interpFcstList[0]["validTime"] = (
int(interpFcstList[0]["validTime"] / tcDuration) * tcDuration
interpFcstList[1]["validTime"] = (
int(interpFcstList[0]["validTime"] / tcDuration) * tcDuration
) + tcDuration
print("Adjusted time for first forecast")
print("Generating", len(interpFcstList), "wind grids")
# get the lat, lon grids
latGrid, lonGrid = self.getShiftedLatLonGrids()
self._applyNCSCorrection = False
if (
varDict["Reduce Radii by 15% or \n NC State Bias Correction"]
== "Reduce by 15%"
# Reduce the extent of the wind radii per Mark De Maria's research
# Loop through each wind radius and modify in place
for f in interpFcstList:
for windValue in f["radii"]:
for i in range(len(f["radii"][windValue])):
f["radii"][windValue][i] *= 0.85
elif (
varDict["Reduce Radii by 15% or \n NC State Bias Correction"]
== "NC State Bias Correction"
self._applyNCSCorrection = True
# make a grid for each interpolate forecast
gridCount = 0
for f in interpFcstList:
self._timeRange = timeRange
validTime = int(f["validTime"] / 3600.0) * 3600
bgGrid = self.getClosestWindGrid(bgModelName, bgDict, validTime)
startTime = validTime
endTime = validTime + (interval * 3600)
timeRange = self.makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
self._cycloneTimeRange = timeRange
t1 = time.time()
windGrid = self.makeRankine(
f, latGrid, lonGrid, pieSlices, RADII_FACTOR, timeRange
print("Time to makeRankine:", time.time() - t1)
magGrid, dirGrid = self.blendGrids(windGrid, bgGrid)
magGrid = self.smoothGrid(magGrid, 5)
dirGrid = self.smoothDirectionGrid(dirGrid, 5)
name = "Wind"
(magGrid, dirGrid),
gridCount += 1
"- Generated",
"out of",
# interpolate through forecast period to very high resolution and make
# a composite maxWind grid from those wind grids
if maxwindswath == "Yes":
t1 = time.time()
print(time.time() - t1, "seconds to generate Max wind composite.")
if msg != "":
self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
return None