2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

459 lines
19 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# StormInfo - Version 4.0
# Authors: Matt Belk (BOX), Shannon White (OCWWS), Tom LeFebvre (GSD), Pablo Santos (MFL)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# Sep 13, 2016 Adjustments from Hermine to add
# Post-Tropical stormType.
# Sep 19, 2016 19293 randerso Initial baseline check in
# Aug 5, 2019 TLef Modified to Support Wind Recommender as well
# Apr 22, 2020 tlefebvre Old JSON files are now purged when older than
# a day. JSON file written to all active sites
# to keep them consistent.
# May 1, 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added code to support CPHC forecasts
# May 5 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added WP bins to bin list.
# May 7 2020 22033 tlefebvre Fixed bug that failed to update stormName when
# upgrading to named storm.
# May 11 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added code to check stormID to ensure no
# duplcates.
# May 12 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added dialog to ask if storm number should be
# reused.
# May 13 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added method to save JSON file to text product
# so WFOs get the information. Plus other tweaks.
# May 13 2020 22033 tlefebvre Active storms limited to those in the local basin.
# May 14 2020 22033 tlefebvre Modified to use WWUtil ***Sites methods.
# May 15 2020 22033 tlefebvre Fixed issue with Numbered storm names not
# appearing. Third try.
# May 18 2020 22033 tlefebvre Filtered stormNames by siteID.
# May 19 2020 22033 tlefebvre Fixed storm filtering bug.
# May 21 2020 22033 tlefebvre Addressed code review comments.
# May 27 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added StormID to existing storm GUI.
# May 28 2020 22033 tlefebvre Addressed code review comment.
# May 28 2020 22033 tlefebvre Added stormID to stormName label
# May 29 2020 22033 tlefebvre Refactored makeStormID into WindWWUtils.
# May 30 2020 22033 tlefebvre Fixed bug in filtering active storms.
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
import ProcessVariableList
import StormNames
import TropicalUtility
import WindWWUtils
import LocalizationSupport
import os
MenuItems = ["None"]
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
def removeOldJSONFiles(self, stormList):
Checks the "lastModified" time and if it's older than purgeAge,
the file is removed from the storage system.
purgeAge = 24 * 3600 # one day
deleteList = []
for storm in stormList:
if "lastModified" not in storm:
if (self._gmtime().unixTime() - storm["lastModified"]) > purgeAge:
# If no old storms found, bail.
if not deleteList:
return stormList
# Iterate over every advisory type, get the fileName, and delete the file.
for delStorm in deleteList:
# Remove it from the internal list
# Remove it from Localization storage
fileName = self._getAdvisoryFilename(delStorm["pil"])
self.statusBarMsg("Removing Old Tropical JSON file: " + fileName, "S")
for siteID in self.activeSiteIDs():
LocalizationSupport.SITE, siteID, fileName)
return stormList
def getPILList(self, siteID):
Returns the list of PILs or Bins based on the site ID.
Currently active storms are removed as they are in use.
pilList = []
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
pilList = self._basinBins["Atlantic"] + self._basinBins["Eastern Pacific"]
return pilList
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
pilList = self._basinBins["Central Pacific"] + self._basinBins["Western Pacific"]
return pilList
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
pilList = self._basinBins["Western Pacific"]
return pilList
self.statusBarMsg("This tool is not configured for " + siteID, "S")
return []
def makeStormList(self, basinDict):
Returns the list of storm for the specified basinList.
stormList = []
for i in sorted(basinDict.keys()):
stormList += basinDict[i]
return stormList
def shuffleStormList(self, rawStormList):
Rearranges the stormList so that it starts with the next available
storm. Only works when there are activeStorms.
# If no active storms we don't know where to start
# so just return the raw list.
if not self._activeStormNames:
return rawStormList
lastStorm = self._activeStormNames[-1]
if lastStorm in rawStormList:
startIndex = rawStormList.index(lastStorm) + 1
if startIndex == len(rawStormList):
startIndex = 0
stormList = rawStormList[startIndex:] + rawStormList[0:startIndex]
return stormList
return rawStormList
def getStormNameList(self, siteID, currentYear):
Fetches the stormName list based on the siteID and in the case
of NHC the year, as they rotate stormName lists each year.
stormList = []
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
basinList = ["Atlantic", "Eastern Pacific"]
for basin in basinList:
listNum = currentYear % len(StormNames.NameDict[basin])
stormList += StormNames.NameDict[basin][listNum]
return stormList
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
basinDict = StormNames.NameDict["Central Pacific"]
stormList = self.makeStormList(basinDict)
return stormList
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
basinDict = StormNames.NameDict["Western Pacific"]
stormList = self.makeStormList(basinDict)
return stormList
self.statusBarMsg("This tool is not configured for " + siteID, "S")
return []
def checkGUISelections(self, varDict, bogusStormName, existingStormLabel,
Checks all the GUI selections to ensure only one storm name is selected.
Returns the name of the selected storm, if valid. Returns a non-null
message if GUI selection were incorrect.
message = "Please select ONE and ONLY ONE storm"
stormName = ""
# Check the varDict and define the new and existing storm names.
if not varDict[newStormLabel]:
newStormName = ""
elif len(varDict[newStormLabel]) > 1:
return stormName, message
newStormName = varDict[newStormLabel][0]
if existingStormLabel not in varDict or not varDict[existingStormLabel]:
existingStormName = ""
elif len(varDict[existingStormLabel]) > 1:
return stormName, message
existingStormName = varDict[existingStormLabel][0]
# Now check to see that one and only one is define
if (newStormName == bogusStormName and existingStormName == bogusStormName) \
or (newStormName == "" and existingStormName == "") \
or (newStormName != "" and existingStormName != ""):
return stormName, message
stormName = newStormName
if stormName == "":
stormName = existingStormName
message = ""
return stormName, message
def askAreYouSure(self, stormNumber):
Pops a dialog that asks if the user wants to specify a used stormID.
Returns True if they wish to continue.
variableList = []
question = "Are you sure you want to reuse this storm number?"
variableList.append((question, "No", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]))
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
'"' + str(stormNumber) + '"' + ' is a previously used storm number',
variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
return False
if varDict[question] == "Yes":
return True
return False
def saveJSONFileToTextProduct(self, bulletin):
Runs a script that save the specified JSON file to a text product.
Then it is automatically sent to the WFOs.
mode = " operational"
if self.gfeOperatingMode() == "PRACTICE":
mode = " practice"
execStr = "/localapps/runtime/RecommendWindWatchWarning/ MIAJSN" + bulletin + mode
def filterStormList(self, stormList, siteID, currentYear):
Filters storm list by looking at valid stormNames for this siteID.
basinList = []
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
basinList = ["AT", "EP"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
basinList = ["CP"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
basinList = ["WP"]
filteredStormList = [storm for storm in stormList if storm["pil"][:2] in basinList]
return filteredStormList
def execute(self):
# Get the current UTC year - two digits only
curYear = self._gmtime().timetuple().tm_year % 100
siteID = self.getSiteID()
# Get list of available storms
stormList = self.extractStormInfo(filterATOnly=False)
# Purge old JSON files
stormList = self.removeOldJSONFiles(stormList)
stormList = self.filterStormList(stormList, siteID, curYear)
# Get info on what storm this is
bogusStormName = "ZYXWWXYZ" # Define a bogus storm so none will be defaulted
Numbers = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
"Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen",
"Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", "Twenty",
"Twenty-One", "Twenty-Two", "Twenty-Three", "Twenty-Four", "Twenty-Five"]
stormNameList = self.getStormNameList(siteID, curYear)
self._activeStormNames = []
for storm in stormList:
self._activeStormNames.append(storm["stormName"] + ":" + storm["stormID"])
# If there are active storms, put the next name on top
stormNameList = self.shuffleStormList(stormNameList)
# Ensure "None" is on top
if "None" in stormNameList:
stormNameList.insert(0, "None")
variableList = []
existingStormLabel = " Select an \nExisting Storm\n"
if len(self._activeStormNames) > 0:
variableList.append((existingStormLabel, [], "check", self._activeStormNames))
# Remove any active storm names
for storm in stormList:
stormName = storm["stormName"]
if stormName in stormNameList:
# Add available storm names to GUI
newStormLabel = "Select a New Storm\n"
variableList.append((newStormLabel, [], "check", stormNameList))
# Display the GUI
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
"Set Advisory Information", variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
# Validate the GUI selections
stormName, response = self.checkGUISelections(varDict, bogusStormName,
existingStormLabel, newStormLabel)
if response is not "":
self.statusBarMsg("Please select ONE and ONLY one storm.", "S")
if ":" in stormName:
stormName = stormName[:stormName.index(":")]
self._basinBins = self._WindWWUtils._basinBins
# Build the Variable Lists dynamically based on the chosen storm
# If New, make default GUI
newStorm = False
if stormName in stormNameList: # New storm
newStorm = True
pilList = self.getPILList(siteID)
variableList = []
variableList.append(("AWIPS bin number", "", "radio", pilList))
variableList.append(("Storm Type", "Tropical Storm", "radio",
["Potential Tropical Cyclone", "Subtropical Depression", "Subtropical Storm",
"Tropical Depression", "Tropical Storm", "Hurricane", "Post-Tropical Cyclone"]))
variableList.append(("Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)", "", "alphaNumeric"))
variableList.append(("Storm Number", 1, "scale", [1, 25], 1))
variableList.append(("Advisory Type" , "Routine", "radio",
["Routine", "Special", "Intermediate"]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Number" , "", "alphaNumeric"))
# If existing storm, build GUI using JSON file info
for sDict in stormList:
if sDict["stormName"] == stormName:
PIL = sDict["pil"]
stormType = sDict["stormType"]
stormNum = sDict["stormNumber"]
advisoryType = sDict["advisoryType"]
advisoryNum = sDict["advisoryNumber"]
stormID = sDict["stormID"]
variableList = []
variableList.append(("AWIPS bin number", PIL, "radio", [PIL]))
variableList.append(("Storm Type", stormType, "radio",
["Potential Tropical Cyclone", "Subtropical Depression", "Subtropical Storm",
"Tropical Depression", "Tropical Storm", "Hurricane", "Post-Tropical Cyclone"]))
if stormName in Numbers:
variableList.append(("Storm Name", "None", "radio", stormNameList))
elif stormName not in stormNameList:
variableList.append(("Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)", stormName, "alphaNumeric"))
variableList.append(("Storm Name", stormName, "radio", [stormName]))
variableList.append(("Storm Number", stormNum, "radio", [stormNum]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Type" , advisoryType , "radio",
["Routine", "Special", "Intermediate"]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Number" , advisoryNum, "alphaNumeric"))
variableList.append(("StormID: " + stormID, "", "label"))
# Display the GUI
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
"Set Advisory Information for " + stormName, variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
# Collect all the info provided by the forecaster
pil = varDict["AWIPS bin number"].strip()
stormType = varDict["Storm Type"].strip()
if "Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)" in varDict:
otherStormName = varDict["Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)"].strip()
otherStormName = ""
if otherStormName:
stormName = otherStormName
elif "Storm Name" in varDict:
stormName = varDict["Storm Name"]
# QC the storm number but only for NHC
stormNumber = int(varDict["Storm Number"])
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
pilModNumber = int(pil[2:])
if pilModNumber == 5:
pilModNumber = 0
self.statusBarMsg("You did not provide a correct bin. Please rerun StormInfo.", "U")
if stormNumber % 5 != pilModNumber:
self.statusBarMsg("The chosen storm number is not correct for chosen bin. Please rerun StormInfo.", "S")
if stormName == "None":
stormName = Numbers[int(stormNumber)-1]
advisoryType = varDict["Advisory Type"].strip()
advisoryNumber = varDict["Advisory Number"].strip()
advisoryNumber = ""
if not advisoryNumber:
self.statusBarMsg("The advisory number is missing. Please rerun StormInfo.", "S")
if advisoryType == "Intermediate":
advisoryNumber += "A"
stormID = ""
if not newStorm:
if advisoryNumber == advisoryNum:
self.statusBarMsg("You did not increment the advisory number. Make sure that is what you want. Proceeded without changing Adv number", "A")
else: # It's a new storm. Save the stormID in the history
stormID = self._WindWWUtils.makeStormID(pil, stormNumber)
stormIDHistory = self._WindWWUtils.stormIDHistory()
# Check to see if the stormNumber has been used before for this basin.
if stormID in stormIDHistory:
if not self.askAreYouSure(stormNumber):
# Open the file to store all the info for this particular storm
stormDict = {}
# First find the storm we're working on and start with that to preserve other data
for stormInfo in stormList:
if stormInfo["stormName"] == stormName:
stormDict = stormInfo
# Over write some of the values
advisoryNumber = advisoryNumber.replace("\n", "")
advisoryNumber = advisoryNumber.replace(" ", "")
stormDict["stormType"] = stormType
stormDict["stormName"] = stormName
stormDict["stormNumber"] = stormNumber
stormDict["advisoryType"] = advisoryType
stormDict["advisoryNumber"] = advisoryNumber
stormDict["pil"] = pil
if newStorm:
stormDict["stormID"] = stormID
# Save the info for this storm
self._saveAdvisory(pil, stormDict)
if siteID not in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
self.statusBarMsg(pil + " successfully saved.", "R")