Max Schenkelberg 6f60751ec6 Issue #2033 moved avnfps and text workstation files into respective plugins.
Change-Id: If95cb839ad81ca2a842ff7f6926847ac3928d8f2

Former-commit-id: 77e1a4d8f5237e5fae930c1e00589c752f8b3738
2013-08-15 12:21:43 -05:00

225 lines
9.6 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Name:
# GFS1-NHD:A6647.0000-SCRIPT;1.18
# Status:
# History:
# Revision 1.18 (DELIVERED)
# Updated: 21-FEB-2008 12:53:57 OBERFIEL
# Removed Globals.Colors resource as a default setting.
# Created: 20-FEB-2008 10:01:07 OBERFIEL
# Updated Globals.Colors list to reflect user's changes.
# Revision 1.17 (REVIEW)
# Created: 18-JAN-2008 08:07:29 GILMOREDM
# Included predefined default values for forecaster defined
# colors for status window
# Revision 1.16 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 19-NOV-2007 20:31:26 OBERFIEL
# Removed carriage return characters in files
# Revision 1.15 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 26-OCT-2007 09:59:55 GILMOREDM
# added entry for numHoursAll
# Revision 1.14 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 22-MAY-2007 10:11:43 GILMOREDM
# Added impactPlacement which is configurable through the
# options interface and code changes that allow the
# configuration of placement of impact statements within
# Revision 1.13 (INITIALIZE)
# Created: 18-APR-2007 12:53:46 SOLSON
# Removed CR characters from the previous rev of this item.
# Revision 1.12 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 06-DEC-2006 14:23:21 OBERFIEL
# Update to include new resource
# Revision 1.11 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 02-MAY-2006 09:22:40 TROJAN
# SPR 7131: changed font for Balloon
# Revision 1.10 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 02-MAY-2006 08:15:03 TROJAN
# SPR 7136: changed font for Balloon
# Revision 1.9 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 06-JUL-2005 20:50:40 TROJAN
# spr 6910
# Revision 1.8 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 07-MAY-2005 11:40:26 OBERFIEL
# Added Item Header Block
# Revision 1.7 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 04-APR-2005 14:59:38 TROJAN
# spr 6776
# Revision 1.6 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 30-SEP-2004 18:56:04 TROJAN
# stdr 874
# Revision 1.5 (APPROVED)
# Created: 19-AUG-2004 21:01:34 OBERFIEL
# code change
# Revision 1.4 (APPROVED)
# Created: 01-JUL-2004 15:00:03 OBERFIEL
# Update
# Revision 1.3 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 17-MAR-2004 19:40:12 TROJAN
# sprs for 2.1
# Revision 1.2 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 08-JAN-2004 21:40:36 PCMS
# Updating for code cleanup
# Revision 1.1 (APPROVED)
# Created: 06-NOV-2003 16:46:32 OBERFIEL
# date and time created -2147483647/-2147483648/-2147481748
# -2147483648:-2147483648:-2147483648 by oberfiel
# Change Document History:
# 1:
# Change Document: GFS1-NHD_SPR_7361
# Action Date: 06-JUN-2008 13:40:48
# Relationship Type: In Response to
# Status: CLOSED
# Title: AvnFPS: AvnWatch GUI is not Section 508 compliant
import Globals
_AlertOptions = ['disabled'] + [('alertLevel%d' % i) for i in xrange(2,len(Globals.Colors))]
# list of options needed in AvnFPS
# each entry is a tuple:
# X resource as specified in X resource file
# item type: 'font', 'entry', 'color', 'toggle', 'option' as needed in
# ResourceDialog, '' if not editable
# default value
# description, displayed in ResourceDialog
# optional set of values, needed if item type is 'option'
Defaults = [
('*font', '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-iso8859-9',
'font', 'Default font'),
('*background', 'grey70', 'color', 'Default background'),
('*foreground', 'black', 'color', 'Default foreground'),
('*Text.font', 'fixed', 'font', 'Text window font'),
('*Text.background', '#2f3f6f', 'color', 'Text window background'),
('*Text.foreground', '#ffffff', 'color', 'Text window foreground'),
('*Text.width', '80', 'entry', 'Text window width'),
('*Text.height', '24', 'entry', 'Text window height'),
('*Text.cursor', 'xterm', 'option', 'Mouse cursor in Text window',
['xterm', 'arrow', 'gumby', 'hand1', 'hand2', 'pencil']),
('*textEditor.font', 'fixed', 'font', 'Forecast Editor font'),
('*textEditor.background', '#2f3f6f', 'color',
'Forecast Editor background'),
('*textEditor.foreground', '#ffffff', 'color',
'Forecast Editor foreground'),
('*textEditor.width', '70', 'entry', 'Forecast Editor window width'),
('*textEditor.height', '20', 'entry',
'Forecast Editor window height'),
('*textEditor.cursor', 'xterm', 'option',
'Mouse cursor in Forecast Editor window',
['xterm', 'arrow', 'gumby', 'hand1', 'hand2', 'pencil']),
('*textEditor.insertWidth', '2', 'entry', 'Insertion cursor width'),
('*insertBackground', 'white', 'color', 'Insertion cursor color'),
('*textViewer.width', '74', 'entry', 'Text Viewer window width'),
('*textViewer.height', '12', 'entry', 'Text Viewer window height'),
('*orientation', 'horizontal', 'option', 'Forecast Editor layout',
['vertical', 'horizontal']),
('*Listbox.font', 'fixed', 'font', 'Listbox font'),
('*Entry.font', 'fixed', 'font', 'Entry field font'),
('*Entry.background', 'white', 'color', 'Entry field background'),
('*MessageBar*Entry.background', 'grey85', 'color',
'Message Bar (on the bottom of windows) background'),
('*Balloon.Label.font', 'fixed', 'font',
'Balloon message (i.e. this one) font'),
('*impactPlacement', 'top', 'option', 'Placement of impact messages',
('*transientDialogs', '1', 'toggle',
'May change behavior of dialog windows placement'),
('*confirmClose', '0', 'toggle',
'Ask for confirmation while closing editor'),
('*confirmSend', '1', 'toggle',
'Ask for confirmation while sending amendments and corrections'),
('*alertLevel0', 'green3', 'color', 'AvnWatch Status OK'),
('*alertLevel1', 'grey', 'color', 'AvnWatch Status Missing'),
('*alertLevel2', 'pale green', 'color', 'AvnWatch Lowest Alert'),
('*alertLevel3', 'yellow', 'color', ''),
('*alertLevel4', 'orange', 'color', ''),
('*alertLevel5', 'red', 'color', ''),
('*alertLevel6', 'purple', 'color', 'AvnWatch Highest Alert'),
('*notifyDeiconify', _AlertOptions[2], 'option',
'Alert level to deiconify monitor GUI', _AlertOptions),
('*notifyRaise', _AlertOptions[3], 'option',
'Alert level to raise monitor GUI', _AlertOptions),
('*notifyPlay', _AlertOptions[4], 'option',
'Alert level to play file', _AlertOptions),
# ('*notifyTalk', 'color', _AlertOptions[2],
# 'Alert level to send voice message', _AlertOptions),
('*playFile', '', 'file', 'Sound to play on TAF alert'),
('*blink', '0', 'toggle', 'Blink on new notification'),
('*disallowSend', 'error', 'option',
'Disallow transmission error level',
['always', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal']),
('*loadOrder', 'merge', 'option', 'How to initialize forecast',
['template', 'merge', 'latest']),
('*autosave', '1', 'toggle', 'Autosave bulletin in a backup file'),
('*updatetimes', '1', 'toggle', 'Update issue and valid time on QC'),
('*autoprint', '0', 'toggle', 'Print transmitted forecast'),
('*insert', 1, 'toggle', 'Insert/Overwrite'),
('*wrap', 'none', 'option', 'Wrap long lines', ['none', 'word']),
('*showUnique', '0', 'toggle', 'Remove duplicate METARs and TAFs from TWEB Editor'),
('*amdbuttons', 1, 'toggle', 'Show editor shortcuts'),
('*numTafs', '1', 'option', 'Number of TAFs to display',
['1', '2', '3', '99']),
('*numHours', '6', 'option', 'Number of hours of METARs to display',
['1', '3', '6', '12', '24', '99']),
('*numHoursAll', '1', 'option', 'Number of hours of METARs to display when All selected',
['1', '3', '6', '12', '24', '99']),
('*showHeaders', '1', 'toggle',
'Show WMO headers while displaying TAFs and Metars'),
('*showDecoded', '1', 'toggle', 'Show decoded METARs ARONET style'),
('*showProbs', '1', 'toggle',
'Show category probabilities for MOS reports'),
('*showFormatted', 'raw', 'option', 'Format guidance reports',
['raw', 'long', 'short']),
('*highlightFlightCat', '0', 'toggle',
'Highlight flight categories in TAF editor display window'),
('*lifrColor', 'white', 'color', 'background color for LIFR'),
('*ifrColor', 'grey85', 'color', 'background color for IFR'),
('*mvfrColor', 'grey70', 'color', 'background color for MVFR'),
('*vfrColor', 'grey55', 'color', 'background color for VFR'),
# break here in ResourceDialog: if item type is an empty string
('*collective', '0'),
('*wrapLength', '0')