2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

207 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# MergeWFOEdits - Version 3.1
# Author: LeFebvre, Santos
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# Apr 13, 2016 LeFebvre Code cleanup and refactor
# Sep 10, 2016 Santos Fix fetching of split wfo grids from
# ProposedSSwfo ISC db
# Sep 19, 2016 19293 randerso Initial baseline check in
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
import TimeRange
import TropicalUtility
import numpy as np
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["None"]
bogusWFO = ["XYZYX"] # This allows no default selected for the check buttons when the GUI appears
VariableList = [
("WFOs", bogusWFO, "check", ["CAR", "GYX", "BOX", "OKX", "PHI", "LWX",
"AKQ", "MHX", "ILM", "CHS", "JAX", "MLB",
"MFL", "KEY", "TBW", "TAE", "MOB", "LIX",
"LCH", "HGX", "CRP", "BRO"]),
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
# Fetch the ProposedSSwfo grid comprising the last grid where any site has a hazard defined.
def fetchProposedWFOGrid(self, cwaList):
# Fetch the WFO ISC grid inventory
weName = "ProposedSSwfo"
wfoTRs = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, "ISC")
# No grids, time to go home
if len(wfoTRs) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No " + weName + " grids found to merge into ProposedSS.", "U")
return None
cGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
cKeys = ["<None>"]
wfoTRs.reverse() # process the grids latest to oldest
foundCWAs = []
for tr in wfoTRs:
#print tr
wfoSSGrid = self.getGrids("ISC", weName, "SFC", tr)
hazGrid, hazKeys = wfoSSGrid
#print "keys:", hazKeys
for cwa in cwaList:
eacwa = "ISC_" + cwa
#print cwa
# Skip cwas we've already found
if cwa in foundCWAs:
ea = self.getEditArea(eacwa)
if not ea:
self.statusBarMsg("Edit area for CWA " + cwa + " not found.", "S")
cwaMask = self.encodeEditArea(ea)
for hazKey in hazKeys:
if hazKey == "<None>":
print("hazKey", hazKey)
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazKeys)
hazMask = (hazGrid == hazIndex)
overlap = hazMask & cwaMask
if overlap.any():
newIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, cKeys)
print("added key now:", cKeys)
cGrid[overlap] = newIndex
if not cwa in foundCWAs:
return cGrid, cKeys
def execute(self, editArea, varDict):
cwas = varDict["WFOs"]
if cwas == bogusWFO:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select a valid WFO.", "U")
# Make a time range to find the initial storm surge hazards
# Truncate to top of last hour
start = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
end = start + 48 * 3600 # 2 days later
timeRange48Hour = self.GM_makeTimeRange(start, end)
# Fetch the proposed grid and the WFO ISC grid
ssTRs = self.GM_getWEInventory("ProposedSS","Fcst" )
if len(ssTRs) > 0:
propSSGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "ProposedSS", "SFC", ssTRs[-1])
self.statusBarMsg("No PropsedSS grids found.", "U")
# Fetch InitialSS grid
ssTRs = self.GM_getWEInventory("InitialSS", "Fcst" )
if len(ssTRs) > 0:
initSSGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "InitialSS", "SFC", ssTRs[-1])
self.statusBarMsg("No InitialSS grids found.", "U")
# Replaced above with this code to fetch a combined Hazards grid
wfoSSGrid = self.fetchProposedWFOGrid(cwas)
# Calculate the overlap of selected WFO's ISC areas and selected area
selectedMask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
# If no points selected, select all points
if not selectedMask.any():
selectedMask = self.newGrid(True, np.bool)
# Make an empty mask grid, so we can use it to add up all the WFO areas
cwaMask = self.newGrid(False, np.bool)
# Process all the selected CWAs
for cwa in cwas:
# Get the ISC edit area mask for this office
mask = self.encodeEditArea("ISC_" + cwa.upper())
cwaMask = cwaMask | mask
# Check for conflicts with just this CWA
if self.anyHazardConflicts(initSSGrid, wfoSSGrid, mask):
"WFO " + cwa + " conflicts with the InitialSS grid." + \
" Check for discrepancy in either event code or ETN in " + \
"incoming WFO ISC grids.", "S")
# Use the intersection of the CWA areas and the selected area
selectedMask = selectedMask & cwaMask
# Further reduce the area to just the StormSurge editArea
ssMask = self.encodeEditArea("StormSurgeWW_EditArea")
selectedMask = selectedMask & ssMask
# Now check for conflicts with each WFO and the InitialSS grid.
wfoKeys = wfoSSGrid[1]
noneWfoIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", wfoKeys)
# Finally merge the WFO ISC grids into the ProposedSS grid
wfoGrid, wfoKeys = wfoSSGrid
ssGrid, ssKeys = propSSGrid
ssGrid = ssGrid.copy() # make a copy so we don't affect the original
ssKeys = list(ssKeys) # make a copy
# Process all the WFO proposed hazards
for wfoIndex, wfoKey in enumerate(wfoKeys):
# Identify where this WFO hazard intersects the selected area
mask = (wfoGrid == wfoIndex) & selectedMask
# Get the index of this hazard key within the NHC hazards
ssIndex = self.getIndex(wfoKey, ssKeys)
# Convert the WFO key index to an NHC key index
ssGrid[mask] = ssIndex
# Put the merged ProposedSS back together
proposedGrid = (ssGrid, ssKeys)
# Delete any existing collaboration difference grids
self.unloadWE("Fcst", "CollabDiffSS", "SFC")
# Delete all versions of this weather element
self.deleteCmd(["ProposedSS"], TimeRange.allTimes())
# Create the grid, so we can see it
self.createGrid("Fcst", "ProposedSS", "DISCRETE", proposedGrid,
# Calculate the new difference grid for this time range
self.calcDiffGrid(initSSGrid, proposedGrid, "CollabDiffSS",