697 lines
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697 lines
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# MergeProds.py: GFE TextUtility that merges previous issuance text into current issuance.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Mar 15, 2020 DCS21339 Jendrowski Initial addition of NFTF MergeProds module to baseline
# May 14, 2020 DCS21339 NFTF Fix for formatter crashing if parsing a non-narrative product.
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
MergeProds TextUtility
Version: 1.1 - 06/07/2019
Author: Paul Jendrowski
This module provides methods to merge the content of a previous issuance of a product into the
new text created by a GFE formatter. For narrative products like the ZFP and CWF, short term
updates from the text can be merged with the text for the longer range periods from the
previously issued product. The number of periods to replace are selectable at run time.
For other products like NOW, SPS, HWO, etc, that the formatter just basically creates placeholder
text, the entire text from the previous product is returned.
To do the merging, products are split into "groups" and then each group is parsed for a UGC line
and periods. A group is defined as a UGC line followed by lines of text terminated by a line
with "$$" on it. Period text is defined simply as starting with a single "." in the first column
and terminated by the start of another period or a blank line. The primary method for decoding a
product is:
def _splitSegProd(self, product)
There are two primary methods for merging products:
def _mergeNarrative(self, new, old, index, synopsis=0)
def _mergeGeneric(self, new, old, hdlns=1)
The following products have specific method names but generally only call either
_mergeNarrative and _mergeGeneric:
def _mergeZFP(self, new, old, index): Calls _mergeNarrative
def _mergeCWF(self, new, old, index): Calls _mergeNarrative
def _mergeNSH(self, new, old, index): Calls _mergeNarrative
def _mergeESF(self, new, old, hdln=0): Calls _mergeGeneric
def _mergeNOW(self, new, old, hdln=1): Calls _mergeGeneric
def _mergePNS(self, new, old, hdln=0): Calls _mergeGeneric
def _mergeSPS(self, new, old, hdln=0): Calls _mergeGeneric
def _mergeRWS(self, new, old, hdln=1): Calls _mergeGeneric
def _mergeHWO(self, new, old): HWO specific merge method
Change History:
1.1 - 06/07/2019 - Added logging function and preparation for baselining.
1.06 - 05/10/2019 - Updated for Python 3 compatibility
1.05 - 10/02/2018 - Formatted to PEP8 standards
1.04 - 01/21/2009 - Made re matches case insensitive
1.03 - 06/19/2007 - Bug fix for multiple headlines not separated by a blank line. Also added an
extra blank line before the $$ when there is a headline but no forecast text;
this is needed due to the text locking of the GFE editor.
1.02 - 10/31/2006 - Bug fix for when UGC line ending "ddhhmm-" token is split onto a new line
1.01 - 01/17/2006 - First release: based on, replaces mergeZFPs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import re
import traceback
# This is for testing outside of GFE, leave commented out
# def readprod(name):
# fp = open(name, "r")
# p = fp.read()
# fp.close
# return p
class MergeProds:
def __init__(self, logLevel=""):
# Turn on debugging by passing desired logLevel to MergeProds when called:
# e.g. mp = MergeProds(logLevel="debug")._mergeZFP(fcst, oldZFP, self._updatePeriodIndex)
# Valid values of logLevel: "", "info", "debug".
# calls to logmsg with level="error" will always be printed no matter what logLevel is
# set to.
self.logLevel = logLevel
def _parseUGCLine(self, ugcString):
"""Parses a ugc encoded string into a list of UGC codes.
Input string must be of form "VAZ001-004>006" without the -ddhhmm- terminator.
Returns a list of strings of UGC codes:
["VAZ001", "VAZ004", "VAZ005", "VAZ006"].
# Parses UGC encoding
ugc = ugcString.split("-")
ugcList = []
stc = ugcString[0:3]
for c in ugc:
if c.find(">") > 1:
startUGC, endUGC = c.split(">")
if len(startUGC) > 3:
stc = startUGC[0:3]
startUGC = startUGC[3:]
for i in range(int(startUGC), int(endUGC) + 1):
ugcList.append("%s%3.3d" % (stc, i))
elif len(c) > 3:
stc = c[0:3]
ugcList.append(stc + c)
return ugcList
def _splitPeriods(self, text, offset):
"""Extracts the individual period forecasts from ZFP text.
Input arguments:
text: the ZFP text, normally only the text from one area (zone combo)
offset: character index offset of text passed in relative to the beginning of the whole ZFP
Returns: a list of tuples, one for each period.
The tuple contains the start and end positions of the period in the ZFP, the
period label such as "Monday Night", and the actual period text: (startCharIndex,
endCharIndex, period label, period text). If offset is > 0, then startCharIndex
and endCharIndex are offset by this amount to give positions relative to the start
of the ZFP, not just the start of the text argument (which is usually a single
Zone group).
# This is the re expression to get the period label which must be "."
# in column 1 and terminated with "...". Extended to look over multiple
# Lines.
periodExp = re.compile(r"\.(.*?)\.\.\.(?=.*\n)", re.DOTALL)
# Need to make sure there are no lines with spaces only
t = re.sub("\n[ \t]+\n", "\n\n", text) + "\n\n"
periods_exp = re.compile(r"\n([.][A-Za-z].*?)(?=\n[.\n])", re.DOTALL)
pList = periods_exp.findall(t)
periods = []
for p in pList:
p += "\n"
i = text.find(p) + offset
j = i + len(p)
# Extract Period Label (i.e., "Monday Night")
m = periodExp.match(p)
if m:
perLabel = m.group(1)
perLabel = ""
periods.append((i, j, perLabel, p))
self.logmsg("P", i, j, perLabel, loglevel="debug")
return periods
def _splitSegProd(self, product):
"""Decodes a segemented product into individual goups.
Version 1.0
This is a basic parser for a segmented product. A group is defined by a line that starts
with what looks like UGC encoding, text then terminated by a blank line followed by "$$".
The "text" of the group must be delimited by a blank line from the group header and/or any
headlines. Parsing is done by regular expressions.
Returns a tuple of a UCG dictionary and a list.
The UGC dictionary has keys of UGC codes and values of group index the UGC belongs to.
The returned list is actually a list of dictionaries for each group. Each group
dictionary has the following keys:
groupText: tuple of start,end character indices of the text for the
entire group (rstrip'ed). The terminating "$$" is not included.
ugcText: tuple of start,end character indices of the UGC line (rstrip'ed).
timeText: tuple of start,end character indices of the Issuance Time line (rstrip'ed)
(i.e., "1042 AM EST FRI JAN 6 2006"). (-1,-1) returned if not able to find a time.
hdlnText: tuple of start,end character indices of all headline lines at the top of the
group text (rstrip'ed). If no headlines, both start and end will be set to the start of
fcstText: tuple of start,end character indices of remaining text after any headlines.
There must be a blank line separating this section from the group header and/or the
last headline.
ugcList: List of UGC codes valid for this group.
periodsList: List of period information. See _splitPeriods.
All indices are absolute character positions in the product text. In general, terminating
newlines are not included in the index ranges. There are some product specific exceptions
for the above rules (NOW where headlines are after the .NOW... line and non segmented
products like PNS.
groups_exp = re.compile(r"\n([A-Z][A-Z][CZ]\d\d\d[->].*?)(?=\$\$)", re.DOTALL)
# RE to extract ugcs, used with newlines removed before searching
ugc_exp = re.compile(r"([A-Z][A-Z][CZ]\d\d\d[->]?.*)-[0-3][0-9][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]-")
# RE to get ugc line(s) exactly as in product
ugclines_exp = re.compile(
r"([A-Z][A-Z][CZ]\d\d\d[->]?.*)-[ \n]*[0-3][0-9][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]-", re.DOTALL
blankline_exp = re.compile(r"\n *\n.")
# Build re to find NWS issue time string of form:
# "HHMM AM EST MON JAN 10 2005"
s = (
"[012]?[0-9][0-5][0-9] +.+"
+ ".+(19|20)[0-9][0-9]"
time_exp = re.compile(s, re.IGNORECASE)
hdln_exp = re.compile(r"\n(\.\.\..+?\.\.\.)(?= *\n)", re.DOTALL)
groups = groups_exp.findall(product)
groupList = []
groupNo = 0
ugcToGroupDict = {}
self.logmsg("_splitSegProd: Processing", len(groups), "groups")
for grp in groups:
g = grp.rstrip()
groupDict = {}
groupDict["ugcText"] = (-1, -1)
self.logmsg(groupNo, g, loglevel="debug")
gstart = product.find(g)
glen = len(g)
gend = gstart + glen
groupDict["groupText"] = (gstart, gend)
self.logmsg(groupNo, gstart, gend, loglevel="debug")
# Now do ugc parsing. First strip out all newlines to get UGC string that may be on
# continuation lines
t = re.sub(" *\n", "", g)
m = ugc_exp.search(t)
self.logmsg("UGC string=", m.group(1), loglevel="debug")
ugcList = []
if m:
ugcList = self._parseUGCLine(m.group(1))
self.logmsg(ugcList, loglevel="debug")
for c in ugcList:
self.logmsg("c=", c, loglevel="debug")
ugcToGroupDict[c] = groupNo
# Get position of ugc string in product
m = ugclines_exp.search(g)
if m:
start = g.find(m.group(0)) + gstart
end = start + len(m.group(0))
groupDict["ugcText"] = (start, end)
# Find issuance time string
m = time_exp.search(g)
if m:
timestart = g.find(m.group(0))
timeend = timestart + len(m.group(0))
groupDict["timeText"] = (timestart + gstart, timeend + gstart)
timestart = 0
groupDict["timeText"] = (-1, -1)
# Find where the text for the group starts. This is defined Simply as the first text
# line after a blank line. Therefore, there must be a blank line after the header (UGC
# list, UGC name list, city list, issuance time string) and before the segment text.
# Start looking after the issuance time line to handle a product like PNS
m = blankline_exp.search(grp[timestart:])
if m:
textstart = grp[timestart:].find(m.group(0)) + len(m.group(0)) - 1 + timestart
textstart = glen
# Special case for NOW with headlines after .NOW... line
hdln_start = textstart
hdln_end = textstart
if grp[textstart:].find(".NOW...") == 0:
textstart = grp[textstart:].find("\n") + textstart + 1
self.logmsg("NOW: .now... ends at", textstart + gstart, loglevel="debug")
while textstart < glen - 1 and grp[textstart] == "\n":
textstart += 1
self.logmsg("Initial textstart=", textstart + gstart, loglevel="debug")
hdln_start = textstart
hdln_end = textstart
# Find all headlines at the top of the forecast section. This logic is to ensure
# anything that looks like a headline that is not at the top will not be captured.
# Thus all headlines must be grouped together at the top and a blank line must separate
# the end of headlines and the begining of the rest of the text.
for hdln in hdln_exp.findall(grp):
i = grp.find(hdln)
if i > textstart:
hdln_end = textstart
hdln_end = i + len(hdln)
# Start search for blank line with newline ending headline
m = blankline_exp.search(grp[hdln_end - 1 :])
if m:
textstart = grp[hdln_end:].find(m.group(0)) + len(m.group(0)) - 1 + hdln_end
textstart = glen
self.logmsg("No lines after headlines, textstart=", textstart + gstart)
groupDict["ugcList"] = ugcList
groupDict["hdlnText"] = (hdln_start + gstart, hdln_end + gstart)
groupDict["fcstText"] = (textstart + gstart, gend)
# Decode any periods in the text
groupDict["periodsList"] = self._splitPeriods(grp, gstart)
groupNo += 1
self.logmsg("groupText=", groupDict["groupText"])
self.logmsg("hdlnText=", groupDict["hdlnText"])
self.logmsg("fcstText=", groupDict["fcstText"])
return ugcToGroupDict, groupList
def _mergeNarrative(self, new, old, index, synopsis=0):
"""Merges previous forecast into update forecast.
Use this for narrative type products like ZFP and CWF.
Input arguments:
new: ZFP update text
old: old ZFP text
index: index of last period to keep in the new ZFP.
1 means keep first period, however, period lists used here are indexed starting at 0
so 1 also means the second period index in the period lists. Will do some limited
checking to match up periods in the old and the new products. This is done by
comparing the period labels (i.e., "Monday Night").
synopsis: flag for CWF type products which have a synopsis group which should be skipped.
The value is actually a slice value of which group index to start processing.
Should be 0 for ZFP, 1 for CWF.
Returns: merged text or the new text if any problems encountered.
# Sanity check of index value.
if not isinstance(index, int) or index < 0:
return new
newDict, newList = self._splitSegProd(new)
oldDict, oldList = self._splitSegProd(old)
self.logmsg("oldDict=", oldDict, loglevel="debug")
self.logmsg("newDict=", newDict, loglevel="debug")
fcst = ""
last = 0
for gnewDict in newList[synopsis:]:
gbnew, genew = gnewDict["groupText"]
ugcList = gnewDict["ugcList"]
pnewList = gnewDict["periodsList"]
# Make sure enough periods
if index >= len(pnewList):
return new
# copy everything in the new product starting at the end of the last period from
# the previous group
fcst += new[last:gbnew]
oldGrpIndex = -1
for z in ugcList:
if z in oldDict:
oldGrpIndex = oldDict[z]
if oldGrpIndex < 0:
# Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups, abort
self.logmsg("_merge_narrative: Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups, abort")
return new
goldDict = oldList[oldGrpIndex]
# Each period is a tuple of start and end character Positions, period label (i.e.,
# "Monday Night", and then the actual period text
pbnew, penew, newPerLabel, newPerText = pnewList[index]
# append text from the start of the group to the end of the last requested period
# from the new product
fcst += new[gbnew:pbnew]
gbold, geold = goldDict["groupText"]
ugcList = goldDict["ugcList"]
poldList = goldDict["periodsList"]
# Attempt to match periods in the old and new products based on the period label. This
# should account for going from nighttime issuance to daytime issuance. If can't match,
# just use the index as passed in.
pIndex = index
if newPerLabel != "":
i = index
while i < len(poldList):
pbold, peold, oldPerLabel, oldPerText = poldList[i]
if oldPerLabel == newPerLabel:
pIndex = i
i += 1
if pIndex >= len(poldList):
self.logmsg("Could not match periods", pIndex, index)
return new
# Now copy periods from old product
self.logmsg("Copying old", index, pIndex, loglevel="debug")
for pbold, peold, oldPerLabel, oldPerText in poldList[pIndex:]:
self.logmsg("Updating from old:", oldPerText, loglevel="debug")
fcst += oldPerText
# Set up to append from the last period in the new text to the
# end of the group in the next iteration
pbnew, penew, newPerLabel, newPerText = pnewList[-1]
last = penew
fcst += new[last:]
# Clean it up
fcst = fcst.rstrip() + "\n"
fcst = re.sub(r"\n+\$\$", "\n\n$$", fcst)
# Check for headline and no forecast. Add an extra blank line to
# prevent headline locking to the end of the segment
fcst = re.sub(r"\.\.\.\n\n+\$\$", "...\n\n\n$$", fcst)
return fcst
def _mergeGeneric(self, new, old, hdlns=1):
"""Merges previous forecast into current.
Use this with any GenericReport product that does not have any special sections and the
formatter returns something like:
|* text *|
for the segment text.
Input arguments:
new: product text from the formatter
old: old product text
hdlns: flag 0 or 1 to try to preserve any headlines in the new product/filter out headlines
in old. If 0, all of the text from the new is replaced with the old.
Returns: merged text or the new text if any problems encountered.
Assumptions: Product is a segmented product with one or more UGC groupings. Each segment
has a line that starts with ".text...", each "." is literal "." character. This pattern is
used as the start of the text to copy. The first line containing the ".text..." pattern is
preserved from the new product. The old product is copied starting after the newline ending
the .text... pattern until the end of the segment. Segments must be terminated with
"\n\n$$" (i.e. blank line before $$ is required).
Also, if the new contains framing codes, only the first encountered set of framing codes in
the new is changed; it is replaced with the old text (within framing codes).
# Framing code reg exp
fc_exp = re.compile(r"\|\* .+? \*\|", re.DOTALL)
newDict, newList = self._splitSegProd(new)
oldDict, oldList = self._splitSegProd(old)
self.logmsg("oldDict=", oldDict, loglevel="debug")
self.logmsg("newDict=", newDict, loglevel="debug")
fcst = ""
last = 0
for gnewDict in newList:
gbnew, genew = gnewDict["groupText"]
ugcList = gnewDict["ugcList"]
# copy everything in the new product starting at the end of the last period from the
# previous group
fcst += new[last:gbnew]
oldGrpIndex = -1
for z in ugcList:
if z in oldDict:
oldGrpIndex = oldDict[z]
if oldGrpIndex < 0:
# Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups
self.logmsg("_mergeGeneric: Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups, abort")
fcst += new[gbnew:genew]
goldDict = oldList[oldGrpIndex]
gbold, geold = goldDict["groupText"]
self.logmsg(gnewDict["hdlnText"], gnewDict["fcstText"], loglevel="debug")
self.logmsg(goldDict["hdlnText"], goldDict["fcstText"], loglevel="debug")
if hdlns == 0:
# Completely replace new text with old
tnewStart = gnewDict["hdlnText"][0]
toldStart = goldDict["hdlnText"][0]
fcst += new[gbnew:tnewStart]
# Don't include any previous headlines but keep any new ones.
tnewStart = gnewDict["fcstText"][0]
toldStart = goldDict["fcstText"][0]
# If there are headlines make sure to insert blank line after
if gnewDict["hdlnText"][0] < gnewDict["hdlnText"][1]:
fcst += new[gbnew : gnewDict["hdlnText"][1]] + "\n\n"
fcst += new[gbnew:tnewStart]
self.logmsg("new,old start", tnewStart, toldStart, loglevel="debug")
newFcst = new[tnewStart:genew]
oldText = old[toldStart:geold].rstrip()
self.logmsg("New ", newFcst, loglevel="debug")
self.logmsg("Old ", oldText, loglevel="debug")
if fc_exp.search(newFcst):
# Substitute old text for text in framing codes in new
fcst += fc_exp.sub("|*\n" + oldText + "\n*|", newFcst, 1)
fcst += old[toldStart:geold]
# Set up to append from the last period in the new text to the
# end of the group in the next iteration
last = genew
fcst += new[last:]
# Clean it up
fcst = fcst.rstrip() + "\n"
fcst = re.sub(r"\n+\$\$", "\n\n$$", fcst)
# Check for headline and no forecast. Add an extra blank line to
# prevent headline locking to the end of the segment
fcst = re.sub(r"\.\.\.\n\n+\$\$", "...\n\n\n$$", fcst)
return fcst
def _mergeZFP(self, new, old, index):
return self._mergeNarrative(new, old, index, 0)
def _mergeCWF(self, new, old, index):
return self._mergeNarrative(new, old, index, 1)
def _mergeNSH(self, new, old, index):
return self._mergeNarrative(new, old, index, 0)
def _mergeESF(self, new, old, hdln=0):
fcst = self._mergeGeneric(new, old, hdln)
if fcst != new:
# Get rid of extra stuff in framing codes from the baseline version of ESF
fcst = re.sub(
fcst = re.sub(r"\n+\$\$", "\n\n$$", fcst)
return fcst
def _mergeNOW(self, new, old, hdln=1):
return self._mergeGeneric(new, old, hdln)
def _mergePNS(self, new, old, hdln=0):
return self._mergeGeneric(new, old, hdln)
def _mergeSPS(self, new, old, hdln=0):
return self._mergeGeneric(new, old, hdln)
def _mergeRWS(self, new, old, hdln=1):
return self._mergeGeneric(new, old, hdln)
def _mergeHWO(self, new, old):
"""Merges previous forecast into current.
Input arguments:
new: product text from the formatter
old: old product text
Returns: merged text or the new text if any problems encountered.
Product is a segmented product with one or more UGC groupings. Each segment has a line that
starts with ".text...", each "." is literal "." character. This pattern is used as the
start of the text to copy. The first line containing the ".text..." pattern is preserved
from the new product. The old product is copied starting after the newline ending the
.text... pattern until the end of the segment. Segments must be terminated with "\n\n$$"
(i.e. blank line before $$ is required).
newDict, newList = self._splitSegProd(new)
oldDict, oldList = self._splitSegProd(old)
self.logmsg("oldDict=", oldDict)
self.logmsg("newDict=", newDict)
fcst = ""
last = 0
index = 0
for gnewDict in newList:
gbnew, genew = gnewDict["groupText"]
ugcList = gnewDict["ugcList"]
pnewList = gnewDict["periodsList"]
# Make sure enough periods
if index >= len(pnewList):
return new
# copy everything in the new product starting at the end of the last period from the
# previous group
fcst += new[last:gbnew]
oldGrpIndex = -1
for z in ugcList:
if z in oldDict:
oldGrpIndex = oldDict[z]
if oldGrpIndex < 0:
# Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups
self.logmsg("_mergeHWO: Couldn't match zones to previous zone groups, abort")
fcst += new[gbnew:genew]
# The first period from a HWO should be the .DAY ONE... line
# So take the text from the formatter up to the end of .DAY ONE... line
pbnew, penew, newPerLabel, newPerText = pnewList[0]
fcst += new[gbnew:penew]
goldDict = oldList[oldGrpIndex]
gbold, geold = goldDict["groupText"]
poldList = goldDict["periodsList"]
# Now copy periods from old product
pbold, peold, oldPerLabel, oldPerText = poldList[0]
oldText = old[peold:geold].strip()
# Force blank line after first period line with the first '+ "\n"'
fcst += "\n" + oldText + "\n\n"
# Set up to append from the last period in the new text to the
# end of the group in the next iteration
last = genew
fcst += new[last:]
# This section inserts the period labels from the new into the old
# To attempt to make sure the day names are correct i.e.,
# The period labels must be terminated by a blank line (i.e., "\n\n")!
p1_exp = re.compile(r"(\.DAY ONE\.\.\.[A-Za-z].*?)(?=\n\n)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
p2_exp = re.compile(
r"(\.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN\.\.\.[A-Za-z].*?)(?=\n\n)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE
# Find the Day 1, Days 2 labels in the new product
m = p1_exp.search(new)
if not m:
return fcst
p1new = m.group(1)
m = p2_exp.search(new)
if not m:
return fcst
p2new = m.group(1)
# Find the Day 1, Days 2 labels in the old product
m = p1_exp.search(old)
if not m:
return fcst
p1old = m.group(1)
m = p2_exp.search(old)
if not m:
return fcst
p2old = m.group(1)
# Now replace the labels from the old with the new
fcst = re.sub(p1old, p1new, fcst)
fcst = re.sub(p2old, p2new, fcst)
# Clean it up
fcst = fcst.rstrip() + "\n"
fcst = re.sub(r"\n+\$\$", "\n\n$$", fcst)
return fcst
def logmsg(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Prints message with optional prefix, line number of call. self.logLevel sets runtime
log level to output and can be "", "info", "debug". Individual calls to logmsg set the
the level the message should be applied to with the loglevel keyword argument.
If called with named argument logtag='string', that string will be prepended to
the output, self.logmsg('A', 'B', 1.0, logtag='DEBUG: ') will output:
DEBUG: A, B, 1.0
If called with named argument loglines=True, then the calling method name and line number
will also be output. self.logmsg('A', 'B', 1.0, logtag='DEBUG: ', loglines=True):
DEBUG: MergeProds.method at line xx: A, B, 1.0
One or more arguments to print.
Named arguments:
logtag='string': string to prefix message with. Defaults to module name
loglines=True/False: Prefix with calling method and line number. Defaults to False
loglevel="info"/"debug"/"error": when message should be printed. error level is
always printed. Defaults to "info"
All other named arguments are part of the printed message, i.e., when printing
calling arguments to another method.
levels = ["error", "", "info", "debug"]
level = kwargs.get("loglevel", "info")
if not levels.index(level) <= levels.index(self.logLevel):
# By default, tag will be module name
if "loglevel" in kwargs:
del kwargs["loglevel"]
tag = "%s: " % __name__
if "logtag" in kwargs:
tag = kwargs["logtag"]
del kwargs["logtag"]
if "loglines" in kwargs:
if kwargs["loglines"]:
file, lineno, name, text = traceback.extract_stack()[-2]
tag += "%s.%s at line %d: " % (__name__, name, lineno)
del kwargs["loglines"]
# Also output keyword args, this makes it easy to log arguments to a method call:
# self.logmsg('getGrids:', "Fcst", "StormTotalSnow", "SFC", timeRange, mode="Max")
if kwargs:
msg = "%s%s, %s" % (tag, ", ".join([str(i) for i in args]), str(kwargs))
msg = "%s%s" % (tag, " ".join([str(i) for i in args]))
print(msg) |