Matt Nash bcc32c10bc Moving 12.1.1 into ss_sync
Former-commit-id: 580e2938d7 [formerly 66be3bec40] [formerly 580e2938d7 [formerly 66be3bec40] [formerly c83e5ff474 [formerly 2a9569942c48542cf708b6c0b9189146fd954c11]]]
Former-commit-id: c83e5ff474
Former-commit-id: 82300ccdcf [formerly 1faae42484]
Former-commit-id: 21d2361f00
2012-01-19 11:53:12 -06:00

182 lines
7 KiB

<head> <title>AGC/ERDC HDFView PLUGIN Overview</title><head>
<h1><center>Data Management with HDF5 for Military Operations<br/>
AGC/ERDC HDFView Prototype</center></h1>
<table border="0">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD">
<strong>This research effort is supported by the BAA project entitled
"Research on Data Management with HDF5 in Support of Military Operations". The
concept map prototype is a result of collaboration between The HDF Group and the AGC
(Army Geospatial Center) Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC) Research Division.</strong>
<td width="10%"></td>
<li> <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
<li> <a href="#install">Download and install the plugin</a>
<li> <a href="#files">Testing files</a>
<li> <a href="#browse">Browse through the map</a>
<li> <a href="#edit">Add new node</a>
<a name=introduction></a>
<h2> 1. Introduction</h2>
Military mission operations may involve massive data processing operations and deal with a great
variety of heterogeneity in the types of information. This section explains
an example use case of how the information could be conceiveably presented in HDF5. The use case is
concerned with capturing the structure and resources attached to a sample
concept map. The concept map is an abstraction and representation of the
pattern and flows represented by the structure and content of a set of nodes and of
the resources associated with each node. There are three types of data
files associated with this concept map: the raw data,
the functional map file, and other heterogenous objects (in external files or
<table border="1">
<caption align="bottom">Figure 1 -- The concept map shown in general HDFView (left)
and in ERDC plugin (right)</caption>
<tr><td><img src="snapshot_compare.gif"></img></td></tr>
<p />
The HDF5 concept map captures the structure of information (nodes)
and resources attached to each node. The left part of Figure 1 is a snapshot
of the sample concept map shown in the default HDFView.
<p />
HDFView has a plugin capability that enables specialized graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) to be created to display a file's contents in a way that
corresponds to a particular application domain. Thus, an HDFView plugin
GUI can be implemented to display HDF5 data in alternative ways to show how data integration
is achieved, and also be adapted to perform simple data fusion operations. A
demonstration of these capabilities will help illustrate the results of this
study and in stimulating ideas for the next phase of work.
By opening the concept map, the ERDC plugin shows the concept map in a directed
graph format that represents a notional military decision making process. Instead of showing
a standard file based group structure as in figure 1 (left), the ERDC plugin shows the flow of
information and relationships among the data objects, shown in figure 1 (right). The
labeled shapes represent concepts and the arrows represent relationships (i.e. links) among
the concepts. This concept map depicts the top-level of a decision tree process,
where the shapes are icons representing associated resources that can take
many forms: images, documents, websites, videos, executable software, and etc.
<p />
In figure 1 (right), the rectangle, diamond, and circle shapes represent the groups
(or collections) of information. The leaf nodes at the bottom (oval shaped)
link to the datasets in the raw data file. For example, the bldg_footprint
node links to the dataset, "/Baltimore/Features/LIDAR/bldg_footprint". Other
leaf nodes connected by dashed arrows are the links to external files/objects.
Links to external files/objects are represented in attributes in the concept
map file. The links work in <MIME, URI> pairs. For example, <"MIME =
application/ ", "URI = Situation_Weather-XLS.xls"> pair indicates
that the URI is a link to an external Excel file. Table 1 shows all the links
of the OCOKA concept group.
<p />
<table border="1">
<caption align="top">Table 1 -- External objects linked to OCOKA group</caption>
<td>MIME = application/</td>
<td>URI = Situation_Weather-XLS.xls</td>
<td>MIME 2 = application/x-hdf</td>
<td>URI 2 = ATO.h5#///Baltimore/Features/UTP/BTZones/residential</td>
<td>MIME 3 = application/x-hdf</td>
<td>URI 3 = URI 3 = URBAN_ATO.h5#///Baltimore/Features/LIDAR/bldg_footprint</td>
<p />
<a name=install></a>
<h2> 2. Download and install the plugin</h2>
The prebuilt binaries of the ERDC plugin will be distributed in a single
jar file. To use the plugin, follow the instructions below.
<li> Download and install HDFView 2.5p1 or above from
<li> Drop the ERDC jar file, erdc.jar, at $HDFView_HOME/lib/ext
<li> Open HDFView and select the erdc.TreeViewERDC and erdc.ImageViewERDC as the default TreeView and
ImageView from "Tools" -> "User Options" -> "Default Module".
<li> Restart HDFView
<a name=files></a>
<h2> 3. Testing files</h2>
You will need the following files to run the plugin demonstration. All the files must be in the same directory.
<li> concept_map_demo.h5 (10KB) - the concept map
<li> URBAN_ATO.h5 (1.3GB) - the raw data
<li> Recon_Immersive-Video.avi (9MB) - demo video file
<li> Events_Intel-Report.pdf (224KB) - demo pdf file
<li> Situation_Weather-XLS.xls (249KB) - demo Excel spreadsheet
<a name=browse></a>
<h2> 4. Browse through the concept map</h2>
After you open the concept map file, concept_map_demo.h5, you will see
the map structure on the left side and the base image on the right side.
<table border="1">
<caption align="bottom">Figure 2 -- Concept map shown in ERDC plugin</caption>
<tr><td><img src="snapshot_plugin.gif"></img></td></tr>
<h3> Nodes and links</h3>
Internal nodes (green rectangle, orange diamond, and grey circle) represent
groups in the concept map file. Links (solid or dashed) represent connections
and/or associations amongst the objects.
Right-mouse click on an internal node/link to show the information about the node/link.
You can also drag the mouse to move nodes to a different location.
<h3> Open data content</h3>
The bottom leaf nodes are linked to datasets in the raw data file, URBAN_ATO.h5.
Right-mouse click on a leaf node to view the content of the dataset in table or image.
Right-mouse click external leaf nodes, such as video, excel, or pdf, to open the
the content of the external file.
<a name=edit></a>
<h2> 5. Add a new node </h2>
To interactively create a new node (object), click on an icon in the toolbar and select a location where the
new item is to be added.
Double click on the new object to change its name.
Use the mouse-drag to move the new object to a different location.
<img src="hdf_logo.jpg">&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;</img><img src="agc_logo.jpg"></img>