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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# InlandFloodThreat
# Author: lefebvre,santos
# Last Modified: April 4, 2012 - Fixed to handle negative gridded FFG.
# Migrated procedure for AWIPS2. Updated 6/22/2012. S.O.
# Comment on 05/21/2014 (Santos): Some sites used QPF and others QPF6hr. Check that parameter
# in getQPFGrid method. Also in AWIPS 2 FFG is gridded and called just FFG.
# This is fixed in getRFCFFGModels method.
# LeFevbre/Santos: This is the version being turned in for baseline in 16.1.2 as of 12/7/2015. It includes fixes
#for new ERP data changes that took place in Summer of 2015 and better handling of grid points where there
#is no FFG guidance available.
# Last Modified
# 7/15/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: working on code to add PQPF to the algorithm.
# 9/2/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Finished integrating {QPF into the algorithm
# 9/7/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Added better logic for grid missing messages and Don't use guidance option.
# 9/7/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Change ppffg timeRanges to anchor on 12Z cycles.
# VERSION 17.1.1 = The one checked in.
# 11/14/2016 - Santos - Modified at testbed in Silver Springs to fix overlap variable to do the composite
# of the rfc list edit areas, not just the overlap with cwa mask. Commented out statusBarMsg for the ppffg inventories.
# 07/21/2017 - Tweaked for 2018 baseline (17.3.1) based on WPC recommendations following upcoming change in ERPs
# to neighborhood based probabilities. Check 2018 version of HTI User Guide for details. PS/TL
# 8/31/2017 - Fixed issues found during Harvey when FFG was zero across large chunks of the area. PS/TL
# 10/21/2017 - Additional tweaks made per Raytheon suggestions during code review. (DR20333)
# 11/14/2017 - Fixed ERP thresholds per WPC recommendations during SWiT. Fixed also minimum value allowed for
# FFG guidance in GFE D2D FFGXXX db to treat NO DATA or exception values as negative in GFE. This change was made in
# the RFCFFGParameterInfo file. Otherwise logic below would not work.
# 05/20/2019 - Got rid of code dealing with obsolete text FFG.
# 07/27/2019 - PS Working on this version from current baseline with text FFG code removed for Testing with Past cases.
# 08/28/2019 bart.stough@noaa.gov DR 21354 Remove FFG Blending
# 12/6/2019 - Cleaned Code to Preserve New Algorithm Coding based on WPC Option 1a based on Past cases (Harvey and Florence).
# To be made available to the field for 2020 as a site level override if it cannot make the 19.3.1 baseline. Changes to this
# algorithm were necessary due to elimination of the text FFG and the noisy nature of the gridded FFG forcing forecasters
# at times to make significant post edits. The change to the algorithm made here was vetted by the Tropical Program
# Office and coordinated with WPC. The new algorithm lines the flooding rain threat much better with the excessive rainfall outlook.
# This is how it works:
# For Day 1, 2 and 3 of the Excessive rainfall outlook period:
# If the excessive rainfall probability (ERP) >=5% Flooding Rain Threat is Yellow for potential of Localized Flooding.
# If the ERP >= 10% Flooding Rain Threat is Orange for potential of Moderate Flooding
# If the ERP >= 20% Flooding Rain Threat is Red for potential of Major Flooding
# If the ERP >= 50% or ERP >= 20% and the Storm Total Accum is > 10 Inches for the corresponding 24 hour period (Day 1, 2, or 3), then Flooding Rain Threat is purple for potential of extreme Flooding resulting in devastating to catastrophic impacts.
# Therefore, the only input paramters to this new version of the algorithm are the ERPs and the QPF grids in the Fcst db.
# 12/17/2019 - Tweaks made based on Raytheon's Code Review. PS
#Search for COMMENTS to see any local config step you might need to take.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import numpy as np
import AbsTime
import GridManipulation
import TimeRange
class Procedure (GridManipulation.GridManipulation):
def __init__(self, dbss):
GridManipulation.GridManipulation.__init__(self, dbss)
# returns a list of timeRange with the specified duration in hours over the
# specified timeRange
def makeTimeRangeList(self, timeRange, duration):
trList = []
sTime = timeRange.startTime().unixTime()
delta = duration * 3600
while sTime < timeRange.endTime().unixTime():
trList.append(self.GM_makeTimeRange(sTime, sTime + delta))
sTime = sTime + delta
return trList
# Returns a list of database IDs matching the specified model name,
# weather element name and level
def getModelList(self, modelName, weName, weLevel):
modelList = []
availParms = self.availableParms()
for pName, level, dbID in availParms:
if modelName in dbID.modelName():
if weName in pName:
if weLevel in level:
if dbID not in modelList:
return modelList
# Find the time of the model with a day 3 grid and truncate the modelTime to the last 12Z
def getPpffgBaseTime(self):
ERPModelName = "HPCERP"
ERPVarName = "ppffg"
ERPLevel = "SFC"
# get the list of all available models. They come sorted latest to oldest.
modelList = self.getModelList(ERPModelName, ERPVarName, ERPLevel)
if len(modelList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No ERP Guidance found for ppffg.", "S")
return None
for model in modelList:
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(ERPVarName, model)
if len(trList) == 0:
latestHr = (trList[-1].startTime().unixTime() - model.modelTime().unixTime()) // 3600
# return the time of the first model we find with enough data
if latestHr > 48:
#print "model time with day 3 grid:", model.modelTime()
modelTime = model.modelTime().unixTime() - (12 * 3600)
# truncate the model time to the last 12Z cycle
baseTime = int(modelTime / (3600 * 24)) * (3600 * 24) + (12 * 3600)
return AbsTime.AbsTime(baseTime)
# If we get here, we have found no models with 72 hours of data so return the latest model time
self.statusBarMsg("No model runs found with 72 hours of grids. Using latest model")
return modelList[0].modelTime()
# Fetch ERP probabilistic data using the latest available model. In some cases
# the grids retrieved may originate from more than one model version. In all cases,
# latest guidance available for each time slot will returned.
# Returns a dictionary with key as timeRange and grid as the data.
def getERPGuidance(self, weName, trList):
ERPModelName = "HPCERP"
ERPLevel = "SFC"
# Get the list of all available models. They come sorted latest to oldest.
modelList = self.getModelList(ERPModelName, weName, ERPLevel)
if len(modelList) == 0: # No grids found for the model/weName combination
return {} # So just return an empty GridDict
# For each timeRange, find the model with the latest grid and save that
gridDict = {}
for tr in trList:
# Determine the equivalent d2D timeRange based on GFE QPF tr in the trList
d2dTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(tr.endTime().unixTime(), tr.endTime().unixTime() + 3600)
foundGrid = False
for model in modelList:
# See if the ERP grids we want are in this model cycle
d2dInv = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, model)
if d2dTR not in d2dInv:
# Fetch the grid and save it
grid = self.getGrids(model, weName, ERPLevel, d2dTR, mode="First")
gridDict[tr] = grid
modelStr = str(model.modelTime())[0:13] + "Z"
#print("MODEL STRING IS: ", modelStr)
if modelList.index(model) != 0:
# Suppress messages for ppffg for the last timeRange only, since ppffg only arrives once per day
if weName == "ppffg" and tr == trList[-1]:
foundGrid = True
# If we get here, no model was found with the TR we want
if not foundGrid:
gridDict[tr] = None
self.statusBarMsg("No ERP found for timeRange:" + str(tr), "S")
return gridDict
# Returns the QPF sum over the specified timeRange
def getQPFGrid(self, timeRange):
# This assumes QPF has a constraint of TC6NG. If not and your office uses QPF6
# or QPF6hr you will need to change this here accordingly.
# Inventory all QPF grids from the Fcst database
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory("QPF", self.mutableID(), timeRange=timeRange)
if len(trList) == 0:
return None
qpfGrid = self.empty()
for tr in trList:
grid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), "QPF", "SFC", timeRange)
qpfGrid += grid
return qpfGrid
def getOverlappingTR(self, tr6, tr24List):
for tr24 in tr24List:
if tr6.overlaps(tr24):
return tr24
return None
def execute(self, varDict):
### CONFIGURATION SECTION ################################
### Levels must exactly match the levels in the inland threat
### weather element.
### Next line changed for 2020.
erps = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0] # WPC Option 1a
threatKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys("FloodingRainThreat")
threatKeys = ["None", "Elevated", "Mod", "High", "Extreme"]
ppffgBaseTime = self.getPpffgBaseTime().unixTime()
ppffgTimeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(ppffgBaseTime, ppffgBaseTime + (3600 * 72))
# make a 72 hour timeRange and a list of 24 hour timeRanges based on the anchorTime
ppffgTRList = self.makeTimeRangeList(ppffgTimeRange, 24)
# Create an empty discrete grid
maxFloodThreat = np.zeros(self.getGridShape(), np.int8)
# Get the ERP grids and stuff them in six hour time blocks to match
# the cummulative QPF grids will create later
ppffgGridDict = self.getERPGuidance("ppffg", ppffgTRList)
if not ppffgGridDict: # Didn't find any ppffg guidance
self.statusBarMsg("The current ERP guidance is not available. Please re-run this tool at a later time.", "S")
#### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG ########################################################################################
for tr in ppffgTRList:
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "ERP", "SCALAR", ppffgGridDict[tr], tr, precision=2)
#### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG ########################################################################################
for probTR in ppffgTRList:
qpfFcstGrid = self.getQPFGrid(probTR)
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "StormFRTQPF", "SCALAR", qpfFcstGrid, probTR, precision=2)
# get the EPR grid
# Fetch the erp grids and reference by timeRange (24 hours each)
# Use the probTR in this loop and timeRange.overlaps to figure out which erp grid to use.
ppffgTR = self.getOverlappingTR(probTR, ppffgTRList)
if ppffgTR is None:
ppffgGrid = ppffgGridDict[ppffgTR]
if ppffgGrid is None:
self.statusBarMsg("ERP grids missing at timeRange:" + str(probTR), "S")
floodThreat = np.zeros(self.getGridShape(), np.int8)
for e in range(len(erps) - 1):
eMin = erps[e]
eMax = erps[e+1]
erpMask = (ppffgGrid >= eMin) & (ppffgGrid < eMax)
keyIndex = self.getIndex(threatKeys[e], threatKeys) #e is y and r ix x
floodThreat[erpMask] = keyIndex
if e == 4:
eMin = erps[e-1]
eMax = erps[e]
erpMask = (ppffgGrid >= eMin) & (ppffgGrid < eMax) & (qpfFcstGrid > 10.0) # Option 1a
if erpMask.any():
floodThreat[erpMask] = keyIndex
# Create the grid
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "FloodThreat", "DISCRETE",
(floodThreat, threatKeys), probTR,
maxFloodThreat = np.maximum(floodThreat, maxFloodThreat)
# Make a big timeRange and delete all the FloodingRainThreat grids
startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600 - (24 * 3600)
endTime = startTime + (24 * 3600 * 10)
dbTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
self.deleteCmd(["FloodingRainThreat"], dbTR)
cTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600
end = cTime + (6*3600)
threatTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(cTime, end)
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "FloodingRainThreat", "DISCRETE",
(maxFloodThreat, threatKeys), threatTR,
return |