245 lines
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245 lines
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# SendProposedToWFO
# Version 3.0 - Code cleanup and refactoring
# Author: Tom LeFebvre and Pablo Santos
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# Sep 19, 2016 19293 randerso Initial baseline check in
# Feb 21, 2017 29544 randerso Set anyChanges to None when calling
# notifyWFOs so only those WFOs with active
# surge event are notified
# May 16, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Modified to send Wind hazard messages
# as well as Storm Surge
# May 16, 2019 20464 tlefebvr Changed interface to support any set of
# AT* bulletins and added code to run the
# script to send JSON files t AWIPS WAN.
# Apr 21, 2020 20464 tlefebvr Added EP bins to GUI.
# Apr 21, 2020 20464 tlefebvr Added code to check for empty GUI lists.
# May 01, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Added support for CPHC
# May 05, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Added code to text command to indicate gfe
# PRACTICE mode or not. Added StormSurge to
# CPHC menu.
# May 06, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Code clean-up.
# May 12, 2020 22033 psantos Adjusted code made during vlab down.
# May 14, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Modified to use ***Sites methods in WWUTils
# May 15, 2020 psantos Added code to always send json file in case
# only coastal hazards being pushed with no guidance grid.
# May 21, 2020 tlefebvre Addressed code review comments.
# May 30, 2020 tlefebvre Changed wfoList to all wind and stormSurge
# sites defined in TropicalUtility.
# June 1, 2020 tlefebvre Removed import of Set as it is built-in.
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import TropicalUtility
import ProcessVariableList
import numpy as np
import WindWWUtils
import TimeRange
import os
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
def sendStormSurgeMessageToWFOs(self):
Copies the Proposed grid into the Initial grid. Save the elements and
send a notification to the WFOs.
# Copy proposed to initial grid.
propWEName = "ProposedSS"
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(propWEName, self._mutableID)
if len(trList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No " + propWEName + " grid found", "S")
propGrid, propKeys = self.getGrids(self._mutableID, propWEName, "SFC",
# Fetch the storm surge edit area and make the mask
ssEditArea = self.getEditArea("StormSurgeWW_EditArea")
boolMask = self.empty(np.bool)
ssMask = self.encodeEditArea(ssEditArea)
# Set all points to None outside the StormSurge edit area
noneIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", propKeys)
propGrid[~ssMask] = noneIndex
self.createGrid(self._mutableID, propWEName, "DISCRETE",
(propGrid, propKeys), trList[0])
# Replace the Initial grid with proposed
initWEName = propWEName.replace("Proposed", "Initial")
self.createGrid(self._mutableID, initWEName, "DISCRETE",
(propGrid, propKeys), trList[0])
# Keep only the last proposed grid
# Handle fields which should be masked to the storm surge area only
maskedElements = ["InundationMax", "InundationTiming",
"SurgeHtPlusTideMHHW", "SurgeHtPlusTideMLLW",
"SurgeHtPlusTideMSL", "SurgeHtPlusTideNAVD"]
savedElements = ["ProposedSS", "InitialSS"]
# Process those masked fields
for weName in maskedElements:
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName)
# If there is nothing to do - say so
if len(trList) == 0:
# Add to saved element list if element exists
# Get the limits for this field
minLimit, maxLimit = self.getParmMinMaxLimits(self._mutableID, weName)
# Process all the grids we have left
for tr in trList:
# Get the grid for this time range
grid = self.getGrids(self._mutableID, weName, "SFC", tr)
# Mask the grid outside of the mask area
grid[~ssMask] = minLimit
# Put the masked grid back into this time range
self.createGrid(self._mutableID, weName, "SCALAR", grid, tr)
# Save those fields
# Notify the WFOS, as appropriate
testMode = self._testMode
if not testMode:
self.notifyWFOs("ProposedSS", anyChanges=None)
self.statusBarMsg("Procedure completed. Sent pop-up banners to WFOs", "A")
def sendWindMessageToWFOs(self, stormList, siteID):
Send a message to any WFO that overlaps any of the hazards defined in the
ProposedTropWindWW grid. This alerts forecasters that guidance is available.
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
wfoList = list(set(self._surgeWfos + self._windWfos))
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
wfoList = ["HFO"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
wfoList = ["GUM"]
#print("WFO list:", wfoList)
# Push the JSON file to the sites
for storm in stormList:
mode = " operational"
if self.gfeOperatingMode() == "PRACTICE":
mode = " practice"
execStr = "/localapps/runtime/RecommendWindWatchWarning/nhc_pushJsonFile.sh MIAJSN" + storm + mode
weName = "ProposedTropWindWW"
level = "SFC"
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, self.mutableID(), level)
if len(trList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("ProposedTropWindWW not found. Sending grid aborted. But Json file with coastal hazards if any sent.", "S")
hazGrid, hazKeys = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), weName, level, trList[0])
noneIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", hazKeys)
# Find places where any hazard is defined
hazMask = hazGrid != noneIndex
wfosToSend = []
for wfo in wfoList:
mask = self.encodeEditArea(wfo)
except AttributeError:
self.statusBarMsg("Warning! Edit Area for " + wfo + " was not found", "S")
# See if this WFO overlaps with the hazard mask
overlap = mask & hazMask
if not overlap.any(): # skip this WFO if no overlap
testMode = self._testMode
message = weName + " NHC wind guidance have been sent."
if not testMode:
self.sendMessageToWfos(wfosToSend, message, testMode)
self.statusBarMsg("Procedure completed. Sent pop-up banners to WFOs", "A")
savedElements = ["ProposedTropWWGuidance","ProposedTropWindWW"]
def execute(self, varDict):
# Instantiate the WindWWUtils modules
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
variableList = []
siteID = self.getSiteID()
basinBins = self._WindWWUtils._basinBins
variableList.append(("Hazard Type:", ["Wind Hazards"], "check", ["Storm Surge Hazards", "Wind Hazards"]))
title = "Select Hazard Type and Bin"
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
variableList.append(("Select AT Storms:", [], "check", basinBins["Atlantic"]))
variableList.append(("Select EP Storms:", [], "check", basinBins["Eastern Pacific"]))
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
variableList.append(("Select CP Storms:", [], "check", basinBins["Central Pacific"]))
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
variableList.append(("Select WP Storms:", [], "check", basinBins["Western Pacific"]))
# Display the GUI
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
title, variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
# Get the Hazard Type
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
hazTypesToSend = varDict["Hazard Type:"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
hazTypesToSend = "Wind Hazards"
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
hazTypesToSend = "Wind Hazards"
if not hazTypesToSend:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select a Hazard type.", "S")
stormList = []
if siteID in self._WindWWUtils.NHCSites():
stormList += varDict["Select AT Storms:"]
stormList += varDict["Select EP Storms:"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.HFOSites():
stormList += varDict["Select CP Storms:"]
elif siteID in self._WindWWUtils.GUMSites():
stormList += varDict["Select WP Storms:"]
if not stormList:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select a storm.", "S")
if "Storm Surge Hazards" in hazTypesToSend:
if "Wind Hazards" in hazTypesToSend:
self.sendWindMessageToWFOs(stormList, siteID)