2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

356 lines
14 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# TornadoFloodThreat
# Author: Tom LeFebvre/Pablo Santos
# Updated: April 16, 2012 to lower Low Category Threshold and hide Sliding Bars
# Migrated procedure for AWIPS2. Updated 6/22/2012. S.O.
# Sept 19, 2014: Updated Low to Elevated for 2015 Official Implementation. PS
# Modified: By Belk 07/15/2016 to make efficiency improvements, and
# refactor to make use of a utility containing common methods with other tools
# Modified: By LeFebvre 09/23/2016 finish conversion to numpy conventions.
# CHECKED IN for 17.1.1
# Modified: By LeFebvre 06/12/17 - Fixed bug that incremented TornadoThreat
# beyond Extreme and caused a crash.
# Modified: By Santos 02/03/2020 to adapt to new SPC Thresholds and Day 2 Individual
# Hazards and better matching against SPC Probability to Categorical Mapping
# CHECKED IN FOR BUILD 19.3.4 DR 21872
# Modified: By Harrigan, Don and P. Santos on 07/8/2020 to fix bug that was causing tool to miss
# Day 3 SPC guidance when ran after 00Z. On 07/15/2020 added banner to let forecaster know
# When the new Days 1 to 3 data is still coming in and need to wait longer to run tool.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ----------- ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 02/03/2020 DR21872 psantos To adapt to new SPC Thresholds and Day 2 Individual
# Hazards and better matching against SPC Probability
# to Categorical Mapping.
# 07/08/2020 DR22123 dharrigan,psantos Fix bug that was causing tool to miss Day 3 SPC
# guidance when ran after 00Z.
# 02/01/2021 DR22451 psantos Show a banner to the forecaster letting
# them know to wait until the whole new Day 1 to
# Day 3 cycle data was in before running the tool.
# 06/23/2021 DR22701 mscalora,psantos Fix to properly determine Day 3. Tool logic broke
# when they added SPC days 4-7 probabilities with
# NIC 11.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import TropicalUtility
import time
import sys
import AbsTime
import TimeRange
import numpy as np
import LogStream
VariableList = [("Days 1 and 2: If Prob Tor >= 2 -> Elevated\n>= 10 -> Mod\n>= 15 -> High\n>= 30 -> Extreme", "", "label"),
("If Prob Sig Tor Present:\nMod -> High\nHigh -> Extreme", "", "label"),
("Day 3:\nProb Svr >= 5 -> Elevated \n >= 15 -> Mod", "", "label"),
("Day 3: If Prob Sig Svr Present:\nMod -> High", "", "label"),
("NOTE: After applying logic above", "", "label"),
("THREAT level is the max composite from Day 1-3", "", "label"),
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
def variableExists(self, modelName, weName, weLevel):
# it turns out the the modelName will not match the dbID().model()
# directly, so it needs to be massaged a bit.
parts = modelName.split("_")
if len(parts) >= 4:
modelName = parts[3]
availParms = self.availableParms()
for pName, level, dbID in availParms:
if dbID.modelName().find(modelName) > -1:
if pName.find(weName) > -1 and level.find(weLevel) > -1:
return True
return False
def getWEInventory(self, modelName, WEName, timeRange = None):
allTimes = TimeRange.allTimes()
if timeRange is None:
timeRange = allTimes
weLevel = "SFC"
if not self.variableExists(modelName, WEName, weLevel):
return []
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(modelName, WEName, weLevel, timeRange)
return []
trList = []
for g in gridInfo:
start = g.gridTime().startTime().unixTime()
end = g.gridTime().endTime().unixTime()
tr = self.GM_makeTimeRange(start, end)
if timeRange.overlaps(tr):
return trList
# get the current time, truncates to the last six hour value.
# returns a timeRange with this startTime until 24 hrs from this time
def make6hrTimeRange(self):
startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ (3600 * 6)) * 3600 * 6
endTime = startTime + (3600 * 6)
timeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
return timeRange
# Returns a list of dbIdentifiers that match the specified model
# name, weName and level.
def getModelList(self, modelName, weName, weLevel):
modelList = []
availParms = self.availableParms()
for pName, level, dbID in availParms:
if dbID.modelName().find(modelName) > -1:
if pName.find(weName) > -1:
if level.find(weLevel) > -1:
if dbID.modelIdentifier() not in modelList:
return modelList
def determineDay(self, modelTime, validTime):
# SPC data for Days 1, 2, and 3 come into the system with different model cycle times. Not as part
# of the same model cycle with forecast hours 24, 48, and 72. Worst, they can come at different times.
# Because of that this is coded as shown below to identify Days 1, 2, and 3. SPC never sends the data before 05Z
# for the new Day 1-4 cycle. Because of this, you should never run the tool between 05-08Z unless you confirm
# first in your system the new Days 1 to 3 cycles are in the system. This is true of both the new and old versions
# of the tool. Check HTI User Guide on how to check that.
diff = (validTime - modelTime) // 3600
if diff < 30:
return 1
elif diff >= 30 and diff < 54:
return 2
elif diff >= 54 and diff < 78:
return 3
return 0
# returns a unix time based on the specified model ID.
def getModelTime(self, modelName):
timeStr = modelName[-13:]
year = int(timeStr[0:4])
month = int(timeStr[4:6])
day = int(timeStr[6:8])
hour = int(timeStr[9:11])
absTime = AbsTime.absTimeYMD(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0)
absTime = AbsTime.absTimeYMD(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0)
return absTime.unixTime()
def getTornadoGrid(self, varName, dayNum):
siteID = self.getSiteID()
SPCModelName = siteID + "_D2D_SPC"
SPCVarName = varName
SPCLevel = "SFC"
modelList = self.getModelList("SPC", SPCVarName, SPCLevel)
hours24 = 24 * 3600
for modelName in modelList:
trList = self.getWEInventory(modelName, SPCVarName)
if len(trList) == 0: # no grids found for this version
continue # go on to older versions
modelTime = self.getModelTime(modelName)
currentTime = int(time.time())
for tr in trList:
gridDayNum = self.determineDay(currentTime,
if gridDayNum == dayNum:
grid = self.getGrids(modelName, SPCVarName, SPCLevel, tr)
LogStream.logVerbose("modelName, modelTime, tr:", SPCVarName, modelName, modelTime, tr)
return grid, 1
return None, 0
# This method adjusts an existing threat grid
def adjustTornadoGrid(self, tornadoThreat, threatKeys, var, dayNum, extThreshold):
D2DGrid, NumberOfDays = self.getTornadoGrid(var, dayNum)
if D2DGrid is None:
return tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays
# Account for offices using the four key arrangement
# Just change the "Very Low" to "Low" in the threshDict
#if "Very Low" not in threatKeys:
# # find all places greater than "Very Low or Low" in the tornadoThreat
# lowIndex = self.getIndex("Low", threatKeys)
# lowIndex = self.getIndex("Very Low", threatKeys)
#lowMask = greater_equal(tornadoThreat, lowIndex)
# lowMask = greater(tornadoThreat, 0)
lowMask = tornadoThreat > 0
# finds all places in the extreme grid >= to the extThreshold
# xMask = greater_equal(D2DGrid, extThreshold)
xMask = D2DGrid >= extThreshold
# increment the threat where these masks intersect
mask = lowMask & xMask
# make sure we're not incrementing too far
extremeIndex = self.getIndex("Extreme", threatKeys)
# increment the category. This code assumes that the categories are
# defined in increasing order of severity.
tornadoThreat[mask] += 1
# Clip the adjusted grid to the maximum allowed value - extremeIndex
tornadoThreat = np.clip(tornadoThreat, 0, extremeIndex)
return tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays
def setTornadoGrid(self, tornadoThreat, threatKeys, var, dayNum, threshDict):
D2DGrid, NumberOfDays = self.getTornadoGrid(var, dayNum)
if D2DGrid is None:
return tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays
# Account for offices using the four key arrangement
# Just change the "Very Low" to "Low" in the threshDict
if "Very Low" not in threatKeys:
for key in threshDict:
if threshDict[key] == "Very Low":
threshDict[key] = "Elevated"
# Set the grid values based on the tornado prob grid and thresholds
for key in sorted(threshDict):
thresh = int(key)
keyIndex = self.getIndex(threshDict[key], threatKeys)
# make a temp grid where the thresholds are exceeded
tempGrid = self.empty(dtype=np.int8)
tempGrid[D2DGrid >= thresh] = keyIndex
# calculate areas where this temp grid exceeds the threatGrid
mask = tempGrid > tornadoThreat
# update the threatGrid for these areas only
tornadoThreat[mask] = keyIndex
return tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays
def execute(self, varDict):
threatWEName = "TornadoThreat"
threatKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys(threatWEName)
# Set up the data for processing the various grids.
# Each entry consists of the D2D variable to be checked,
# the day number of that grid, and a dictionary that defines
# each threshold value and the corresponding discrete value.
# Note the grids will be processed in the order defined in
# this list.
actionList = [
("ptor", 1, { 2 : "Elevated",
10 : "Mod",
15 : "High",
30 : "Extreme",
"sigtrndprob", 10),
("ptor", 2, { 2 : "Elevated",
10 : "Mod",
15 : "High",
30 : "Extreme",
"sigtrndprob", 10),
("prsvr", 3, { 5 : "Very Low",
#15 : "Elevated",
5 : "Elevated",
15 : "Mod",
"prsigsv", 10),
# make a grid of zeros. This will be the TornadoThreat grid
tornadoThreat = self.empty(dtype=np.int8)
TotalDays1 = 0
TotalDays2 = 0
for var, dayNum, threshDict, xVar, xThreshold in actionList:
tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays1 = self.setTornadoGrid(tornadoThreat, threatKeys,
var, dayNum, threshDict)
TotalDays1 += NumberOfDays1
# now adjust the grid based on the extreme grid category
tornadoThreat, NumberOfDays2 = self.adjustTornadoGrid(tornadoThreat, threatKeys,
xVar, dayNum, xThreshold)
TotalDays2 += NumberOfDays2
LogStream.logVerbose("TotalDays1 and TotalDays2 for var1 and var2 are: ", TotalDays1, TotalDays2)
if TotalDays1 != 3 or TotalDays2 != 3:
self.statusBarMsg("Did Not Retrieve SPC Probabilities For Days 1, 2, and 3." +
" This likely means you run tool between 05Z and 08Z" +
" and the new Days 1-3 data is still coming in. Wait til new data" +
" for Days 1-3 is completely in the system and run tool again." +
" Check in SPC website if tornado probabilities for Days 1 and 2 AND" +
" severe weather probabilities for Day 3 have all been posted.", "S")
# make a timeRange - 6 hours long, rounded to nearest hour
startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600
endTime = startTime + (6 * 3600)
threatTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
# remove any old grids that are lying around
startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600 - (24 * 3600)
endTime = startTime + (24 * 3600 * 10)
removeTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
self.deleteCmd([threatWEName], removeTR)
# create the TornadoThreat Grid
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), threatWEName, "DISCRETE",
(tornadoThreat, threatKeys), threatTR,