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# NewTerrain.py
# GFE configuration file for use when editing GFE Topo for Standard Terrain initiative
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 01/13/2015 #3955 randerso Copied from EditTopo GFE config file and updated
# 10/13/2015 #4961 randerso Renamed parameters from Terrain to Topo
# 07/18/2017 #6253 randerso Renamed GMTED to StdTopo
# Author: romberg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
# This file can be imported to override configuration settings. Please see the
# Configuration Guides->GFE Configuration section of the GFE Online Help for
# guidance on creating a new configuration file.
# This special GFE configuration file is for modifying the NewTopo
# grid that is stored on the ifpServer. Starting the GFE
# with this configuration file should bring up a special GFE with
# just the Topo parameters
# Include this line to override gfeConfig (BASE configuration):
from gfeConfig import *
# Hide this configuration file from users
HideConfigFile = 1
DefaultGroup = "NewTerrain"
mutableModel = "EditTopo_NewTerrain"
dbTypes = ["EditTopo", "", "D2D"]
# Turn off the split boundary display -- this is very important for performance due to the
# fact that these grids have a 1 second resolution
SplitBoundaryDisplay = no
StdTopo_fitToDataColorTable = "All Grids"
GTOPO_fitToDataColorTable = "All Grids"
NewTopo_fitToDataColorTable = "All Grids"
Topo_fitToDataColorTable = "All Grids"
GridManagerSortOrder = ['NewTopo', 'Topo', 'StdTopo', 'GTOPO']
GM_TE_Layout = "OnLeft"