2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
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# Methods for manipulating strings such as sentences, phrases, indentations.
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 01/22/2015 4027 randerso Changed lowerCase default to True
# 07/15/2016 5749 randerso Added punctuateList method
# 10/27/2016 5749 randerso Changed combinePhrases to use commas
# 11/28/2016 5749 randerso Changed addTextList to use commas
# 03/15/2020 DR21821 NFTF Remove unneccesary comma in Wx attributes
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import re
class StringUtils:
def __init__(self):
def sentence(self, s, addPeriod=1):
"Make a sentence out of the string, s"
# if string is entirely whitespace return empty string
if re.match(r'^\s*$', s) is not None:
return ""
# Remove leading and trailing spaces
if addPeriod:
period = ". "
period = ""
return s[0].upper() + s[1:] + period
def endline(self, phrase, linelength=66, breakStr=[" ", "..."]):
"Insert endlines into phrase"
# Break into sub-phrases separated by \n
subPhrases = phrase.split("\n")
# Break each sub-phrase into lines
str = ""
for subPhrase in subPhrases:
if subPhrase == "":
str = str + "\n"
str = str + self.linebreak(subPhrase, linelength, breakStr)
return str
## Contribution from Jay Smith TK 3268. Old version follows.
## I discovered what I consider a bug in the linebreak method of the
## StringUtils module. Let's say you pass in breakStr=['...', ' ']. The
## method will never break on ' ' if '...' is present in the string being
## tested. I believe the linebreak method should check each element of
## breakStr, determine which element appears farthest to the right in the
## string, and use that element as the break.
## I've attached a modified linebreak method which does what I've outlined.
## Additionally, my linebreak method will not let a line end with a number.
## This is to prevent a number and its units from appearing on different
## lines.
## Restructured by Hansen TK to add forceBreakStr capability when no breakStr
## is found in a given linelength of characters.
def linebreak(self, phrase, linelength, breakStr=[' ', '...'],
forceBreakStr=[" ","/"]):
# Break phrase into lines of the given linelength
# Prevents a line break on a number.
# If no breakStr is found for a given linelength of characters,
# force a break on the rightmost forceBreakStr.
text = ''
start = 0
end = start + linelength
subPhrase = phrase[start:end]
while len(subPhrase) == linelength:
maxIndex, breakChars = self.findRightMost(subPhrase, breakStr)
if maxIndex == -1:
# Didn't find any breakStr; line is too long.
# Find the rightmost force break string, if possible.
forceIndex, breakChars = self.findRightMost(subPhrase, forceBreakStr)
if forceIndex == 0:
# space in first position: will be skipped.
elif forceIndex > 0:
subPhrase = subPhrase[0:forceIndex]
text = '%s%s\n' % (text, subPhrase)
start += forceIndex
# no forcebreak spot, either.
# break at linelength.
text = '%s%s\n' % (text, subPhrase)
start += linelength
elif maxIndex == 0:
pass # space in first position: will be skipped
text = '%s%s\n' % (text, subPhrase[:maxIndex])
start += maxIndex
if breakChars == " ":
# Skip the space
start +=1
end = start + linelength
subPhrase = phrase[start:end]
if subPhrase:
return '%s%s\n' % (text, subPhrase)
# It's possible for subPhrase to be [] coming out of the while
# loop. In that case, we just need to return text.
return text
def findRightMost(self, text, breakStr=[" "], nonNumeric=1):
# Return the index of the right most break string characters
# and the break characters that were found.
# If nonNumeric, then make sure the index does not refer to
# a numeric character.
# If the break characters are a space, the index indicate
# the character prior to the space.
maxIndex = -1
maxChars = ''
for breakChars in breakStr:
index = text.rfind(breakChars)
done = False
while index > 0 and not done:
# Check for a numeric at end of line
if nonNumeric and breakChars == " " and text[index-1].isdigit():
# Try to find the next right most break char
index = text.rfind(breakChars, 0, index-1)
done = True
if index > maxIndex:
maxIndex = index
maxChars = breakChars
if maxIndex == -1:
return maxIndex, maxChars
if maxChars == ' ':
index = maxIndex
# We want to keep the breakChars, which are assumed not to end
# with a number
index = maxIndex + len(maxChars)
return index, maxChars
def combineSentences(self, textStr):
# Given a string of sentences, combine consecutive single word
# sentences, e.g. Warm. Dry. --> Warm...Dry.
if textStr == '':
return ''
newTextStr = ''
# Split the string into sentences
sentences = textStr.split('.')
singleWords = []
for sent in sentences[:-1]:
# See if sentence consists of a single word
words = sent.split()
# If single word, append it to list
if len(words) == 1:
# Otherwise, make sentence of any previous single words
# and add untouched sentence to new string
if len(singleWords) > 0:
if newTextStr != '':
newTextStr = newTextStr + ' '
newTextStr = newTextStr + self.combinePhrases(singleWords)
singleWords = []
newTextStr = newTextStr + sent + '.'
# Clear out remaining single words
if newTextStr[:-1] != ' ':
newTextStr = newTextStr + ' '
if len(singleWords) > 0:
newTextStr = newTextStr + self.combinePhrases(singleWords)
newTextStr = newTextStr.replace('... ', '...')
return newTextStr
def combinePhrases(self, phrases, separator=", ", conjunction=", "):
# Combine the list of phrases using separator and conjunction
newPhrase = ""
index = 0
length = len(phrases)
for phrase in phrases:
newPhrase = newPhrase + phrase
# if last one, do not add conjunction
if index == length - 1:
# if second to last one use conjunction
if index == length - 2:
newPhrase = newPhrase + conjunction
# otherwise
newPhrase = newPhrase + separator
index = index + 1
newPhrase = self.sentence(newPhrase)
newPhrase = newPhrase.strip()
return newPhrase
def labelIndent(self, phrase, descriptor):
indentString = " " * len(descriptor)
result = self.indentText(descriptor + phrase, "", indentString)
#print descriptor, indentString, len(descriptor), len(indentString)
#print result, "\n"
return result
def indentText(self, text, indentFirstString = '', indentNextString = '',
maxWidth=69, breakStrings=[" "]):
# indentText returns a formatted string which is at most maxWidth
# columns in width, with the first line indented by "indentFirstString"
# and subsequent lines indented by indentNextString. Any leading spaces
# in the first line are preserved.
out = '' # total output
line = '' # each line
#print "text before", text
# eliminate all new lines and create a list of words
words = text.split('\n')
words = self.splitIntoWords(words, breakStrings)
#print "split words", words
# eliminate all new lines and create a list of words
#words = text.split('\n')
#textData = " ".join(words)
#words = textData.split()
if len(words) == 0:
return ""
#print "words", words
# find out how many spaces the 1st line has been indented based on
# the input text.
additionalIndent = text.find(words[0])
firstLineAdditionalIndent = ' ' * additionalIndent
# now start assembling the output
line = line + indentFirstString + firstLineAdditionalIndent
additional = indentFirstString + firstLineAdditionalIndent
for w in words:
if len(line) + len(w) + 1 > maxWidth:
out = out + line + "\n"
line = indentNextString + w
if len(out) == 0 and len(line) == len(additional):
line = line + w #first line, don't add a space
#line = line + ' ' + w #subsequent words, add a space
line = line + w #subsequent words, add a space
if len(line):
out = out + line
#print "text after", out + "\n"
return out + "\n"
def splitIntoWords(self, words, breakStrings=[" "]):
# Break the list of words further
# using the list of breakStrings.
for breakStr in breakStrings:
newWords = []
# Break each word on the breakStr
for word in words:
# Split the word with breakStr
strWords = word.split(breakStr)
if len(strWords) > 1:
newStrWords = []
# Add the breakStr back in except for last one
index = 0
length = len(strWords)-1
for strWord in strWords:
if strWord == "":
if index < length:
strWord += breakStr
index += 1
strWords = newStrWords
# Add these words to the new words list
newWords = newWords + strWords
words = newWords
return words
def removeLast(self, str, removeStr):
# If the str ends in removeStr, remove it
# For example,
# str = rain and
# removeStr = and
# return rain
str = str.rstrip()
removeStr = removeStr.strip()
words = str.split(" ")
if words[-1] == removeStr:
return " ".join(words[0:-1])
return str
def addTextList(self, words, wordList, preposition=" with ", conjunction=" and ", oxford=True):
# Add a list of text phrases to the given words using the
# given preposition and conjunction.
# For example:
# words = "Some thunderstorms may be severe"
# wordList = ["damaging winds", "hail"]
# Some thunderstorms may be severe with damaging winds and hail.
length = len(wordList)
if length > 0:
words += preposition
# add comma separated list of all but final word
words += ", ".join(wordList[0:-1])
# add oxford comma if desired
if length > 2 and oxford:
words += ","
# add conjunction if needed
if length > 1:
words += conjunction
# add final word
words += wordList[-1]
return words
def addSpace(self, str, place="trailing"):
# Add a trailing space to str
# IF it is non-empty and the last character is not a trailing space
if str is None:
return ""
if str != "" and str[-1:] != " ":
if place == "trailing":
str = str + " "
elif place == "leading":
str = " " + str
return str
def removeSuffixes(self, names, suffix):
newNames = []
sIndex = -len(suffix)
#print "\nRemoving", suffix, names
for name in names:
if name[sIndex:] == suffix:
#print "Returning", newNames
return newNames
def convertToUpper(self, text):
lowerCase = self._lowerCase
lowerCase = True
if not lowerCase:
text = text.upper() # convert to upper case
return text
def convertToLower(self, text, allLower=0):
if allLower:
return text.lower()
lowerCase = self._lowerCase
lowerCase = True
if lowerCase:
words = text.split()
new = []
for word in words:
return ' '.join(new)
return text
def replaceLast(self, str, str1, str2):
""" Replace the last occurrence of str1 in str with str2
return str2.join(str.rsplit(str1,1))
def punctuateList(self, items):
""" Joins a list of strings into a comma separated list using
the Oxford comma if more than 3 items in the list
s = ", ".join(items)
if len(items) > 2:
s = self.replaceLast(s, ", ", ", and ")
elif len(items) == 2:
s = self.replaceLast(s, ", ", " and ")
return s