root 9bb8decbcf Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 133dc97f67 [formerly a02aeb236c] [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 9f19e3f712 [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

773 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
## This file is being obsoleted by qmf/
import qpid
import re
import socket
import struct
import os
import platform
import locale
from qpid.connection import Timeout
from import managementChannel, managementClient
from threading import Lock
from disp import Display
from shlex import split
from qpid.connection import Connection
from qpid.util import connect
class Broker:
def __init__ (self, text):
rex = re.compile(r"""
# [ <user> [ / <password> ] @] <host> [ :<port> ]
^ (?: ([^/]*) (?: / ([^@]*) )? @)? ([^:]+) (?: :([0-9]+))?$""", re.X)
match = rex.match(text)
if not match: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid broker url" % (text))
user, password, host, port = match.groups()
if port: self.port = int(port)
else: self.port = 5672
for addr in socket.getaddrinfo(host, self.port):
if addr[1] == socket.AF_INET: = addr[4][0]
self.username = user or "guest"
self.password = password or "guest"
def name (self):
return + ":" + str (self.port)
class ManagementData:
# Data Structure:
# Please note that this data structure holds only the most recent
# configuration and instrumentation data for each object. It does
# not hold the detailed historical data that is sent from the broker.
# The only historical data it keeps are the high and low watermarks
# for hi-lo statistics.
# tables :== {class-key}
# {<obj-id>}
# (timestamp, config-record, inst-record)
# class-key :== (<package-name>, <class-name>, <class-hash>)
# timestamp :== (<last-interval-time>, <create-time>, <delete-time>)
# config-record :== [element]
# inst-record :== [element]
# element :== (<element-name>, <element-value>)
def registerObjId (self, objId):
if not objId.index() in self.idBackMap:
self.idBackMap[objId.index()] = self.nextId
self.idMap[self.nextId] = objId
self.nextId += 1
def displayObjId (self, objIdIndex):
if objIdIndex in self.idBackMap:
return self.idBackMap[objIdIndex]
return 0
def rawObjId (self, displayId):
if displayId in self.idMap:
return self.idMap[displayId]
return None
def displayClassName (self, cls):
(packageName, className, hash) = cls
rev = self.schema[cls][4]
if rev == 0:
suffix = ""
suffix = ".%d" % rev
return packageName + ":" + className + suffix
def dataHandler (self, context, className, list, timestamps):
""" Callback for configuration and instrumentation data updates """
self.lock.acquire ()
# If this class has not been seen before, create an empty dictionary to
# hold objects of this class
if className not in self.tables:
self.tables[className] = {}
# Register the ID so a more friendly presentation can be displayed
objId = list[0][1]
oidx = objId.index()
self.registerObjId (objId)
# If this object hasn't been seen before, create a new object record with
# the timestamps and empty lists for configuration and instrumentation data.
if oidx not in self.tables[className]:
self.tables[className][oidx] = (timestamps, [], [])
(unused, oldConf, oldInst) = self.tables[className][oidx]
# For config updates, simply replace old config list with the new one.
if context == 0: #config
self.tables[className][oidx] = (timestamps, list, oldInst)
# For instrumentation updates, carry the minimum and maximum values for
# "hi-lo" stats forward.
elif context == 1: #inst
if len (oldInst) == 0:
newInst = list
newInst = []
for idx in range (len (list)):
(key, value) = list[idx]
if key.find ("High") == len (key) - 4:
if oldInst[idx][1] > value:
value = oldInst[idx][1]
if key.find ("Low") == len (key) - 3:
if oldInst[idx][1] < value:
value = oldInst[idx][1]
newInst.append ((key, value))
self.tables[className][oidx] = (timestamps, oldConf, newInst)
self.lock.release ()
def ctrlHandler (self, context, op, data):
if op == self.mclient.CTRL_BROKER_INFO:
elif op == self.mclient.CTRL_HEARTBEAT:
def configHandler (self, context, className, list, timestamps):
self.dataHandler (0, className, list, timestamps);
def instHandler (self, context, className, list, timestamps):
self.dataHandler (1, className, list, timestamps);
def methodReply (self, broker, sequence, status, sText, args):
""" Callback for method-reply messages """
self.lock.acquire ()
line = "Call Result: " + self.methodsPending[sequence] + \
" " + str (status) + " (" + sText + ")"
print line, args
del self.methodsPending[sequence]
self.lock.release ()
def closeHandler (self, context, reason):
if self.operational:
print "Connection to broker lost:", reason
self.operational = False
if self.cli != None:
self.cli.setPromptMessage ("Broker Disconnected")
def schemaHandler (self, context, classKey, configs, insts, methods, events):
""" Callback for schema updates """
if classKey not in self.schema:
schemaRev = 0
for key in self.schema:
if classKey[0] == key[0] and classKey[1] == key[1]:
schemaRev += 1
self.schema[classKey] = (configs, insts, methods, events, schemaRev)
def setCli (self, cliobj):
self.cli = cliobj
def __init__ (self, disp, host, username="guest", password="guest"):
self.lock = Lock ()
self.tables = {}
self.schema = {}
self.bootSequence = 0
self.operational = False
self.disp = disp
self.cli = None
self.lastUnit = None
self.methodSeq = 1
self.methodsPending = {}
self.sessionId = "%s.%d" % (platform.uname()[1], os.getpid()) = Broker (host)
sock = connect (,
oldTimeout = sock.gettimeout()
self.conn = Connection (sock,,
def aborted():
raise Timeout("Waiting for connection to be established with broker")
oldAborted = self.conn.aborted
self.conn.aborted = aborted
self.conn.start ()
self.conn.aborted = oldAborted
self.mclient = managementClient ("unused", self.ctrlHandler, self.configHandler,
self.instHandler, self.methodReply, self.closeHandler)
self.mclient.schemaListener (self.schemaHandler)
self.mch = self.mclient.addChannel (self.conn.session(self.sessionId))
self.operational = True
self.idMap = {}
self.idBackMap = {}
self.nextId = 101
def close (self):
def refName (self, oid):
if oid == None:
return "NULL"
return str (self.displayObjId (oid.index()))
def valueDisplay (self, classKey, key, value):
if value == None:
return "<NULL>"
for kind in range (2):
schema = self.schema[classKey][kind]
for item in schema:
if item[0] == key:
typecode = item[1]
unit = item[2]
if (typecode >= 1 and typecode <= 5) or typecode == 12 or typecode == 13 or \
(typecode >= 16 and typecode <= 19):
if unit == None or unit == self.lastUnit:
return str (value)
self.lastUnit = unit
suffix = ""
if value != 1:
suffix = "s"
return str (value) + " " + unit + suffix
elif typecode == 6 or typecode == 7: # strings
return value
elif typecode == 8:
if value == 0:
return "--"
return self.disp.timestamp (value)
elif typecode == 9:
return str (value)
elif typecode == 10:
return self.refName (value)
elif typecode == 11:
if value == 0:
return "False"
return "True"
elif typecode == 14:
return str (value)
elif typecode == 15:
return str (value)
return "*type-error*"
def getObjIndex (self, classKey, config):
""" Concatenate the values from index columns to form a unique object name """
result = ""
schemaConfig = self.schema[classKey][0]
for item in schemaConfig:
if item[5] == 1 and item[0] != "id":
if result != "":
result = result + "."
for key,val in config:
if key == item[0]:
result = result + self.valueDisplay (classKey, key, val)
return result
def getClassKey (self, className):
delimPos = className.find(":")
if delimPos == -1:
schemaRev = 0
delim = className.find(".")
if delim != -1:
schemaRev = int(className[delim + 1:])
name = className[0:delim]
name = className
for key in self.schema:
if key[1] == name and self.schema[key][4] == schemaRev:
return key
package = className[0:delimPos]
name = className[delimPos + 1:]
schemaRev = 0
delim = name.find(".")
if delim != -1:
schemaRev = int(name[delim + 1:])
name = name[0:delim]
for key in self.schema:
if key[0] == package and key[1] == name:
if self.schema[key][4] == schemaRev:
return key
return None
def classCompletions (self, prefix):
""" Provide a list of candidate class names for command completion """
self.lock.acquire ()
complist = []
for name in self.tables:
if name.find (prefix) == 0:
complist.append (name)
self.lock.release ()
return complist
def typeName (self, typecode):
""" Convert type-codes to printable strings """
if typecode == 1:
return "uint8"
elif typecode == 2:
return "uint16"
elif typecode == 3:
return "uint32"
elif typecode == 4:
return "uint64"
elif typecode == 5:
return "bool"
elif typecode == 6:
return "short-string"
elif typecode == 7:
return "long-string"
elif typecode == 8:
return "abs-time"
elif typecode == 9:
return "delta-time"
elif typecode == 10:
return "reference"
elif typecode == 11:
return "boolean"
elif typecode == 12:
return "float"
elif typecode == 13:
return "double"
elif typecode == 14:
return "uuid"
elif typecode == 15:
return "field-table"
elif typecode == 16:
return "int8"
elif typecode == 17:
return "int16"
elif typecode == 18:
return "int32"
elif typecode == 19:
return "int64"
elif typecode == 20:
return "object"
elif typecode == 21:
return "list"
elif typecode == 22:
return "array"
raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode)
def accessName (self, code):
""" Convert element access codes to printable strings """
if code == 1:
return "ReadCreate"
elif code == 2:
return "ReadWrite"
elif code == 3:
return "ReadOnly"
raise ValueError ("Invalid access code: %d" %code)
def notNone (self, text):
if text == None:
return ""
return text
def isOid (self, id):
for char in str (id):
if not char.isdigit () and not char == '-':
return False
return True
def listOfIds (self, classKey, tokens):
""" Generate a tuple of object ids for a classname based on command tokens. """
list = []
if len(tokens) == 0 or tokens[0] == "all":
for id in self.tables[classKey]:
list.append (self.displayObjId (id))
elif tokens[0] == "active":
for id in self.tables[classKey]:
if self.tables[classKey][id][0][2] == 0:
list.append (self.displayObjId (id))
for token in tokens:
if self.isOid (token):
if token.find ("-") != -1:
ids = token.split("-", 2)
for id in range (int (ids[0]), int (ids[1]) + 1):
if self.getClassForId (self.rawObjId (long (id))) == classKey:
list.append (id)
list.append (int(token))
list.sort ()
result = ()
for item in list:
result = result + (item,)
return result
def listClasses (self):
""" Generate a display of the list of classes """
self.lock.acquire ()
rows = []
sorted = self.tables.keys ()
sorted.sort ()
for name in sorted:
active = 0
deleted = 0
for record in self.tables[name]:
isdel = False
ts = self.tables[name][record][0]
if ts[2] > 0:
isdel = True
if isdel:
deleted = deleted + 1
active = active + 1
rows.append ((self.displayClassName (name), active, deleted))
if len (rows) != 0:
self.disp.table ("Management Object Types:",
("ObjectType", "Active", "Deleted"), rows)
print "Waiting for next periodic update"
self.lock.release ()
def listObjects (self, tokens):
""" Generate a display of a list of objects in a class """
if len(tokens) == 0:
print "Error - No class name provided"
self.lock.acquire ()
classKey = self.getClassKey (tokens[0])
if classKey == None:
print ("Object type %s not known" % tokens[0])
rows = []
if classKey in self.tables:
ids = self.listOfIds(classKey, tokens[1:])
for objId in ids:
(ts, config, inst) = self.tables[classKey][self.rawObjId(objId).index()]
createTime = self.disp.timestamp (ts[1])
destroyTime = "-"
if ts[2] > 0:
destroyTime = self.disp.timestamp (ts[2])
objIndex = self.getObjIndex (classKey, config)
row = (objId, createTime, destroyTime, objIndex)
rows.append (row)
self.disp.table ("Objects of type %s" % self.displayClassName(classKey),
("ID", "Created", "Destroyed", "Index"),
self.lock.release ()
def showObjects (self, tokens):
""" Generate a display of object data for a particular class """
self.lock.acquire ()
self.lastUnit = None
if self.isOid (tokens[0]):
if tokens[0].find ("-") != -1:
rootId = int (tokens[0][0:tokens[0].find ("-")])
rootId = int (tokens[0])
classKey = self.getClassForId (self.rawObjId (rootId))
remaining = tokens
if classKey == None:
print "Id not known: %d" % int (tokens[0])
raise ValueError ()
classKey = self.getClassKey (tokens[0])
remaining = tokens[1:]
if classKey not in self.tables:
print "Class not known: %s" % tokens[0]
raise ValueError ()
userIds = self.listOfIds (classKey, remaining)
if len (userIds) == 0:
print "No object IDs supplied"
raise ValueError ()
ids = []
for id in userIds:
if self.getClassForId (self.rawObjId (long (id))) == classKey:
ids.append (self.rawObjId (long (id)))
rows = []
timestamp = None
config = self.tables[classKey][ids[0].index()][1]
for eIdx in range (len (config)):
key = config[eIdx][0]
if key != "id":
row = ("property", key)
for id in ids:
if timestamp == None or \
timestamp < self.tables[classKey][id.index()][0][0]:
timestamp = self.tables[classKey][id.index()][0][0]
(key, value) = self.tables[classKey][id.index()][1][eIdx]
row = row + (self.valueDisplay (classKey, key, value),)
rows.append (row)
inst = self.tables[classKey][ids[0].index()][2]
for eIdx in range (len (inst)):
key = inst[eIdx][0]
if key != "id":
row = ("statistic", key)
for id in ids:
(key, value) = self.tables[classKey][id.index()][2][eIdx]
row = row + (self.valueDisplay (classKey, key, value),)
rows.append (row)
titleRow = ("Type", "Element")
for id in ids:
titleRow = titleRow + (self.refName(id),)
caption = "Object of type %s:" % self.displayClassName(classKey)
if timestamp != None:
caption = caption + " (last sample time: " + self.disp.timestamp (timestamp) + ")"
self.disp.table (caption, titleRow, rows)
self.lock.release ()
def schemaSummary (self):
""" Generate a display of the list of classes in the schema """
self.lock.acquire ()
rows = []
sorted = self.schema.keys ()
sorted.sort ()
for classKey in sorted:
tuple = self.schema[classKey]
row = (self.displayClassName(classKey), len (tuple[0]), len (tuple[1]),
len (tuple[2]))
rows.append (row)
self.disp.table ("Classes in Schema:",
("Class", "Properties", "Statistics", "Methods"),
self.lock.release ()
def schemaTable (self, className):
""" Generate a display of details of the schema of a particular class """
self.lock.acquire ()
classKey = self.getClassKey (className)
if classKey == None:
print ("Class name %s not known" % className)
raise ValueError ()
rows = []
schemaRev = self.schema[classKey][4]
for config in self.schema[classKey][0]:
name = config[0]
if name != "id":
typename = self.typeName(config[1])
unit = self.notNone (config[2])
desc = self.notNone (config[3])
access = self.accessName (config[4])
extra = ""
if config[5] == 1:
extra += "index "
if config[6] != None:
extra += "Min: " + str(config[6]) + " "
if config[7] != None:
extra += "Max: " + str(config[7]) + " "
if config[8] != None:
extra += "MaxLen: " + str(config[8]) + " "
if config[9] == 1:
extra += "optional "
rows.append ((name, typename, unit, access, extra, desc))
for config in self.schema[classKey][1]:
name = config[0]
if name != "id":
typename = self.typeName(config[1])
unit = self.notNone (config[2])
desc = self.notNone (config[3])
rows.append ((name, typename, unit, "", "", desc))
titles = ("Element", "Type", "Unit", "Access", "Notes", "Description")
self.disp.table ("Schema for class '%s':" % self.displayClassName(classKey), titles, rows)
for mname in self.schema[classKey][2]:
(mdesc, args) = self.schema[classKey][2][mname]
caption = "\nMethod '%s' %s" % (mname, self.notNone (mdesc))
rows = []
for arg in args:
name = arg[0]
typename = self.typeName (arg[1])
dir = arg[2]
unit = self.notNone (arg[3])
desc = self.notNone (arg[4])
extra = ""
if arg[5] != None:
extra = extra + "Min: " + str (arg[5])
if arg[6] != None:
extra = extra + "Max: " + str (arg[6])
if arg[7] != None:
extra = extra + "MaxLen: " + str (arg[7])
if arg[8] != None:
extra = extra + "Default: " + str (arg[8])
rows.append ((name, typename, dir, unit, extra, desc))
titles = ("Argument", "Type", "Direction", "Unit", "Notes", "Description")
self.disp.table (caption, titles, rows)
except Exception,e:
self.lock.release ()
def getClassForId (self, objId):
""" Given an object ID, return the class key for the referenced object """
for classKey in self.tables:
if objId.index() in self.tables[classKey]:
return classKey
return None
def callMethod (self, userOid, methodName, args):
self.lock.acquire ()
methodOk = True
classKey = self.getClassForId (self.rawObjId (userOid))
if classKey == None:
raise ValueError ()
if methodName not in self.schema[classKey][2]:
print "Method '%s' not valid for class '%s'" % (methodName, self.displayClassName(classKey))
raise ValueError ()
schemaMethod = self.schema[classKey][2][methodName]
count = 0
for arg in range(len(schemaMethod[1])):
if schemaMethod[1][arg][2].find("I") != -1:
count += 1
if len (args) != count:
print "Wrong number of method args: Need %d, Got %d" % (count, len (args))
raise ValueError ()
namedArgs = {}
idx = 0
for arg in range(len(schemaMethod[1])):
if schemaMethod[1][arg][2].find("I") != -1:
namedArgs[schemaMethod[1][arg][0]] = args[idx]
idx += 1
self.methodSeq = self.methodSeq + 1
self.methodsPending[self.methodSeq] = methodName
except Exception, e:
methodOk = False
self.lock.release ()
if methodOk:
# try:
self.mclient.callMethod (self.mch, self.methodSeq, self.rawObjId (userOid), classKey,
methodName, namedArgs)
# except ValueError, e:
# print "Error invoking method:", e
def makeIdRow (self, displayId):
if displayId in self.idMap:
objId = self.idMap[displayId]
return None
if objId.getFlags() == 0:
flags = ""
flags = str(objId.getFlags())
seq = objId.getSequence()
if seq == 0:
seqText = "<durable>"
seqText = str(seq)
return (displayId, flags, seqText, objId.getBroker(), objId.getBank(), hex(objId.getObject()))
def listIds (self, select):
rows = []
if select == 0:
sorted = self.idMap.keys()
for displayId in sorted:
row = self.makeIdRow (displayId)
row = self.makeIdRow (select)
if row == None:
print "Display Id %d not known" % select
self.disp.table("Translation of Display IDs:",
("DisplayID", "Flags", "BootSequence", "Broker", "Bank", "Object"),
def do_list (self, data):
tokens = data.split ()
if len (tokens) == 0:
self.listClasses ()
self.listObjects (tokens)
def do_show (self, data):
tokens = data.split ()
self.showObjects (tokens)
def do_schema (self, data):
if data == "":
self.schemaSummary ()
self.schemaTable (data)
def do_call (self, data):
encTokens = data.split ()
tokens = [a.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) for a in encArgs]
tokens = encTokens
if len (tokens) < 2:
print "Not enough arguments supplied"
displayId = long (tokens[0])
methodName = tokens[1]
args = tokens[2:]
self.callMethod (displayId, methodName, args)
def do_id (self, data):
if data == "":
select = 0
select = int(data)
def do_exit (self):
self.mclient.removeChannel (self.mch)