] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
173 lines
6.8 KiB
173 lines
6.8 KiB
// LagK - Object containing all LagK scheme information.
// Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file.
// Notes:
// History:
// 19 Mar 1998 Daniel K. Weiler, Riverside Technology, inc
// Created initial version.
// 09 Apr 2001 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added transferCO() function
// 12 Nov 2001 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added setInactiveState
// 12 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added function setCOstring
// 27 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added _sizeInflowCO
// 12 Jan 2003 JRV, RTi Added _n_OutStorVal
// 27 Mar 2006 Marc L. Baldo, RTi Added support for new Lag/K functions
// 27 Mar 2006 MLB, RTi Modified formatting, alphabetized member functions
#ifndef LagK_INCLUDED
#define LagK_INCLUDED
#include "ReachMethod.h"
#include "resj/Table.h"
#define VARIABLE_K 0
#define CONSTANT_K 1
#define VARIABLE_LAG 0
#define CONSTANT_LAG 1
#define MAXISEGS 20
class LagK : public ReachMethod
LagK ( Reach* ) ; // Default constructor
LagK ( const LagK&, Reach* ) ; // Copy constructor
virtual ~LagK ( ) ; // Destructor
int construct ( char**, int ) ;
// Called from the System
// parse routine to build the
// release TSs
LagK* copy ( Component* ) ; // Calls copy constructor.
int freeDataSpace ( ) ;
// Get the carryover values into a passed table
void getCarryOverValues ( TSDate& cur_date , Table &carryOverTable ,
int offset = 0 ) ;
double getK(); // returns _kconst
// Get the carryover values into a passed char array
void getCarryOverValuesStr ( TSDate& cur_date , char *coString ) ;
int getLag ( ) ; // returns _lag
int getSizeInflowCO ( ) ; // _sizeInflowCO
int print ( FILE* ); // Prints LagK info.
// Solve Lag and/or K based on input deck for this reach
int solveMethod ( TSDate&, int, double** = NULL );
void setInactiveState(); // Resets any variables which represent
// a continuation of method activity
// from the previous time step
int transferCO ( Method * methOLD, char * cOLD, char * cNEW, int * ipr ) ;
// Transfers LagK carryover given
// the new LagK method and the old and
// new related portions of the carryover
// strings
// Compute routing for an individual segment
void ComputeSegmentRouting ( double x1, double x2, double y0, double y1,
double &y2, double xta, int &qdt ) ;
// Interpolate value inside passed 2-value table
double Interpolate ( double value, Table &sTable ) ;
// When necessary, call this routine to calculate setment routing at
// 1/4 DT.
void CalculateQuarterDT ( double &x1, double &x2, double &y0, double &y1,
double &y2, double &xta, int &qdt ) ;
// Calculate Fort Worth Channel Loss Recession effects
double CalculateFortWorthLoss ( double qli, double qprev, double qk ) ;
// Initialize data members
int initialize ( );
// Make storage versus outflow table: 2S/(dt/4)+O2 vs O2
int makeStorageVSOutflowTable ( ) ;
// Make storage versus outflow table: 2S/(dt/divisor)+O2 vs O2
int makeStorageVSOutflowTableBase ( Table &outTable, double divisor ) ;
// Make quartered storage versus outflow table: 2S/(dt/4)+O2 vs O2
int makeStorageVSOutflowTableQuarter ( ) ;
// Prepares carryover string for original / parameter input and CO
// array sizing
int setCOstring( );
// Prepares adds carryover string to the ResJSys carryover array
int setCOstring(TSDate&);
// Perform Atlanta K routing
double solveAtlantaK ( double LagdQin1, double LagdQin2,
double** group_val ) ;
// Get lagged value for current time step
double solveLag ( TSDate& cur_date, double** group_val );
// Perform mcp2 K routing
double solveMCP2K ( double LagdQin1, double LagdQin2, double** group_val ) ;
Table _out_k_tbl; // K-Outflow table. Outflow in col 0
// and K in col 1
Table _in_lag_tbl; // inflow-lag table. Inflow is in col 0
// and lag in col 1.
Table _stor_out_tbl; // O2 vs. 2S2/dt+O2 table. S term in
// col 0 and O2 term in col 1
Table _stor_out_tbl4; // O2 vs. 2S2/(1/4*dt)+O2 table. S term
// in col 0 and O2 term in col 1
double _kconst; // Constant K value in units of time.
int _lag; // Lag value in units of time.
int _n_kval, // Number of k values in the table.
_n_lagval, // Number of lag values in the table.
_k_mode, // Constant or variable K.
_lag_mode, // Constant or variable LAG.
_interp, // Will get set to 1 if we need to
// interpolate for the lagged inflow
// values.
_n_OutStorVals; // Number of value pairs in the
// _stor_out_tbl.
double* _co_inflow; // Carryover inflow value array
double _outflowCO; // Last outflow
double _laggedInflow; // Lagged inflow
double _storageCO; // Last storage
int _sizeInflowCO; // Number of inflow values required for
// continuous execution of LagK--
// number of carry over inflow values
double _transLossCoef; // Fort Worth transmission loss Coefficient
double _transLossLevel; // Minimum Level for Fort Worth Loss Coeff