2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

1860 lines
75 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Aviation_Finalize - Version 20181203
# Last Modified: 3 December 2018
# Author: lefebvre
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
VariableList = []
import time
import SmartScript
import numpy as np
import copy
import tkinter as tk
import AbsTime, TimeRange
import Aviation_EDASConfig as FinalizeConfig
import Exceptions
# Translates words into wxTypes
# Used by the method addNewWxFromVis()
wxTypesDict = {"Fog" : "F",
"Haze" : "H",
"Smoke" : "K",
# Tooltip class so we can specify a tooltip for any widget. Just pass in the
# widget and the text to be displayed.
class CreateToolTip(object):
def __init__(self, widget, text='widget info'):
self.widget = widget
self.text = text
self.widget.bind("<Enter>", self.enter)
self.widget.bind("<Leave>", self.close)
def enter(self, event=None):
x = y = 0
x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 25
y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 20
# creates a toplevel window = tk.Toplevel(self.widget)
# Leaves only the label and removes the app window"+%d+%d" % (x, y))
label = tk.Label(, text=self.text, justify='left',
background='yellow', relief='solid', borderwidth=1,
font=("times", "10", "normal"))
def close(self, event=None):
# End Tooltip class
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
# Fetches the inventory as a list of timeRanges of the specified model and
# and weather element. This list will be restricted to the specified timeRange,
# if it's provided.
def getWEInventory(self, modelName, WEName, timeRange=None):
allTimes = TimeRange.allTimes()
if timeRange is None:
timeRange = allTimes
trList = []
# getGridInfo will just die if the modelName or weName is not valid
# so wrap it in a try block and return [] if it fails
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(modelName, WEName, "SFC", timeRange)
except Exceptions.EditActionError:
return trList
for g in gridInfo:
if timeRange.overlaps(g.gridTime()):
return trList
# Returns True if the specified WeName is a rate parm.
def cumulativeParm(self, weName, dbName):
parm = self.getParm(dbName, weName, "SFC")
if parm is None:
return False
rateParm = parm.getGridInfo().isRateParm()
rateParm = (rateParm == 1) # convert int to boolean
return rateParm
# Get the type of the specified weather element name
def getWEType(self, weName):
parm = self.getParm("Fcst", weName, "SFC")
# Check for None in case the element is not configured.
if parm is None:
return None
parmType = str(parm.getGridInfo().getGridType())
return parmType
def getParmMinMaxLimits(self, modelName, weName):
parm = self.getParm(modelName, weName, "SFC")
return parm.getGridInfo().getMinValue(), parm.getGridInfo().getMaxValue()
# Creates a list of hourly timeRanges based on the specified timeRange
def getTimeRanges(self, timeRange):
start = timeRange.startTime().unixTime()
end = timeRange.endTime().unixTime()
trList = []
for t in range(start, end, 3600):
s = AbsTime.AbsTime(t)
e = AbsTime.AbsTime(t + 3600)
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(s, e)
return trList
# Fetches every grid within the specified timeRange for the elements in weList
def fetchAllGrids(self, weList, selectedTR):
weDict = {}
emptyMask = self.empty(np.bool)
for weName in weList:
trList = self.getWEInventory("Fcst", weName, selectedTR)
weDict[weName] = {}
cumParm = self.cumulativeParm(weName, "Fcst")
for tr in trList:
grid = self.getGrids("Fcst", weName, "SFC", tr)
if tr.duration() == 3600:
weDict[weName][tr] = grid, emptyMask
# Parm of different duration needs to be split
hourlyTRList = self.getTimeRanges(tr)
# If it's a cumulative parm divide by the duration
if cumParm:
grid = grid / (tr.duration() // 3600)
for hourlyTR in hourlyTRList:
weDict[weName][hourlyTR] = grid, emptyMask
return weDict
# Returns a mask where the Wx grid matches the specified Wx type and intensity.
# if wxIntens is None, the mask matches the Wx type and all intensities.
def getWxMask(self, wxGrid, wxType, wxIntens=None):
byteGrid, wxKeys = wxGrid
gridMask = np.zeros(byteGrid.shape, np.bool)
for wxKey in wxKeys:
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
subParts = subKey.split(":")
if subParts[1] == wxType and subParts[2] == wxIntens or \
subParts[1] == wxType and wxIntens is None:
wxIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
gridMask = gridMask | (byteGrid == wxIndex)
return gridMask
# Returns the three Wx components if both type are obstructions and "" otherwise
def bothTypesObstructions(self, newSubType, wxKey):
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
subCov, subType, subInten = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
# if both are obstructions, return True
if subType in self._obstructionTypes and newSubType in self._obstructionTypes:
return subType
return ""
# Called when we want to replace a subkey within and existing wx key
def replaceWxSubKey(self, wxKey, wxTypeToReplace, newWxCov, newWxType, newWxIntens):
newWxKey = ""
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
wxCov, wxType, wxIntens = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
# Add the separator if needed
if newWxKey != "":
newWxKey = newWxKey + "^"
if wxType == wxTypeToReplace: # Replace this subKey
newWxKey = newWxKey + newWxCov + ":" + newWxType + ":" + newWxIntens + ":<NoVis>:"
else: # Add to the existing key
newWxKey = newWxKey + subKey
return newWxKey
def removeWxType(self, wxGrid, removeWxType):
byteGrid, wxKeys = wxGrid
initialWxKeys = copy.copy(wxKeys)
noWxUglyStr = "<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:"
for wxKey in initialWxKeys:
newKey = ""
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
wxCov, wxType, wxInten = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
if wxType != removeWxType:
if newKey == "":
newKey = subKey
newKey = newKey + "^" + subKey
# Don't bother changing the WxGrid, if the key is the same
if newKey == wxKey:
# If the key was only the specified wxType the newKey will be empty
if newKey == "":
newKey = noWxUglyStr
oldIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
mask = byteGrid == oldIndex
newIndex = self.getIndex(newKey, wxKeys)
byteGrid[mask] = newIndex
return byteGrid, wxKeys
# Adds the new Wx coverage, type, and intensity to the specified wx grid and keys.
# If the wx type is the same as any type found in the wxKeys, the type is preserved
# and the specified coverage and intensity is used.
def addNewWx(self, wxGrid, wxKeys, newWxCov, newWxType, newWxIntens, mask):
initialWxKeys = copy.copy(wxKeys)
for wxKey in initialWxKeys:
newType = newWxType
wxIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
wxMask = wxGrid == wxIndex
# See if there's any overlap and if not skip this wxKey
overlap = wxMask & mask
if not overlap.any():
# Check to see if we're trying to add the same Wx type.
# If so, build a brand new key and add that to the Wx keys
# Trying to combine two keys of the same type is not allowed
wxParts = self.wxCovTypeIntensMatchType(wxKey, newType) # Returns None if not the same wx type
if wxParts is not None: # We found matching wxTypes somewhere in the full key
if len(wxKey.split("^")) == 1: # only one subKey
# Make a brand new subkey
newWxKey = newWxCov + ":" + newType + ":" + newWxIntens + ":<NoVis>:"
else: # This wxKey has more subKeys
# Make a new key that includes the key we want plus the other subKeys
subKeyList = wxKey.split("^")
newWxKey = ""
for subKey in subKeyList:
subCov, subType, subInten = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
if self.wxTypeMatches(subType, newType):
if newWxKey != "": # Add the leading caret
newWxKey = newWxKey + "^"
newWxKey = newWxKey + newWxCov + ":" + newType + ":" + newWxIntens + ":<NoVis>:"
newWxKey = newWxKey + "^" + subKey
else: # No wxType match, so make a new key
# If both types are obstructions, replace whatever is there
replaceWxType = self.bothTypesObstructions(newWxType, wxKey)
if replaceWxType != "":
newWxKey = self.replaceWxSubKey(wxKey, replaceWxType, newWxCov, newWxType, newWxIntens)
#print "replacing:", wxKey, "with:", newWxCov, newWxType, newWxIntens
else: # just add it in to the existing key
newWxKey = self.makeNewWxKey(wxKey, newWxCov, newType, newWxIntens)
newWxIndex = self.getIndex(newWxKey, wxKeys)
wxGrid[overlap] = newWxIndex
return wxGrid, wxKeys
# Makes and returns a new Wx sub key based on the specified old key and new Wx components.
# Old and new weather types should not match.
def makeNewWxKey(self, oldKey, newCov, newType, newIntens):
keyToAdd = newCov + ":" + newType + ":" + newIntens + ":<NoVis>:"
if oldKey == self._noWxStr:
return keyToAdd
newKey = ""
# See if a subKey already has the F or ZF and replace it with the new attributes
subKeys = oldKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
wxCov, wxType, wxIntens = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
if wxCov == "":
# If old type is F and we want FZ or vice versa, replace the subKey
elif wxType in ["F", "ZF"] and newType in ["F", "ZF"]:
keyPart = keyToAdd
keyPart = subKey + "^" + keyToAdd
if newKey == "":
newKey = newKey + keyPart
newKey = newKey + "^" + keyPart
return newKey
# Caps the CBP height based on different ranges of PoP values
def popAssignsCBP(self, PoP, CloudBasePrimary, Sky, Visibility):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
mask = (PoP >= 15.0) & (PoP < 25.0) & (CloudBasePrimary > 110.0) & self._editAreaMask
CloudBasePrimary[mask] = 110.0 # 11000 feet
changeMask = changeMask | mask
mask = (PoP >= 25.0) & (PoP < 55.0) & (CloudBasePrimary > 100.0)
CloudBasePrimary[mask] = 100.0 # 10000 feet
changeMask = changeMask | mask
mask = (PoP >= 55.0) & (CloudBasePrimary > 90.0)
CloudBasePrimary[mask] = 90.0 # 9000 feet
changeMask = changeMask | mask
# Make sure we have no "zero" ceilings if SKy < OVC and good Visibility
mask = (Sky <= 87.5) & (Visibility >= 7.0) & (CloudBasePrimary < 1.0)
CloudBasePrimary[mask] = 1.0
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return CloudBasePrimary, changeMask
# Returns a mask where any precipitation type is found.
def getPrecipNonPrecipMask(self, Wx, wxTypeList):
mask = self.empty(np.bool) # mask of zeros
wxGrid, wxKeys = Wx
# Check each key
for wxKey in wxKeys:
# and each subkey within each key
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for subKey in subKeys:
wxCov, wxType, wxIntens = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
if wxType in wxTypeList:
wxIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
mask = mask | (wxGrid == wxIndex)
return mask
# Rule that ensures the Visibility remains consistent with the Wx and PoP.
def lowPoPNoWxVis10(self, PoP, Wx, Visibility):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Get the mask of places where there are obstructions.
obstructionMask = self.getPrecipNonPrecipMask(Wx, self._obstructionTypes)
# But we really want the place where there is no precip.
noPrecipMask = ~obstructionMask
# Calculated the other masks
lowVisMask = Visibility < self._config["visPopThreshold"]
popMask = (PoP < 55.0) & self._editAreaMask
# Set the visibility
mask = popMask & noPrecipMask & lowVisMask
Visibility[mask] = self._config["visPopThreshold"]
changeMask = changeMask | mask
highPoPMask = PoP >= 55.0
visMask = Visibility > 6.0
# Set the visibility
mask = highPoPMask & visMask & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[mask] = 6.0
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return Visibility, changeMask
# Ensures that Sky is not less than the PoP value
def popAssignsSky(self, PoP, Sky):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
mask = (PoP > Sky) & self._editAreaMask
Sky[mask] = PoP[mask]
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return Sky, changeMask
# Removes zero CBP values where Sky is not OVC and Visibility > 0.5
def noZeroCeiling(self, CloudBasePrimary, Sky, Visibility):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
zeroCeilingMask = CloudBasePrimary == 0.0
noOVCMask = Sky < 93.5
visMask = Visibility >= 0.5
mask = zeroCeilingMask & noOVCMask & visMask
CloudBasePrimary[mask] = 1.0
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return CloudBasePrimary, changeMask
# Internal method to extract the Visibility limits based on wxType and coverage.
def calcCoverageLimits(self, wxType, coverage):
covList = copy.copy(self._wxTypeCovDict[wxType]) # need to copy so we don't mess with the original copy.
visList = [0.0]
for i in range(len(covList)):
covIndex = covList.index(coverage)
visMin = visList[covIndex]
visMax = visList[covIndex + 1]
return visMin, visMax
# Modify PoTFog based on Visibility
def makePoTGridFromVis(self, Visibility, T, Td, wxType, TMinusTd, tr):
# Make masks of interesting places
tBelow32 = (T <= 32.0)
# Places where we want Fog
fogMask = ((T - Td) <= TMinusTd) & self._editAreaMask
covList = self._wxTypeCovDict[wxType] # Fetch coverages for Fog
covDict = {"Patchy" : 20.0,
"Areas" : 40.0,
"Wide" : 70.0,
"Def" : 100,
if wxType == "Fog":
potFogGrid = self.empty() # grid of zeros
potFreezingFogGrid = self.empty() # grid of zeros
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(wxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility < covMax) & fogMask
if not mask.any(): # skip if no point are found
if cov not in covDict:
print("ERROR!! coverage:", cov, " not found in covDict")
potValue = covDict[cov] # Fetch the potFog value from the dict
# Update the potFogGrid grid
potFogGrid[mask] = potValue
# Update the potFreezingFogGrid grid
potFreezingFogGrid[mask & tBelow32] = potValue
# Create the grids
self.createGrid("Fcst", "PotFog", "SCALAR", potFogGrid, tr)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "PotFreezingFog", "SCALAR", potFreezingFogGrid, tr)
# Add Haze
elif wxType == "Haze":
potHazeGrid = self.empty() # grid of zeros
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(wxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility < covMax) & self._editAreaMask
if not mask.any(): # skip if no point are found
if cov not in covDict:
print("ERROR!! coverage:", cov, " not found in covDict")
potValue = covDict[cov]
potHazeGrid[mask] = potValue
self.createGrid("Fcst", "PotHaze", "SCALAR", potHazeGrid, tr)
# Add Smoke
elif wxType == "Smoke":
potSmokeGrid = self.empty() # grid of zeros
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(wxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility < covMax) & self._editAreaMask
if not mask.any(): # skip if no point are found
if cov not in covDict:
print("ERROR!! coverage:", cov, " not found in covDict")
potValue = covDict[cov]
potSmokeGrid[mask] = potValue
self.createGrid("Fcst", "PotSmoke", "SCALAR", potSmokeGrid, tr)
# Add new weather (F, K, H) where Visibility values dictate.
def addNewWxFromVis(self, Visibility, T, Td, Wx, newWxType, TMinusTd, tr):
oldByteGrid, oldKeys = Wx
# First remove the weather from the grid we will be changing
# wxTypesDict is defined at the top of this module.
wxGrid, wxKeys = self.removeWxType(Wx, wxTypesDict[newWxType])
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
noWxIntensity = "<NoInten>"
# Make masks of interesting places
visBelowPoint25 = Visibility <= 0.25
visBelowFiveEighths = Visibility < 0.625
tBelow32 = T <= 32.0
tAbove32 = T > 32.0
# Define the criteria for Obstruction Wx based on the above masks
fogMask = ((T - Td) <= TMinusTd) & self._editAreaMask
covList = self._wxTypeCovDict[newWxType]
# Add Fog to Wx
if newWxType == "Fog":
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(newWxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility <= covMax) & fogMask
changeMask = changeMask | mask
# Add Fog
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(wxGrid, wxKeys, cov, "F", noWxIntensity, mask & tAbove32)
changeMask = changeMask | (mask & tAbove32)
# Add Freezing Fog - Use the Wx grid and keys from above.
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(newWxGrid, newWxKeys, cov, "ZF", noWxIntensity, mask & tBelow32 & visBelowFiveEighths)
changeMask = changeMask | (mask & tBelow32 & visBelowFiveEighths)
# Check for dense fog conditions
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(newWxGrid, newWxKeys, cov, "F", "+", mask & tAbove32 & visBelowPoint25)
changeMask = changeMask | (mask & tAbove32 & visBelowPoint25)
# Check for freezing Dense Fog conditions
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(newWxGrid, newWxKeys, cov, "ZF", "+", mask & tBelow32 & visBelowPoint25)
changeMask = changeMask | (mask & tBelow32 & visBelowPoint25)
if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Yes":
# Make the PoTFog grid
self.makePoTGridFromVis(Visibility, T, Td, newWxType, TMinusTd, tr)
# Add Haze to Wx
elif newWxType == "Haze": # Haze has only one coverage - "Def"
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(newWxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility < covMax) & self._editAreaMask
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(wxGrid, wxKeys, cov, "H", noWxIntensity, mask)
changeMask = changeMask | mask
if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Yes":
# Make the PoTFog grid
self.makePoTGridFromVis(Visibility, T, Td, newWxType, TMinusTd, tr)
# Add Smoke to Wx
elif newWxType == "Smoke":
for cov in covList:
covMin, covMax = self.calcCoverageLimits(newWxType, cov)
mask = (Visibility >= covMin) & (Visibility < covMax) & self._editAreaMask
newWxGrid, newWxKeys = self.addNewWx(wxGrid, wxKeys, cov, "K", noWxIntensity, mask)
changeMask = changeMask | mask
if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Yes":
# Make the PoTFog grid
self.makePoTGridFromVis(Visibility, T, Td, newWxType, TMinusTd, tr)
return (newWxGrid, newWxKeys), changeMask
# Modifies the Visibility base on the Wx coverage and intensity.
def updateVisFromWx(self, Wx, Visibility):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Set Vis to 7SM where <7 and NoWx
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, "<NoWx>", "<NoInten>")
visMask = (Visibility < 7.0) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 7.0
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
# Set Vis to 6 if regular F
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, "F", "<NoInten>")
visMask = (Visibility > 6.0) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 6.0
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
# Set Vis to 0.25 if F+
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, "F", "+")
visMask = (Visibility > 0.25) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 0.25
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
# Set Vis based on Snow intensity
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, "S", "m")
visMask = (Visibility > 0.5) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 0.5
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, "S", "+")
visMask = (Visibility > 0.25) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 0.25
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
# Make masks and set the Vis to 6.0 for random wxTypes. Add more to this list
# in order to have them considered.
wxTypes = ["K"] # make this a list for now in case new type need to be added later
for wxType in wxTypes:
wxMask = self.getWxMask(Wx, wxType, "<NoInten>")
visMask = (Visibility > 6.0) & self._editAreaMask
Visibility[wxMask & visMask] = 6.0
changeMask = changeMask | (wxMask & visMask)
return Visibility, changeMask
# Simple method to parse a Wx string
def parseCovTypeIntens(self, wxSubKey):
keyParts = wxSubKey.split(":")
# Just return the first three coverage, type, and intensity
return keyParts[0:3]
# Returns the list of weather types in the proper order based on configuration.
def getWxTypeOrder(self, wxKey):
# Get the choice from the GUI
wxCat = self._intVar.get()
if wxCat == "Precip":
wxTypeList = self._config["IntensPrecipList"] + \
elif wxCat == "Non-Precip":
wxTypeList = self._config["IntensNonPrecipList"] + \
print("ERROR! Invalid Intensity choice from GUI!!!!!!")
return wxTypeList
# Determines which wx type to change based on configuration.
def determineWxTypeToAdjust(self, wxKey):
# Get the order of wx types based on GUI choices and configuration
wxTypeList = self.getWxTypeOrder(wxKey)
# Now find this wx type in the wxKey
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
for wxType in wxTypeList:
for subKey in subKeys:
subKeyWxCov, subKeyWxType, subKeyWxInt = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
if wxType == subKeyWxType:
return wxType
# If we didn't find a matching wx type, return None
return None
# Returns True if the weather types match. Snow and snow showers are treated
# as a match as are rain and rain showers.
def wxTypeMatches(self, wxType1, wxType2):
if wxType1 == wxType2:
return True
elif wxType1 in ["S", "SW"] and wxType2 in ["S", "SW"]:
return True
elif wxType1 in ["R", "RW"] and wxType2 in ["R", "RW"]:
return True
return False
# Returns the wx coverage, type, and intensity if the type matches wxType.
# Otherwise returns None
def wxCovTypeIntensMatchType(self, wxKey, wxType):
parts = wxKey.split("^")
for p in parts:
coverage, wxKeyType, intensity = self.parseCovTypeIntens(wxKey)
if self.wxTypeMatches(wxKeyType, wxType):
return coverage, wxKeyType, intensity
return None
# Updates the Wx Intensity grid based on visibility.
def updateWxIntensWithVis(self, Visibility, Wx):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# The intensities of these Wx types only are allowed to be updated
wxTypes = ["S", "SW", "L", "ZL", "F", "ZF"]
# Get the area masks based on Vis
visHeavy = Visibility <= 0.25
visMod = (Visibility > 0.25) & (Visibility <= 0.5)
visLight = Visibility > 0.5
# Make a list of the intensity to add and mask that goes with those conditions
maskInfo = [("m", visMod), ("+", visHeavy), ("-", visLight)]
wxGrid, wxKeys = Wx
# Make a copy of the keys so they won't get modified
# If we don't do this, an infinite loop occurs.
initWxKeys = copy.copy(wxKeys)
for wxKey in initWxKeys:
if wxKey == self._noWxStr:
# Adjust the intensity of a Wx type determined by the configuration
# and the choice on the GUI. Wx type adjusted depends on the other
# Wx sub keys.
targetWxType = self.determineWxTypeToAdjust(wxKey)
subKeys = wxKey.split("^")
# Examine each subKey
for subKey in subKeys:
subCov, subType, subIntens = self.parseCovTypeIntens(subKey)
# If it's not one of the special types, skip it
if subType not in wxTypes:
# If it's not the type we're looking to adjust, skip it
if subType != targetWxType:
# Now check each intensity to see if any changes are needed
for intens, visMask in maskInfo:
intenToAdd = intens
# If no points in the mask skip it.
if not visMask.any():
# Fog intensity behaves differently
if targetWxType in ["F", "ZF"] and intens in ["-", "m"]:
intenToAdd = "<NoInten>"
if intens == subIntens: # this subKey already has the right intensity
# At this point, we have the type and intensity that we're looking for
# so add/change to the new intensity
oldIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
mask = (wxGrid == oldIndex) & visMask & self._editAreaMask
# Skip if no points in the mask
if not mask.any():
wxGrid, wxKeys = self.addNewWx(wxGrid, wxKeys, subCov, subType, intenToAdd, mask)
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return (wxGrid, wxKeys), changeMask
# Sets the WindGust to the WindSpeed value where gust < speed
def updateWindGustWithWind(self, Wind, WindGust):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
speed, direction = Wind
mask = (speed > WindGust) & self._editAreaMask
WindGust[mask] = speed[mask]
changeMask = changeMask | mask
return WindGust, changeMask
# Adds the specified Vis to the specified Wx key.
def addVisToWxKey(self, oldKey, visStr):
# Don't add Vis to <NoWx>
if oldKey == self._noWxStr:
return oldKey
subKeys = oldKey.split("^")
newKey = ""
for i in range(0, len(subKeys)):
# if it's the first subKey, set the new Vis, otherwise set to <NoVis>
if i == 0:
newVis = visStr
newVis = "<NoVis>"
# Split the subKey into components and reassemble
subParts = subKeys[i].split(":")
if len(subParts) >= 3:
newSubKey = subParts[0] + ":" + subParts[1] + ":" + subParts[2] + ":" + newVis + ":"
if len(subParts) == 5 and subParts[4] != "":
newSubKey = newSubKey + subParts[4] + ":"
# Append to the new subKey
newKey = newKey + newSubKey + "^"
# strip off the last "^"
if newKey[-1] == "^":
newKey = newKey[0:-1]
return newKey
# Calculates the Ceiling grid based on the specified CBP and Sky grids.
def makeCeiling(self, CloudBasePrimary, Sky):
# Initialize the Ceiling grid to -30000
ceiling = np.zeros(CloudBasePrimary.shape, np.float32) + -30000.0
if CloudBasePrimary is None or Sky is None:
return ceiling
# Find points above the sky threshold
mask = (Sky > self._ceilingSkyThreshold)
# Assign the CPB value at these points
ceiling[mask] = CloudBasePrimary[mask] * 100 # convert to feet from 100s of feet
changeMask = np.ones(ceiling.shape, np.bool) # Always reset all the Ceiling values
return ceiling, changeMask
# Removes all Visibility components from the Wx ugly string
def removeVis(self, wxGrid):
byteGrid, wxKeys = wxGrid
for i in range(len(wxKeys)):
subKeys = wxKeys[i].split("^")
newWxKey = ""
for subKey in subKeys:
wxParts = subKey.split(":")
if len(wxParts) >= 4:
visStr = wxParts[3]
if visStr not in ["<NoVis>", ""]:
newSubKey = wxParts[0] + ":" + wxParts[1] + ":" + wxParts[2] + ":" + \
"<NoVis>" + ":"
if len(wxParts) == 5 and wxParts[4] != "":
newSubKey = newSubKey + wxParts[4]
newSubKey = subKey
newWxKey = newWxKey + newSubKey + "^"
newWxKey = newWxKey + subKey + "^"
if newWxKey[-1] == "^":
newWxKey = newWxKey[0:-1]
wxKeys[i] = newWxKey
return byteGrid, wxKeys
# Returns a new Wx grid that contains the corresponding Visibility string
# based on the Visibility at that same point for all values less than
# the specified visThreshold.
def setWxVis(self, Wx, Visibility, visThreshold):
changeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Define the ranges for each visibility category
# Note that the first value in the range is inclusive and the last
# value is exclusive, thus the last value matches the next first value.
visDict = {
"0SM" : (0.0, 0.125),
"1/4SM" : (0.125, 0.375),
"1/2SM" : (0.375, 0.675),
"3/4SM" : (0.675, 0.875),
"1SM" : (0.875, 1.25),
"11/2SM" : (1.25, 1.75),
"2SM" : (1.75, 2.25),
"21/2SM" : (2.25, 2.75),
"3SM" : (2.75, 3.50),
"4SM" : (3.50, 4.50),
"5SM" : (4.50, 5.50),
"6SM" : (5.50, 6.50),
"P6SM" : (6.50, 99.00),
# For each Vis category modify the Wx grid and save it.
Wx = self.removeVis(Wx)
wxGrid, wxKeys = Wx # Decompose the weather grid
for visStr in visDict:
visMin, visMax = visDict[visStr]
# make a mask for the point we plan to modify
visMask = (Visibility >= visMin) & (Visibility < visMax) & (Visibility <= visThreshold) & self._editAreaMask
if sum(sum(visMask)) == 0: # don't bother with empty masks
for wxKey in wxKeys:
wxIndex = self.getIndex(wxKey, wxKeys)
wxMask = wxGrid == wxIndex
overlap = wxMask & visMask
if sum(sum(overlap)) == 0: # don't bother with empty masks
newKey = self.addVisToWxKey(wxKey, visStr)
newWxIndex = self.getIndex(newKey, wxKeys)
wxGrid[overlap] = newWxIndex
changeMask = changeMask | overlap
return (wxGrid, wxKeys), changeMask
# Check to determine if the grid forecast has no gaps
def inventoryIsComplete(self, weList, timeRange):
for weName in weList:
# Skip Ceiling since the tool will derive that element
if weName in self._notRequiredWEs:
trList = self.getWEInventory("Fcst", weName, timeRange)
# Check for any gaps for this WE
if len(trList) == 0:
#self.statusBarMsg("Some " + weName + " grids missing. Inventory check failed.", "S")
return False
# Check for the first grid. Start time must be at or before the timeRange
if trList[0].startTime() > timeRange.startTime():
#self.statusBarMsg("Some " + weName + " grids missing. Inventory check failed.", "S")
return False
endTime = trList[0].endTime()
for i in range(1, len(trList)):
if trList[i].startTime() != endTime:
#self.statusBarMsg("Some " + weName + " grids missing. Inventory check failed.", "S")
return False
endTime = trList[i].endTime()
# Check for the last grid
if trList[-1].endTime().unixTime() < timeRange.endTime().unixTime():
#self.statusBarMsg("Some " + weName + " grids missing. Inventory check failed.", "S")
return False
return True
# Returns true if the tool is configured to offer the Save and Publich option.
def saveAndPublish(self):
if self._config["OfferSavePublish"] != "Yes":
return False
if self._savePublishVar.get() == "Yes":
return True
return False
# Check to ensure that all the data specified are available
def allDataAvailable(self, weDict, weList, tr):
for we in weList:
if we in weDict:
if tr not in weDict[we]:
return False
return True
# Reads the Ceiling and visibility grids and copies them into the CigHgt and Vsby
# grids, respectively.
def copyCeilingVisToCigHgtVsby(self):
weTuples = [("Ceiling", "CigHgt"), ("Visibility", "Vsby")]
cigMin, cigMax = self.getParmMinMaxLimits("Fcst", "CigHgt")
for sourceWE, targetWE in weTuples:
minValue, maxValue = self.getParmMinMaxLimits("Fcst", targetWE)
trList = self.getWEInventory("Fcst", sourceWE)
for tr in trList:
sourceGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", sourceWE, "SFC", tr)
# clip the grid in case the target has different min, max allowed values
sourceGrid = sourceGrid.clip(minValue, maxValue)
self.createGrid("Fcst", targetWE, "SCALAR", sourceGrid, tr)
# Main method that calls all of the selected rules.
def applyFinalizeRules(self, editArea):
selectedTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(AbsTime.AbsTime(self._editStartTime),
# Get the GUI variables
wxToAdd = self._selectedWxType.get()
coverageDict = {}
covList = self._wxTypeCovDict[wxToAdd]
for cov in covList:
coverageDict[cov] = self._scales[cov].get()
TMinusTd = self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName].get()
self._addVisBelow = self._addVisToWxScale.get()
trList = self.getTimeRanges(selectedTR)
# Make a mask over the edit are and restrict changes to that
self._editAreaMask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
if np.sum(self._editAreaMask) == 0:
self._editAreaMask = np.ones(self.getGridShape(), np.bool)
# Check the inventory for gaps and Stop or interpolate based on config setting
inventoryComplete = self.inventoryIsComplete(self._weList, selectedTR)
if not inventoryComplete:
if self._config["GapAction"] == "Stop":
self.statusBarMsg("Fcst gaps found but configured GapAction is set to Stop. Stopping Aviation_Finalize", "S")
if self._config["GapAction"] == "Interpolate":
# Make a list of WEs. Start with the total set and remove those not required.
weList = []
for we in self._weList:
if we not in self._notRequiredWEs:
self.interpolateCmd(weList, selectedTR, "GAPS", "SYNC", interval=1, duration=1)
# Fetch all the grids for the defined elements over the selected timeRange
weDict = self.fetchAllGrids(self._weList, selectedTR)
# Remove Pot grids if configured
if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Yes" and "Vis Adds New Wx" in self._userSelectedRules:
self.deleteCmd(["PotFog", "PotFreezingFog", "PotHaze", "PotSmoke"], selectedTR)
# Run the rules
for tr in trList:
if "PoP Adjusts Cloud Base" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["PoP", "CloudBasePrimary"], tr):
weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr] = self.popAssignsCBP(weDict["PoP"][tr][0], weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr][0],
weDict["Sky"][tr][0], weDict["Visibility"][tr][0])
if "PoP Defines Sky" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["PoP", "Sky"], tr):
weDict["Sky"][tr] = self.popAssignsSky(weDict["PoP"][tr][0], weDict["Sky"][tr][0])
if "Vis Adds New Wx" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["Visibility", "T", "Td", "Wx"], tr):
grid, mask = self.addNewWxFromVis(weDict["Visibility"][tr][0], weDict["T"][tr][0], weDict["Td"][tr][0],
weDict["Wx"][tr][0], wxToAdd, TMinusTd, tr)
finalMask = weDict["Wx"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["Wx"][tr] = grid, finalMask
if "Wx Adjusts Vis" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["Wx", "Visibility"], tr):
grid, mask = self.updateVisFromWx(weDict["Wx"][tr][0], weDict["Visibility"][tr][0])
finalMask = weDict["Visibility"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["Visibility"][tr] = grid, finalMask
if "QC Vis with PoP & Wx" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["PoP", "Wx", "Visibility"], tr):
grid, mask = self.lowPoPNoWxVis10(weDict["PoP"][tr][0], weDict["Wx"][tr][0], weDict["Visibility"][tr][0])
finalMask = weDict["Visibility"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["Visibility"][tr] = grid, finalMask
if "Update Wx Intensity Using Vis" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["Visibility", "Wx"], tr):
grid, mask = self.updateWxIntensWithVis(weDict["Visibility"][tr][0], weDict["Wx"][tr][0])
finalMask = weDict["Wx"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["Wx"][tr] = grid, finalMask
if "Adjust WindGust Using Wind" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["Wind", "WindGust"], tr):
weDict["WindGust"][tr] = self.updateWindGustWithWind(weDict["Wind"][tr][0], weDict["WindGust"][tr][0])
if "Add Vis to Wx String" in self._userSelectedRules:
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["Wx", "Visibility"], tr):
grid, mask = self.setWxVis(weDict["Wx"][tr][0], weDict["Visibility"][tr][0], self._addVisBelow)
finalMask = weDict["Wx"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["Wx"][tr] = grid, finalMask
# Ensure there are no zero ceiling values if Sky is not OVC and Vis > 0.5 miles
# Note this is not an optional rule like the others.
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["CloudBasePrimary", "Sky", "Visibility"], tr):
grid, mask = self.noZeroCeiling(weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr][0], weDict["Sky"][tr][0],
finalMask = weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr][1] | mask # Accumulate the points
weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr] = grid, finalMask
if self.allDataAvailable(weDict, ["CloudBasePrimary", "Sky"], tr):
weDict["Ceiling"][tr] = self.makeCeiling(weDict["CloudBasePrimary"][tr][0],
for weName in self._weList:
# No need to update every element
if weName in self._immutableWEs:
weType = self.getWEType(weName)
if weType is None:
# Fetch the grid and mask
if tr in weDict[weName]:
grid, mask = weDict[weName][tr]
if mask.sum() == 0: # don't modify grids that don't need it
else: # save the grid
self.createGrid("Fcst", weName, weType, grid, tr)
# Copy the Celing and Visibility grids to the legact elements.
# Save and Publish these elements
if self.saveAndPublish():
#print "Saving and Publishing Elements:", self._publishWEList
self.publishElements(self._publishWEList, selectedTR)
# Save and publish the PoWt grids if configured
if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Yes":
#print "Saving and Publishing PoT Elements:", self._potElements
self.publishElements(self._potElements, selectedTR)
# GUI code ################################################################################################
# Called when the cancel button is clicked
def cancelCommand(self):
# Called when the Run button is clicked
def runCommand(self):
# Called when the Run and Dismiss button is clicked
def runDismissCommand(self):
# Create the Execute and Cancel buttons
def makeBottomButtons(self, frame, row):
# Make the frame
self._bottomButtonFrame = tk.Frame(frame, bg=self._bgColor)
self._bottomButtonFrame.grid(row=row, column = 0, columnspan=6, pady=20)
# Run button
self._runButton = tk.Button(self._bottomButtonFrame, text="Run",
self._runButton.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20)
# Run/Dismiss buttom
self._runDismissButton = tk.Button(self._bottomButtonFrame, text="Run/Dismiss",
self._runDismissButton.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20)
# Cancel button
self._cancelButton = tk.Button(self._bottomButtonFrame, text="Cancel",
self._cancelButton.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=20)
# Called when the cursor enter the GUI. Just fetches the current timeRange
def enterEvent(self, event=None):
# Toggles on the recently selected rule button
def ruleSelected(self, event, ruleName):
# toggle on
if ruleName not in self._userSelectedRules and \
self._ruleDict[ruleName].cget("state") == tk.ACTIVE:
if ruleName == "Vis Adds New Wx":
elif ruleName == "Add Vis to Wx String":
elif ruleName == "Update Wx Intensity Using Vis":
elif ruleName in self._userSelectedRules and \
self._ruleDict[ruleName].cget("state") == tk.ACTIVE:
if ruleName in self._userSelectedRules:
if ruleName == "Vis Adds New Wx":
elif ruleName == "Add Vis to Wx String":
elif ruleName == "Update Wx Intensity Using Vis":
# Makes the rule buttons on the GUI
def makeRuleCheckButtons(self, frame):
# Make the element frame for selecting the source
ruleFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3, bg=self._bgColor)
ruleFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W)
# make a label
label = tk.Label(ruleFrame, text="Rules To Apply:")
label.grid(row=0, column=0)
self._ruleList = self._config["AllChecks"]
# Make each source button
row = 1
for i in range(len(self._ruleList)):
ruleName = self._ruleList[i]
def cbHandler(event, self=self, buttonName=ruleName):
return self.ruleSelected(event, buttonName)
self._ruleDict[ruleName] = tk.Checkbutton(ruleFrame, text=ruleName)
self._ruleDict[ruleName].grid(row=row, sticky=tk.W, pady=10)
self._ruleDict[ruleName].bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", cbHandler)
self._ruleDict[ruleName].bind("<ButtonRelease-2>", cbHandler)
if ruleName in self._defaultOnRules:
if ruleName in self._immutableRules:
button_ttp = CreateToolTip(self._ruleDict[ruleName],
row = row + 1
if "Vis Adds New Wx" not in self._defaultOnRules:
if "Add Vis to Wx String" not in self._defaultOnRules:
if "Update Wx Intensity Using Vis" not in self._defaultOnRules:
# Called when the Wx type button is selected
def wxTypeSelected(self):
if self._prevWxType is not None:
self._prevWxType = self._selectedWxType.get()
# Called when any slider is moved
def sliderChanged(self, sliderValue):
wxType = self._selectedWxType.get()
covList = self._wxTypeCovDict[self._selectedWxType.get()]
for cov in covList:
# Update the label
label = cov + " " + wxType + " where Vis < " + "%.2f" % self._scales[cov].get()
if cov == covList[0]: # last item
label = cov + " " + wxType + " where Vis < " + "%.2f" % self._scales[cov].get()
# Update the T-Td Slider label
if wxType == "Fog":
#scale = self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName]
label = "Fog where T - Td <= " + str(self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName].get())
# Adjust the other sliders so they stay ordered
activeSliderValue = float(sliderValue)
activeIndex = 0
for cov in covList:
if self._scales[cov].get() == activeSliderValue:
activeIndex = covList.index(cov)
for i, cov in enumerate(covList):
if i == activeIndex:
if i > activeIndex and self._scales[cov].get() > activeSliderValue:
self._scales[cov].set(activeSliderValue + 0.01)
elif i < activeIndex and self._scales[cov].get() < activeSliderValue:
self._scales[cov].set(activeSliderValue - 0.01)
# Removes Coverage sliders
def removeCovSliders(self, wxType):
# Makes the Coverage sliders for the GUI
def makeCovSliders(self, wxType):
covList = self._wxTypeCovDict[wxType]
self._scaleVar = {}
row = self._startCovRow
self._sliderFrame = tk.Frame(self._addWxFrame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3, bg=self._bgColor)
self._sliderFrame.grid(row=self._startCovRow, column=0, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W)
# Add the Dew point depression scale
if wxType == "Fog":
self._TMinusTdScaleName = "TMinusTd"
self._scaleVar[self._TMinusTdScaleName] = tk.DoubleVar()
self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName] = tk.Scale(self._sliderFrame, from_= 0, to=10,
resolution=1, length=200,
self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName].grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=tk.E+tk.W)
self._scales[self._TMinusTdScaleName].name = self._TMinusTdScaleName
row = row + 1
for cov in covList:
self._scaleVar[cov] = tk.DoubleVar()
covKey = wxType + "_" + cov
defaultValue = self._config[covKey]
self._scales[cov] = tk.Scale(self._sliderFrame, from_= 0, to=6,
resolution=0.01, length=200,
self._scales[cov].grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=tk.E+tk.W)
self._scales[cov].name = cov
row = row + 1
# Method that draws the widgets for adding new Wx
def makeAddNewWxWidgets(self, frame):
self._addWxFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3, bg=self._bgColor)
self._addWxFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W, columnspan=2)
# Make the Wx type buttons
label = tk.Label(self._addWxFrame, text="Add Wx Type", font=self._activeFont)
label.grid(row=1, column=0)
# Make each source button
row = 2
wxTypeList = sorted(self._wxTypeCovDict.keys())
self._selectedWxType = tk.StringVar()
self._prevWxType = None
for i in range(len(wxTypeList)):
name = wxTypeList[i]
self._wxTypeDict[name] = tk.Radiobutton(self._addWxFrame, text=wxTypeList[i], padx=10, pady=2,
command=self.wxTypeSelected, variable=self._selectedWxType,
value = wxTypeList[i])
self._wxTypeDict[name].grid(row=row, sticky=tk.W)
row = row + 1
self._startCovRow = row
# These methods draw or remove their respective frames
def removeAddWxFrame(self):
def displayAddWxFrame(self):
self._addWxFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W)
def removeAddVisToWxFrame(self):
def displayAddVisToWxFrame(self):
self._addVisToWxFrame.grid(row=self._addVisToWxRow, column=0, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W)
def removeIntensityFrame(self):
def displayIntensityFrame(self):
self._intFrame.grid(row=self._addVisToWxRow, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W)
# Time Scale methods
# Define the coordinates for the time scale objects
def defineGeometry(self):
self._xSize = 500 # width of each canvas
#self._ySize = 150 # height of each canvas
self._xOffset = 10 # horizontal room for y-scale on left
# Time Scale geometry
self._markerTopY = 10
self._markerBottomY = 25
self._markerWidth = 14
self._markerHeight = 14
self._adjStartMarker = False
self._adjEndMarker = False
self._timeCanvasHeight = 40
self._tickHeight = 7
self._timeLabelOffset = 7
self._labelFreq = 6 # hours
self._deltaTime = self._endTime - self._startTime
self._pixPerHour = (self._xSize - self._xOffset - 20) // (self._deltaTime // 3600)
# Converts a time in seconds to the corresponding x-coordinate
def timeToX(self, timeInSec):
timeOffset = float(timeInSec - self._startTime) / 3600
#xCoord = self._xOffset + (timeOffset * self._pixPerHour) + 1
xCoord = self._xOffset + (timeOffset * self._pixPerHour) + 3
return xCoord
# Converts the x-coordinate to time in seconds
def xToTime(self, xCoord):
coordTime = self._startTime + (((xCoord - self._xOffset - 3) * 3600) // self._pixPerHour)
return coordTime
# Returns the coordinate of the marker associated with the specifiedTime
def markerCoords(self, markerTime):
startX = self.timeToX(markerTime)
x1 = startX - self._markerWidth // 2
y1 = self._markerBottomY + self._markerHeight
x2 = startX + self._markerWidth // 2
y2 = self._markerBottomY + self._markerHeight
x3 = startX
y3 = self._markerBottomY
return x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
# Draws the time marker at the specified time
def drawTimeMarker(self, markerTime):
startX = self.timeToX(markerTime)
if markerTime == self._editStartTime:
color = "green"
elif markerTime == self._editEndTime:
color = "red"
self._timeCanvas.create_line(startX, self._markerTopY,
startX, self._markerBottomY, fill=color)
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = self.markerCoords(markerTime)
self._timeCanvas.create_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fill=color,
# Called when any time marker is pressed
def markerPress(self, event):
# Figure out if the start marker was pressed
self._pressTime = self.xToTime(event.x)
closeEnough = 600
if abs(self._editStartTime - self._pressTime) < closeEnough:
self._adjStartMarker = True
elif abs(self._editEndTime - self._pressTime) < closeEnough:
self._adjEndMarker = True
# Called when any time marker is moved or draged
def markerMotion(self, event):
markerTime = self.xToTime(event.x)
# Round time to nearest hour
markerTime = int((markerTime + 1800) / 3600) * 3600
if self._adjStartMarker:
if markerTime != self._editStartTime:
if markerTime < self._startTime:
markerTime = self._startTime
# Can't go past end time
if markerTime > self._editEndTime - 3600:
markerTime = self._editEndTime - 3600
self._editStartTime = markerTime
elif self._adjEndMarker:
if markerTime != self._editEndTime:
if markerTime > self._endTime:
markerTime = self._endTime
# Can't go past start time
if markerTime < self._editStartTime + 3600:
markerTime = self._editStartTime + 3600
self._editEndTime = markerTime
# Called when any time marker is released
def markerRelease(self, event):
# If it's a click snap the closest time marker
releaseTime = self.xToTime(event.x)
# If it's a click, snap the closest time marker
if releaseTime == self._pressTime:
startDiff = abs(self._editStartTime - releaseTime)
endDiff = abs(self._editEndTime - releaseTime)
if releaseTime < self._editStartTime or startDiff < endDiff:
self._adjStartMarker = True
elif releaseTime > self._editEndTime or startDiff >= endDiff:
self._adjEndMarker = True
self._adjStartMarker = False
self._adjEndMarker = False
# Creates the timeScale GUI
def makeTimeScale(self):
wList = self._timeFrame.winfo_children()
for w in wList:
hours = int((self._editEndTime - self._editStartTime) / 3600)
if hours > 1:
labelText = "Select Time Period ----- " + str(hours) + " hours selected"
labelText = "Select Time Period ----- " + str(hours) + " hour selected"
label = tk.Label(self._timeFrame, text=labelText)
label.grid(row=0, column=0)
self._timeCanvas = tk.Canvas(self._timeFrame,width=self._xSize,
self._timeCanvas.bind("<ButtonPress-" + self._mouseButton + ">", self.markerPress)
self._timeCanvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-" + self._mouseButton + ">", self.markerRelease)
#self._timeCanvas.bind("<Leave>", self.markerRelease)
self._timeCanvas.bind("<Motion>", self.markerMotion)
# Make a horizontal line
x0 = self.timeToX(self._startTime)
x1 = self.timeToX(self._endTime)
self._timeCanvas.create_line(x0, 1, x1, 1, fill='black')
for t in range(self._startTime, self._endTime + 1, 3600):
tupleTime = time.gmtime(t)
dayStr = str(tupleTime.tm_mday).zfill(2)
hourStr = str(tupleTime.tm_hour).zfill(2)
timeStr = dayStr + "." + hourStr
x0 = self.timeToX(t)
y0 = 0
tickHeight = self._tickHeight
if tupleTime.tm_hour % self._labelFreq == 0:
tickHeight = tickHeight * 2
y1 = y0 + tickHeight
self._timeCanvas.create_line(x0, y0, x0, y1, fill='black')
if tupleTime.tm_hour % self._labelFreq == 0:
self._timeCanvas.create_text(x0, y1 + self._timeLabelOffset,
text=timeStr, fill='black')
# Adds wx slider
def addVisToWxSliderChanged(self, event):
valueStr = "%.2f" % self._addVisToWx.get()
label = "Add Vis to Wx where Vis <= " + valueStr
# Draws Vis scales
def makeAddVisToWxScale(self, frame, row):
# make a label
self._addVisToWxRow = row
self._addVisToWxFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._addVisToWxFrame.grid(row=self._addVisToWxRow, column=0, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W)
# label = tk.Label(addVisToWxFrame, text="")
# label.grid(row=0, column=0)
self._addVisToWx = tk.DoubleVar()
self._addVisToWxScale = tk.Scale(self._addVisToWxFrame, from_= 0, to=10,
resolution=0.01, length=220,
self._addVisToWxScale.grid(row=1, column=0)
# No-opt callback
def intensitySelected(self):
# Creates the Wx Intensity buttons
def makeIntensityButtons(self, frame, row):
self._intFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._intFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W)
label = tk.Label(self._intFrame, text="Vis Updates\nWx Intensity of:")
label.grid(row=0, column=0)
# Make Intensity Buttons
intensityDefault = self._config["IntensityDefault"]
self._intVar = tk.StringVar()
choiceList = ["Precip", "Non-Precip"]
row = 1
for choice in choiceList:
button = tk.Radiobutton(self._intFrame, text=choice, padx=10, pady=2,
command=self.intensitySelected, variable=self._intVar,
value = choice)
row = row + 1
# Call back when Save/Pub selected. Nothing to do.
def savePubSelected(self):
# Makes the Save and Publish buttons
def makeSavePublishButtons(self, frame, row):
if self._config["OfferSavePublish"] != "Yes":
savePubFrame = tk.Frame(frame, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
savePubFrame.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W, columnspan=3)
label = tk.Label(savePubFrame, text="Save and\nPublish?")
label.grid(row=0, column=0)
# Make Save/Publish Buttons
savePubDefault = self._config["SavePublishDefault"]
self._savePublishVar = tk.StringVar()
choiceList = ["Yes", "No"]
row = 1
for choice in choiceList:
button = tk.Radiobutton(savePubFrame, text=choice, padx=10, pady=2,
command=self.savePubSelected, variable=self._savePublishVar,
value = choice)
row = row + 1
# This code displays makes the window display at the cursor location
def displayWindowOnCursor(self):
wh= self._master.winfo_height()
ww= self._master.winfo_width()
px, py =self._master.winfo_pointerxy()
self._master.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (ww, wh, px - (ww // 2), py - (wh // 2)))
# High-level method that calls other methods to build the GUI a widget at a time
def setUpUI(self):
self._tkmaster = tk.Tk()
self._master = tk.Toplevel(self._tkmaster)
# Capture the "x" click to close the GUI
self._master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancelCommand)
# self._topFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, bg=self._bgColor)
self._topFrame = tk.Frame(self._master, width=450)
self._tkmaster.withdraw() # remove the master from the display
self._topFrame.bind("<Enter>", self.enterEvent)
# Make the GUI widgets
row = 1
self.makeAddVisToWxScale(self._topFrame, row)
self.makeSavePublishButtons(self._topFrame, row)
self.makeIntensityButtons(self._topFrame, row)
row = row + 1
# row = 1
# self.makeAddVisToWxScale(self._topFrame, row)
# self.makeSavePublishButtons(self._topFrame, row)
# row = row + 1
self._timeScaleRow = row
self._timeFrame = tk.Frame(self._topFrame, pady=5, relief=tk.GROOVE, bd=3)
self._timeFrame.grid(row=self._timeScaleRow, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.N)
row = row + 1
self.makeBottomButtons(self._topFrame, row)
# Algorithm to determine the start and end edit times, courtesy of Marcia Cronce.
def determineTAFTimes(self):
# Find the time rounded up to the next three hours
start = (int(time.time() / (3600 * 3)) * (3600 * 3)) + (3600 * 3)
hour = time.gmtime(start).tm_hour
if hour % 6 == 0:
end = start + (31 * 3600)
end = start + (37 * 3600)
return start, end
def filterWeatherElements(self, weList):
goodWEs = []
for weName in weList:
parm = self.getParm("Fcst", weName, "SFC")
if parm is not None:
return goodWEs
# Main method called when the tool starts.
def execute(self, editArea, timeRange):
# Get the config dictionary for this tool
self._config = FinalizeConfig.config["Finalize"]
self._timeRange = timeRange
self._editArea = editArea
# set up some constants for this tool
self._activeFont = "Helvetica 12 bold"
self._disabledFont = "Helvetica 12 normal"
self._bgColor = "#d9d9d9"
self._defaultOnRules = copy.copy(self._config["DefaultOnChecks"])
self._userSelectedRules = copy.copy(self._config["DefaultOnChecks"])
self._immutableRules = copy.copy(self._config["ImmutableChecks"])
self._noWxStr = "<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:"
self._ruleDict = {}
self._wxTypeDict = {}
self._scales = {}
self._defaultWxType = "Fog"
self._ceilingSkyThreshold = 57.0 # percentage above which we can get a Ceiling
# Comprehensive list of elements we need.
self._weList = ["PoP", "CloudBasePrimary", "CloudBaseSecondary", "CloudBaseConditional",
"Wx", "Sky", "T", "Td", "Visibility", "VisibilityConditional", "Wind",
"WindGust", "Ceiling", "LLWS", "LLWSHgt", "SkySecondary"]
# List of elements we will publish no matter what
self._publishWEList = ["PoP", "CloudBasePrimary", "CloudBaseSecondary", "CloudBaseConditional",
"Wx", "Sky", "Visibility", "VisibilityConditional", "SkySecondary",
"Wind", "WindGust", "Ceiling", "LLWS", "LLWSHgt", "CigHgt", "Vsby"]
# Filter out elements that are not configured, otherwise saving and publishing
# throw errors.
self._publishWEList = self.filterWeatherElements(self._publishWEList)
# # Define the Pot elements if we're making those
# if self._config["MakePotFog"] == "Y":
self._potElements = ["PotFog", "PotFreezingFog", "PotHaze", "PotSmoke"]
self._potElements = self.filterWeatherElements(self._potElements)
# These elements are not required
self._notRequiredWEs = ["Ceiling", "CloudBaseSecondary", "CloudBaseConditional", "VisibilityConditional",
# These are elements used to keep others consistent and are not modified
self._immutableWEs = ["PoP", "T", "Td", "Wind"]
self._wxTypeCovDict = {
"Fog" : ["Patchy", "Areas", "Wide"],
"Haze" : ["Def"],
"Smoke" : ["Patchy", "Areas", "Def"],
# List of all precipitation types
self._obstructionTypes = ["F", "H", "K", "ZF"]
# Initialize time variables
startHour = self._config["TAFStartHour"]
endHour = self._config["TAFEndHour"]
self._startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600 + (startHour * 3600)
self._endTime = self._startTime + (endHour * 3600)
# Get the initial GFE selected start and end times
gfeStart = int(timeRange.startTime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
gfeEnd = int(timeRange.endTime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
# Set the edit start and end times. These may be changed by the user.
self._editStartTime = self._startTime
self._editEndTime = self._endTime
if self._config["AlwaysUseFullTAFPeriod"] != "Yes":
# If no time was selected, employ the Marcia method for determining the start and end.
if gfeStart == 0 and gfeEnd == 0:
self._editStartTime, self._editEndTime = self.determineTAFTimes()
if self._editEndTime > self._endTime: # reset the display end time so everything fits
self._endTime = self._editEndTime
# Reset the start and end times to what is selected in the GFE, if reasonable
if gfeStart >= self._editStartTime and gfeStart < self._editEndTime:
self._editStartTime = gfeStart
if gfeEnd > self._editStartTime and gfeEnd <= self._editEndTime:
self._editEndTime = gfeEnd
self._mouseButton = self._config["editButton"]
# Define the geometry variables for the time scale