Steve Harris e5543a0e86 12.4.1-10 baseline
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Former-commit-id: 8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: a28d70b5c5
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00

449 lines
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<title>GFESuite Directory Layout</title>
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<h1 class="3Heading">
GFESuite Directory Layout</h1>
<div class="3Heading">March 27, 2012<br>
<div class="3Heading">
<h2><a name="TableofContents"></a>Table of Contents</h2>
<a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
<a href="#EDEXTop-LevelRuntimeDirectory">EDEX Top-Level Runtime Directory</a>
<a href="#CAVETop-LevelRuntimeDirectory">CAVE Top-Level Runtime Directory</a>
<a href="#DatabaseDirectoryStructure">Database Directory Structure</a>
<a href="#GRIDDatabaseStructure">GRID Directory Structure</a>
<a href="#ModelData/ForecastDataFileStructure">Model Data / Forecast
Data File Structure</a>
<a href="#TextInstall">Text Products Directory Structure</a><br>
<a href="#HPUXDirectoryStructure">MHS Directory Structure</a>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
This document describes the install and runtime directory structure for
the AWIPS sites. In AWIPS2, directories are split up into EDEX side (server) and
CAVE side (client). On both sides, the top-level directory is /awips2, however
EDEX operations are mainly run on dx3/dx4, with data management (PyPies) on dx1.
CAVE operations and directory structure reside on lx/xt workstations.
This page describes *SOME* of the important directories accessed by GFE.
The directory tree is described in the following parts:
<li> <a href="#EDEXTop-LevelRuntimeDirectory">EDEX top-level runtime directory</a>,
consisting of the descriptions of the executables and static data</li>
<li> <a href="#CAVETop-LevelRuntimeDirectory">CAVE top-level runtime directory</a>,
consisting of the descriptions of the executables and static data</li>
<li>the <a href="#DatabaseDirectoryStructure">"database" directory structure</a>,
as controlled by PyPies</li>
<li>the <a href="#GRIDDatabaseStructure">"GRID" directory structure</a>,
which contains all of the model, Forecast, and Official databases</li>
<li>the <a href="#ModelData/ForecastDataFileStructure">model, Forecast,
and Official database file structure</a></li>
<li>the <a href="#HPUXDirectoryStructure">data structure on AWIPS MHS</a>
to support intersite coordination of grids</li>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="EDEXTop-LevelRuntimeDirectory"></a>EDEX Top - Level Runtime
The top-level runtime directory consists of several other directories.
The top-level directories are:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>Top-Level EDEX Directories</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Directory Name</b></td>
<td>top-level data and executables</td>
<td>top-level utilities, data and Service Backup</td>
<p>The following tables describe files and directory structures within
each of the top-level directories:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>EDEX Sub-Directories</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>top-level configuration and startup scripts</td>
<td>Top-level edex configuration for logs and services</td>
<td>Top-level data, utilities and edex configuration files including localizations
and vcmodule for virtual ISC displays</td>
<td>runtime parameters for different edex runtime levels and services like ingest/request</td>
<td>location of libraries used by edex</td>
<td>edex logfiles</td>
<td>scripts run by uengine</td>
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>Relevant Top-Level CAVE Directories</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>AlertViz executables and settings</td>
<td>cave configurations and executables including</td>
<td>command line interface executables for GFE
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>Important CAVE Sub-Directories</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>GFE base level tools, procedures, utilities and configurations<br>
<td>GHG monitor executables and configurations</td>
<td>Eclipse runtime settings</td>
<td>location of command line interface executables</td>
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>Executable and Script Directories (/awips2/GFESuite/bin)</b></caption><tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>bin/<a href="ConfigureTextProducts.html">configureTextProducts</a></td>
<td><a href="ConfigureTextProducts.html">Configure Text Products</a>
utility for querying the afos2awips.txt table for PILs, deleting, and
recreating product templates. </td>
<td>bin/<a href="dumpAT.html">dumpAT</a></td>
<td><a href="dumpAT.html">VTEC active table dump utility</a>
for AWIPS map coordinates to lat/lon and vice versa</td>
<td>bin/<a href="getNotify.html"></a></td>
<td><a href="getNotify.html">notification debug utility</a> to
show database notifications from EDEX</td>
<td>a wrapper script that allows to execute command line scripts in EDEX</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">bin/<a href="GHGMonitor.html">ghgMonitor</a><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">GHG Monitor Program<br>
<td><a href="ifpAG.html">ifpAG</a> executable</td>
<td>bin/<a href="ifpBreakAllLocks.html">ifpBreakAllLocks</a></td>
<td>script to break all locks in the server</td>
<td>script to run the GFE as the <a href="ifpIMAGE.html">ifpIMAGE</a>
<td>script to run the <a href="SmartInit.html">smart
<td>script to run the <a href="ifpnetCDF.html">ifpnetCDF</a>
<td>bin/<a href="ifpServerText.html">ifpServerText</a></td>
<td>script to run the <a href="ifpServerText.html">ifpServerText</a>
<td>script to run the <a href="iscMosaic.html">iscMosaic</a>
<td>bin/<a href="moveGFEData.html">moveGFEData</a></td>
<td>utility program to <a href="moveGFEData.html">move gfe
data</a> from one user to another</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">bin/<a href="purgeAllGrids.html">purgeAllGrids</a><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">script to delete all grids from
a specified database.<br>
<td>script to run text generation (GFE in background mode)</td>
<td>script to run a procedure (GFE in background mode)</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">bin/<a href="sendGfeMessage.html">sendGfeMessage</a><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">script to send messages to all
clients connected to EDEX, message appears in AlertViz<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">bin/<a href="VTEC.html">VTECDecoder</a><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">script to run VTEC decoder<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">bin/src<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">contains sub-directories with executables called by
the scripts listed in this table
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b> <br>
etc/gfe (configuration) Important Directories</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>default zone combo configuration</td>
<td>default edit area groups</td>
<td>default edit areas</td>
<td>default sample sets</td>
<td>baseline smart tools, procedures, gfeConfig files, text products, text utilities,
and other utilities used by tools and procedures</td>
<td>default weather element groups</td>
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<caption><b>etc/ghg Sub-Directory</b></caption> <tbody>
<td><b>Filename or Directory Name</b></td>
<td>contains default GHG monitor configuration file</td>
<td>contains the MakeHazard utility and TCMETNDecoder</td>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="DatabaseDirectoryStructure"></a>Database Directory
<div class="3Heading">In AWIPS2 the database is on dx1 under /awips2/edex/data/hdf5.
The sub-directories used by GFE are grib and gfe. The grib sub-directory
contains grib model data. The gfe/SITE_ID sub-directory contains GFE grid
databases including Fcst, Official, ISC, Restore, and any model databases.
Topography databases are also found here.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="GRIDDatabaseStructure"></a>GRID Database Structure</h2>
The model, Forecast, and Official databases are stored in the
/awips2/edex/data/hdf5/gfe/SITE_ID directory
tree. The first level subdirectories are the model
names, e.g., NAM and Fcst. Within each model directory will be a
series of database files contained in a directory that represents
the date and time of the data, i.e., 2012_03_27_0600/RNK_GRID__GFS40_20120327_0600.h5.
A database contains all of the grid and
metadata needed to represent the weather elements. <a
database</a> actually consists one HDF5 file.
<p>The name of each database represents the:
<li>Site identifier (e.g., BOU)</li>
<li>Format of the database (always GRID)</li>
<li>Model Name (e.g., NAM12)</li>
<li>Optional Database Type (e.g., V)</li>
<li>Date/Time of Model Run (e.g., 20001214_0000)</li>
<hr width="100%"><br>
<h2><a name="ModelData/ForecastDataFileStructure"></a>Model Data /
Forecast Data File Structure</h2>
Each model (e.g., NAM), Forecast, and Official database is stored in
HDF5 file format.
The model name is in the following format: <i>site</i>_GRID_<i>ot</i>_<i>date</i>_<i>time</i>,
where <i>site</i> is the WFO identifier, <i>ot</i> is the optional
and <i>time</i> are the date-time stamp for the model valid
If the date/timestamp is all zeros (00000000_0000), then the model is
or not time-based. In this case the files are never purged from
system. Typically the Forecast and Official databases are set up
to be permanent. Another word to describe this case is a
singleton model. The *.h5 file contains the following
<li>Grid data.</li>
<li>Grid Parm Info of each weather element,
that fully describes how the data is represented in the system.</li>
<li>Grid Parm Storage Information for the database</li>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
<h2><a name="TextInstall"></a>Text Products Directory Structure</h2>
<p>The /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/base/textproducts directories
are used for configuring the GFE formatters that are "templated".
When AWIPS is installed, the formatters are created from templates.
The templates, and the routines to expand them into products are contained
in the text installation directory structure. See the Readme.txt file for
detailed information.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="HPUXDirectoryStructure"></a>MHS Directory Structure</h2>
The MHS Directory Structure to support GFESuite is quite small, but
The directory structure is used to support <a
Coordination of Grids</a>. The MHS host on AWIPS is "ds1" prior to OB7,
and "dx1" OB7 and after.
<p>There os one spooling directory for incoming messages
to the AWIPS Message Handling System, and two scripts to support the
intersite coordination grids.
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td><b>Filename or Location</b></td>
<td><b>Part of Release</b></td>
<td>ISC spooling directory for incoming data.</td>
<td>Installed as a part of AWIPS</td>
<td>Script that requests processing from EDEX for grids
received from the AWIPS WAN.</td>
<td>Installed as a part of AWIPS</td>
<td>Receive script called by the IscDataRecRequestHandler when
intersite data has been received from other sites.</td>
<td>Installed as a part of AWIPS</td>
<hr width="100%">
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