372 lines
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372 lines
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Executable file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
werkzeug.routing test
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD license.
from nose.tools import assert_raises
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableDict
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule, NotFound, BuildError, RequestRedirect, \
RuleTemplate, Submount, EndpointPrefix, Subdomain, UnicodeConverter, \
from werkzeug.test import create_environ
def test_basic_routing():
"""Basic URL routing"""
map = Map([
Rule('/', endpoint='index'),
Rule('/foo', endpoint='foo'),
Rule('/bar/', endpoint='bar')
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/')
assert adapter.match('/') == ('index', {})
assert adapter.match('/foo') == ('foo', {})
assert adapter.match('/bar/') == ('bar', {})
assert_raises(RequestRedirect, lambda: adapter.match('/bar'))
assert_raises(NotFound, lambda: adapter.match('/blub'))
test_environ_defaults = '''
>>> from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
>>> from werkzeug import create_environ
>>> environ = create_environ("/foo")
>>> environ["PATH_INFO"]
>>> m = Map([Rule("/foo", endpoint="foo"), Rule("/bar", endpoint="bar")])
>>> a = m.bind_to_environ(environ)
>>> a.match("/foo")
('foo', {})
>>> a.match()
('foo', {})
>>> a.match("/bar")
('bar', {})
>>> a.match("/bars")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotFound: 404 Not Found
def test_basic_building():
"""Basic URL building"""
map = Map([
Rule('/', endpoint='index'),
Rule('/foo', endpoint='foo'),
Rule('/bar/<baz>', endpoint='bar'),
Rule('/bar/<int:bazi>', endpoint='bari'),
Rule('/bar/<float:bazf>', endpoint='barf'),
Rule('/bar/<path:bazp>', endpoint='barp'),
Rule('/hehe', endpoint='blah', subdomain='blah')
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/', subdomain='blah')
assert adapter.build('index', {}) == 'http://example.org/'
assert adapter.build('foo', {}) == 'http://example.org/foo'
assert adapter.build('bar', {'baz': 'blub'}) == 'http://example.org/bar/blub'
assert adapter.build('bari', {'bazi': 50}) == 'http://example.org/bar/50'
assert adapter.build('barf', {'bazf': 0.815}) == 'http://example.org/bar/0.815'
assert adapter.build('barp', {'bazp': 'la/di'}) == 'http://example.org/bar/la/di'
assert adapter.build('blah', {}) == '/hehe'
assert_raises(BuildError, lambda: adapter.build('urks'))
def test_defaults():
"""URL routing defaults"""
map = Map([
Rule('/foo/', defaults={'page': 1}, endpoint='foo'),
Rule('/foo/<int:page>', endpoint='foo')
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/')
assert adapter.match('/foo/') == ('foo', {'page': 1})
assert_raises(RequestRedirect, lambda: adapter.match('/foo/1'))
assert adapter.match('/foo/2') == ('foo', {'page': 2})
assert adapter.build('foo', {}) == '/foo/'
assert adapter.build('foo', {'page': 1}) == '/foo/'
assert adapter.build('foo', {'page': 2}) == '/foo/2'
def test_greedy():
"""URL routing greedy settings"""
map = Map([
Rule('/foo', endpoint='foo'),
Rule('/<path:bar>', endpoint='bar'),
Rule('/<path:bar>/<path:blub>', endpoint='bar')
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/')
assert adapter.match('/foo') == ('foo', {})
assert adapter.match('/blub') == ('bar', {'bar': 'blub'})
assert adapter.match('/he/he') == ('bar', {'bar': 'he', 'blub': 'he'})
assert adapter.build('foo', {}) == '/foo'
assert adapter.build('bar', {'bar': 'blub'}) == '/blub'
assert adapter.build('bar', {'bar': 'blub', 'blub': 'bar'}) == '/blub/bar'
def test_path():
"""URL routing path converter behavior"""
map = Map([
Rule('/', defaults={'name': 'FrontPage'}, endpoint='page'),
Rule('/Special', endpoint='special'),
Rule('/<int:year>', endpoint='year'),
Rule('/<path:name>', endpoint='page'),
Rule('/<path:name>/edit', endpoint='editpage'),
Rule('/<path:name>/silly/<path:name2>', endpoint='sillypage'),
Rule('/<path:name>/silly/<path:name2>/edit', endpoint='editsillypage'),
Rule('/Talk:<path:name>', endpoint='talk'),
Rule('/User:<username>', endpoint='user'),
Rule('/User:<username>/<path:name>', endpoint='userpage'),
Rule('/Files/<path:file>', endpoint='files'),
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/')
assert adapter.match('/') == ('page', {'name':'FrontPage'})
assert_raises(RequestRedirect, lambda: adapter.match('/FrontPage'))
assert adapter.match('/Special') == ('special', {})
assert adapter.match('/2007') == ('year', {'year':2007})
assert adapter.match('/Some/Page') == ('page', {'name':'Some/Page'})
assert adapter.match('/Some/Page/edit') == ('editpage', {'name':'Some/Page'})
assert adapter.match('/Foo/silly/bar') == ('sillypage', {'name':'Foo', 'name2':'bar'})
assert adapter.match('/Foo/silly/bar/edit') == ('editsillypage', {'name':'Foo', 'name2':'bar'})
assert adapter.match('/Talk:Foo/Bar') == ('talk', {'name':'Foo/Bar'})
assert adapter.match('/User:thomas') == ('user', {'username':'thomas'})
assert adapter.match('/User:thomas/projects/werkzeug') == ('userpage', {'username':'thomas', 'name':'projects/werkzeug'})
assert adapter.match('/Files/downloads/werkzeug/0.2.zip') == ('files', {'file':'downloads/werkzeug/0.2.zip'})
def test_dispatch():
"""URL routing dispatch helper"""
env = create_environ('/')
map = Map([
Rule('/', endpoint='root'),
Rule('/foo/', endpoint='foo')
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env)
raise_this = None
def view_func(endpoint, values):
if raise_this is not None:
raise raise_this
return Response(repr((endpoint, values)))
dispatch = lambda p, q=False: Response.force_type(adapter.dispatch(view_func, p,
catch_http_exceptions=q), env)
assert dispatch('/').data == "('root', {})"
assert dispatch('/foo').status_code == 301
raise_this = NotFound()
assert_raises(NotFound, lambda: dispatch('/bar'))
assert dispatch('/bar', True).status_code == 404
def test_http_host_before_server_name():
"""URL routing HTTP host takes precedence before server name"""
env = {
'HTTP_HOST': 'wiki.example.com',
'SERVER_NAME': 'web0.example.com',
'SERVER_PORT': '80',
'PATH_INFO': '',
'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http'
map = Map([Rule('/', endpoint='index', subdomain='wiki')])
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env, server_name='example.com')
assert adapter.match('/') == ('index', {})
assert adapter.build('index', force_external=True) == 'http://wiki.example.com/'
assert adapter.build('index') == '/'
env['HTTP_HOST'] = 'admin.example.com'
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env, server_name='example.com')
assert adapter.build('index') == 'http://wiki.example.com/'
def test_adapter_url_parameter_sorting():
"""Optional adapter URL parameter sorting"""
map = Map([Rule('/', endpoint='index')], sort_parameters=True,
sort_key=lambda x: x[1])
adapter = map.bind('localhost', '/')
assert adapter.build('index', {'x': 20, 'y': 10, 'z': 30},
force_external=True) == 'http://localhost/?y=10&x=20&z=30'
def test_request_direct_charset_bug():
map = Map([Rule(u'/öäü/')])
adapter = map.bind('localhost', '/')
except RequestRedirect, e:
print repr(e.new_url)
assert e.new_url == 'http://localhost/%C3%B6%C3%A4%C3%BC/'
raise AssertionError('expected request redirect exception')
def test_adapter_match_return_rule():
"""Returning the matched Rule"""
rule = Rule('/foo/', endpoint='foo')
map = Map([rule])
adapter = map.bind('localhost', '/')
assert adapter.match('/foo/', return_rule=True) == (rule, {})
def test_server_name_interpolation():
"""URL routing server name interpolation."""
server_name = 'example.invalid'
map = Map([Rule('/', endpoint='index'),
Rule('/', endpoint='alt', subdomain='alt')])
env = create_environ('/', 'http://%s/' % server_name)
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env, server_name=server_name)
assert adapter.match() == ('index', {})
env = create_environ('/', 'http://alt.%s/' % server_name)
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env, server_name=server_name)
assert adapter.match() == ('alt', {})
env = create_environ('/', 'http://%s/' % server_name)
adapter = map.bind_to_environ(env, server_name='foo')
except ValueError, e:
msg = str(e)
assert 'provided (%r)' % 'foo' in msg
assert 'environment (%r)' % server_name in msg
assert False, 'expected exception'
def test_rule_emptying():
"""Rule emptying"""
r = Rule('/foo', {'meh': 'muh'}, 'x', ['POST'],
False, 'x', True, None)
r2 = r.empty()
assert r.__dict__ == r2.__dict__
assert r.__dict__ != r2.__dict__
r.defaults['meh'] = 'aha'
assert r.__dict__ != r2.__dict__
def test_rule_templates():
"""Rule templates"""
testcase = RuleTemplate(
[ Submount('/test/$app',
[ Rule('/foo/', endpoint='handle_foo')
, Rule('/bar/', endpoint='handle_bar')
, Rule('/baz/', endpoint='handle_baz')
[ Rule('/blah', endpoint='bar')
, Rule('/meh', endpoint='baz')
[ Rule('/blah', endpoint='x_bar')
, Rule('/meh', endpoint='x_baz')
url_map = Map(
[ testcase(app='test1')
, testcase(app='test2')
, testcase(app='test3')
, testcase(app='test4')
out = [(x.rule, x.subdomain, x.endpoint)
for x in url_map.iter_rules()]
assert out == (
[ ('/test/test1/foo/', '', 'handle_foo')
, ('/test/test1/bar/', '', 'handle_bar')
, ('/test/test1/baz/', '', 'handle_baz')
, ('/blah', '', 'foo_bar')
, ('/meh', '', 'foo_baz')
, ('/blah', 'meh', 'x_bar')
, ('/meh', 'meh', 'x_baz')
, ('/test/test2/foo/', '', 'handle_foo')
, ('/test/test2/bar/', '', 'handle_bar')
, ('/test/test2/baz/', '', 'handle_baz')
, ('/blah', '', 'foo_bar')
, ('/meh', '', 'foo_baz')
, ('/blah', 'meh', 'x_bar')
, ('/meh', 'meh', 'x_baz')
, ('/test/test3/foo/', '', 'handle_foo')
, ('/test/test3/bar/', '', 'handle_bar')
, ('/test/test3/baz/', '', 'handle_baz')
, ('/blah', '', 'foo_bar')
, ('/meh', '', 'foo_baz')
, ('/blah', 'meh', 'x_bar')
, ('/meh', 'meh', 'x_baz')
, ('/test/test4/foo/', '', 'handle_foo')
, ('/test/test4/bar/', '', 'handle_bar')
, ('/test/test4/baz/', '', 'handle_baz')
, ('/blah', '', 'foo_bar')
, ('/meh', '', 'foo_baz')
, ('/blah', 'meh', 'x_bar')
, ('/meh', 'meh', 'x_baz') ]
def test_default_converters():
class MyMap(Map):
default_converters = Map.default_converters.copy()
default_converters['foo'] = UnicodeConverter
assert isinstance(Map.default_converters, ImmutableDict)
m = MyMap([
Rule('/a/<foo:a>', endpoint='a'),
Rule('/b/<foo:b>', endpoint='b'),
Rule('/c/<c>', endpoint='c')
], converters={'bar': UnicodeConverter})
a = m.bind('example.org', '/')
assert a.match('/a/1') == ('a', {'a': '1'})
assert a.match('/b/2') == ('b', {'b': '2'})
assert a.match('/c/3') == ('c', {'c': '3'})
assert 'foo' not in Map.default_converters
def test_build_append_unknown():
"""Test the new append_unknown feature of URL building"""
map = Map([
Rule('/bar/<float:bazf>', endpoint='barf')
adapter = map.bind('example.org', '/', subdomain='blah')
assert adapter.build('barf', {'bazf': 0.815, 'bif' : 1.0}) == \
assert adapter.build('barf', {'bazf': 0.815, 'bif' : 1.0},
append_unknown=False) == 'http://example.org/bar/0.815'
def test_method_fallback():
"""Test that building falls back to different rules"""
map = Map([
Rule('/', endpoint='index', methods=['GET']),
Rule('/<name>', endpoint='hello_name', methods=['GET']),
Rule('/select', endpoint='hello_select', methods=['POST']),
Rule('/search_get', endpoint='search', methods=['GET']),
Rule('/search_post', endpoint='search', methods=['POST'])
adapter = map.bind('example.com')
assert adapter.build('index') == '/'
assert adapter.build('index', method='GET') == '/'
assert adapter.build('hello_name', {'name': 'foo'}) == '/foo'
assert adapter.build('hello_select') == '/select'
assert adapter.build('hello_select', method='POST') == '/select'
assert adapter.build('search') == '/search_get'
assert adapter.build('search', method='GET') == '/search_get'
assert adapter.build('search', method='POST') == '/search_post'
def test_implicit_head():
"""Test implicit HEAD in URL rules where GET is present"""
url_map = Map([
Rule('/get', methods=['GET'], endpoint='a'),
Rule('/post', methods=['POST'], endpoint='b')
adapter = url_map.bind('example.org')
assert adapter.match('/get', method='HEAD') == ('a', {})
assert_raises(MethodNotAllowed, adapter.match, '/post', method='HEAD')