Baoyu Yin 28b7e8d6e2 VLab Issue #4796 - AWIPS2_DR_17420 WarnGen IBW templates and 14.2.1 template corrections; fixes #4796
Change-Id: Ieb4a6d68b48351deacbddda65f1ff53485c3402d

Former-commit-id: f077d3cd4084faf8ad7c8865e84df53e59a5db72
2014-09-19 15:02:23 -04:00

227 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

<!-- Impact Based Tornado Warning configuration -->
PHIL KURIMSKI WFO DTX 2-29-2012 OB12.2.1-4
MIKE REGA 5-10-2012 DR 14525 added timeZoneField
DR 14691 added feAreaField
Evan Bookbinder 09-11-2012 Added settings for locations shapefile
Added new areaSource objects
Phil Kurimski 02-04-2013 OB13.2.1-5 Changed Sig Tor to Considerable
Phil Kurimski 05-20-2013 Added selection for very weak tornadoes and landspouts
Phil Kurimski 09-19-2013 added geospatialConfig.xml
Mike Dangelo 1/23/2014 changed parseString for defaultCTAs to match iTW.vm statements,
removed cta1 bulletGroup from COR to ensure it is selected when doing a COR for a torEMER
Evan Bookbinder 2-18-2014 added dssEvents hook, 2014 IBW impacts
ANY pointSource/areaSource/pathcastConfig OVERRIDES TO THAT FILE CAN BE
<include file="geospatialConfig_COUNTY.xml"/>
<!-- Include Various geospatial XML files to create their objects. These are *NOT*
turned on unless the corresponding .vm file is turned on in a given template's .vm file
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure mileMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in the impactTornadoWarning.vm file -->
<include file="pointMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure pointMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in the impactTornadoWarning.vm file -->
<include file="dssEvents.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure dssEvents.vm is added/uncommented in the impactTornadoWarning.vm file -->
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<map>County Names</map>
<map>County Warning Areas</map>
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected
Each followup will become available when the appropriate time range permits.
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<bulletActionGroup action="NEW" phen="TO" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** TYPE OF WARNING **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torEmergency" bulletText="TORNADO EMERGENCY/CATASTROPHIC TORNADO" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="TORNADO EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="considerableTornado" bulletText="CONSIDERABLE TORNADO TAG" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="TORNADO DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseTornado" bulletText="BASE TORNADO WARNING" bulletGroup="headline" bulletDefault="true" parseString="IMPACT...MOBILE HOMES WILL BE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED"/>
<bullet bulletName="landspoutTornado" bulletText="LANDSPOUT/VERY WEAK TORNADO" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="IMPACT...EXPECT DAMAGE TO MOBILE HOMES"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="group1" bulletDefault="true" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...RADAR INDICATED&quot;,&quot;-SQUALL LINE&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerSquall" bulletText="Squall line w/ embedded tornadoes" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...RADAR INDICATED&quot;,&quot;SQUALL LINE&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="confirmedDoppler" bulletText="Confirmed tornado (TDS sig - OBSERVED Tag)" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...RADAR CONFIRMED"/>
<bullet bulletName="spotter" bulletText="Trained weather spotters reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...WEATHER SPOTTERS&quot;,&quot;-FUNNEL CLOUD&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law enforcement reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...PUBLIC"/>
<bullet bulletName="spotterFunnelCloud" bulletText="Spotters reported a funnel cloud" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...WEATHER SPOTTERS&quot;,&quot;FUNNEL CLOUD&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Use the following title for Hail Threats -->
<bullet bulletText="******* SELECT HAIL THREAT (CHOOSE UP TO 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Use the following title for Wind and Hail Threats -->
<bullet bulletText="******* ACCOMPANYING WIND/HAIL THREATS (CHOOSE UP TO 1 EACH) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Uncomment out the following section to include wind threats -->
<bullet bulletName="60mphWind" bulletText="60 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="60MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="70mphWind" bulletText="70 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="70MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="80mphWind" bulletText="80 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="80MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="90mphWind" bulletText="90 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="90MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="100mphWind" bulletText="100 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="100MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="noHail" bulletText="NO HAIL" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="0.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="smallHail" bulletText="Small Hail" bulletGroup="group2" bulletDefault="true" parseString="&lt;.75"/>
<bullet bulletName="quarterHail" bulletText="Quarter size hail (1&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="halfdollarHail" bulletText="Half Dollar size hail (1 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.25IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="pingpongHail" bulletText="Ping pong size hail (1 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.50IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="golfballHail" bulletText="Golf ball size hail (1 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.75IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="twoinchHail" bulletText="Two Inch hail (2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="tennisBallHail" bulletText="Tennis ball hail (2 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.50IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseballHail" bulletText="Baseball size hail (2 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.75IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="threeinchHail" bulletText="Three inch hail (3&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="3.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="grapefruitHail" bulletText="Grapefruit size hail (4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="4.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="softballHail" bulletText="Softball size hail (4 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="4.25IN"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** ADDITIONAL REPORTS *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="extraReportTornado" bulletText="Select to include additional tornado/damage information..."/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************ LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletDefault="true" bulletGroup="group4" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="group4"/>
<bullet bulletName="specialEvent" bulletText="Special heads-up for large event/venue" parseString="THOSE ATTENDING"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** CALLS TO ACTION (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torEmergencyCTA" bulletText="**TOR EMERGENCY CTA** (CATASTROPHIC Tag use only)" parseString="TORNADO EMERGENCY" bulletGroup="cta1"/>
<bullet bulletName="replacesSVRCTA" bulletText="TOR Replaces Severe Thunderstorm Warning" parseString="TORNADO WARNING REPLACES THE SEVERE"/>
<!-- There are two "default" safety rules. The first...which will probably be used by most offices...includes safety rules for mobile homes. The second...which is commented for large urban areas that
do not have mobile homes. If you wish to switch defaults or provide a single option, add comment tags as necessary and adjust the bulletDefault="true" as appropriate if both options are allowed -->
<bullet bulletName="defaultMobileCTA" bulletText="Default safety rules - includes mobile homes" parseString="IF YOU ARE OUTDOORS...IN A MOBILE HOME...OR IN A VEHICLE" bulletDefault="true" bulletGroup="cta1"/>
<bullet bulletName="defaultUrbanCTA" bulletText="Default safety rules for urban - no mobile homes" parseString="IF YOU ARE OUTDOORS OR IN A VEHICLE" bulletGroup="cta1"/>
<bullet bulletName="motoristsCTA" bulletText="Safety rules for motorists" parseString="MOTORISTS SHOULD NOT TAKE SHELTER UNDER"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainWrappedCTA" bulletText="Rain wrapped tornado" parseString="HEAVY RAINFALL MAY HIDE THIS TORNADO"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Tornadoes at night" parseString="TORNADOES ARE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO SEE AND CONFIRM AT NIGHT"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeTORCTA" bulletText="Large/Violent tornado" parseString="A LARGE AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TORNADO IS ON THE GROUND"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcementCTA" bulletText="Report Svr Wx to Law Enforcement Agency" parseString="CONTACT YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** SPECIAL CASE CALLS TO ACTION *****" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="squallCTA" bulletText="Squall line tornadoes" parseString="CAPABLE OF PRODUCING TORNADOES AND WIDESPREAD SIGNIFICANT WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="waterCTA" bulletText="Over water - boaters seek shelter" parseString="GET AWAY FROM THE WATER"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="TO" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** TYPE OF WARNING **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torEmergency" bulletText="TORNADO EMERGENCY/CATASTROPHIC TORNADO" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="TORNADO EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="considerableTornado" bulletText="CONSIDERABLE TORNADO TAG" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="TORNADO DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseTornado" bulletText="BASE TORNADO WARNING" bulletGroup="headline" bulletDefault="true" parseString="IMPACT...MOBILE HOMES WILL BE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED"/>
<bullet bulletName="landspoutTornado" bulletText="LANDSPOUT/VERY WEAK TORNADO" bulletGroup="headline" parseString="IMPACT...EXPECT DAMAGE TO MOBILE HOMES"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="group1" bulletDefault="true" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...RADAR INDICATED&quot;,&quot;-SQUALL LINE&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerSquall" bulletText="Squall line w/ embedded tornadoes" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...RADAR INDICATED&quot;,&quot;SQUALL LINE&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="confirmedDoppler" bulletText="Confirmed tornado (TDS sig - OBSERVED Tag)" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...RADAR CONFIRMED"/>
<bullet bulletName="spotter" bulletText="Trained weather spotters reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...WEATHER SPOTTERS&quot;,&quot;-FUNNEL CLOUD&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law enforcement reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported a tornado" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="SOURCE...PUBLIC"/>
<bullet bulletName="spotterFunnelCloud" bulletText="Spotters reported a funnel cloud" bulletGroup="group1" parseString="&quot;SOURCE...WEATHER SPOTTERS&quot;,&quot;FUNNEL CLOUD&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Use the following title for Hail Threats -->
<bullet bulletText="******* SELECT HAIL THREAT (CHOOSE UP TO 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Use the following title for Wind and Hail Threats -->
<bullet bulletText="******* ACCOMPANYING WIND/HAIL THREATS (CHOOSE UP TO 1 EACH) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- Uncomment out the following section to include wind threats -->
<bullet bulletName="60mphWind" bulletText="60 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="60MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="70mphWind" bulletText="70 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="70MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="80mphWind" bulletText="80 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="80MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="90mphWind" bulletText="90 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="90MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="100mphWind" bulletText="100 mph wind" bulletGroup="toggle2" parseString="100MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="noHail" bulletText="NO HAIL" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="0.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="smallHail" bulletText="Small Hail" bulletGroup="group2" bulletDefault="true" parseString="&lt;.75"/>
<bullet bulletName="quarterHail" bulletText="Quarter size hail (1&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="halfdollarHail" bulletText="Half Dollar size hail (1 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.25IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="pingpongHail" bulletText="Ping pong size hail (1 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.50IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="golfballHail" bulletText="Golf ball size hail (1 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="1.75IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="twoinchHail" bulletText="Two Inch hail (2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="tennisBallHail" bulletText="Tennis ball hail (2 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.50IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseballHail" bulletText="Baseball size hail (2 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="2.75IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="threeinchHail" bulletText="Three inch hail (3&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="3.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="grapefruitHail" bulletText="Grapefruit size hail (4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="4.00IN"/>
<bullet bulletName="softballHail" bulletText="Softball size hail (4 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="group2" parseString="4.25IN"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** ADDITIONAL REPORTS *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="extraReportTornado" bulletText="Select to include additional tornado/damage information..."/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************ LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="&quot;LOCATIONS&quot;,&quot;INCLUDE...&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletName="specialEvent" bulletText="Special heads-up for large event/venue" parseString="THOSE ATTENDING"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** CALLS TO ACTION (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torEmergencyCTA" bulletText="**TOR EMERGENCY CTA** (CATASTROPHIC Tag use only)" parseString="TORNADO EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="replacesSVRCTA" bulletText="TOR Replaces Severe Thunderstorm Warning" parseString="TORNADO WARNING REPLACES THE SEVERE"/>
<!-- There are two "default" safety rules. The first...which will probably be used by most offices...includes safety rules for mobile homes. The second...which is commented for large urban areas that
do not have mobile homes. If you wish to switch defaults or provide a single option, add comment tags as necessary and adjust the bulletDefault="true" as appropriate if both options are allowed -->
<bullet bulletName="defaultMobileCTA" bulletText="Default safety rules - includes mobile homes" parseString="IF YOU ARE OUTDOORS...IN A MOBILE HOME...OR IN A VEHICLE" bulletGroup="cta1"/>
<bullet bulletName="defaultUrbanCTA" bulletText="Default safety rules for urban - no mobile homes" parseString="IF YOU ARE OUTDOORS OR IN A VEHICLE" bulletGroup="cta1"/>
<bullet bulletName="motoristsCTA" bulletText="Safety rules for motorists" parseString="MOTORISTS SHOULD NOT TAKE SHELTER UNDER"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainWrappedCTA" bulletText="Rain wrapped tornado" parseString="HEAVY RAINFALL MAY HIDE THIS TORNADO"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Tornadoes at night" parseString="TORNADOES ARE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO SEE AND CONFIRM AT NIGHT"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeTORCTA" bulletText="Large/Violent tornado" parseString="A LARGE AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TORNADO IS ON THE GROUND"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcementCTA" bulletText="Report Svr Wx to Law Enforcement Agency" parseString="CONTACT YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** SPECIAL CASE CALLS TO ACTION *****" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="squallCTA" bulletText="Squall line tornadoes" parseString="CAPABLE OF PRODUCING TORNADOES AND WIDESPREAD SIGNIFICANT WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="waterCTA" bulletText="Over water - boaters seek shelter" parseString="GET AWAY FROM THE WATER"/>