root e2ecdcfe33 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

1279 lines
40 KiB
Executable file

# High-level parallelization classes
# Written by Konrad Hinsen <>
# last revision: 2008-8-18
import RemoteObjects
from Scientific import N
import cPickle, operator, sys, types
virtual_bsp_machine = sys.virtual_bsp_machine
bsplib = None
world = None
except AttributeError:
virtual_bsp_machine = None
import Scientific_bsplib
bsplib = Scientific_bsplib
world = None
except ImportError:
bsplib = None
from Scientific.MPI import world
if world.__class__.__name__ == "DummyCommunicator":
world = None
except AttributeError:
if world is not None:
world = world.duplicate()
# Number of processors
if virtual_bsp_machine is not None:
numberOfProcessors = virtual_bsp_machine.numberOfProcessors()
processorID = virtual_bsp_machine.currentPid()
elif bsplib is not None:
numberOfProcessors = bsplib.numberOfProcessors
processorID = bsplib.processorID
elif world is not None:
numberOfProcessors = world.size
processorID = world.rank
numberOfProcessors = 1
processorID = 0
# Low-level communication: send and receive arbitrary objects via MPI
if world is not None:
_type_tags = {N.Int8: 3, N.Int16: 4, N.Int32: 5,
N.UnsignedInt8: 6,
N.Float16: 7, N.Float: 8,
N.Complex32: 9, N.Complex64: 10}
_type_tags_i = {}
for key, value in _type_tags.items():
_type_tags_i[value] = key
_debug_flag = 0
def _debug(flag):
global _debug_flag
_debug_flag = flag
def _send(obj, destinations):
requests = []
if type(obj) is N.arraytype:
send_data = obj
type_code = send_data.typecode() # Numeric, numarray
except AttributeError:
type_code = send_data.dtype.char # NumPy
tag = _type_tags.get(type_code, 2)
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "sending array (type %s, shape %s) to %s" \
% (type_code, str(obj.shape), str(destinations))
if tag == 2:
send_data = cPickle.dumps(send_data, 1)
shape = N.array(obj.shape)
for pid in destinations:
requests.append(world.nonblockingSend(shape, pid, tag))
tag = 1
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "sending non-array object to", destinations
send_data = cPickle.dumps(obj, 1)
tag = 2
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "sending data (%d) to" % tag, destinations
for pid in destinations:
requests.append(world.nonblockingSend(send_data, pid, tag))
return requests
def _wait(requests):
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "waiting for %d requests" % len(requests)
for r in requests:
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "finished waiting"
def _receive(source, tag):
if tag == 2:
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "receiving non-array object from", source
data = cPickle.loads(world.receiveString(source, tag)[0])
return data
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "receiving array shape from", source
typecode = _type_tags_i.get(tag, None)
if typecode is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid tag " + `tag`)
shape = world.receive(N.Int, source, tag)[0]
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "shape: ", shape
print world.rank, "receiving array data from", source
data = world.receive(typecode, source, 1)[0]
data.shape = tuple(shape)
if _debug_flag:
print world.rank, "done receiving"
return data
# BSP communication level: exchange messages and synchronize
if virtual_bsp_machine is not None:
put = virtual_bsp_machine.put
send = virtual_bsp_machine.send
sync = virtual_bsp_machine.sync
elif bsplib is not None:
def put(obj, pid_list):
if type(obj) is not N.arraytype:
obj = cPickle.dumps(obj, 1)
for pid in pid_list:
bsplib.send(obj, pid)
def send(messages):
for pid, data in messages:
put(data, [pid])
def sync():
messages = []
while 1:
data = bsplib.receive()
if data is None: break
if type(data) is N.arraytype:
return messages
elif world is not None:
_requests = []
def put(obj, pid_list):
global _requests
if len(pid_list) > 0:
_requests = _requests + _send(obj, pid_list)
def send(messages):
global _requests
for pid, data in messages:
_requests = _requests + _send(data, [pid])
def sync():
global _requests
for pid in range(numberOfProcessors):
_requests.append(world.nonblockingSend('', pid, 0))
messages = []
pcount = 0
while pcount < numberOfProcessors:
test = world.nonblockingProbe()
if test is None: continue
source, tag = test
if tag == 0:
pcount = pcount + 1
world.receiveString(source, tag)
messages.append(_receive(source, tag))
_requests = []
return messages
_messages = []
def put(obj, pid_list):
global _messages
for pid in pid_list:
if pid == 0:
raise ValueError("invalid pid")
def send(messages):
for pid, data in messages:
put(data, [pid])
def sync():
global _messages
messages = _messages
_messages = []
return messages
# Higher-level communications layer. This code takes care of the handling
# of special objects and of special transfer needs of particular objects.
def retrieveMessages():
messages = sync()
filtered_messages = []
for m in messages:
if isinstance(m, RemoteObjects.TransferToken):
return filtered_messages
# The dictionary _wrappers stores the global class corresponding
# to each local class. Whenever a global object is constructed
# from a local one, the appropriate class is looked up here.
# If no wrapper class is found, ParValue is used.
_wrappers = {}
def global_object(local_object):
klass = local_object.__class__
except AttributeError:
return ParValue(local_object)
wrapper = _wrappers.get(klass, ParValue)
return wrapper(local_object)
# ParValue is the base class for all standard distributed-data classes.
class ParValue(object):
Global data
ParValue instances are created internally, but are not meant to be
created directly by application programs. Use the subclasses instead.
ParValue objects (and those of subclasses) implement the standard
arithmetic and comparison operations. They also support attribute
requests which are passed on to the local values; the return
values are ParValue objects. ParValue objects can also be called
if their local values are callable.
def __init__(self, value, valid=True):
@param value: the local value
@type value: any
@param valid: C{True} if the value is valid, C{False} if it is not.
Invalid values are not treated, any operation on them produces
an invalid result.
self.value = value
self.valid = valid
is_parvalue = 1
def __len__(self):
return len(self.value)
def __repr__(self):
if self.valid:
return "%s[%d](%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, processorID,
return "<%s object (no valid data)>" % self.__class__.__name__
__str__ = __repr__
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
params = []
valid = self.valid
for a in args:
p, v = _getValue(a)
valid = valid and v
kw = {}
for key, data in kwargs.items():
p, v = _getValue(data)
kw[key] = p
valid = valid and v
if valid:
return global_object(apply(self.value, params, kw))
return ParValue(None, 0)
def put(self, pid_list):
Send the local data to all specified processors.
@param pid_list: a list of processor IDs to which the data is sent.
@type pid_list: Global C{list} of C{int}
@returns: a global object whose local value is a list of
all the data received from other processors. The order of the
data in that list is not defined.
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if self.valid:
if not pid_list.valid:
raise ValueError("Invalid processor ID list")
put(self.value, pid_list.value)
return ParValue(retrieveMessages())
def get(self, pid_list):
Request the local data from all specified processors.
@param pid_list: a list of processor IDs to which the data is sent.
@type pid_list: Global C{list} of C{int}
@returns: a global object whose local value is a list of
all the data received from other processors. The order of the
data in that list is not defined.
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if not pid_list.valid:
raise ValueError("Invalid processor ID list")
put(processorID, pid_list.value)
destinations = sync()
if self.valid:
put(self.value, destinations)
return ParValue(retrieveMessages())
def broadcast(self, from_pid=0):
Transmit the local data of one processor to all processors.
@param from_pid: the ID of the processor that sends data
@type from_pid: C{int}
@returns: the transmitted data on all processors
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if processorID == from_pid:
if self.valid:
put(self.value, range(numberOfProcessors))
raise ValueError("Broadcast for invalid data")
return ParValue(retrieveMessages()[0])
def fullExchange(self):
Transmit the local data of each processor to all other processors.
@returns: the transmitted data on all processors
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if self.valid:
put(self.value, range(numberOfProcessors))
return ParValue(retrieveMessages())
def reduce(self, operator, zero):
Perform a reduction over the local values of all processors.
@param operator: the binary operator used in the reduction
@type operator: function of two variables
@param zero: the initial value of the reduction
@type zero: any
@returns: the reduction on processor 0, zero elsewhere
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if self.valid:
put(self.value, [0])
return ParValue(reduce(operator, retrieveMessages(), zero),
processorID == 0)
def accumulate(self, operator, zero):
Perform an accumulation over the local values of all processors.
@param operator: the binary operator used in the accumulation
@type operator: function of two variables
@param zero: the initial value of the accumulation
@type zero: any
@returns: on each processor, the reduction of the values from
processors with a lower or equal number
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if self.valid:
data = self
data = ParValue(zero)
data = data.get(ParValue(range(processorID+1)))
return ParValue(reduce(operator, data.value, zero))
def __nonzero__(self):
if not self.valid:
raise ValueError("invalid local value")
return operator.truth(self.value)
def alltrue(self):
@returns: C{True} if the local values on all processors are true.
@rtype: Local C{bool}
if self.valid:
put(operator.truth(self.value), [0])
all = sync()
if processorID == 0:
combined = reduce(operator.and_, all, 1)
put(combined, range(numberOfProcessors))
return sync()[0]
def anytrue(self):
@returns: C{True} if at least one of the local values on all
processors is true.
@rtype: Local C{bool}
if self.valid:
put(operator.truth(self.value), [0])
all = sync()
if processorID == 0:
combined = reduce(operator.or_, all, 0)
put(combined, range(numberOfProcessors))
return sync()[0]
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value == other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __ne__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value != other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value < other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __le__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value <= other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __gt__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value > other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __ge__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value >= other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __neg__(self):
if self.valid:
return ParValue(-self.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __add__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value + other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __sub__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value - other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __mul__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value * other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __div__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value / other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __mod__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value % other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __divmod__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
div, mod = divmod(self.value, other.value)
return ParValue(div), ParValue(mod)
return ParValue(None, 0), ParValue(None, 0)
def __pow__(self, other):
if self.valid and other.valid:
return ParValue(self.value ** other.value)
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if not self.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if hasattr(item, 'is_parindex'):
if not item.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if item.skip == 0:
return global_object(self.value[item.start])
except IndexError:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if item.skip == 1:
if item.stop is None:
return global_object(self.value[item.start:])
return global_object(self.value[item.start:item.stop])
return global_object(self.value[item.start:item.stop:item.skip])
elif hasattr(item, 'is_parvalue'):
if item.valid:
return global_object(self.value[item.value])
return ParValue(None, 0)
return global_object(self.value[item])
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'valid' or attr == '__coerce__':
raise AttributeError
if not self.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
return global_object(getattr(self.value, attr))
def getattr(self, attr):
if not self.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
return global_object(getattr(self.value, attr.value))
def map(self, function):
if not self.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if hasattr(function, 'is_parvalue'):
function = function.value
return ParValue(map(function, self.value))
# Extract local value and validity flag from a ParValue
def _getValue(x):
if isinstance(x, ParValue):
return x.value, x.valid
return x, 1
# ParConstant represents an identical value on each processor.
class ParConstant(ParValue):
"""Global constant
A subclass of ParValue that stores an identical value on each processor.
It must be called with the same argument on all processors, but this
is not verified in the current implementation.
def __init__(self, value):
@param value: any local or global object
@type value: any
if hasattr(value, 'is_parvalue'):
self.value = value.value
self.value = value
self.valid = 1
# ParData generates the local values as a function of processor id
# and number of processors.
class ParData(ParValue):
Global data
A subclass of ParValue that calculates its local value from the
processor number.
def __init__(self, function):
@param function: a function that is called with two arguments
(processor number and number of processors
in the system) and whose return value becomes
the local value of the global object.
@type function: function of two arguments
self.value = function(processorID, numberOfProcessors)
self.valid = 1
# ParSequence objects distribute a sequence over the processors
class ParSequence(ParValue):
Global distributed sequence
The local value of a ParSequence object is a slice of the input sequence,
which is constructed such that the concatenation of the local values
of all processors equals the input sequence while making the number of
elements on each processor as equal as possible.
def __init__(self, full_sequence):
@param full_sequence: the full sequence, equal to the concatenation
of the local values of all processors
@type full_sequence: arbitrary sequence object
if hasattr(full_sequence, 'is_parvalue'):
if not full_sequence.valid:
self.valid = 0
self.value = None
full_sequence = full_sequence.value
self.length = len(full_sequence)
chunk = (self.length+numberOfProcessors-1)/numberOfProcessors
self.first = min(processorID*chunk, self.length)
self.last = min(self.first+chunk, self.length)
self.value = full_sequence[self.first:self.last]
self.valid = 1
def totalLength(self):
@returns: the sum of the lengths of the local values
@rtype: C{int}
return ParValue(self.length)
def __getitem__(self, item):
@param item: an index into the total sequence
@type item: C{int} or L{ParIndex}
@returns: the element referred to by the index, if it is in the local
@rtype: any
@raise IndexError: if the index refers to an item on another processor
if not self.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if hasattr(item, 'is_parindex'):
if not item.valid:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if item.skip == 0:
return global_object(self.value[item.start-self.first])
except IndexError:
return ParValue(None, 0)
if item.skip == 1:
if item.stop is None:
return global_object(self.value[item.start-self.first:])
return global_object(self.value[item.start-self.first
return global_object(self.value[item.start-self.first
return global_object(self.value[item-self.first])
# ParRootSequence objects distribute a sequence stored initially on
# processor 0 over the processors
class ParRootSequence(ParSequence):
Global distributed sequence with data taken from processor 0
The local value of a ParRootSequence object is a slice of the input
sequence, which is constructed such that the concatenation of the
local values of all processors equals the input sequence while making
the number of elements on each processor as equal as possible.
def __init__(self, full_sequence):
@param full_sequence: on processor 0: the full sequence,
equal to the concatenation of the local values
of all processors. The local values
on the other processors are not used.
@type full_sequence: L{ParValue}
messages = []
if processorID == 0:
full_sequence = full_sequence.value
length = len(full_sequence)
for pid in range(numberOfProcessors):
chunk = (length+numberOfProcessors-1)/numberOfProcessors
first = min(pid*chunk, length)
last = min(first+chunk, length)
value = full_sequence[first:last]
messages.append((pid, (first, last, length, value)))
self.first, self.last, self.length, self.value = retrieveMessages()[0]
self.valid = 1
# ParMessages serves to send exchange arbitray data between processors.
class ParMessages(ParValue):
Global message list
def __init__(self, messages):
@param messages: a global object whose local value is a list of
(pid, data) pairs.
@type messages: Global sequence
if hasattr(messages, 'is_parvalue'):
messages = messages.value
self.value = messages
self.valid = 1
def processorIds(self):
@returns: a global object whose local value is a list of
all processor Ids referenced in a message
@rtype: L{ParValue}
return ParValue(map(lambda x: x[0], self.value))
def data(self):
@returns: a global object whose local value is a list of
all data items in the messages.
@rtype: L{ParValue}
return ParValue(map(lambda x: x[1], self.value))
def exchange(self):
Transmit all the messages
@returns: a global object containing the received messages
@rtype: L{ParValue}
if self.valid:
return ParMessages(retrieveMessages())
# ParTuple combines several ParValues to speed up communication.
class ParTuple(ParValue):
Global data tuple
ParTuple objects are used to speed up communication when many data
items need to be sent to the same processors. The construct
a, b, c = ParTuple(a, b, c).put(pids) is logically equivalent to
a = a.put(pids); b = b.put(pids); c = c.put(pids) but more efficient.
def __init__(self, *args):
@param args: any global objects
@type args: C{tuple}
self.value = map(lambda pv: pv.value, args)
self.valid = reduce(operator.and_, map(lambda pv: pv.valid, args))
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.valid:
return ParValue(self.value[item])
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.value)
# ParAccumulator serves to accumulate data in a parallelized loop.
class ParAccumulator(ParValue):
Global accumulator
ParAccumulator objects are used to perform iterative reduction
operations in loops. The initial local value is zero (i.e. the
passed-in zero object, not the number 0), which is
modified by subsequent calls to the method addValue.
def __init__(self, operator, zero):
@param operator: a local function taking two arguments and returning
one argument of the same type
@type operator: function of two variables
@param zero: the initial value for reduction
self.operator = operator = zero
self.value = zero
self.valid = 1
def addValue(self, value):
Replace the internal value of the accumulator by
internal_value = operator(internal_value, value).
if value.valid:
self.value = self.operator(self.value, value.value)
def calculateTotal(self):
@returns: a reduction over the local values on all processors
@rtype: L{ParValue}
return self.reduce(self.operator,
# ParFunction represents a set of identical functions
# on all processors.
class ParFunction(ParValue):
"""Global function
Global functions are called with global object arguments.
The local values of these arguments are then passed to the local
function, and the result is returned in a ParValue object.
def __init__(self, local_function):
@param local_function: any function
@type local_function: callable
self.value = local_function
self.valid = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "ParFunction[%d](%s)" % (processorID, self.value.__name__)
# ParRootFunction represents a function with different code for processor
# zero and all the others. By default, the other processors do nothing
# and return None.
class ParRootFunction(ParFunction):
"""Asymmetric global function
Constructor: ParRootFunction(|root_function|, |other_function|=None)
Global functions are called with global object arguments.
The local values of these arguments are then passed to the local
function, and the result is returned in a ParValue object.
A ParRootFunction differs from a ParFunction in that it uses a different
local function for processor 0 than for the other processors.
ParRootFunction objects are commonly used for I/O operations.
def __init__(self, local_function, other_function=None):
@param local_function: the local function for processor 0
@type local_function: callable
@param other_function: the local function for all other processors.
The default is a function that returns None.
@type other_function: callable
if processorID == 0:
self.value = local_function
if other_function is None:
def other_function(*args, **kwargs):
return ParValue(None)
self.value = other_function
self.local_instance = None
self.valid = 1
# ParIndex objects are returned by ParIndexIterator.
class ParIndex(object):
Parallel index value
ParIndex objects are returned by ParIndexIterator. They are not meant
ot be created in any other way.
def __init__(self, index, valid=1):
if hasattr(index, 'is_parvalue'):
self.valid = index.valid
if self.valid:
self.start = index.value
self.start = 0
elif hasattr(index, 'is_parindex'):
self.valid = index.valid
self.start = index.start
self.start = index
self.valid = valid
self.stop = self.start+1
self.skip = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "ParIndex[%d](%d)" % (processorID, self.start)
is_parindex = 1
class ParSlice(ParIndex):
Parallel slice value
def __init__(self, start=0, stop=None, skip=1, valid=1):
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.skip = skip
self.valid = valid
def __repr__(self):
return "ParSlice[%d](%d, %d, %d)" % (processorID, self.start,
self.stop, self.skip)
# Direct iteration over distributed sequences.
class ParIterator(object):
Parallel iterator
Constructor: ParIterator(|global_sequence|)
A ParIterator is used to loop element by element over a distributed
sequence. At each iteration, the returned item (a global object)
contains different elements of the distributed sequence.
def __init__(self, sequence):
@param sequence: a global object representing a distributed sequence
@type sequence: L{ParSequence}
self.sequence = sequence.value
self.n = len(sequence.value)
self.max_n = ParValue(self.n).reduce(max, 0).broadcast().value
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item >= self.max_n:
raise IndexError
if item >= self.n:
return ParValue(None, 0)
return global_object(self.sequence[item])
# Index iteration over distributed sequences.
class ParIndexIterator(object):
Parallel index iterator
A ParIndexIterator is used to loop index by index over one or more
distributed sequences. At each iteration, the returned item (a
L{ParIndex} object) contains indices of different elements of the
distributed sequence(s). The index objects can be used to index
any ParValue object whose local value is a sequence object.
def __init__(self, sequence):
@param sequence: a global object representing a distributed sequence
@type sequence: L{ParSequence}
self.n = len(sequence.value)
self.max_n = ParValue(self.n).reduce(max, 0).broadcast().value
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item >= self.max_n:
raise IndexError
if item >= self.n:
return ParIndex(0, 0)
return ParIndex(item)
# Distribution class. This effectively turns all methods
# into ParMethods and all other attributes inte ParValues.
class ParClass(object):
Global class
Global classes are needed to construct global objects that
have more functionalities than offered by the ParValue class hierarchy.
When an instance of a global class is generated, each processor
generates an instance of the local class that becomes the local value
of the new global object. Attribute requests and method calls
are passed through to the local objects and the results are
assembled into global objects (ParValue or ParFunction). The arguments
to methods of a global class must be global objects, the local class
methods are then called with the corresponding local values.
The local objects are initialized via the special method
__parinit__ instead of the usual __init__. This method is called
with two special arguments (processor number and total number of
processors) followed by the local values of the arguments to the
global object initialization call.
The local classes must inherit from the base class ParBase (see below),
which also provides communication routines.
def __init__(self, local_class):
@param local_class: a standard Python class
self.local_class = local_class
self.attributes = {}
self._collectAttributes(local_class, self.attributes)
del self.attributes['__init__']
except KeyError:
class _Wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, local_instance):
self.value = local_instance
self.valid = 1
is_parvalue = 1
def __repr__(self):
if self.attributes.has_key('__repr__'):
return "ParClass{%s}[%d](%s)" \
% (self.local_class.__name__, processorID,
return "ParClass{%s}[%d] instance: %s" \
% (self.local_class.__name__, processorID,
def __getattr__(self, name):
return global_object(self.value.__dict__[name])
except KeyError:
value = self.attributes[name]
except KeyError:
value = getattr(self.value, name)
if isinstance(value, types.MethodType):
return ParMethod(value, self.value)
return global_object(value)
def __getitem__(self, item):
item, valid = _getValue(item)
if valid:
return global_object(self.value[item])
return ParValue(None, 0)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
params = []
valid = True
for a in args:
p, v = _getValue(a)
valid = valid and v
kw = {}
for key, data in kwargs.items():
p, v = _getValue(data)
kw[key] = p
valid = valid and v
if valid:
return global_object(self.value(*params, **kw))
return ParValue(None, 0)
self.wrapper = _Wrapper
self.wrapper.__module__ = local_class.__module__
self.wrapper.__name__ = "ParClass(%s)" % local_class.__name__
self.wrapper.attributes = self.attributes
self.wrapper.local_class = local_class
_wrappers[local_class] = self.wrapper
def _collectAttributes1(self, klass, attrib_dict):
for key in klass.__dict__.keys():
if key not in ['__doc__', '__module__', '__name__', '__bases__']:
if not attrib_dict.has_key(key):
attrib_dict[key] = getattr(klass, key)
def _collectAttributes(self, klass, attrib_dict):
self._collectAttributes1(klass, attrib_dict)
for base_class in klass.__bases__:
self._collectAttributes(base_class, attrib_dict)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = (processorID, numberOfProcessors) + args
local_instance = _DummyClass()
local_instance.__class__ = self.local_class
local_instance.__parinit__(*args, **kwargs)
return self.wrapper(local_instance)
# Dummy class
class _DummyClass(object):
# Special 'invalid' object. It is passed to methods in distributed
# object classes and accepted as a return value.
class _ParInvalid(object):
def is_invalid(obj):
return isinstance(obj, _ParInvalid)
ParInvalid = _ParInvalid()
_wrappers[_ParInvalid] = lambda x: ParValue(None, 0)
# ParMethod represents a set of identical methods
# on all processors.
class ParMethod(ParFunction):
Method of a global class
ParMethod objects are created by ParClass. They are not meant to be used
directly in application code.
def __init__(self, local_function, local_instance):
self.value = local_function
self.local_instance = local_instance
self.valid = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "ParMethod[%d](%s)" % (processorID, self.value.__name__)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
params = [self.local_instance]
for a in args:
if hasattr(a, 'is_parvalue'):
if a.valid:
kw = {}
for key, data in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(data, 'is_parvalue'):
if data.valid:
kw[key] = data.value
kw[key] = ParInvalid
kw[key] = data
ret = apply(self.value, params, kw)
return global_object(ret)
# Abstract base class that provides communication for ParClasses.
class ParBase(object):
Distributed data base class
Local classes that are to be used in global classes
must inherit from this class.
is_parclass = 1
def put(self, data, pid_list):
Send data to other processors
@param data: the data to be sent
@type data: any
@param pid_list: the list of processor numbers to which the data is sent
@type pid_list: C{list}
@returns: the values received from other processors
@rtype: C{list}
put(data, pid_list)
return retrieveMessages()
def get(self, data, pid_list):
Request the local values of other processors.
@param data: the data to be sent to processors who request it
@type data: any
@param pid_list: the list of processor numbers to which data requests
are sent
@type pid_list: C{list}
@returns: the values received from other processors
@rtype: C{list}
put(processorID, pid_list)
destinations = sync()
put(data, destinations)
return retrieveMessages()
def broadcast(self, data, from_pid=0):
Send a local value of one processor to all processors.
@param data: the data to be transmitted. This value is used
only on one processor.
@param from_pid: the processor whose data is broadcast
@type from_pid: any
@returns: the received data
@rtype: any
if processorID == from_pid:
put(data, range(numberOfProcessors))
return retrieveMessages()[0]
def exchangeMessages(self, message_list):
@param message_list: a list of (pid, data) pairs to be transmitted
@type message_list: C{list}
@returns: the incoming data
@rtype: C{list}
return retrieveMessages()