334 lines
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334 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# PlotSPCWatches
# This procedure synchronizes the hazards from SPC that are in the active table.
# Author: lefebvre
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 06/18/13 #2083 dgilling Code cleanup, reinstated logging
# for every hazard grid written.
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["Hazards"]
from numpy import *
import SmartScript
import time
import HazardUtils
import logging
import UFStatusHandler
PLUGIN_NAME = 'com.raytheon.viz.gfe'
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
self.log = logging.getLogger("PlotSPCWatches")
self.log.addHandler(UFStatusHandler.UFStatusHandler(PLUGIN_NAME, CATEGORY, level=logging.WARNING))
def getWatches(self):
nonSPCRecords = []
spcRecords = []
spcCANRecords = []
vtecTable = self.vtecActiveTable()
vtecTable = self._hazUtils._filterVTECBasedOnGFEMode(vtecTable)
phenSigList = ["TO.A", "SV.A"]
pilList = ['WOU','WCN']
spcActions = ['NEW','CON','EXT','EXA','EXB']
othActions = ['NEW','CON','EXT','EXA','EXB','CAN','EXP','UPG']
spcActionsCAN = ['CAN']
# step 1: Separate into SPC/nonSPC/spcCAN, keep only certain actions
for v in vtecTable:
# filter based on phen/sig
phenSig = v['phen'] + "." + v['sig']
if not phenSig in phenSigList:
# eliminate non-interesting products
if v['pil'] not in pilList:
# eliminate records in the past
if v['endTime'] < self._gmtime().unixTime():
# add to appropriate list
if v['officeid'] == 'KWNS':
if v['act'] in spcActions:
elif v['act'] in spcActionsCAN:
if v['act'] in othActions:
#LogStream.logUse("step1 PlotSPCWatches: spcRec=", spcRecords,
# "\nspcCANRecords=", spcCANRecords, "\n nonSPCRec=", nonSPCRecords)
# step 2: eliminate records in SPC that are also in non-SPC. Filter
# based on etn, id, phen/sig. Ignore action, i.e., CAN in the nonSPC
# record will override any action in SPC records. Remaining records
# will be the "NEW" watch.
compare = ['etn','id','phen','sig']
filteredSPCWatches = []
for spcRec in spcRecords:
removeRecord = False
for nonSPCRec in nonSPCRecords:
if self._recordCompare(spcRec, nonSPCRec, compare):
removeRecord = True #match found in nonSPCRecord
if not removeRecord:
#LogStream.logUse("step2 PlotSPCWatches: elim SPC in nonSPC. ",
#"spcRec=", filteredSPCWatches)
# step 3: eliminate records in non-SPC that are CAN, EXP
eliminateActions = ['CAN','EXP']
filteredNonSPCWatches = []
for nonSPCRec in nonSPCRecords:
if nonSPCRec['act'] not in eliminateActions:
#LogStream.logUse("step3 PlotSPCWatches: elim nonSPC CANEXP. ",
# "nonSPCRec=", filteredSPCWatches)
# step 4: combine the two data sets, now we have both the new
# watches and the old watches (still in effect) in the same
# table.
watchTable = filteredNonSPCWatches
#LogStream.logUse("step4 PlotSPCWatches: combine nonSPC SPC: ",
# step 5: Looking at the spcCANrecords, eliminate any records
# in the watchTable that have a matching CAN. This will be records
# from WCNs that are "active", but now SPC has "CAN" the watch.
tmp = []
compare = ['etn','id','phen','sig']
for r in watchTable:
removeRecord = 0
for s in spcCANRecords:
if self._recordCompare(r, s, compare):
removeRecord = 1 #match fround in nonSPCRecord
if not removeRecord:
watchTable = tmp
#LogStream.logUse("step5 PlotSPCWatches: remove active in nonSPC that ",
#" are CAN by SPC", watchTable)
# step 6: eliminate overlapping watches. Can't have multiple watches
# in the same zone. Also trim down the start time
zoneDict = self._convertToZoneDict(watchTable)
zones = list(zoneDict.keys())
for zone in zones:
watch = self._removeSupersededWatches(zoneDict[zone])
watch['startTime'] = int(watch['startTime'] / 3600) * 3600
zoneDict[zone] = watch
#LogStream.logUse("step6 PlotSPCWatches: elim overlap: ",
return zoneDict
# compares two dictionary records for equality
def _recordCompare(self, rec1, rec2, fields):
#Compares two records for equality, based on the fields given.
#Records are dictionaries. Fields are assumed to exist in both recs.
for f in fields:
if rec1[f] != rec2[f]:
return False
return True
def removeAllWatches(self):
# remove all SV.A and TO.A grids from the Hazards inventory
trList = self._hazUtils._getWEInventory("Hazards")
for tr in trList:
byteGrid, hazKey = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", tr,
mode="First", cache=0)
uniqueKeys = self._hazUtils._getUniqueKeys(byteGrid, hazKey)
for uKey in uniqueKeys:
subKeys = self._hazUtils._getSubKeys(uKey)
if subKeys is not None:
for subKey in subKeys:
phen = self._hazUtils._keyPhen(subKey)
if phen in ["SV", "TO"]:
self._hazUtils._removeHazard("Hazards", tr, subKey)
def _convertToZoneDict(self, watchTable):
#returns a dictionary organized by zone for each hazard
hazardsByZone = {}
for h in watchTable:
if h['id'] in hazardsByZone:
hazardsByZone[h['id']] = [h]
return hazardsByZone
def _removeSupersededWatches(self, zoneRecords):
# looks for multiple watches in the same zone, eliminates the
# lower etn (older) version. Returns a single record.
# nothing needs calculating
if len(zoneRecords) == 1:
return zoneRecords[0]
# TEST watches are etns >= 9000, eliminate test watches if there
# are any real watches
testWatches = 0 #etn >= 9000
normalWatches = 0 #etn < 9000
for zr in zoneRecords:
if zr['etn'] >= 9000:
testWatches = 1
normalWatches = 0
if normalWatches:
list = []
for zr in zoneRecords:
if zr['etn'] < 9000:
zoneRecords = list
# any left?
if len(zoneRecords) == 1:
return zoneRecords[0]
# find the higher watch etn for this year
watch = zoneRecords[0] #final choice
for index in range(1, len(zoneRecords)):
recYear = time.gmtime(zoneRecords[index]['issueTime'])[0]
watchYear = time.gmtime(watch['issueTime'])[0]
if recYear > watchYear or (recYear == watchYear and \
zoneRecords[index]['etn'] > watch['etn']):
watch = zoneRecords[index] #higher watch
return watch
def writeHazard(self, key, startTime, endTime, zones):
timeRange = self._hazUtils._makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
zoneMask = self._hazUtils._makeMask(zones)
self._hazUtils._addHazard("Hazards", timeRange, key, zoneMask)
self.log.info("{} {} {} {}".format(self._hazUtils._printTime(startTime),
self._hazUtils._printTime(endTime), key, zones))
def execute(self):
# get the hazard utilities
self._hazUtils = HazardUtils.HazardUtils(self._dbss, None)
# see if the Hazards WE is loaded in the GFE, if not abort the tool
if not self._hazUtils._hazardsLoaded():
self.log.warning("Hazards Weather Element must be loaded in the GFE before running PlotSPCWatches.")
# if there are any temp grids loaded, refuse to run
if self._hazUtils._tempWELoaded():
self.log.warning("There are temporary hazard grids loaded. " +\
"Please merge all hazards grids before running PlotSPCWatches.")
# hazard locked anywhere by others?
if self.lockedByOther('Hazards', 'SFC'):
self.log.warning("There are conflicting locks (red locks - owned by others) on Hazards. " + \
"Please resolve these before running PlotSPCWatches")
watchTable = self.getWatches()
# AWIPS2 porting note: to improve performance of this procedure, we've
# made a deviation in how the phenomena from the active table are saved
# to grids
# We write to the hazards grid in batches. The batches are based on a
# set of zones all having the same phen-sig, ETN, and valid time.
watchTable = list(watchTable.values())
def sortkey(x):
key = x['phen'] + x['sig'] + str(x['etn']) + \
str(self._hazUtils._makeTimeRange(x['startTime'], x['endTime'])) + \
return key
hazKeyToWrite = None
hazStartToWrite = None
hazEndToWrite = None
hazZonesToWrite = []
for zh in watchTable:
key = zh['phen'] + '.' + zh['sig'] + ":" + str(zh['etn'])
if key != hazKeyToWrite or zh['startTime'] != hazStartToWrite or zh['endTime'] != hazEndToWrite:
# we have a new hazard, save the previously collected hazard
# data to a grid.
if hazZonesToWrite:
self.writeHazard(hazKeyToWrite, hazStartToWrite, hazEndToWrite, hazZonesToWrite)
hazZonesToWrite = []
hazKeyToWrite = key
hazStartToWrite = zh['startTime']
hazEndToWrite = zh['endTime']
# write the last set of collected hazard information to a grid
if hazZonesToWrite:
self.writeHazard(hazKeyToWrite, hazStartToWrite, hazEndToWrite, hazZonesToWrite)