] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
541 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
541 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
# VPython interface
# Written by: Konrad Hinsen <>
# Last revision: 2006-6-12
Definitions of simple 3D graphics objects and scenes containing them,
to be rendered using VPython
from Scientific.Geometry import Transformation, Vector
import os, string, sys, tempfile
if not sys.modules.has_key('epydoc'):
import visual
from Color import *
# Scene
class Scene:
VPython scene
A VPython scene is a collection of graphics objects that can be
shown in a VPython window. When the "view" method is called,
a new window is created and the graphics objects are displayed
in it.
def __init__(self, objects = None, **options):
@param objects: a list of graphics objects, or C{None} for
an empty scene
@type objects: C{list} or C{NoneType}
@param options: options as keyword arguments
@keyword title: the window title (default: "VPython scene")
@type title: C{str}
@keyword width: the window width in pixels (default: 300)
@type width: C{int}
@keyword height: the window height in pixels (default: 300)
@type height: C{int}
@keyword background: the background color (default: "black")
@type background: C{str}
if objects is None:
self.objects = []
elif type(objects) == type([]):
self.objects = objects
self.objects = [objects]
self.options = {"title": "VPython Scene",
"width": 300,
"height": 300,
"background": "black"}
for key, value in options.items():
if self.options.has_key(key):
self.options[key] = value
raise ValueError("undefined option: " + repr(key))
def __len__(self):
@returns: the number of graphics objects in the scene
@rtype: C{int}
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, item):
@param item: an index
@type item: C{int}
@returns: the graphics object at the index position
@rtype: L{GraphicsObject}
return self.object[item]
def addObject(self, object):
@param object: a graphics object to be added to the scene
@type object: L{GraphicsObject}
def view(self):
Open a VPython window for the scene
color = self.options["background"]
if type(color) == type(''):
color = ColorByName(color)
self.window = visual.display(title = self.options["title"],
width = self.options["width"],
height = self.options["height"],
background = color.rgb,
exit = 0)
for o in self.objects:
# Base classes for graphics objects
class GraphicsObject:
Graphics object for VPython
This is an abstract base class. Use one of the subclasses to generate
def __init__(self, attr):
@param attr: graphics attributes specified by keywords
@keyword material: color and surface properties
@type material: L{Material}
self.attr = {}
for key, value in attr.items():
if key in self.attribute_names:
self.attr[key] = value
raise AttributeError('illegal attribute: ' + str(key))
attribute_names = ['comment']
def __getitem__(self, attr):
@param attr: the name of a graphics attribute
@type attr: C{str}
@returns: the value of the attribute, or C{None} if the attribute
is undefined
return self.attr[attr]
except KeyError:
return None
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
@param attr: the name of a graphics attribute
@type attr: C{str}
@param value: a new value for the attribute
self.attr[attr] = value
def __copy__(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self)
class ShapeObject(GraphicsObject):
Graphics objects representing geometrical shapes
This is an abstract base class. Use one of the subclasses to generate
attribute_names = ['comment', 'material']
def __add__(self, other):
return Group([self]) + Group([other])
def display(self, window):
material = self.attr.get('material', None)
if material is None:
color = ColorByName('white')
color = material.attr.get('emissive_color', None)
if color is None:
color = material.attr.get('diffuse_color', None)
if color is None:
color = ColorByName('white')
window.foreground = color.rgb
# Specific shape objects
class Sphere(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, center, radius, **attr):
@param center: the center of the sphere
@type center: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the sphere radius
@type radius: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
| = center
self.radius = radius
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
def show(self, window):
self.object = visual.sphere(pos=tuple(, radius=self.radius)
class Cube(ShapeObject):
The edges of a cube are always parallel to the coordinate axes.
def __init__(self, center, edge, **attr):
@param center: the center of the sphere
@type center: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param edge: the length of an edge
@type edge: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
| = center
self.edge = edge
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
def show(self, window):
self.object = = tuple(,
length = self.edge,
height = self.edge,
width = self.edge)
class Cylinder(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, **attr):
@param point1: first end point of the cylinder axis
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: second end point of the cylinder axis
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the cylinder radius
@type radius: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.point1 = point1
self.point2 = point2
self.radius = radius
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
# accept "faces" for compatibility with VRML module
attribute_names = ShapeObject.attribute_names + ['faces']
def show(self, window):
self.object = visual.cylinder(pos = tuple(self.point1),
axis = tuple(self.point2-self.point1),
radius = self.radius)
class Arrow(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, **attr):
@param point1: starting point of the arrow
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: the tip of the arrow
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the radius of the shaft
@type radius: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.point1 = point1
self.point2 = point2
self.radius = radius
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
def show(self, window):
self.object = visual.arrow(pos = tuple(self.point1),
axis = tuple(self.point2-self.point1),
shaftwidth = self.radius)
class Cone(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, face = 1, **attr):
@param point1: the tip of the cone
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: end point of the cone axis
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the radius at the base
@type radius: positive number
@param face: a boolean flag, specifying if the circular
bottom is visible
@type face: C{bool}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.point1 = point1
self.point2 = point2
self.radius = radius
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
# accept "face" for compatibility with VRML module
attribute_names = ShapeObject.attribute_names + ['face']
def show(self, window):
self.object = visual.cone(pos = tuple(self.point2),
axis = tuple(self.point1-self.point2),
radius = self.radius)
class PolyLines(ShapeObject):
Multiple connected lines
def __init__(self, points, **attr):
@param points: a sequence of points to be connected by lines
@type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.points = points
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
def show(self, window):
self.object = visual.curve(pos = map(tuple, self.points),
color = window.foreground)
class Line(PolyLines):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, **attr):
@param point1: first end point
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: second end point
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
apply(PolyLines.__init__, (self, [point1, point2]), attr)
class Polygons(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, points, index_lists, **attr):
@param points: a sequence of points
@type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param index_lists: a sequence of index lists, one for each polygon.
The index list for a polygon defines which points
are vertices of the polygon.
@type index_lists: sequence of C{list}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.points = points
self.index_lists = index_lists
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr)
def show(self, window):
for indices in self.index_lists:
points = []
for index in indices:
visual.convex(pos = points, color = window.foreground)
# Groups
class Group:
Base class for composite objects
def __init__(self, objects, **attr):
self.objects = []
for o in objects:
if isGroup(o):
self.objects = self.objects + o.objects
for key, value in attr.items():
for o in self.objects:
o[key] = value
is_group = 1
def __len__(self):
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.object[item]
def __coerce__(self, other):
if not isGroup(other):
other = Group([other])
return (self, other)
def __add__(self, other):
return Group(self.objects + other.objects)
def show(self, window):
for o in self.objects:
def isGroup(x):
return hasattr(x, 'is_group')
# Materials
class Material(GraphicsObject):
Material specification for graphics objects
A material defines the color and surface properties of an object.
def __init__(self, **attr):
@param attr: material attributes as keyword arguments
@keyword diffuse_color: the color of a diffusely reflecting surface
@type diffuse_color: L{Color}
@keyword emissive_color: the color of emitted light
@type emissive_color: L{Color}
GraphicsObject.__init__(self, attr)
attribute_names = GraphicsObject.attribute_names + \
['ambient_color', 'diffuse_color', 'specular_color',
'emissive_color', 'shininess', 'transparency']
# Predefined materials
def DiffuseMaterial(color):
@param color: a color object or a predefined color name
@type color: L{Color} or C{str}
@returns: a material with the 'diffuse color' attribute set to color
@rtype: L{Material}
if type(color) is type(''):
color = ColorByName(color)
return _diffuse_material_dict[color]
except KeyError:
m = Material(diffuse_color = color)
_diffuse_material_dict[color] = m
return m
_diffuse_material_dict = {}
def EmissiveMaterial(color):
@param color: a color object or a predefined color name
@type color: L{Color} or C{str}
@returns: a material with the 'emissive color' attribute set to color
@rtype: L{Material}
if type(color) is type(''):
color = ColorByName(color)
return _emissive_material_dict[color]
except KeyError:
m = Material(emissive_color = color)
_emissive_material_dict[color] = m
return m
_emissive_material_dict = {}
# Test code
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 0:
from Scientific.Geometry import null, ex, ey, ez
spheres = EmissiveMaterial('blue')
links = EmissiveMaterial('orange')
s1 = Sphere(null, 0.05, material = spheres)
s2 = Sphere(ex, 0.05, material = spheres)
s3 = Sphere(ey, 0.05, material = spheres)
s4 = Sphere(ez, 0.05, material = spheres)
a1 = Arrow(null, ex, 0.01, material = links)
a2 = Arrow(null, ey, 0.01, material = links)
a3 = Arrow(null, ez, 0.01, material = links)
scene = Scene([s1, s2, s3, s4, a1, a2, a3])
if 0:
scene = Scene([])
scale = ColorScale(10.)
for x in range(11):
color = scale(x)
m = Material(diffuse_color = color)
scene.addObject(Cube(Vector(x,0.,0.), 0.2, material=m))
if 1:
points = [Vector(0., 0., 0.),
Vector(0., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 1.),
Vector(1., 1., 1.)]
indices = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], [3, 4, 5, 2, 3]]
scene = Scene(Polygons(points, indices,
if 0:
points = [Vector(0., 0., 0.),
Vector(0., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 1.),
Vector(1., 1., 1.)]
scene = Scene(PolyLines(points, material = EmissiveMaterial('green')))