501 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
501 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
import imp
import os
import sys
import unittest
from nose.loader import TestLoader as Loader
from nose import util, loader, selector # so we can set mocks
import nose.case
def safepath(p):
"""Helper function to make cross-platform safe paths
return p.replace('/', os.sep)
def mods():
# Setting up the fake modules that we'll use for testing
# test loading
M = {}
M['test_module'] = imp.new_module('test_module')
M['module'] = imp.new_module('module')
M['package'] = imp.new_module('package')
M['package'].__path__ = [safepath('/package')]
M['package'].__file__ = safepath('/package/__init__.py')
M['package.subpackage'] = imp.new_module('package.subpackage')
M['package'].subpackage = M['package.subpackage']
M['package.subpackage'].__path__ = [safepath('/package/subpackage')]
M['package.subpackage'].__file__ = safepath(
M['test_module_with_generators'] = imp.new_module(
M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests'] = imp.new_module(
# a unittest testcase subclass
class TC(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
class TC2(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
# test class that uses a metaclass
class TCType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
class TestMetaclassed(object):
__metaclass__ = TCType
def test_one(self):
def test_two(self):
# test function
def test_func():
# non-testcase-subclass test class
class TestClass:
def test_func(self):
def test_generator_inline(self):
"""docstring for test generator inline
def test_odd(v):
assert v % 2
for i in range(0, 4):
yield test_odd, i
def test_generator_method(self):
"""docstring for test generator method
for i in range(0, 4):
yield self.try_odd, i
def test_generator_method_name(self):
"""docstring for test generator method name
for i in range(0, 4):
yield 'try_odd', i
def try_odd(self, v):
assert v % 2
# test function that is generator
def test_func_generator():
"""docstring for test func generator
def test_odd(v):
assert v % 2
for i in range(0, 4):
yield test_odd, i
def test_func_generator_name():
"""docstring for test func generator name
for i in range(0, 4):
yield 'try_odd', i
def try_odd(v):
assert v % 2
M['nose'] = nose
M['__main__'] = sys.modules['__main__']
M['test_module'].TC = TC
TC.__module__ = 'test_module'
M['test_module'].test_func = test_func
test_func.__module__ = 'test_module'
M['module'].TC2 = TC2
TC2.__module__ = 'module'
M['test_module_with_generators'].TestClass = TestClass
TestClass.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
M['test_module_with_generators'].test_func_generator = test_func_generator
M['test_module_with_generators'].test_func_generator_name = \
M['test_module_with_generators'].try_odd = try_odd
test_func_generator_name.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
test_func_generator.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
try_odd.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests'].TestMetaclassed = TestMetaclassed
TestMetaclassed.__module__ = 'test_module_with_metaclass_tests'
del TC
del TC2
del TestMetaclassed
# del TCType
del test_func
del TestClass
del test_func_generator
return M
M = mods()
# Mock the filesystem access so we don't have to maintain
# a support dir with real files
_listdir = os.listdir
_isdir = os.path.isdir
_isfile = os.path.isfile
_exists = os.path.exists
_import = __import__
# Mock functions
def mock_listdir(path):
if path.endswith(safepath('/package')):
return ['.', '..', 'subpackage', '__init__.py']
elif path.endswith(safepath('/subpackage')):
return ['.', '..', '__init__.py']
elif path.endswith(safepath('/sort')):
return ['.', '..', 'lib', 'src', 'test', 'test_module.py', 'a_test']
return ['.', '..', 'test_module.py', 'module.py']
def mock_isdir(path):
print "is dir '%s'?" % path
paths = map(safepath, [
'/a/dir/path', '/package',
'/package/subpackage', '/sort/lib',
'/sort/src', '/sort/a_test',
'/sort/test', '/sort'])
paths = paths + map(os.path.abspath, paths)
if path in paths:
return True
return False
def mock_isfile(path):
if path in ('.', '..'):
return False
return '.' in path
def mock_exists(path):
print "exists '%s'?" % path
paths = map(safepath, [
'/package', '/package/__init__.py', '/package/subpackage',
paths = paths + map(os.path.abspath, paths)
return path in paths
def mock_import(modname, gl=None, lc=None, fr=None):
if gl is None:
gl = M
if lc is None:
lc = locals()
mod = sys.modules[modname]
except KeyError:
pname = []
for part in modname.split('.'):
mname = '.'.join(pname)
mod = gl[mname]
sys.modules[mname] = mod
return mod
except KeyError:
raise ImportError("No '%s' in fake module list" % modname)
class MockImporter:
def importFromPath(self, path, fqname):
m = M[fqname]
except KeyError:
raise ImportError(fqname)
sys.modules[fqname] = m
return m
# Tests
class TestTestLoader(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
os.listdir = mock_listdir
loader.op_isdir = selector.op_isdir = os.path.isdir = mock_isdir
loader.op_isfile = selector.op_isfile = os.path.isfile = mock_isfile
selector.op_exists = os.path.exists = mock_exists
util.__import__ = mock_import
self.l = Loader(importer=MockImporter())#, context=MockContext)
def tearDown(self):
os.listdir = _listdir
loader.op_isdir = selector.op_isdir = os.path.isdir = _isdir
loader.op_isfile = selector.op_isfile = os.path.isfile = _isfile
selector.op_exists = os.path.exists = _exists
util.__import__ = _import
def test_lint(self):
"""Test that main API functions exist
l = self.l
def test_load_from_name_dir_abs(self):
print "load from name dir"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/a/dir/path'))
tests = [t for t in suite]
self.assertEqual(len(tests), 1)
def test_load_from_name_module_filename(self):
print "load from name module filename"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module.py')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_module(self):
print "load from name module"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_nontest_module(self):
print "load from name nontest module"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_method(self):
print "load from name method"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(':TC.runTest')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
for test in tests:
assert res.errors, \
"Expected a ValueError for unresolvable test name, got none"
def test_load_from_name_module_class(self):
print "load from name module class"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC')
tests = [t for t in suite]
print tests
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
# the item in tests is a suite, we want to check that all of
# the members of the suite are wrapped -- though this is really
# a suite test and doesn't belong here..
assert filter(lambda t: isinstance(t, nose.case.Test), tests[0])
def test_load_from_name_module_func(self):
print "load from name module func"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:test_func')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert isinstance(tests[0].test, nose.case.FunctionTestCase), \
"Expected FunctionTestCase not %s" % tests[0].test
def test_load_from_name_module_method(self):
print "load from name module method"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC.runTest')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_class(self):
print "load from name module missing class"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC2')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing class test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_func(self):
print "load from name module missing func"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:test_func2')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 0 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing func test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_method(self):
print "load from name module missing method"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC.testThat')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing method test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_missing_module(self):
print "load from name missing module"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('other_test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing module test to raise exception"
def test_cases_from_testcase_are_wrapped(self):
print "cases from testcase are wrapped"
test_module = M['test_module']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_module.TC)
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
for test in tests:
assert isinstance(test, nose.case.Test), \
"Test %r is not a test wrapper" % test
def test_load_test_func(self):
print "load test func"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
self.assertEqual(len(tests), 2, "Wanted 2 tests, got %s" % tests)
assert filter(lambda t: isinstance(t, nose.case.Test), tests)
print tests
class_tests = tests[0]
for t in class_tests:
print "class test: ", t
func_tests = tests[1:]
assert class_tests, \
"Expected class suite got %s" % class_tests
assert len(func_tests) == 1, \
"Expected 1 func test got %s" % func_tests
for test in class_tests:
assert isinstance(test.test, unittest.TestCase), \
"Expected TestCase npt %s" % tests[0].test
for test in func_tests:
assert isinstance(test.test, nose.case.FunctionTestCase), \
"Expected FunctionTestCase not %s" % tests[1].test
def test_load_from_name_package_root_path(self):
print "load from name package root path"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/package'))
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, "Expected one test, got %s" % tests
tests = list(tests[0])
assert not tests, "The full test list %s was not empty" % tests
def test_load_from_name_subpackage_safepath(self):
print "load from name subpackage path"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/package/subpackage'))
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 0, "Expected no tests, got %s" % tests
def test_load_metaclass_customized_classes(self):
print "load metaclass-customized classes"
test_module_with_generators = M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromModule(test_module_with_generators)
tc = [t for t in suite][0]
tc_methods = [m for m in tc]
self.assertEqual(len(tc_methods), 2)
def test_load_generators(self):
print "load generators"
test_module_with_generators = M['test_module_with_generators']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromModule(test_module_with_generators)
tests = [t for t in suite]
for t in tests:
print "test", t
assert isinstance(t, unittest.TestSuite), \
"Test %s is not a suite" % t
# the first item is a class, with both normal and generator methods
count = 0
cl_tests = [t for t in tests[0]]
print "class tests", cl_tests
normal, gens = cl_tests[0], cl_tests[1:]
assert isinstance(normal, nose.case.Test), \
"Expected a test case but got %s" % normal
for gen in gens:
assert isinstance(gen, unittest.TestSuite), \
"Expected a generator test suite, but got %s" % gen
count = 0
for t in gen:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t, nose.case.Test), \
"Test %s is not a test?" % t
count += 1
self.assertEqual(count, 4, "Expected to generate 4 tests, but "
"got %s from %s" % (count, gen))
# 2nd item is generated from test_func_generator
count = 0
for t in tests[1]:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t, nose.case.Test), \
"Test %s is not a Test?" % t
assert isinstance(t.test, nose.case.FunctionTestCase), \
"Test %s is not a FunctionTestCase" % t.test
assert 'test_func_generator' in str(t), \
"Bad str val '%s' for test" % str(t)
assert 'docstring for test func generator' \
in t.shortDescription(), \
"Bad shortDescription '%s' for test %s" % \
(t.shortDescription(), t)
count += 1
assert count == 4, \
"Expected to generate 4 tests, but got %s" % count
count = 0
for t in tests[2]:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t, nose.case.Test), \
"Test %s is not a Test?" % t
assert isinstance(t.test, nose.case.FunctionTestCase), \
"Test %s is not a FunctionTestCase" % t.test
assert 'test_func_generator_name' in str(t), \
"Bad str val '%s' for test" % str(t)
assert 'docstring for test func generator name' \
in t.shortDescription(), \
"Bad shortDescription '%s' for test %s" % \
(t.shortDescription(), t)
count += 1
assert count == 4, \
"Expected to generate 4 tests, but got %s" % count
if __name__ == '__main__':
#import logging