231 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# MergeProposedWindWW.py
# This procedure merges the hazards found in the ProposedTropWindWW grid onto
# The hazard grid. First conflict checking with ETNS is performed. If any
# incompatabilites are found, the tool aborts.
# Author: tlefebvre
# March 27, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Initial version.
# April 8, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added fetching of coastal mask.
# April 9, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added imports
# April 16, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Using nhcCoastalMask more efficiently
# May 6, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Code Clean-up.
# May 13, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Changed Inland option to wfoMask.
# May 27, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed bug that removed hazards first.
# May 27, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed bug wiped out local hazards.
# May 27, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Hazard grid changes where Proposed grid
# is not None.
# May 28, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed issue with conflicting hazards
# June 3, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Addressed code review comments
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import TropicalUtility
import HazardUtils
import numpy as np
import TimeRange
import WindWWUtils
import ZoneMap
import re
VariableList = []
VariableList.append(("Merge Hazards from:", "Coastal Only", "radio", ["Coastal Only", "Coastal and Inland"]))
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._hazUtils = HazardUtils.HazardUtils(dbss, None)
# This will make the NHCCoastal edit area
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
self._zoneMap = ZoneMap.ZoneMap(self._dbss)
def checkForAnyConflicts(self, cwaMask, weName, dbName):
Checks for possible conflicts between existing NHC hazards and the
WFO hazards. Returns the list of CWAs that conflict in any way with
the NHC hazards. Uses TropicalUtility:anyHazardConflict
# Fetch the Proposed grid
propTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, dbName)
proposedGrid = self.getGrids(dbName, weName, "SFC", propTRList[-1])
hazTRs = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards")
currentTime = self._gmtime()
for tr in hazTRs:
# We're only interested in future hazard grids
if tr.endTime() < currentTime:
hazardGrid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), "Hazards", "SFC", tr)
if self.anyHazardConflicts(hazardGrid, proposedGrid, cwaMask):
return True
return False
def makeEmptyHazardGrid(self, timeRange):
Makes an empty Hazards grid.
# Make an empty grid.
hazGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
hazKeys = ["<None>"]
# Save it
self.createGrid("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", (hazGrid, hazKeys), timeRange)
def fetchNHCZoneMask(self):
Fetches and returns the NHCCoastalZone mask.
try: # Try to read the nhcZones
nhcEA = self.getEditArea("WindWWNHCZones")
nhcZoneMask = self.encodeEditArea(nhcEA)
except: # Can't find it so make it from scratch
self.statusBarMsg("Making NHCZone mask. Stand by.", "R")
nhcZoneList = self._WindWWUtils.breakpointZoneList()
# Set the mask
self.statusBarMsg("Making Coastal edit area. Stand by.", "S")
nhcZoneMask = self._zoneMap.maskFromZoneList(nhcZoneList)
# Convert to edit area and save
nhcEA = self.decodeEditArea(nhcZoneMask)
self.saveEditArea("WindWWNHCZones", nhcEA)
return nhcZoneMask
def stripETN(self, hazKey):
Remove the ETN from the hazKey and return the result.
# Remove everything past and including the colon ":"
return re.sub(r':\d{4}', "", hazKey)
def removeWindHazards(self, weName, timeRange, mask):
Removes all the tropical wind hazards from the specified grid and time.
tropicalWindKeys = ["TR.A", "HU.A", "TR.W", "HU.W"]
hazGrid, hazKeys = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", timeRange)
for hazKey in hazKeys:
subKeys = hazKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
keyNoETN = self.stripETN(subKey)
if keyNoETN not in tropicalWindKeys:
self._hazUtils._removeHazard(weName, timeRange, subKey, mask)
def execute(self, editArea, timeRange, varDict):
# See if the Hazards WE is loaded in the GFE, if not abort the tool
if not self._hazUtils._hazardsLoaded():
self.statusBarMsg("Hazards Weather Element must be loaded in "+\
"the GFE before running MergeProposedWindWW.", "S")
# Ensure there are no temp grids loaded, refuse to run
if self._hazUtils._tempWELoaded():
self.statusBarMsg("There are temporary hazard grids loaded. " + \
"Please merge all hazards grids before running MergeProposedWW.", "S")
# Ensure grid is not locked by another user
if self.lockedByOther('Hazards', 'SFC'):
self.statusBarMsg("There are conflicting locks (red locks - owned by others) on Hazards. " + \
"Please resolve these before running MergeProposedWindWW", "S")
# Get the coastal mask
self._coastalMask = self.fetchNHCZoneMask()
proposedWEName = "ProposedTropWindWW"
proposedDBName = self.mutableID()
# Make sure we have a ProposedTropWindWW before we begin
propTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory(proposedWEName, dbase=proposedDBName)
if len(propTRList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No ProposedTropWindWW Fcst grid found. Tool aborting.", "S")
userOption = varDict["Merge Hazards from:"]
# Make the CWA mask
siteID = self.getSiteID()
cwaMask = self.encodeEditArea(siteID)
# Make a mask that will be used to restrict the area that will be merged.
if userOption == "Coastal Only":
# Set the mask to the Coastal mask
self._hazardMask = self._coastalMask
else: # Set the mask to the entire domain
self._hazardMask = cwaMask
# Get the ProposedTropWindWW grid and the Hazard grid.
# set propTR to span the full inventory of ProposedWW grids
propTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(propTRList[0].startTime().unixTime(), propTRList[-1].endTime().unixTime())
# Check each site for any conflicts and return the list of conflicting sites
if self.checkForAnyConflicts(cwaMask, proposedWEName, proposedDBName):
self.statusBarMsg("Hazard conflicts between Hazard grid and ProposedTropWindWW from NHC.\n"\
"Check Wind ETN or for CF Hazards.", "U")
# If there were not any wfo hazard grids found, make empty grid(s) based on the ProposedWW timeRange
hazTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards")
if not hazTRList:
# Make empty hazard grids with same timeRanges as ProposedWW
for tr in propTRList:
# Make new Hazards grids at the beginning and/or end, if needed
if propTR.startTime() < hazTRList[0].startTime(): # add a new Hazard grid at the beginning
newTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(propTR.startTime(), hazTRList[0].startTime())
# Check and make one at the end, if needed
if hazTRList[-1].endTime() < propTR.endTime():
newTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(hazTRList[-1].endTime(), propTR.endTime())
# Finally split the Hazards grid at the propTR
self.splitCmd(["Hazards"], propTR)
# Re-fetch the hazards inventory, since it may have changed
hazTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards")
# Get the ProposedWW grid
propGrid, propKeys = self.getGrids(proposedDBName, proposedWEName, "SFC", propTRList[-1])
# Find areas where the Prop grid is not None and only operate on those areas
noneIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", propKeys)
propHazMask = ~(propGrid == noneIndex)
# Now that hazards are separated so update each one individually
for hazTR in hazTRList:
# Only add Proposed hazards where the Hazards overlap
if not hazTR.overlaps(propTR):
# Remove current hazards as these will be replaced.
removeMask = propHazMask & self._hazardMask
self.removeWindHazards("Hazards", hazTR, removeMask)
for propKey in propKeys:
if propKey != "<None>":
propIndex = self.getIndex(propKey, propKeys)
mask = (propGrid == propIndex) & self._hazardMask & propHazMask
self._hazUtils._addHazard("Hazards", hazTR, propKey, mask, combine=1)
# Separate the hazards for easier updating