138 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
138 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority
version of the file will completely replace a lower priority version
of the file.
<!-- Extreme Wind Warning configuration
Qinglu Lin 04-04-2012 DR 14691. Added <feAreaField> tag.
Evan Bookbinder 09-12-2012 Added settings for locations shapefile
Added new areaSource object
Evan Bookbinder 03-01-2013 Fixed group Settings
Evan Bookbinder 06-07-2013 Fixed CTAs
Phil Kurimski 09-19-2013 added geospatialConfig.xml
Mike Dangelo 10-22-2015 mixed case tweaks
ANY pointSource/areaSource/pathcastConfig OVERRIDES TO THAT FILE CAN BE
<include file="geospatialConfig_COUNTY.xml"/>
<!-- Include Various geospatial XML files to create their objects. These are *NOT*
turned on unless the corresponding .vm file is turned on in a given template's .vm file
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure mileMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<include file="pointMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure pointMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<map>County Names</map>
<map>County Warning Areas</map>
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected -->
<!-- Product ID: nnn id of the product -->
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- Included watches: If a tornado watch or severe thunderstorm watch is to be
included with the warning product include TO.A and/or SV.A,
respectively. Please refer to 'includedWatchAreaBuffer' in <areaConfig/>. -->
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<bulletActionGroup action="NEW" phen="EW" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="***** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis1" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis2" bulletText="Surface observations indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="SURFACE OBSERVATIONS INDICATED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis3" bulletText="Maritime observations indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="MARITIME OBSERVATIONS INDICATED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis4" bulletText="Spotters indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis5" bulletText="Radar and surface observations..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND SURFACE OBSERVATIONS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis6" bulletText="Radar and maritime observations..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND MARITIME OBSERVATIONS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis7" bulletText="Radar and spotters..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS"/>
<bullet bulletText="******* THREAT (SELECT 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="var1" bulletText="Hurricane eyewall" bulletDefault="true" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH THE EYEWALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="var2" bulletText="Convective winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH A BROAD AREA OF INTENSE THUNDERSTORMS"/>
<bullet bulletName="var3" bulletText="Non-hurricane winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH AN INTENSE LOW PRESSURE AREA"/>
<bullet bulletName="var4" bulletText="Downslope winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH A DOWNSLOPE WINDSTORM"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="destructiveWindsCTA" bulletText="Specific wind values" parseString="WIDESPREAD DESTRUCTIVE WINDS OF"/>
<bullet bulletName="takeCoverCTA" bulletText="CTA - Take cover now" parseString="TAKE COVER NOW!"/>
<bullet bulletName="safePlacesCTA" bulletText="Hurricane CTA - Safe places to be" parseString="THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE DURING"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** Pathcast Section **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString=""LOCATIONS","INCLUDE...""/>
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="EW" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="***** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis1" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis2" bulletText="Surface observations indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="SURFACE OBSERVATIONS INDICATED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis3" bulletText="Maritime observations indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="MARITIME OBSERVATIONS INDICATED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis4" bulletText="Spotters indicated..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED EXTREME WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis5" bulletText="Radar and surface observations..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND SURFACE OBSERVATIONS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis6" bulletText="Radar and maritime observations..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND MARITIME OBSERVATIONS"/>
<bullet bulletName="basis7" bulletText="Radar and spotters..." bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR AND TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS"/>
<bullet bulletText="******* THREAT (SELECT 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="var1" bulletText="Hurricane eyewall" bulletDefault="true" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH THE EYEWALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="var2" bulletText="Convective winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH A BROAD AREA OF INTENSE THUNDERSTORMS"/>
<bullet bulletName="var3" bulletText="Non-hurricane winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH AN INTENSE LOW PRESSURE AREA"/>
<bullet bulletName="var4" bulletText="Downslope winds" bulletGroup="warnThreat" parseString="ASSOCIATED WITH A DOWNSLOPE WINDSTORM"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="destructiveWindsCTA" bulletText="Specific wind values" parseString="WIDESPREAD DESTRUCTIVE WINDS OF"/>
<bullet bulletName="takeCoverCTA" bulletText="CTA - Take cover now" parseString="TAKE COVER NOW!"/>
<bullet bulletName="safePlacesCTA" bulletText="Hurricane CTA - Safe places to be" parseString="THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE DURING"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** Pathcast Section **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString=""LOCATIONS","INCLUDE...""/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>