698 lines
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698 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# TCStormSurgeThreat
# Original Author: Tom LeFebvre/Pablo Santos
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# 04/26/2019: DCS 21021 S. White Added ability for HFO to create a ProposedSS
# grid as part of the SurgeThreat process
# 06/17/2019: DCS 21021 N. Hardin Cleaning and Refactoring for code review
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace lower priority version of the file.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["None"]
import TropicalUtility, LogStream
import SmartScript
import numpy as np
import TimeRange
import AbsTime
import time
import re
VariableList = [('''INSTRUCTIONS: Prior to running this procedure, do the following:
1. Go to WeatherElement Groups and load SurgeThreatMEOWs
2. Run the get_SURGE procedure for MEOWs, not MOMs, under the Populate menu in GFE for the islands where impacts
are expected, then wait about 5 minutes for the MEOW database to populate in D2D.
To create the surge grids once the MEOW data is available in D2D, make an edit area based on the output where surge is expected (i.e. the Hilo coast)
and run with Replace (first time or event reset) or Append (append values to existing grids) if changes are needed.
Choose the inundation value desired for the edit area (i.e. 2 ft) and impact times (in relation to most recent model run time) for each edit area.
If existing grids reflect current thinking, choose Keep Current and grids will be moved to the current time.
For each running, choose the bin/advisory PIL for ProposedSS creation.''', "", "label"),
('''Replace all Inundation grids, append to existing, or keep current?''', "Keep Current", "radio", ["Append", "Replace", "Keep Current"]),
("Choose Bin/Product ID of storm", "XZYGZ", "radio", ["CP1", "CP2", "CP3", "CP4", "CP5", "EP1", "EP2", "EP3", "EP4", "EP5"]),
("", "", "label"),
('''Storm Surge Inundation Impacts/Threat Legend:
>1-3 ft = Elevated
>3-6 ft = Moderate
>6-9 ft = High
> 9 ft = Extreme''', "", "label"),
("InundationMax Height (from MEOW output):", 1.1, "scale", [0.1, 12.1], 1.0),
('''Set the start and end times for which you would like to see the inundation
(i.e. perhaps you would like to see the surge threat occur from hour 12 to 24.''', "", "label"),
("Start Hour for Inundation Timing", 0, "scale", [0.0, 96.0], 6.0),
("End Hour for Inundation Timing", 6, "scale", [0.0, 102.0], 6.0),
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
############### USER OVERRIDES #############
def getThreatWE_Name(self):
Weather Element Name of Threat
return "StormSurgeThreat"
def setInundationThreshold(self):
Inundation Threshold for Warning
return 3.0
def createKeyMap(self):
Defines mapping between UI names and key names
return {"Elevated": "Elevated",
"Moderate" : "Moderate",
"High": "High",
"Extreme": "Extreme",
def createElementList(self):
List elements for which Threats/Information will be created
return ['StormSurgeThreat','InundationMax']
def createKeyList(self):
List defining order in which grid values are set. Must be lowest to highest
return ["Elevated", "Mod", "High", "Extreme"]
def getWE_NameList(self):
Returns list of Weather Element Names to create for Proposed storm surge grids
return ["ProposedSS"]
def chooseValidStorm(self, varDict):
Creates status bar message if storm bin number is invalid
if varDict["Choose Bin/Product ID of storm"] == "XZYGZ":
self.statusBarMsg("You must choose a storm bin number", "U")
def baseGuidanceTime(self):
Compute base time for guidance
startTime = int((self._gmtime().unixTime() - (2 * 3600)) / (6 * 3600)) * (6 * 3600)
return startTime
def getEtnFromTCP(self, bin):
Creates ETN from TCP
tcp = self.getTextProductFromDB("TCP" + bin)
senderSearch = None
if len(tcp) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("TCP" + bin + " does not exist in textdb", "A")
senderSearch = re.search("(?im)^(?P<sender>(NWS (National |Central Pacific )?Hurricane Center|" +
"National Weather Service).*?)$", tcp)
if senderSearch is not None:
sender = senderSearch.group("sender")
senderParts = sender.split(" ")
stormNumber = senderParts[-1]
if len(stormNumber) == 8 and \
stormNumber[0:2].isalpha() and \
self._stormBasin = stormNumber[0:2]
self._stormID = stormNumber[2:4]
if self._stormBasin == "EP":
baseEtn = "20"
elif self._stormBasin == "CP":
baseEtn = "30"
self.statusBarMsg("This TCP does not have a correct basin", "U")
curETN = baseEtn + self._stormID
self.statusBarMsg("Could not determine storm number from TCP", "U")
self.statusBarMsg("Could not determine storm number from TCP", "U")
return curETN
def trimTimeRange(self, weName, timeRange):
Trim time range for weather element
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName)
if len(trList) == 0:
self.splitCmd([weName], timeRange)
if trList > 1:
tr = self.GM_makeTimeRange(trList[0].startTime().unixTime(),
self.deleteCmd([weName], tr)
tr = trList[-1]
grid = self.getGrids("Fcst", weName, "SFC", tr)
self.createGrid("Fcst", weName, "DISCRETE", grid, timeRange)
def makeInundationMaxGrid(self, timingGrids, trList):
Create Inundation Max Grid
itCube = np.array(timingGrids)
maxGrid = np.amax(itCube, axis=0)
now = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
maxTimeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(now, now + 48 * 3600)
self.createGrid(self.mutableID, "InundationMax", "SCALAR", maxGrid, maxTimeRange)
return maxGrid
This procedure was written to extract datum corrections from the VDATUMS D2D
Database. It is not yet implemented because the VDATUMS database has not been
# def deleteAllGrids(self, weList):
# '''
# Deletes all grids of weather elements in lise
# '''
# for weName in weList:
# trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName)
# if len(trList) == 0:
# continue
# start = trList[0].startTime().unixTime()
# end = trList[-1].endTime().unixTime()
# tr = self.GM_makeTimeRange(start, end)
# self.deleteCmd([weName], tr)
# return
# def getVDATUM(self, weName, limit):
# '''
# Fetches VDATUMS for specific siteID for Weather elements
# '''
# siteID = self.getSiteID()
# dbName = siteID + "_D2D_VDATUMS"
# grid = self.getGrids(dbName, weName, "SFC", TimeRange.allTimes(),
# mode="First")
# if grid is None:
# msgStr = weName + " does not exist in the VDATUMS model. "
# self.statusBarMsg(msgStr, "S")
# mask = (grid <= limit)
# grid /= 0.3048
# grid[mask] = -80.0
# return grid
# def getMSLtoNAVD(self):
# '''
# Extract MSL to NAVD88 corrections from the VDATUMS D2D Database
# '''
# return self.getVDATUM("MSLtoNAVD88", -0.40)
# def getMSLtoMLLW(self):
# '''
# Extract MSL to MLLW corrections from the VADTUMS D2D Database.
# '''
# return self.getVDATUM("MSLtoMLLW", 0.0)
# def getMSLtoMHHW(self):
# '''
# Extract MSL to MHHW corrections from the VDATUMS D2D Database
# '''
# return self.getVDATUM("MSLtoMHHW", -3.09)
# def getNAVDtoMLLW(self):
# '''
# Extract NAVD88 to MLLW corrections from the VDATUMS D2D Database
# '''
# return self.getVDATUM("NAVD88toMLLW", -2.20)
# def getNAVDtoMHHW(self):
# '''
# Extract NAVD88 to MLLW corrections from the VDATUM D2D Database
# '''
# return self.getVDATUM("NAVD88toMHHW", -3.40)
def makeTimingTRs(self, baseTime, endTime):
Makes a list of timeRanges that will be used to make InundationTiming grids
trList = []
start = baseTime
end = baseTime + 6 * 3600
while end <= endTime:
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(AbsTime.AbsTime(start), AbsTime.AbsTime(end))
start = end
end += 6 * 3600
return trList
def getTimingGrids(self):
Method to get timing grids
baseTime = self.baseGuidanceTime()
endTime = baseTime + 102 * 3600
gridList= []
trList = self.makeTimingTRs(baseTime, endTime)
for tr in trList:
timingGrid = self.empty()
return trList, gridList
def modifyExistingGrids(self, varDict, editArea, ssea):
Modifies existing grids (append or replace) for further manipulation
inundationHeight = float(varDict["InundationMax Height (from MEOW output):"])
inunStartHour = float(varDict["Start Hour for Inundation Timing"])
inunEndHour = float(varDict["End Hour for Inundation Timing"])
selectedMask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
if not selectedMask.any():
self.statusBarMsg("Please define an area over which to assign the inundation values.", "S")
self.modifyMask = selectedMask & ssea
if not self.modifyMask.any():
self.statusBarMsg("Please define an area that intersects the StormSurgeEditArea to assign the inundation values.", "S")
if inunStartHour >= inunEndHour:
self.statusBarMsg("Please define the end hour after the start hour.", "S")
surgePctGrid = self.empty()
if self.makeOption == "Append":
imTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("InundationMax", self.mutableID, "SFC")
if len(imTRList) > 0:
imTR = imTRList[0]
surgePctGrid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID, "InundationMax", "SFC", imTR)
surgePctGrid[self.modifyMask] = inundationHeight
return inundationHeight, inunStartHour, inunEndHour, surgePctGrid, selectedMask
def replaceTimingGrids(self, inunStartHour, inunEndHour, surgePctGrid, baseTime):
Replaces timing grids
trList, timingGrids = self.getTimingGrids()
for i in range(len(trList)):
start = trList[i].startTime().unixTime()
end = trList[i].endTime().unixTime()
if (start - baseTime) / 3600 >= inunStartHour and (end - baseTime) / 3600 <= inunEndHour:
timingGrids[i] = surgePctGrid
timeRange = TimeRange.allTimes()
self.deleteCmd(["InundationTiming"], timeRange)
for i in range(len(trList)):
timingGrids[i].clip(0.0, 100.0, timingGrids[i])
self.createGrid(self.mutableID, "InundationTiming", "SCALAR", timingGrids[i], trList[i])
def appendTimingGrids(self, inunStartHour, inunEndHour, baseTime, ssea):
Appends timing grids for InundationTiming with new information
itTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("InundationTiming", self.mutableID, "SFC")
if len(itTRList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No InundationTiming grids found at all. Run with Replace first.", "S")
itGrids = []
trList = []
for tr in itTRList:
start = tr.startTime().unixTime()
end = tr.endTime().unixTime()
if (start - baseTime) / 3600 >= inunStartHour and (end - baseTime) / 3600 <= inunEndHour:
grid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID, "InundationTiming", "SFC", tr)
if len(itGrids) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No InundationTiming grids found for selected start and end hours. Run with Replace.", "S")
for i in range(len(trList)):
itGrids[i][self.modifyMask] = inundationHeight
self.createGrid(self.mutableID, "InundationTiming", "SCALAR", itGrids[i], trList[i])
timingGrids = []
for tr in itTRList:
grid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID, "InundationTiming", "SFC", tr)
grid[~ssea] = 0.0
surgePctGrid = self.makeInundationMaxGrid(timingGrids, itTRList)
def keepCurrentGrids(self):
Keeps current grids for InundationTiming
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory("InundationMax", self.mutableID, "SFC")
if len(trList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No InundationMax grids found. Run with Replace.", "S")
surgePctGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "InundationMax", "SFC", trList[-1])
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory("InundationTiming", self.mutableID, "SFC")
curTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(trList[0].startTime().unixTime(), (trList[-1].endTime().unixTime()))
baseTime = self.baseGuidanceTime()
timeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(baseTime, baseTime + 102 * 3600)
if curTR != timeRange:
if trList > 1:
tr = self.GM_makeTimeRange(trList[0].startTime().unixTime(),
self.deleteCmd(["InundationTiming"], tr)
tr = trList[-1]
grid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "InundationTiming", "SFC", tr)
trNew = self.GM_makeTimeRange(trList[-1].endTime().unixTime(),
self.createGrid("Fcst", "InundationTiming", "SCALAR", grid, trNew)
self.splitCmd(["InundationTiming"], trNew)
return surgePctGrid
def setInundationMaxValues(self, surgePctGrid):
Next line introduced on Jan 2017 SWiT. It forces points in InundationMax that are > 1 and < 1.5 to 1.5. This is because TCV rounds to
nearest one foot for categorical HTI threat level consistency with inundation graphic. Not doing this would cause TCV to throw away zones that
might have more than 3% coverage of inundation > 1 but less than 1.5 altogether. Changing TCV to key on anything with InundationMax >= 1 would not
do because it would then include zones in TCV with inundation forecasts of less than 1 but >= 0.5 overdoing the threat.
surgePctGrid[(surgePctGrid > 1.0) & (surgePctGrid < 1.5)] = 1.5
return surgePctGrid
def createThreshDict(self, keyMap):
Creates threshold dictionary using keys in keyMap
threshDict = {}
for key in keyMap:
if keyMap[key] == "Extreme":
threshDict[keyMap[key]] = 9
elif keyMap[key] == "High":
threshDict[keyMap[key]] = 6
elif keyMap[key] == "Mod":
threshDict[keyMap[key]] = 3
elif keyMap[key] == "Elevated":
threshDict[keyMap[key]] = 1
return threshDict
def createNewGrids(self, elementList, keyList, surgePctGrid, timeRange, threatKeys, ssea, threatWEName):
Removes old guidance grids and replaces them with new grids defined in elementList
cTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600
startTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(cTime - 48*3600)
endTime = startTime + 240*3600
deleteTimeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(startTime, endTime)
for elem in elementList:
self.deleteCmd([elem], deleteTimeRange)
coastalThreat = self.empty(np.int8)
surgePctGrid.clip(0.0, 100.0, surgePctGrid)
self.createGrid(self.mutableID, "InundationMax", "SCALAR", surgePctGrid, timeRange, precision=2)
keyMap = self.createKeyMap()
threshDict = self.createThreshDict(keyMap)
for key in keyList:
thresh = threshDict[key]
keyIndex = self.getIndex(key, threatKeys)
coastalMask = ssea & np.greater(surgePctGrid, thresh)
coastalThreat[coastalMask] = keyIndex
self.createGrid(self.mutableID, threatWEName, "DISCRETE",
(coastalThreat, threatKeys), timeRange,
def checkForUpgrade(self):
Alert forecaster about potential upgrade when keeping current
proposedSSTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("ProposedSS")
hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys = self.getGrids("Fcst", "ProposedSS", "SFC", proposedSSTRList[-1])
if hazSSKeys != ["<None>"]:
self.statusBarMsg("Check ProposedSS for possible needed change to warning from watch (threshold 36 hours). Review InundationTiming grids and manually modify ProposedSS as needed!", "U")
def logEvent(self, t0):
Logs event time
t1 = time.time()
LogStream.logEvent("Finished TCStormSurgeThreat in %f.4 ms" % ((t1-t0) * 1000))
def createProposedSS_Mask(self, varDict, inunStartHour, surgePctGrid, ssea, selectedMask):
Create mask based on Storm Surge edit area
bin = varDict["Choose Bin/Product ID of storm"]
curETN = self.getEtnFromTCP(bin)
inundationThresh = self.setInundationThreshold()
if inunStartHour < 36:
ssAddKey = "SS.W:" + str(curETN)
elif 36 <= inunStartHour <= 48:
ssAddKey = "SS.A:" + str(curETN)
ssAddKey = "<None>"
surgeMask = surgePctGrid > inundationThresh
surgeMask &= ssea
surgeMask &= selectedMask
return ssAddKey, surgeMask
def createEmptyGrid(self, ssAddKey, surgeMask):
Creates empty grid which will be populated with ProposedSS
ssGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
ssKeys = ["<None>", ssAddKey]
ssIndex = self.getIndex(ssAddKey, ssKeys)
ssGrid[surgeMask] = ssIndex
return ssGrid
def createHazardSS(self, proposedSSTRList):
Extract the existing SS Hazards from the Hazard grid
and insert those hazards in the SS grid. So iterate over each Hazard grid
and add SS values as we go
if len(proposedSSTRList) == 0 or self.makeOption == "Replace":
hazSSGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
hazSSKeys = ["<None>"]
hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys = self.getGrids("Fcst", "ProposedSS", "SFC", proposedSSTRList[-1])
return hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys
def checkForConflicts(self, hazTRList, ssGrid, ssKeys, selectedMask):
Check Hazard Grid and ProposedSS Grid for conflicts
for tr in hazTRList:
hazGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", tr)
if self.anyHazardConflictsByPoint(hazGrid, (ssGrid, ssKeys), selectedMask):
self.statusBarMsg("ETNs do not match Hazards grid in selected area. Please Revert your grids.", "U")
return hazGrid
def mergeHazardGrid(self, hazTRList, hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys, hazGrid):
Merge any existing SS hazards into the ProposedSS grid
for hazTR in hazTRList:
hazGrid, hazKeys = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", hazTR)
(hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys) = self.mergeCertainHazards(
(hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys), (hazGrid, hazKeys), hazTR,
["SS.W", "SS.A"])
return (hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys)
def updateNoHazardsAreas(self, ssAddKey, hazSSKeys, surgeMask, hazSSGrid):
Update these hazards where there was no hazard, using the surge grid
noneIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", hazSSKeys)
ssIndex = self.getIndex(ssAddKey, hazSSKeys)
mask = surgeMask & (hazSSGrid == noneIndex)
hazSSGrid[mask] = ssIndex
return hazSSGrid
def upgradeSS(self, ssAddKey, hazSSKeys, hazSSGrid, surgeMask):
Upgrade watch areas to warnings over edit area, if necessary
if "SS.W" in ssAddKey:
etn = self.getETN(ssAddKey)
watchKey = "SS.A:" + etn
ssWatchIndex = self.getIndex(watchKey, hazSSKeys)
ssWarningIndex = self.getIndex(ssAddKey, hazSSKeys)
mask = (hazSSGrid == ssWatchIndex) & surgeMask
hazSSGrid[mask] = ssWarningIndex
return hazSSGrid
def createFinalizedSS_Grid(self, hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys):
Creates new and final storm surge hazard grid(s)
weNameList = self.getWE_NameList()
now = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
timeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(now, now + 48 * 3600)
proposedGrid = (hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys)
for weName in weNameList:
self.trimTimeRange(weName, timeRange)
self.createGrid("Fcst", weName, "DISCRETE",
(hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys), timeRange)
return proposedGrid
def createDiffGrid(self, proposedGrid, timeRange):
Creates difference grid so forecaster can visualize differences between ProposedSS and Hazard grid
hazTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards")
if len(hazTRList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No Hazards grids found. No Diff to calculate.", "A")
HazardList = []
anySSHazardsFound = False
for hazTR in hazTRList:
ssHazardsFound = False
hazardsGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", hazTR)
(hazGrid, hazKeys) = hazardsGrid
for key in hazKeys:
if "SS." in key:
ssHazardsFound = True
anySSHazardsFound = True
HazardList.append((ssHazardsFound, hazardsGrid))
for index in range(len(HazardList)):
ssFound, hazardsGrid = HazardList[index]
if hazTRList[index].overlaps(timeRange):
if not anySSHazardsFound or (anySSHazardsFound and ssFound):
self.calcDiffGrid(HazardList[index][1], proposedGrid, "CollabDiffSS", hazTRList[index], isWFO=True)
def execute(self, varDict, editArea, timeRange):
t0 = time.time()
self.mutableID = self.mutableID()
self.makeOption = varDict['''Replace all Inundation grids, append to existing, or keep current?''']
ssea = self.encodeEditArea("StormSurgeWW_EditArea_Local")
threatWEName = self.getThreatWE_Name()
if self.makeOption == "Replace" or self.makeOption == "Append":
inundationHeight, inunStartHour, inunEndHour, surgePctGrid, selectedMask = self.modifyExistingGrids(varDict, editArea, ssea)
baseTime = self.baseGuidanceTime()
if self.makeOption == "Replace":
self.replaceTimingGrids(inunStartHour, inunEndHour, surgePctGrid, baseTime)
elif self.makeOption == "Append":
self.appendTimingGrids(inunStartHour, inunEndHour, baseTime, ssea, inundationHeight)
elif self.makeOption == "Keep Current":
surgePctGrid = self.keepCurrentGrids()
surgePctGrid = self.setInundationMaxValues(surgePctGrid)
threatKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys(threatWEName)
elementList = self.createElementList()
keyList = self.createKeyList()
self.createNewGrids(elementList, keyList, surgePctGrid, timeRange, threatKeys, ssea, threatWEName)
if self.makeOption == "Keep Current":
ssAddKey, surgeMask = self.createProposedSS_Mask(varDict, inunStartHour, surgePctGrid, ssea, selectedMask)
ssGrid = self.createEmptyGrid(ssAddKey, surgeMask)
hazTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards")
proposedSSTRList = self.GM_getWEInventory("ProposedSS")
hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys = self.createHazardSS(proposedSSTRList)
hazGrid = self.checkForConflicts(hazTRList, hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys, selectedMask)
(hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys) = self.mergeHazardGrid(hazTRList, hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys, hazGrid)
hazSSGrid = self.updateNoHazardsAreas(ssAddKey, hazSSKeys, surgeMask, hazSSGrid)
hazSSGrid = self.upgradeSS(ssAddKey, hazSSKeys, hazSSGrid, surgeMask)
proposedGrid = self.createFinalizedSS_Grid(hazSSGrid, hazSSKeys)
self.createDiffGrid(proposedGrid, timeRange)