This directory contains the xsl stylesheets used to generate the code from the
OpenAMQ protocol specification. They require an XSLT2.0 processor, currently
Saxon 8 is used.
The generation process is controlled by the framing.xsl stylesheet. This performs
several phases of transformation, using the other stylesheets. The transformation
in each phase is defined in a separate file, and these are designed to also allow
then to be run individually.
The generation takes the amq.asl as input, it also requires that the path to the
directory where the base asl definitions reside (those definitions that the main
amq.asl defintion inherits from) be passed in via a paramter called asl_base.
The files involved are as follows:
framing.xsl The control file for the entire generation process
prepare1.xsl Resolves the separate files that make up the protocol
definition, building a single tree containing all the
information as a set of 'frame' elements, each of which
has attributes for its name, and ids for the class and
method it refers to and contains zero or more field
A method id is generated based on the order of the
method elements within the class elements in the original
specification. The class id is taken from the enclosing
class element.
prepare2.xsl Resolves domains into their corresponding types. (This is
much easier when all the information is in a single tree,
hence the separate frame).
prepare3.xsl Converts names into valid java names and augments the
tree to include information that makes the subsequent
generation phase simpler e.g. the index of boolean
fields as several boolean flags are combined into a
single byte. (This is easier once the domains have been
resolved, hence the separate phase).
java.xsl Generates java classes for each frame, and a registry of
all the frames to a 'magic' number generated from their
class and method id.
utils.xsl Contains some utility methods for e.g. producing valid
java names.
For debugging the framing.xsl can output the intermediary files. This can be
enabled by uncommenting the relevant lines (a comment explaining this is
provided inline).