2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

833 lines
35 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# May 9, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Original version
# May 16, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Code review changes
# Jun 3, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Limited recommended hazards to inland zones
# Jul 31, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Fixed Recommended hazards over coastal zones
# Aug 2, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Code now correctly stores ETNs.
# Aug 3, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Fixed issue with Define breakpoint zones not
# getting initialized.
# Aug 15, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Added automatic generation of
# WindWWEditAreaCoastalZones. Final clean-up
# for code review.
# Aug 20, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Now plotting all breakpoints for all storms.
# Aug 22, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Code Review changes
# Aug 23, 2019 21020 tlefebvr Code Review change - removed one method.
# Apr 7, 2020 21682 tlefebvr Added saving of inland zones to the JSON file.
# Apr 8, 2020 21682 tlefebvr Old Proposed grids are now purged first.
# Apr 22, 2020 21682 tlefebvr Fixed ETNs so the work for all basins.
# May 6, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Minor changes for Python3.
# May 20, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Addressed code review comments.
# June 1, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Addressed code review comment.
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import AbsTime, TimeRange
import ProcessVariableList
import RecommendWindWWConfig
import TropicalUtility
import WindWWUtils
import ZoneMap
import copy
import numpy as np
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
# Make the utility object
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
# Fetch the zone map. This will create one if it's not there
self._zoneMap = ZoneMap.ZoneMap(self._dbss)
self._zoneMapGrid = self._zoneMap.zoneMapGrid()
def getLatestProbWindDBID(self, modelName):
Finds the latest DBID with the specified model name
dbIDs = self.availableDatabases()
latest = next((dbid for dbid in dbIDs if modelName == dbid.modelName()), None)
if not latest:
self.statusBarMsg("Error! No databases found with modelName: " + modelName, "S")
return latest
def fetchGuidanceGrid(self, dbid, weName, fcstHour, level):
Fetches the specified guidance grid
modelTime = dbid.modelTime().unixTime()
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, dbid, level)
gridStart = modelTime + (fcstHour * 3600)
gridTime = next(tr for tr in trList if tr.startTime().unixTime() == gridStart)
if gridTime:
# Create a small dictionary to make labeling easier
labelDict = {
42 : "TRW",
48 : "HUW",
54 : "TRA",
60 : "HUA",
grid = self.getGrids(dbid, weName, level, gridTime)
# Plot the guidance for testing
if "34" in weName:
if fcstHour in [42, 54]:
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "Guidance" + labelDict[fcstHour], "SCALAR",
grid, self._timeRange, minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=100.0,
defaultColorTable="SITE/NHA/TPCWindProb", precision=2)
if "64" in weName:
if fcstHour in [48, 60]:
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "Guidance" + labelDict[fcstHour], "SCALAR",
grid, self._timeRange, minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=100.0,
defaultColorTable="SITE/NHA/TPCWindProb", precision=2)
return grid
def fetchNHCZoneMask(self):
Fetch and/or create and store an edit area that represents the set of zones
that are the responsibility of NHC. If the edit area is not found, create
and store it for faster performance next time.
try: # Try to read the nhcZones
nhcEA = self.getEditArea("WindWWNHCZones")
self._nhcZoneMask = self.encodeEditArea(nhcEA)
except: # Make one from scratch
self.statusBarMsg("Making NHCZone mask. Stand by.", "R")
nhcZoneList = self._WindWWUtils.breakpointZoneList()
# Set the mask
self._nhcZoneMask = self._zoneMap.maskFromZoneList(nhcZoneList)
# Convert to edit area and save
nhcEA = self.decodeEditArea(self._nhcZoneMask)
self.saveEditArea("WindWWNHCZones", nhcEA)
def getStormNames(self, stormInfoDicts):
Gets the current list of storm names from the StormInfo JSON file.
return [storm['stormName'] for storm in stormInfoDicts]
def getProbWindThreshold(self, zoneType, thresholdType, haz):
Returns the Probability wind threshold given the specified info.
key = (zoneType + thresholdType, haz)
return RecommendWindWWConfig.WSPThresholds[key]
def getFilteredHazardGrid(self, filterKeys):
Fetch the hazard grid, but filter all hazards to the specified keys.
# See if we have an Hazards grids. If not, create an empty one.
weName = "Hazards"
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, self.mutableID())
if len(trList) == 0: # no grids found
hazGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
hazKeys = self._rankingHazardList
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), weName, "DISCRETE", (hazGrid, hazKeys), self._timeRange,
discreteKeys=hazKeys, discreteOverlap=1, discreteAuxDataLength=5)
return hazGrid, hazKeys
# Otherwise fetch the Hazards grid
hazardGrid = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", trList[0])
if hazardGrid is None:
self.statusBarMsg("ERROR!!! No Hazards grids found.", "S")
# Filter out all but the specified hazards.
filteredHazardGrid = self.filterHazardGrid(hazardGrid, filterKeys)
return filteredHazardGrid
def getETN(self, stormName):
Lookup and return the ETN from the stormName and stormInfo
etnDict = self._WindWWUtils.etnDict()
for stormInfo in self._stormInfoDicts:
if stormInfo["stormName"] == stormName:
stormNumber = stormInfo["stormNumber"]
pil = stormInfo["pil"]
etnValue = etnDict[pil[0:2]]
return str(stormNumber + etnValue)
def stripETN(self, hazKey):
Remove the ETN from the hazKey and return the result.
while ":" in hazKey:
pos = hazKey.find(":")
if pos >=0:
delStr = hazKey[pos:pos+5]
hazKey = hazKey.replace(delStr, "")
return hazKey
def addETNToHazardKey(self, hazKey, etnStr):
Add the specified ETN to the hazKey and return the result
Handles cases where the keys are combined.
hazList = hazKey.split("^")
hazList = [hazKey + ":" + etnStr for hazKey in hazList]
newHaz = "^".join(hazList)
return newHaz
def insertBreakpointHazards(self, initialHazardGrid):
Uses the specified initialHazardGrid and assigns hazards to it
using the information in the specified stormInfo file.
hazardGrid, hazKeys = initialHazardGrid
# Initialize the initialHazardGrid to None over the Coastal zone area.
noneIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", hazKeys)
hazardGrid[self._nhcZoneMask] = noneIndex
HUAmask = self.empty(np.bool)
TRWmask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Get the information
for stormInfo in self._stormInfoDicts:
zoneDict = stormInfo["zoneDict"]
stormName = stormInfo["stormName"]
# These hazards must have ETNs
etnStr = self.getETN(stormName)
comboMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Set the hazard value zone by zone
for haz, zoneList in zoneDict.items():
for zoneName in zoneList:
zoneID = self._zoneMap.zoneID(zoneName)
mask = self._zoneMapGrid == zoneID
if haz == "HU.A":
HUAmask = HUAmask | mask
if haz == "TR.W":
TRWmask = TRWmask | mask
hazKeyETN = self.addETNToHazardKey(haz, etnStr)
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKeyETN, hazKeys)
hazardGrid[mask] = hazIndex
comboMask = HUAmask & TRWmask
TRWkey = self.addETNToHazardKey("TR.W", etnStr)
HUAkey = self.addETNToHazardKey("HU.A", etnStr)
hazKey = TRWkey + "^" + HUAkey
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazKeys)
hazardGrid[comboMask] = hazIndex
return hazardGrid, hazKeys
def downgradeAllowed(self, prevHaz, propHaz):
Returns True if the combination of previous and proposed hazards is allowed.
if prevHaz == "HU.W" and (propHaz == "TR.W" or propHaz == "<None>"):
return True
if prevHaz == "HU.A":
if propHaz == "TR.A" or propHaz == "<None>":
return True
if prevHaz == "TR.W" and propHaz == "<None>":
return True
if prevHaz == "TR.A" and propHaz == "<None>":
return True
if ((prevHaz == "TR.W^HU.A") or (prevHaz == "HU.A^TR.W")) and (propHaz == "TR.W" or propHaz =="<None>"):
return True
return False
def hazardMask(self, hazardGrid, hazardKey):
Returns a mask over the areas that matches the specified hazard key.
hazGrid, hazardKeys = hazardGrid
for hazKey in hazardKeys:
if hazardKey in hazKey:
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazardKeys)
return hazGrid == hazIndex
return self.empty(np.bool)
def makeGuidanceGrid(self, dbID, stormName):
Creates a hazard grid based purely on the wind probability guidance.
hazardGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
hazardKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys("ProposedTropWWGuidance")
maskDict = {}
maskDict["Inland"] = self._zoneMapGrid >= 100.0
maskDict["Coastal"] = (self._zoneMapGrid > 0.0) & (self._zoneMapGrid < 100.0)
# Make and/or populate some handy dictionaries per hazard
# The _hazardPercentage dict will be used for another algorithm.
thresholdDict = {}
hazMaskDict = {}
for haz in hazardKeys:
if haz == self._noneHazard:
self._hazardPercentage[haz] = self.empty()
hazMaskDict[haz] = self.empty(np.bool)
for zoneType in self._zoneTypes:
thresholdDict[(haz, zoneType)] = self.getProbWindThreshold(zoneType, "Add", haz)
# Note: for efficiency the guidance grids have already been fetched in self._guideDict[haz]
etnStr = self.getETN(stormName)
guidanceHazKeys = ["<None>"]
for hazardKey in hazardKeys:
if hazardKey == self._noneHazard:
hazNoETN = self.stripETN(hazardKey)
if self._debug:
weName = hazNoETN.replace(".", "") + "guidance"
self.createGrid("Fcst", weName, "SCALAR", self._guideDict[hazNoETN], self._timeRange)
for zoneType in self._zoneTypes:
areaThreshold = RecommendWindWWConfig.AreaThresholds[zoneType]
if zoneType == "Coastal":
zoneTypeMask = self._coastalMask
zoneTypeMask = ~self._coastalMask
windProbMask = (self._guideDict[hazNoETN] >= thresholdDict[(hazNoETN, zoneType)]) \
& self._affectedAreaMask & zoneTypeMask
zoneIDList = self._zoneMap.getOverlappingZoneIDs(windProbMask)
for zoneID in zoneIDList:
zoneMask = (self._zoneMapGrid == zoneID)
if not zoneMask.any():
# Count the points inside the zoneMask to get the zone percentage
probPoints = windProbMask & zoneMask
percCoverage = float(probPoints.sum()) / zoneMask.sum() * 100.0
# Save this value for later
self._hazardPercentage[hazNoETN][zoneMask] = percCoverage
# If the area coverage threshold is met, assign this hazard to the zone
if percCoverage >= areaThreshold:
# Keep track of each hazard's masks
hazMaskDict[hazNoETN] = hazMaskDict[hazNoETN] | zoneMask
# Set this value over this zone in the hazard grid we will return
hazETN = hazNoETN + ":" + etnStr
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazETN, guidanceHazKeys)
hazardGrid[zoneMask] = hazIndex
# Calculate the overlap of HU.A and TR.W and assign the combo key
comboMask = hazMaskDict["HU.A"] & hazMaskDict["TR.W"] & self._affectedAreaMask
# Take away the points over the HU.W area to make the final mask
overlap = comboMask & hazMaskDict["HU.W"]
comboMask = comboMask & (comboMask ^ overlap) # subtract HU.W area from comboMask
# Assign the TR.W^HU.A combined key
if comboMask.any():
# Set the value over this mask
hazETN = "TR.W" + ":" + etnStr + "^" + "HU.A" + ":" + etnStr
comboIndex = self.getIndex(hazETN, guidanceHazKeys)
hazardGrid[comboMask] = comboIndex
# Dump the percentage for each zone
if self._debug:
for haz in self._hazardPercentage:
weName = "PercAbvThres" + haz.replace(".", "")
self.createGrid("Fcst", weName, "SCALAR", self._hazardPercentage[haz], self._timeRange)
return hazardGrid, guidanceHazKeys
def makeRecommendedGrid(self, guidanceHazGrid, stormName):
Creates the recommended hazard grid based on a complex algorithm
guidanceGrid, guidanceKeys = guidanceHazGrid
hazardKeys = guidanceKeys # make a copy as we want them identical
keys = ["<None>"] + self._windHazards
filteredHazGrid, filteredHazardKeys = self.getFilteredHazardGrid(keys) # hazard grid from the previous forecast
if self._debug:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "FilteredHazards", "DISCRETE", (filteredHazGrid, filteredHazardKeys), self._timeRange,
discreteKeys=self._rankingHazardList, discreteOverlap=1,
self.createGrid("Fcst", "GuidanceHazards", "DISCRETE", (guidanceGrid, guidanceKeys), self._timeRange,
discreteKeys=self._rankingHazardList, discreteOverlap=1,
copyOfFilteredKeys = copy.copy(filteredHazardKeys)
diffGrid = self.makeDiffGrid(guidanceHazGrid, (filteredHazGrid, copyOfFilteredKeys))
noChangeMask = diffGrid == 0
changeMask = ~noChangeMask
if self._debug:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "ChangeMask", "SCALAR", changeMask.astype(np.float32), self._timeRange, minAllowedValue=-1.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0,
self.createGrid("Fcst", "NoChangeMask", "SCALAR", noChangeMask.astype(np.float32), self._timeRange, minAllowedValue=-1.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0,
weName = "ProposedTropWindWW"
hazKeys = []
byteGrid = self.empty(np.int8)
# Pre-fill hazKeys with all keys from both the filtered and guidance grids
for key in filteredHazardKeys:
if key not in hazKeys:
i = self.getIndex(key, hazKeys)
for key in guidanceKeys:
if key not in hazKeys:
i = self.getIndex(key, hazKeys)
# First add the noChange hazards
for hazKey in hazKeys:
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazKeys)
filterIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, filteredHazardKeys)
mask = noChangeMask & (filteredHazGrid == filterIndex)
if mask.any():
byteGrid[mask] = hazIndex
for hazKey in hazKeys:
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazKeys)
guideIndex = self.getIndex(hazKey, guidanceKeys)
mask = changeMask & (guidanceGrid == guideIndex)
if mask.any():
byteGrid[mask] = hazIndex
# Overlay the Breakpoint hazards on this grids as they are not to be modified.
# Note we are purposely ignoring the self._affected area
hazardGrid, hazardKeys = self.insertBreakpointHazards((byteGrid, hazKeys))
return hazardGrid, hazardKeys
def makeDifferenceGrids(self, guidanceGrid, recommendedGrid):
Calculates the differences between the previous hazard grid
and the guidance and recommended grids.
hazardGrid = self.getFilteredHazardGrid(self._rankingHazardList) # hazard grid from the previous forecast
hazardRank = self.hazardRankGrid(hazardGrid)
guideRank = self.hazardRankGrid(guidanceGrid)
recRank = self.hazardRankGrid(recommendedGrid)
guideDiff = guideRank - hazardRank
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "GuidanceMinusPrevious", "SCALAR", guideDiff.astype(np.float32), self._timeRange)
recDiff = recRank - hazardRank
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), "RecommendedMinusPrevious", "SCALAR", recDiff.astype(np.float32), self._timeRange)
def calculateAffectedArea(self, editArea):
Calculates the area that will ultimately be affected by the tool.
If the edit area is not empty, use that. Otherwise calculate the
union of the guidance area and the area covered by any hazards.
mask = self.empty(np.bool)
# See if any area is selected and if so, return its mask
mask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
if mask.any():
return mask
# Fetch the guidance for TR.A which is the largest area
guideGrid = self._guideDict["TR.A"]
guideMask = guideGrid > 0.0 # any positive values
# Fetch the Hazards and see what is defined there
level = "SFC"
dbid = self.mutableID()
weName = "Hazards"
allTimes = TimeRange.allTimes()
hazInv = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, dbid, level)
hazMask = self.empty(np.bool)
if len(hazInv) > 0: # Fetch the grid and determine the hazMask
hazGrid = self.getGrids(dbid, weName, level, allTimes)
if isinstance(hazGrid, list): # there should only be one grid
hazGrid = hazGrid[0]
# Get the areas where there are some Hazards defined
byteGrid, keys = hazGrid
noneIndex = self.getIndex(self._noneHazard, keys)
hazMask = (byteGrid != noneIndex) # Find where it's not None
finalMask = (guideMask | hazMask)
return finalMask
def getAllGuidanceGrids(self, dbid):
Fetches all of the guidance grids that will be needed for the algorithms.
guidanceDict = {}
hazardKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys("ProposedTropWindWW")
for haz in hazardKeys:
if haz == self._noneHazard:
if "TR" in haz:
weName = "prob34"
elif "HU" in haz:
weName = "prob64"
fcstHour = RecommendWindWWConfig.WSPThresholds[("FcstTime", haz)]
grid = self.fetchGuidanceGrid(dbid, weName, fcstHour, WIND_PROB_LEVEL)
guidanceDict[haz] = grid
return guidanceDict
def makeTimeRange(self, hours):
Creates a timeRange that is used for creating all grids.
now = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600 # round to nearest hour
later = now + (hours * 3600)
timeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(now, later)
return timeRange
def hazardRankGrid(self, hazardGrid):
Converts the specified hazardGrid to a scalar ranking based on the order
in which hazards are found in the self._rankingHazardList. The resulting
grid is used to calculate differences between on hazard grid and another.
rankGrid = self.empty()
hazardKeys = hazardGrid[1]
for hazKey in hazardKeys:
hazKeyNoETN = self.stripETN(hazKey)
if hazKeyNoETN in self._rankingHazardList:
hazValue = self.getIndex(hazKey, hazardGrid[1])
mask = hazardGrid[0] == hazValue
rankValue = self._rankingHazardList.index(hazKeyNoETN)
if rankValue == 5:
rankValue = 4
rankGrid[mask] = rankValue
return rankGrid
def removeAllETNs(self, hazardGrid):
Strips all ETNs from the keys specified in the hazardGrid and returns the
keys without ETNs.
grid, hazKeys = hazardGrid
cleanKeys = []
for haz in hazKeys:
cleanHaz = self.stripETN(haz)
if cleanHaz not in cleanKeys:
return cleanKeys
def makeThresholdGrids(self):
Defines grids of thresholds for each hazard and area type (coastal, inland)
self._downgradeWSPGrids = {}
# Set the wind probability thresholds
for haz in self._windHazards:
self._downgradeWSPGrids[haz] = self.empty()
self._downgradeWSPGrids[haz][self._coastalMask] = self.getProbWindThreshold("Coastal", "Remove", haz)
self._downgradeWSPGrids[haz][~self._coastalMask] = self.getProbWindThreshold("Inland", "Remove", haz)
self._downgradePercentage[haz] = self.empty(np.float32)
# Set the area thresholds
self._downgradeCov = self.empty(np.float32)
self._downgradeCov[self._coastalMask] = 100 - RecommendWindWWConfig.AreaThresholds["Coastal"]
self._downgradeCov[~self._coastalMask] = 100 - RecommendWindWWConfig.AreaThresholds["Inland"]
def downgradeMaskForCombined(self, combinedKey, hazardGrid):
Calculates the special mask of where downgrades are valid for the combined hazard
such as "HU.A^TR.W". This combination gets speial rules and thus is implemented
in a separate module.
etnStr = self.getETN(self._stormName)
combinedKeyETN = self.addETNToHazardKey(combinedKey, etnStr)
hazardByteGrid, hazardKeys = hazardGrid
# Get the TRW mask
if combinedKey == "TR.W^HU.A":
combinedIndex = self.getIndex(combinedKeyETN, hazardKeys)
combinedMask = hazardByteGrid == combinedIndex
elif combinedKey == "HU.A^TR.W":
combinedIndex = self.getIndex(combinedKeyETN, hazardKeys)
combinedMask = hazardByteGrid == combinedIndex
trwMask = (self._guideDict["TR.W"] <= self._downgradeWSPGrids["TR.W"]) & combinedMask
huaMask = (self._guideDict["HU.A"] <= self._downgradeWSPGrids["HU.A"]) & combinedMask
downgradeMask = self.empty(np.bool)
downgradeMask[trwMask & huaMask] = True # set the mask to indicate a downgrade possibility
downgradeMask[huaMask & ~trwMask] = True # set the mask to indicate a downgrade possibility
return downgradeMask
def makeDiffGrid(self, guidanceGrid, hazardGrid):
Calculates the differences between the previous hazard grid and the guidance grid
This is a critical grid as it determines where hazards are upgraded or downgraded.
This method returns a grid containing three values, -1, 0, and 1. A value of -1
indicates areas that should be downgraded, 0 represents no change, and a value of
1 indicates areas that should be upgraded.
# Calculate the "rank" of each of the grids. The rank is used to calculate the difference.
guideRank = self.hazardRankGrid(guidanceGrid)
hazRank = self.hazardRankGrid(hazardGrid)
diffGrid = guideRank - hazRank
signGrid = np.sign(diffGrid)
signGrid[diffGrid < 0] = 0
# Adjust the signGrid by applying the downgrade criteria
# First check each guidance hazard to see if the suggested downgrade is allowed.
previousHazardKeys = self.removeAllETNs(hazardGrid)
proposedHazardKeys = self.removeAllETNs(guidanceGrid)
noHazIndex = self.getIndex("<None>", hazardGrid[1])
hazMask = hazardGrid[0] != noHazIndex
for prevHaz in previousHazardKeys:
combinedKey = "^" in prevHaz # it's a combinedKey. Process this differently
if combinedKey: # Initializes the downgradePercentage grid
self._downgradePercentage[prevHaz] = self.empty() # Add the combinedKey for this dict
# Calculate areas where this hazards exists in the hazard grid.
hazardArea = self.hazardMask(hazardGrid, prevHaz) # mask where this hazard exists
if prevHaz == "<None>":
maskName = "None"
maskName = prevHaz[0:2]+prevHaz[-1]
for propHaz in proposedHazardKeys:
# See if this combination is allowed by policy/rules
if not self.downgradeAllowed(prevHaz, propHaz):
# Make a sensible wename
if "^" in prevHaz:
weName = prevHaz[0:2]+prevHaz[3] + prevHaz[5:7]+prevHaz[-1]
weName = prevHaz[0:2]+prevHaz[-1]
# Calculate areas where the Wind speed prob is below the threshold
# These are potential areas for downgrade
if combinedKey:
downgradeMask = self.downgradeMaskForCombined(prevHaz, hazardGrid) & hazardArea
else: # simple key
downgradeMask = (self._guideDict[prevHaz] <= self._downgradeWSPGrids[prevHaz]) & hazMask & hazardArea
# Get the zones over this area and calculate areal coverage over each zone
zoneIDList = self._zoneMap.getOverlappingZoneIDs(downgradeMask)
for zoneType in self._zoneTypes:
if zoneType == "Coastal":
zoneTypeMask = self._coastalMask
zoneTypeMask = ~self._coastalMask
for zoneID in zoneIDList:
zoneMask = (self._zoneMapGrid == zoneID)
# Calc the points inside the zoneMask
probPoints = downgradeMask & zoneMask
percCoverage = float(probPoints.sum()) / zoneMask.sum() * 100.0
# Save this value for later
self._downgradePercentage[prevHaz][zoneMask] = percCoverage
if self._debug:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "DowngradeCoverage" + weName, "SCALAR", self._downgradePercentage[prevHaz], self._timeRange)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "DowngradeArealCoverage" + weName, "SCALAR", self._downgradeCov, self._timeRange)
downgradeMask = self._downgradePercentage[prevHaz] >= self._downgradeCov
signGrid[downgradeMask] = -1 # Set the grid to indicate a downgrade should be done
self.createGrid("Fcst", "FinalDiff", "SCALAR", signGrid, self._timeRange, minAllowedValue=-1.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0,
return signGrid
def getInlandZones(self, wwHazardGrid):
Fetches the set of inland zones based on the specified Hazard grid.
Only zones where a hazard is defined are returned.
zoneDict = {}
hazardGrid, hazardKeys = wwHazardGrid
# Calculate the areas where hazards exist
for hazard in hazardKeys:
if hazard == "<None>":
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazard, hazardKeys)
hazMask = (hazardGrid == hazIndex)
# Remove any coastal zone areas
hazMask[self._nhcZoneMask] = 0 # Turn off the coastal zones
# Use ZoneMap to find the list of zones
inlandZones = self._zoneMap.getOverlappingZoneNames(hazMask)
zoneDict[hazard] = inlandZones
return zoneDict
def saveZonesToJSONFile(self, hazardGrid):
""" Appends any inland zones to the current set of zones in the json
file and re-saves the file.
for stormInfo in self._stormInfoDicts:
if stormInfo["stormName"] == self._stormName:
if "zoneDict" not in stormInfo:
stormInfo["zoneDict"] = []
# Get all of the inland zones that have a hazard
zoneDict = self.getInlandZones(hazardGrid)
for hazard in zoneDict:
haz = self.stripETN(hazard)
if haz == "HU.A^TR.W":
haz = "TR.W^HU.A"
if haz not in stormInfo["zoneDict"]:
stormInfo["zoneDict"][haz] = []
# Add the inland zones to the stormInfo
stormInfo["zoneDict"][haz] += zoneDict[hazard]
self._saveAdvisory(stormInfo["pil"], stormInfo)
print("Error...stormName:", self._stormName, "not found when saving inland zones.")
def removedOldPropGrids(self):
Removes all previous Proposed grids.
timeRange = TimeRange.allTimes()
weList = ["ProposedTropWWGuidance", "ProposedTropWindWW"]
for weName in weList:
self.deleteGrid(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", timeRange)
# Main method called when the tool is envoked.
def execute(self, editArea):
########################### GUI Section #################################
# Get the stormInfos and extract the stormNames for the GUI
self._stormInfoDicts = self._WindWWUtils.getStormInfoDicts()
stormNames = self.getStormNames(self._stormInfoDicts)
modelNames = ["TPCProb", "TPCProbPrelim"]
editAreaChoices = ["Current Edit Area", "Hazards and Guidance"]
variableList = []
variableList.append(("StormName:", stormNames[0], "radio", stormNames))
variableList.append(("Database Source:", modelNames[0], "radio", modelNames))
variableList.append(("Restrict Watches/Warnings to:", editAreaChoices[0], "radio", editAreaChoices))
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList("Continue?", variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
# Initialize a few variable global to this tool.
self._debug = False #True
self._noneHazard = "<None>"
self._hazardPercentage = {}
self._downgradePercentage = {}
self._zoneTypes = ["Inland", "Coastal"]
# Fetch the GUI choices
stormNameChoice = varDict["StormName:"]
databaseChoice = varDict["Database Source:"]
editAreaChoice = varDict["Restrict Watches/Warnings to:"]
self._stormName = stormNameChoice
########################### End GUI Section #################################
self._windHazards = ["TR.A", "HU.A", "TR.W", "HU.W"]
self._rankingHazardList = ["<None>", "TR.A", "HU.A", "TR.W", "HU.A^TR.W", "TR.W^HU.A", "HU.W"]
self._dbid = self.getLatestProbWindDBID(databaseChoice)
if self._debug:
print("Using databaseID:", self._dbid)
# Make a timeRange when all grids will be defined
self._timeRange = self.makeTimeRange(48)
# Fetch the Coastal zone mask
self._coastalMask = self._zoneMap.coastalZonesMask()
# Abort the tool if this edit area is missing.
if self._coastalMask is None:
# Plot the wind thresholds as a grid
grid = self.empty()
for haz in self._windHazards:
for zoneType in self._zoneTypes:
if zoneType == "Coastal":
mask = self._coastalMask
mask = ~self._coastalMask
grid[mask] = self.getProbWindThreshold(zoneType, "Add", haz)
# Fetch and/or create some masks that will be used throughout the process.
# Fetch all the guidance grids we'll need. Other methods will use these
self._guideDict = self.getAllGuidanceGrids(self._dbid)
# Calculate the area over which the tool will run
self._affectedAreaMask = self.calculateAffectedArea(editArea)
# Make the guidance hazard grid
guidanceHazardGrid = self.makeGuidanceGrid(self._dbid, stormNameChoice)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "ProposedTropWWGuidance", "DISCRETE", guidanceHazardGrid, self._timeRange,
# Make the Recommended guidance grid
recommendedHazardGrid = self.makeRecommendedGrid(guidanceHazardGrid, stormNameChoice)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "ProposedTropWindWW", "DISCRETE", recommendedHazardGrid, self._timeRange,
# Remove any old grids
endTime = self._timeRange.startTime().unixTime()
startTime = endTime - (12 * 3600) # 12 hours earlier
deleteTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(AbsTime.AbsTime(startTime), AbsTime.AbsTime(endTime))
for weName in ["ProposedTropWWGuidance", "ProposedTropWindWW", "Hazards"]:
self.deleteGrid(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", deleteTR)
if self._debug:
self.makeDifferenceGrids(guidanceHazardGrid, recommendedHazardGrid)