root 9f19e3f712 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

3201 lines
97 KiB

/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* Thermodynamic Parameter Calculations */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "sndglib.h"
#include "skparams.h"
/* Global for this file only */
float dcape_entrain=ENTRAIN_DEFAULT;
/* define_parcel() Modifies global var lplvals */
void define_parcel(short flag, float pres)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Chooses LPL, and assigns values to LPLVALS struct. */
/* */
/* flag - Parcel selection. */
/* -1 = Use Previous Selection */
/* 1 = Observed sfc parcel */
/* 2 = Fcst sfc parcel */
/* 3 = Most unstable parcel */
/* 4 = Mean mixlyr parcel */
/* 5 = User defined parcel */
/* 6 = Mean Effective Layer parcel */
/* */
/* pres - Variable pressure level (mb) */
short idxt, idxtd, idxp, i;
float mmr, mtha, ix1 = 0, p_top, p_bot;
// printf("define_parcel called flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", flag, pres);
/* Initialize lplvals to no definition */
lplvals.flag = (int)RMISSD;
lplvals.temp = RMISSD;
lplvals.dwpt = RMISSD;
lplvals.pres = RMISSD;
//printf("\initial lplvals.temp =%0.1f\n", lplvals.temp);
// printf("\initial lplvals.dwpt =%0.1f\n", lplvals.dwpt);
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1) return;
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1 || idxp == -1) return;
if (flag == -1) flag = lplvals.flag;
switch (flag) {
case 1:
strcpy(lplvals.desc, "SFC PARCEL");
i = sfc();
lplvals.temp = sndg[i][idxt];
lplvals.dwpt = sndg[i][idxtd];
lplvals.pres = sndg[i][idxp];
case 2:
strcpy(lplvals.desc, "FCST SFC PARCEL");
lplvals.temp = max_temp(&ix1, -1);
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, -1, -1);
lplvals.dwpt = temp_at_mixrat(mmr, sndg[sfc()][idxp]);
lplvals.pres = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
case 3:
ix1 = unstbl_lvl(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][idxp]-pres);
sprintf(lplvals.desc, "MU PARCEL IN LOWEST %dmb", (short)pres);
lplvals.pres = ix1;
// printf( "pres =%d ix1= %f\n", (short)pres, ix1);
lplvals.temp = i_temp(ix1, I_PRES);
// printf( "temp =%f \n",lplvals.temp);
lplvals.dwpt = i_dwpt(ix1, I_PRES);
// printf( "dewp= %f\n",lplvals.dwpt);
case 4:
sprintf(lplvals.desc, "%dmb MIXED LAYER PARCEL", (short)pres);
mtha = mean_theta(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][idxp]-pres);
lplvals.temp = theta(1000.0, mtha, sndg[sfc()][idxp]);
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][idxp]-pres);
lplvals.dwpt = temp_at_mixrat(mmr, sndg[sfc()][idxp]);
lplvals.pres = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
case 5:
sprintf(lplvals.desc, "%d mb %s", (short)pres, "PARCEL");
lplvals.pres = pres;
lplvals.temp = i_temp(pres, I_PRES);
lplvals.dwpt = i_dwpt(pres, I_PRES);
case 6:
/* printf( "Setting Effective Layer Parcel\n"); */
effective_inflow_layer_thermo(100,-250, &p_bot, &p_top);
if (p_bot > 0) {
sprintf(lplvals.desc, "%dmb MEAN EFFECTIVE LAYER PARCEL", (int)(p_bot - p_top));
mtha = mean_theta(&ix1, p_bot, p_top);
lplvals.temp = theta(1000.0, mtha, (p_top + p_bot) / 2);
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, p_bot, p_top);
lplvals.dwpt = temp_at_mixrat(mmr, (p_top + p_bot) / 2);
lplvals.pres = (p_top + p_bot) / 2; }
else {
i = sfc();
lplvals.temp = sndg[i][idxt];
lplvals.dwpt = sndg[i][idxtd];
lplvals.pres = sndg[i][idxp]; }
lplvals.flag = flag;
lplvals.presval = pres;
// printf("\lplvals.temp end of define_parcel =%0.1f\n", lplvals.temp);
// printf("\lplvals.dwpt end of define_parcel =%0.1f\n", lplvals.dwpt);
float k_index(float *param)
/* K_INDEX */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the K-Index from data in SNDG array. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
float t8, t5, t7, td7, td8;
t8 = i_temp(850.0, I_PRES);
t7 = i_temp(700.0, I_PRES);
t5 = i_temp(500.0, I_PRES);
td7 = i_dwpt(700.0, I_PRES);
td8 = i_dwpt(850.0, I_PRES);
if (!qc(t8) || !qc(td8) || !qc(t7) || !qc(td7) || !qc(t5))
*param = RMISSD;
*param = t8 - t5 + td8 - (t7 - td7);
return *param;
float t_totals(float *param, float *ct, float *vt)
/* T_TOTALS */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Total Totals index from data in */
/* SNDG array. Value is returned both as (param) and as */
/* a RETURN;. Cross Totals (ct) and Vertical Totals(vt) */
/* are also returned. */
float t8, t5, td8;
t8 = i_temp(850.0, I_PRES);
t5 = i_temp(500.0, I_PRES);
td8 = i_dwpt(850.0, I_PRES);
if (!qc(t8) || !qc(t5) || !qc(td8)) {
*param = RMISSD;
*vt = RMISSD;
*ct = RMISSD;
else {
*vt = t8 - t5;
*ct = td8 - t5;
*param = *vt + *ct;
return *param;
float precip_water(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Precipitable Water from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned precipitable water value (in) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=400] */
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr, idxp, idxtd;
float d1, p1, d2, p2, tot, w1, w2, wbar;
//printf("incoming upper = %f lower=%f\n", upper,lower);
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1)
return RMISSD;
if (lower == RMISSD) return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (idxp == -1 || idxtd == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1)
lower = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
if (upper == -1)
upper = 400.0;
// printf("before loop upper = %f lower=%f\n", upper,lower);
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
while (!qc(i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES)) && upper < 800.0){
upper += 50.0;
//printf("in the loop upper = %f lower=%f\n", upper,lower);
if (upper > lower ){
/*Chin add this checking 10/27/11 Note: upper/lower term is miss leading
* upper: means higher layer pressure and actually its value should be smaller
* lower: means lower layer pressure and its value should be larger
* Therefore, if upper smaller than loweer, then it is not right!!!
return RMISSD;
if (!qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES)))
lower = sndg[sfc()][idxp]; //Chin fixed 8/30/2011 i_pres(sfc());
/* Make sure our sounding isn't too shallow
if (upper > 700.0) {
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while (sndg[i][idxp] > lower)
while (!qc(sndg[i][idxtd]))
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == lower)
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
//printf("before while upper = %f lower=%f\n", upper,lower);
//printf("upper = %f numlvl=%d i=%d\n", upper,numlvl,i);
while (sndg[i][idxp] < upper){
if (i<0){ /*Chin add this checking 10/27/11 */
return RMISSD;
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == upper)
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
d1 = i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
tot = 0;
for (i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][idxtd])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
d2 = sndg[i][idxtd];
p2 = sndg[i][idxp];
w1 = mixratio(p1, d1);
w2 = mixratio(p2, d2);
wbar = (w1 + w2) / 2;
tot = tot + wbar * (p1 - p2);
d1 = d2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
d2 = i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
w1 = mixratio(p1, d1);
w2 = mixratio(p2, d2);
wbar = (w1 + w2) / 2.0;
tot = tot + wbar * (p1 - p2);
/* ----- Convert to inches (from g*mb/kg) ----- */
*param = tot * 0.00040173;
return *param;
/* Mike hack */
float parcelx(float lower, float upper, float pres, float temp,
float dwpt, Parcel *pcl)
return parcel(lower, upper, pres, temp, dwpt, pcl);
float parcel(float lower, float upper, float pres, float temp,
float dwpt, Parcel *pcl)
/* PARCEL */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Lifts specified parcel, calculating various levels and */
/* parameters from data in SNDG array. B+/B- are */
/* calculated based on layer (lower-upper). Bplus is */
/* returned value and in structure. */
/* */
/* All calculations use the virtual temperature correction. */
/* */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=TOP] */
/* pres = LPL pressure (mb) */
/* temp = LPL temperature (c) */
/* dwpt = LPL dew point (c) */
/* pcl = returned _parcel structure */
short i, idxp, idxz, idxt, idxtd;
short lptr, uptr;
float te1, pe1, te2, pe2, h1, h2, lyre, tdef1, tdef2, totp, totn;
float te3, pe3, h3, tp1, tp2, tp3, tdef3, lyrf, lyrlast, pelast;
float tote, totx, ls1, cap_strength, li_max, li_maxpres, blupper;
float cap_strengthpres, tpx, ix1, hgt10c, hgt30c, pp, pp1,pp2, dz,dpt,det;
float bltheta, blmr, cinh_old;
float theta_parcel, tv_env_bot, tv_env_top, lclhght;
/* ----- Initialize PCL values ----- */
pcl->lplpres = pres;
pcl->lpltemp = temp;
pcl->lpldwpt = dwpt;
pcl->blayer = lower;
pcl->tlayer = upper;
pcl->entrain = 0;
pcl->lclpres = RMISSD;
pcl->lfcpres = RMISSD;
pcl->elpres = RMISSD;
pcl->mplpres = RMISSD;
pcl->bplus = RMISSD;
pcl->bminus = RMISSD;
pcl->bfzl = RMISSD;
pcl->cape3km = RMISSD;
pcl->cape6km = RMISSD;
pcl->wm10c = RMISSD;
pcl->wm30c = RMISSD;
pcl->li5 = RMISSD;
pcl->li3 = RMISSD;
pcl->brn = RMISSD;
pcl->limax = RMISSD;
pcl->limaxpres = RMISSD;
pcl->cap = RMISSD;
pcl->cappres = RMISSD;
lyre = -1;
cap_strength = RMISSD;
cap_strengthpres = RMISSD;
li_max = RMISSD;
li_maxpres = RMISSD;
totp = 0;
totn = 0;
/* Don't work on NULL pointers */
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxz = getParmIndex("HGHT");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (idxp == -1 || idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1 || idxz == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1) {
lower = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
pcl->blayer = lower;
if (upper == -1) {
upper = sndg[numlvl-1][idxp];
pcl->tlayer = upper;
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if (lower > pres) {
lower = pres;
pcl->blayer = lower;
if (!qc(i_vtmp(upper, I_PRES)) ||
!qc(i_vtmp(lower, I_PRES))) {
return RMISSD;
/* ----- Begin with Mixing Layer (LPL-LCL) ----- */
te1 = i_vtmp(pres, I_PRES);
pe1 = lower;
h1 = i_hght(pe1, I_PRES);
tp1 = virtemp(pres, temp, dwpt);
/* lift parcel and return LCL pres (mb) and LCL temp (C) */
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &pe2, &tp2);
/* define top of layer as LCL pres */
blupper = pe2;
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
pcl->lclpres = pe2;
/* calculate lifted parcel theta for use in iterative CINH loop below */
/* recall that lifted parcel theta is CONSTANT from LPL to LCL */
theta_parcel = theta(pe2, tp2, 1000.0);
/* environmental theta and mixing ratio at LPL */
bltheta = theta(pres, i_temp(pres, I_PRES), 1000.0);
blmr = mixratio(pres, dwpt);
/* ----- Accumulate CINH in mixing layer below the LCL ----- */
/* This will be done in 10mb increments, and will use the */
/* virtual temperature correction where possible. */
/* initialize negative area to zero and iterate from LPL to LCL in 10mb increments */
for (pp=lower; pp > blupper; pp-=10.0) {
pp1 = pp;
pp2 = pp-10.0;
if (pp2 < blupper)
dz = i_hght(pp2, I_PRES) - i_hght(pp1, I_PRES);
tp1 = theta(1000.0, bltheta, pp1);
tp2 = theta(1000.0, bltheta, pp2);
/* calculate difference between Tv_parcel and Tv_environment at top and bottom of 10mb layers */
/* make use of constant lifted parcel theta and mixr from LPL to LCL */
tv_env_bot = virtemp(pp1, theta(pp1, i_temp(pp1, I_PRES), 1000.0), i_dwpt(pp1, I_PRES));
tdef1 = ((virtemp(pp1, theta_parcel, temp_at_mixrat(blmr, pp1))) - tv_env_bot) /
(tv_env_bot + 273.13);
/* tdef2 = (virtemp(pp2, theta_parcel, temp_at_mixrat(blmr, pp2)) -
i_vtmp(pp2, I_PRES)) / (i_vtmp(pp2, I_PRES) + 273.15);
tv_env_top = virtemp(pp2, theta(pp2, i_temp(pp2, I_PRES), 1000.0), i_dwpt(pp2, I_PRES));
tdef2 = ((virtemp(pp2, theta_parcel, temp_at_mixrat(blmr, pp2))) - tv_env_top) /
(tv_env_top + 273.15);
lyre = 9.8 * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0 * dz;
if (lyre < 0)
/*printf("\ndz = %0.1f\n", dz);
printf("\ntop layer press = %.1f\n", pp2);
printf("\ntop layer Tv diff = %.3f\n", ((virtemp(pp2, theta_parcel, temp_at_mixrat(blmr, pp2))) - tv_env_top));
printf("\nlayer energy below LCL = %.1f\n", lyre);
printf("\ntotal negative layer energy below LCL = %.1f\n", totn);*/
if (lower > pe2) {
lower = pe2;
pcl->blayer = lower;
te1 = i_vtmp(pres, I_PRES);
pe1 = lower;
h1 = i_hght(pe1, I_PRES);
tp1 = virtemp(pres, temp, dwpt);
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &pe2, &tp2);
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
/* ----- Calculate height of -10c level ----- */
hgt10c = i_hght(temp_lvl( -10.0, &ix1), I_PRES);
/* ----- Calculate height of -30c level ----- */
hgt30c = i_hght(temp_lvl( -30.0, &ix1), I_PRES);
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while (sndg[i][idxp] > lower) {
if (i == numlvl-1) {
while (!qc(sndg[i][idxtd])) {
if (i == numlvl-1) {
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == lower) {
if (i != numlvl-1) {
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while (sndg[i][idxp] < upper) {
if (i == 0) {
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == upper) {
if (i > 0) {
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
/* begin moist ascent from lifted parcel LCL (pe2, tp2) */
pe1 = lower;
h1 = i_hght(pe1, I_PRES);
te1 = i_vtmp(pe1, I_PRES);
tp1 = wetlift(pe2, tp2, pe1);
totp = 0;
lyre = 0;
for (i = lptr; i < numlvl; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][idxt])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
pe2 = sndg[i][idxp];
h2 = sndg[i][idxz];
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe2);
tdef1 = (virtemp(pe1, tp1, tp1) - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrlast = lyre;
lyre = 9.8 * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h1);
/* ----- Check for Max LI ----- */
if ((virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) > li_max) {
li_max = virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2;
li_maxpres = pe2;
/* ----- Check for Max Cap Strength ----- */
if ((te2 - virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2)) > cap_strength) {
cap_strength = te2 - virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2);
cap_strengthpres = pe2;
/* add layer energy to total positive if lyre > 0 */
if (lyre > 0)
totp += lyre;
/* add layer energy to total negative if lyre < 0, only up to the EL */
/*if (pe2 > pcl->lfcpres)*/
if (pe2 > 500.0)
totn += lyre;
/* printf("\nbottom pressure = %.1f\n", pe1);
printf("\ntotal CAPE above LCL = %.1f\n", totp);
tote += lyre;
pelast = pe1;
pe1 = pe2;
h1 = h2;
te1 = te2;
tp1 = tp2;
/* ----- Is this the top of given layer ----- */
if ((i >= uptr) && (!qc(pcl->bplus))) {
pe3 = pe1;
h3 = h1;
te3 = te1;
tp3 = tp1;
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0) {
pcl->bplus = totp - lyrf;
pcl->bminus = totn;
else {
pcl->bplus = totp;
if (pe2 > 500.0)
pcl->bminus = totn + lyrf;
pcl->bminus = totn;
pe2 = upper;
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->bplus += lyrf;
if (pe2 > 600.0)
pcl->bminus += lyrf;
if (pcl->bplus == 0.0)
pcl->bminus = 0.0;
/* ----- Is this the freezing level ----- */
if ((te2 <= 0.0) && (!qc(pcl->bfzl))) {
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->bfzl = totp - lyrf;
pcl->bfzl = totp;
if (qc(pe2 = temp_lvl(0, &pe2))) {
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) /
(te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) /
(te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->bfzl += lyrf;
/* ----- Is this the -10c level ----- */
if ((te2 <= -10.0) && (!qc(pcl->wm10c))) {
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->wm10c = totp - lyrf;
pcl->wm10c = totp;
if (qc(pe2 = temp_lvl( -10.0, &pe2))) {
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) /
(te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) /
(te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->wm10c += lyrf;
/* ----- Is this the -30c level ----- */
if ((te2 <= -30.0) && (!qc(pcl->wm30c))) {
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->wm30c = totp - lyrf;
pcl->wm30c = totp;
if (qc(pe2 = temp_lvl( -30.0, &pe2))) {
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) /
(te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) /
(te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->wm30c += lyrf;
/* ----- Is this the 3km level ----- */
lclhght = agl(i_hght(pcl->lclpres, I_PRES));
if (lclhght < 3000)
if ((agl(i_hght(pe2, I_PRES)) >= 3000.0) && (!qc(pcl->cape3km)))
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->cape3km = totp - lyrf;
pcl->cape3km = totp;
pe2 = i_pres(msl(3000));
if (qc(pe2))
h2 = msl(3000.0);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->cape3km += lyrf;
pcl->cape3km = 0.0;
/* ----- Is this the 6km level ----- */
lclhght = agl(i_hght(pcl->lclpres, I_PRES));
if (lclhght < 6000)
if ((agl(i_hght(pe2, I_PRES)) >= 6000.0) && (!qc(pcl->cape6km)))
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->cape6km = totp - lyrf;
pcl->cape6km = totp;
pe2 = i_pres(msl(6000));
if (qc(pe2))
h2 = msl(6000.0);
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
if (lyrf > 0.0)
pcl->cape6km += lyrf;
pcl->cape6km = 0.0;
/* ----- LFC Possibility ----- */
if ((lyre >= 0) && (lyrlast <= 0))
tp3 = tp1;
te3 = te1;
pe2 = pe1;
pe3 = pelast;
while (i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES) > virtemp(pe3, wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3), wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3)))
pe3 -= 5;
pcl->lfcpres = pe3;
cinh_old = totn;
tote = 0;
pcl->elpres = RMISSD;
li_max = RMISSD;
if (cap_strength < 0.0) cap_strength = 0.0;
pcl->cap = cap_strength;
pcl->cappres = cap_strengthpres;
/* ----- EL Possibility ----- */
if ((lyre <= 0.0) && (lyrlast >= 0.0)) {
tp3 = tp1;
te3 = te1;
pe2 = pe1;
pe3 = pelast;
while (i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES) <
virtemp(pe3, wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3), wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3)))
pe3 -= 5.0;
pcl->elpres = pe3;
pcl->mplpres = RMISSD;
pcl->limax = -li_max;
pcl->limaxpres = li_maxpres;
/*cinh_old = totn;*/
/* ----- MPL Possibility ----- */
if (((tote <= 0.0) && (!qc(pcl->mplpres)) && (qc(pcl->elpres)))) {
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght(pe3, I_PRES);
te3 = i_vtmp(pe3, I_PRES);
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
totx = tote - lyre;
pe2 = pelast;
while (totx > 0.0) {
pe2 -= 1;
te2 = i_vtmp(pe2, I_PRES);
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
h2 = i_hght(pe2, I_PRES);
tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8 * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h3);
totx += lyrf;
tp3 = tp2;
te3 = te2;
pe3 = pe2;
pcl->mplpres = pe2;
/* ----- 500mb Lifted Index ----- */
if(( sndg[i][idxp] <= 500 ) && (pcl->li5 == RMISSD))
{ pcl->li5 = i_vtmp(500, I_PRES) - virtemp(500, wetlift(pe1, tp1, 500), wetlift(pe1, tp1, 500)); }
/* ----- 300mb Lifted Index ----- */
if(( sndg[i][idxp] <= 300 ) && (pcl->li3 == RMISSD))
{ pcl->li3 = i_vtmp(300, I_PRES) - virtemp(300, wetlift(pe1, tp1, 300), wetlift(pe1, tp1, 300)); }
} /* for() */
/* ----- Calculate BRN if available ----- */
pcl->brn = bulk_rich(*pcl, &ix1);
pcl->bminus = cinh_old;
if (pcl->bplus == 0.0) pcl->bminus = 0;
return pcl->bplus;
float temp_lvl(float temp, float *param)
/* TEMP_LVL */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the level (mb) of the first occurrence of */
/* (temp) in the environment. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned level (mb). */
/* temp = Temperature (c) to search for. */
short i, idxt, idxp;
float p0;
double nm1, nm2, nm3;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxt == -1 || idxp == -1)
return RMISSD;
for (i=0; i < numlvl; i++) {
if ((qc(sndg[i][idxt])) && (sndg[i][idxt] <= temp)) {
if (i == 0)
return RMISSD;
if (sndg[i][idxt] == temp)
return sndg[i][idxp];
p0 = sndg[i-1][idxp];
nm1 = temp - i_temp(p0, I_PRES);
nm2 = sndg[i][idxt] - i_temp(p0, I_PRES);
nm3 = log(sndg[i][idxp] / p0);
*param = (float)(p0 * exp((nm1 / nm2) * nm3));
return *param;
return RMISSD;
float wb_lvl(float temp, float *param)
/* WB_LVL */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the level (mb) of the given Wet-bulb */
/* temperature. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned level (mb). */
/* temp = Wet-bulb temperature (c) to search for. */
short i, idxt, idxtd, idxp;
float p0;
double nm1, nm2, nm3, wb1, wb0;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxp == -1 || idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1)
return RMISSD;
for (i=0; i < numlvl; i++) {
if ((qc(sndg[i][idxt])) && (qc(sndg[i][idxtd]))) {
wb1 = wetbulb(sndg[i][idxp], sndg[i][idxt], sndg[i][idxtd]);
if (wb1 < temp) {
if (i == 0)
return RMISSD;
if (wb1 == temp)
return sndg[i][idxp];
p0 = sndg[i-1][idxp];
wb0 = wetbulb(p0, i_temp(p0, I_PRES), i_dwpt(p0, I_PRES));
nm1 = temp - wb0;
nm2 = wb1 - wb0;
nm3 = log(sndg[i][idxp] / p0);
*param = (float)(p0 * exp(( nm1 / nm2) * nm3));
return *param;
return RMISSD;
float top_moistlyr(float *param)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Determines the top of the moist layer of a given */
/* environment. Criteria: 50% dcrs in q in 50mb. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned top of moist layer (mb) */
short i, idxp, idxt, idxtd;
float num, p1, p2, q1, q2, mq1, mq2, mh1, mh2, dqdz, dz;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
q1 = mixratio(sndg[sfc()][idxp], sndg[sfc()][idxtd]);
p1 = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
mq1 = q1;
mh1 = i_hght(p1, I_PRES);
for (i = sfc() + 1; i < numlvl; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][idxtd]) && qc(sndg[i][idxt])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
p2 = sndg[i][idxp];
q2 = mixratio(p2, sndg[i][idxtd]);
mq2 = (q1 + q2) / 2.0;
mh2 = (i_hght(p2, I_PRES) + i_hght(p1, I_PRES)) / 2.0;
dz = mh2 - mh1;
if (dz == 0.0)
dz = 0.001;
dqdz = (mq2 - mq1) / dz;
if ((dqdz < -0.01) && (i > sfc()+1) && (sndg[i][idxp] >= 500.0)) {
*param = p1;
return *param;
q1 = q2;
p1 = p2;
mq1 = mq2;
mh1 = mh2;
num += 1;
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
float max_temp(float *param, float mixlyr)
/* MAX_TEMP */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates a maximum temperature forecast based on */
/* depth of mixing level and low level temperatures. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned max temp (c) */
/* mixlyr = Assumed depth of mixing layer [-1=100mb] */
short idxp;
float t1, temp, sfcpres;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxp == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (mixlyr == -1)
mixlyr = sndg[sfc()][idxp] - 100.0;
temp = i_temp(mixlyr, I_PRES) + 273.15 + 2.0;
sfcpres = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
*param = (temp * pow( sfcpres / mixlyr , ROCP)) - 273.15;
return *param;
float delta_t(float *param)
/* DELTA-T */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the delta-t index from data in SNDG array. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
if (!qc(i_temp(700.0, I_PRES)) || !qc( i_temp(500.0, I_PRES)))
*param = RMISSD;
*param = i_temp(700.0, I_PRES) - i_temp(500.0, I_PRES);
return *param;
float vert_tot(float *param)
/* VERT_TOT */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the vertical totals from data in SNDG array. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
if (!qc(i_vtmp(850.0, I_PRES)) || !qc(i_vtmp(500.0, I_PRES)))
*param = RMISSD;
*param = i_vtmp(850.0, I_PRES) - i_vtmp(500.0, I_PRES);
return *param;
float lapse_rate(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the lapse rate (C/km) from SNDG array. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN. */
float dt, dz, lr;
if (!qc(i_vtmp(lower, I_PRES)) || !qc(i_vtmp(upper, I_PRES)))
*param = RMISSD;
else {
dt = i_vtmp(upper , I_PRES) - i_vtmp(lower , I_PRES);
dz = i_hght(upper , I_PRES) - i_hght(lower , I_PRES);
*param = (dt / dz) * -1000.0;
return *param;
float bulk_rich(Parcel pcl, float *brnshear)
/* BRN */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Bulk Richardson Number for given parcel. */
/* Value is returned from function. BRN shear as returned */
/* in argument. */
short idxp;
float ptop, pbot, x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z2, dx, dy;
*brnshear = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxp == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* Make sure they've initialized a parcel here */
if (lplvals.flag == (int)RMISSD) {
return RMISSD;
else if (lplvals.flag > 0 && lplvals.flag < 4) {
ptop = i_pres(msl(6000.0));
pbot = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
else {
pbot = i_pres(i_hght(pcl.lplpres, I_PRES) - 500.0);
if (!qc(pbot))
pbot = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
ptop = i_pres(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES) + 6000.0);
/* ----- First, calculate lowest 500m mean wind ----- */
mean_wind(pbot, i_pres(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES)+500.0), &x1, &y1, &z1, &z2);
/* ----- Next, calculate 6000m mean wind ----- */
mean_wind(pbot, ptop, &x2, &y2, &z1, &z2);
/* ----- Check to make sure CAPE and SHEAR are avbl ----- */
if (!qc(pcl.bplus) || !qc(x1) || !qc(x2))
return RMISSD;
/* ----- Calculate shear between winds ----- */
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
*brnshear = (float)(sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) * 0.51479;
*brnshear = *brnshear * *brnshear / 2.0;
/* ----- Calculate and return BRN ----- */
return pcl.bplus / *brnshear;
float cnvtv_temp(float *param, float mincinh)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Computes convective temperature, assuming no change in */
/* moisture profile. Parcels are iteratively lifted until */
/* only (mincinh) j/kg are left as a cap. The first guess */
/* is the observed surface temperature. */
-mkay added default -50.0 for mincinh if mincinh == -1
short idxp, idxt;
float mmr, ix1, pres, te, tm, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, hct, hcd, excess;
Parcel pcl;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (idxp == -1 || idxt == -1)
return RMISSD;
if ((int)mincinh == -1)
mincinh = -1.0;
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, -1, -1);
sfcpres = sndg[sfc()][idxp];
sfctemp = sndg[sfc()][idxt];
sfcdwpt = temp_at_mixrat( mmr, sfcpres);
/* ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);*/
* Do a quick search to find whether to continue.
* If you need to heat up more than 25C, don't compute.
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp+25.0, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
/*printf("\n conv temp first guess cape = %0.1f", ix1);*/
if ((pcl.bplus == 0.0 ) || (pcl.bminus < mincinh)) {
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
excess = sfcdwpt - sfctemp;
if (excess > 0.0) {
sfctemp = (sfctemp + excess + 4.0);}
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if (pcl.bplus == 0.0){
pcl.bminus = -999.0;
while (pcl.bminus < mincinh ) {
if(pcl.bminus < -100.0) {
sfctemp += 2.0;
else {
sfctemp += 0.5;
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if (pcl.bplus == 0.0)
pcl.bminus = -999.0;
if (ix1 == RMISSD)
*param = RMISSD;
*param = sfctemp;
return *param;
float sweat_index(float *param)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the SWEAT-Index from data in SNDG array. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
float ix1, ix2, ix3, d8, tt, wsp8, wsp5, sw, wd8, wd5, sinw, angl;
d8 = i_dwpt(850.0, I_PRES);
tt = t_totals(&ix1, &ix2, &ix3);
wsp8 = i_wspd(850.0, I_PRES);
wsp5 = i_wspd(500.0, I_PRES);
wd8 = i_wdir(850.0, I_PRES);
wd5 = i_wdir(500.0, I_PRES);
if (!qc(d8) || !qc(tt) || !qc(wsp8) || !qc(wsp5) || !qc(wd8)
|| !qc(wd5)) {
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
sinw = 0;
if (d8 > 0.0)
sw = 12.0 * d8;
if (tt > 49.0)
sw = sw + (20.0 * (tt - 49.0));
sw = sw + (2.0 * wsp8) + wsp5;
if ((wd8 >= 130.0) && (wd8 <= 250.0)) {
if ((wd5 >= 210.0) && (wd5 <= 310.0)) {
if (wd5 > wd8) {
angl = (wd5 - wd8) * (PI / 180.0);
sinw = (float)sin(angl);
if (sinw > 0.0)
sw = sw + (125.0 * (sinw + 0.2));
*param = sw;
return *param;
float old_cnvtv_temp(float *param)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Computes convective temperature, assuming no change in */
/* moisture profile. Intersection of mixing ratio line and */
/* temperature profile is found, then the dry adiabat is */
/* followed back to the surface pressure. */
short idxp;
float mmr, ix1, pres, te, tm;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxp == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- Compute Historical Convective Temperature ----- */
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, -1, -1);
for (pres = sndg[sfc()][idxp]; pres > sndg[numlvl-1][idxp]; pres -= 5.0)
te = i_temp(pres, I_PRES);
tm = temp_at_mixrat(mmr, pres);
if(tm >= te) {
te += 273.15;
*param = (te * pow( sndg[sfc()][idxp] / pres , ROCP)) - 273.15;
return *param;
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
float unstbl_lvl(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Finds the most unstable level between levels upper and */
/* lower. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned most unstable level (mb) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=low 300mb]*/
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr, idxp, idxt, idxtd;
float t1, p2, t2, tmax, pmax, pres, temp, dwpt;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (idxp == -1 || idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][idxp]; }
if (upper == -1) { upper = sndg[sfc()][idxp] - 300.0; }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
while (!qc(i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES))) {
upper += 50.0;
if (upper >= 1000 ){
return RMISSD;
if (!qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES))) { lower = sndg[sfc()][idxp];} //Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was i_pres(sfc()); }
/* Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while(sndg[i][idxp] > lower) { i++; }
while (!qc(sndg[i][idxt])) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][idxp] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][idxp] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][idxp] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
drylift( lower, i_temp(lower, I_PRES), i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES), &p2, &t2);
tmax = wetlift( p2, t2, 1000.0);
pmax = lower;
for ( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][idxtd])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
pres = sndg[i][idxp];
temp = sndg[i][idxt];
dwpt = sndg[i][idxtd];
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &p2, &t2);
t1 = wetlift(p2, t2, 1000.0);
if (t1 > tmax) {
tmax = t1;
pmax = pres;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
drylift(upper, i_temp(upper, I_PRES), i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES), &p2, &t2);
t1 = wetlift( p2, t2, 1000);
if (t1 > tmax)
pmax = sndg[i][idxp];
*param = pmax;
return *param;
float ehi(float cape, float hel)
/* EHI */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Energy-Helicity Index. */
float param;
if (!qc(cape) || !qc(hel))
return RMISSD;
return ((cape * hel) / 160000.0);
float ThetaE_diff(float *param)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Finds the maximum and minimum theta-e values in the */
/* sounding below 500mb, and returns the difference. */
/* */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=TOP] */
short i, idxt, idxtd, idxp;
float maxe = -999.0, mine = 999.0, the;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (idxp == -1 || idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1)
return RMISSD;
for (i = sfc()+1; i < numlvl; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][idxtd]) && qc(sndg[i][idxt])) {
the = thetae(sndg[i][idxp], sndg[i][idxt], sndg[i][idxtd]);
if (the > maxe)
maxe = the;
if (the < mine)
mine = the;
if (sndg[i][idxp] < 500.0)
return (maxe - mine);
float Rogash_QPF(float *param)
/* Rogash_Rate */
/* John Hart SPC Norman OK */
/* */
/* Computes an approximate cellular convective precipitation*/
/* rate (expressed in inches per hour). */
/* Based on research by Joe Rogash. */
/* */
/* *param = 1 hour rain rate (in/hr) */
short idxp;
float q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, x1=0;
float sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt;
float rog_updraft, rog_water;
Parcel pcl;
*param = RMISSD;
if (!sndg)
return RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (idxp == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* Lift a MOST UNSTABLE Parcel */
sfcpres = unstbl_lvl( &sfcpres, sndg[sfc()][idxp], -1 );
sfctemp = i_temp(sfcpres, I_PRES);
sfcdwpt = i_dwpt(sfcpres, I_PRES);
x1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if (pcl.bplus <= 0)
return 0.0;
/* Begin by determining theoretical updraft strength */
rog_updraft = sqrt(2*pcl.bplus);
/* Modulate updraft strength by shear */
/* wind_shear( -1, i_pres(msl(6000)), &q2, &q3, &q4, &q5); */
/* rog_updraft *= (kt_to_mps(q5) / 10) * .25; */
rog_updraft *= 0.25;
/* Now calculate PW density */
rog_water = precip_water( &x1, -1, pcl.lfcpres );
rog_water /= (i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES) - i_hght(pcl.lfcpres, I_PRES));
*param = rog_updraft * rog_water * 3600.0;
return *param;
void setdcape_entrain(float value)
dcape_entrain = value;
float getdcape_entrain(void)
return dcape_entrain;
float dcape(float *level, float *drtemp)
/* DCAPE */
/* John Hart SPC Norman OK */
/* */
/* Computes downdraft instability using a modified */
/* DCAPE routine. Method determines the min ThetaE */
/* in the lowest 400mb, and descends the parcel dry- */
/* adiabatically to the surface. Resulting value in */
/* J/kg. */
/* */
/* Input is entrainment value (-1=default) */
/* (.2 would be 20% per km) */
/* */
/* Returns value (J/kg). */
/* level = pressure (mb) of layer being descended. */
/* drtemp = Downrush temperature at surface (C). */
/* */
short i, lptr, uptr, p5, idxt, idxtd, idxp, idxz;
float te1, pe1, te2, pe2, h1, h2, lyre, tdef1, tdef2;
float te3, pe3, h3, tp1, tp2, tp3, lyrlast, upper;
float tote, ix1, mine, minep, ent2;
if (!sndg || /*Chin add numvl checking*/numlvl<=0)
return RMISSD;
*level = RMISSD;
*drtemp = RMISSD;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
idxz = getParmIndex("HGHT");
idxtd = getParmIndex("DWPT");
idxt = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (idxp == -1 || idxz == -1 || idxt == -1 || idxtd == -1)
return RMISSD;
if ((int)dcape_entrain == -1)
dcape_entrain = ENTRAIN_DEFAULT;
int sfcInd= sfc();
//printf("dcape1 idxp=%d idxz=%d idxtd=%d idxt=%d numlvl=%d sfcInd=%d, sfcP=%f\n",idxp,idxz,idxtd,idxt,numlvl,sfcInd, sndg[sfcInd][idxp]);
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while(sndg[i][idxp] < sndg[sfc()][idxp]-400.0) { i--;}
p5 = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == sndg[sfc()][idxp]-400.0) { p5--; }
//printf("dcape2 p5=%d\n",p5);
/* ----- Find min ThetaE layer ----- */
mine=1000.0; minep=-999.0;
for(i=0;i<p5;i++) {
if(qc(sndg[i][idxtd]) && (qc(i_temp(sndg[i][idxp]+100, I_PRES)))) {
Mean_thetae(&ix1, sndg[i][idxp], sndg[i][idxp]-100);
if (qc(ix1) && (ix1 < mine)) {
mine=ix1; minep=sndg[i][idxp]-50.0;
if (minep < 0)
return RMISSD;
//printf("dcape3 upper=minep=%f\n",minep);
upper = minep;
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while(sndg[i][idxp] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][idxp] == upper) { uptr--; }
// printf("dcape4 uptr=%d\n",uptr);
/* ----- Define parcel starting point ----- */
tp1 = wetbulb(upper, i_temp(upper, I_PRES), i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES));
//printf("dcape5 tp1=%f\n",tp1);
pe1 = upper;
te1 = i_temp(pe1, I_PRES);
h1 = i_hght(pe1, I_PRES);
tote = 0;
lyre = 0;
//printf("dcape6 te1=%f h1=%f\n",te1,h1);
for(i=uptr;i>=sfc();i--) {
pe2 = sndg[i][idxp];
te2 = sndg[i][idxt];
h2 = sndg[i][idxz];
tp2 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe2);
/* Account for Entrainment */
/* dcape_entrain is global var - (.2 would be 20% per km) */
ent2 = dcape_entrain * ((h1 - h2) / 1000.0);
tp2 = tp2 + ((te2 - tp2) * ent2);
if(qc(te1) && qc(te2)) {
tdef1 = (tp1 - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrlast = lyre;
lyre = 9.8 * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0 * (h2 - h1);
tote += lyre;
pe1 = pe2;
te1 = te2;
h1 = h2;
tp1 = tp2;
//printf("dcape7 upper=%f tp2=%f tote=%f\n",upper,tp2, tote);
*drtemp = tp2;
*level = upper;
return tote;
float mean_mixratio(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean Mixing Ratio from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean mixing ratio (g/kg) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC-100mb]*/
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
short pIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1)
lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex];
if (upper == -1)
upper = sndg[sfc()][pIndex] - 100.0;
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if (!qc(i_temp(upper, I_PRES)))
*param = RMISSD;
if (!qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES)))
{ lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while (sndg[i][pIndex] > lower)
while (!qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]))
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == lower)
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while (sndg[i][pIndex] < upper)
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == upper)
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for (i=lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
dp2 = sndg[i][tdIndex];
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = mixratio(totp/num, totd/num);
return *param;
float mean_relhum(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean Relative Humidity from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean relative Humidity (%) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=TOP] */
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
float t1, t2, tbar, tott, dum;
short pIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1)
lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex];
if (upper == -1)
upper = sndg[numlvl - 1][pIndex];
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
while (!qc(i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES)) && (upper < lower))
upper += 50.0;
if (!qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES)))
{ lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
if (upper >= lower) {
*param = RMISSD;
return *param;
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while (sndg[i][pIndex] > lower)
while (!qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]))
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == lower)
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while (sndg[i][pIndex] < upper)
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == upper)
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
t1 = i_temp(lower, I_PRES);
dp1 = i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
tott = 0;
for (i=lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
dp2 = sndg[i][tdIndex];
t2 = sndg[i][tIndex];
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
tbar = (t1 + t2) / 2.0;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd += dbar;
totp += pbar;
tott += tbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
t1 = t2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
if (qc(i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES))) {
dp2 = i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES);
t2 = i_temp(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
tbar = (t1 + t2) / 2.0;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
tott += tbar;
totd += dbar;
totp += pbar;
*param = 100.0 * mixratio(totp/num, totd/num) /
mixratio(totp/num, tott/num);
return *param;
float mean_dwpt(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean Dew Point from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean dew point (c) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC-100mb]*/
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
short pIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if( lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
if( upper == -1) { upper = sndg[sfc()][pIndex] - 100; }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if( !qc( i_temp(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if( !qc( i_temp(lower, I_PRES))) { lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++)
if( qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) )
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a dwpt ----- */
dp2 = sndg[i][tdIndex];
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2;
pbar = (p1 + p2)/2;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
num += 1;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
float mean_theta(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean Potential temperature of the */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean theta (c) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC-100mb]*/
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
short pIndex, tIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
if (upper == -1) { upper = sndg[sfc()][pIndex] - 100.0; }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if (!qc(i_temp(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if (!qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES))) { lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while (sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while (!qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while (sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][pIndex] == upper) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = theta( lower, i_temp(lower, I_PRES), 1000.0);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if( qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
dp2 = theta( sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], 1000.0);
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2)/2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = theta(upper, i_temp(upper, I_PRES), 1000.0);
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
float Mean_WBtemp(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Computes the average Wetbulb temperature between the */
/* two given levels (lower,upper) */
/* */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=WBZ] */
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp, ix1;
short pIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 ||
tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if ( lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
if ( upper == -1) { upper = wb_lvl(0, &ix1); }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if ( !qc(i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if ( !qc(i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES))) { lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = wetbulb(lower, i_temp(lower, I_PRES), i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES));
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if( qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) ) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
dp2 = wetbulb(sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex],
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2)/2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = wetbulb( upper, i_temp(upper, I_PRES), i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES));
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
float Mean_thetae(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Computes the average ThetaE temperature between the */
/* two given levels (lower,upper) */
/* */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=WBZ+50] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=WBZ-50] */
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp, ix1;
short pIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 ||
tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if (lower == -1) { lower = wb_lvl(0, &ix1)+50.0; }
if (upper == -1) { upper = wb_lvl(0, &ix1)-50.0; }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if (!qc( i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if (!qc( i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES))){ lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = thetae(lower, i_temp(lower, I_PRES), i_dwpt(lower, I_PRES));
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++)
if( qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) )
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
dp2 = thetae(sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex],
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = thetae( upper, i_temp(upper, I_PRES), i_dwpt(upper, I_PRES));
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
float mean_temp(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean Temperature from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean temp (c) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC-100mb]*/
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
short pIndex, tIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
//printf("mean_temp1 lower=%f upper=%f\n", lower, upper);
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if ( lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
if ( upper == -1) { upper = sndg[sfc()][pIndex] - 100.0; }
//printf("mean_temp2 lower=%f upper=%f\n", lower, upper);
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if ( !qc(i_temp(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if ( !qc(i_temp(lower, I_PRES))) { lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
//printf("mean_temp3 lower=%f upper=%f\n", lower, upper);
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
//printf("mean_temp4 lptr=%d\n",lptr);
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }
//printf("mean_temp5 uptr=%d\n",uptr);
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = i_temp(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++) {
if( qc(sndg[i][tIndex]) ) {
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
dp2 = sndg[i][tIndex];
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
//printf("mean_temp6 totd=%f num =%d\n",totd, num);
dp2 = i_temp(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2.0;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
I guess it is though. It's being used.
float uncapped_cape(float *param, float *level, float maxcin)
/* John Hart SPC OUN */
/* */
/* Computes the cape at the most unstable level below 500mb */
/* that is not capped greater that maxcin */
/* */
/* maxcin = Convective inhibition threshold (j/kg) */
/* level = Level of max CAPE (mb) */
/* *param = Returned CAPE (j/kg) */
int i;
float maxcape, maxcapelevel, ix1, t5;
Parcel pcl;
short pIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1)
return RMISSD;
maxcape = 0;
maxcapelevel = 0;
/* Loop through each layer below 500mb and compute CAPE */
/* If 500mb T is missing (i.e. a short sounding) then */
/* return uncapped_cape as missing */
if ( !qc(t5)) {
*param = RMISSD;
/* printf( "Missing 500mb Temp, not computing uncapped_cape\n"); */
else {
for (i=1; sndg[i][pIndex]>500.0; i++) {
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex],
sndg[i][tdIndex], &pcl);
if (pcl.bplus > maxcape) {
if ((pcl.bminus >= maxcin) &&
((sndg[i][tIndex] - sndg[i][tdIndex]) <= 5)) {
maxcape = pcl.bplus;
maxcapelevel = pcl.lplpres;
* Routine to find the lowest observation in a sounding
* bottom - minimum level to search to (mb for pressure, meters for height)
* itype - I_PRES for pressure and I_HGHT for height
* idx - the index of the variable you're looking for
* -mkay
short findlowobindex(float bottom, short itype, short idx)
short i=0, j, lptr=-1;
if (!sndg || idx >= ndsetparms || idx == -1 || !qc(bottom))
return -1;
if (itype == I_PRES) {
j = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (j == -1)
return -1;
* Find the first pressure level above the bottom
while(sndg[i][j] > bottom) {
if (i == (numlvl-1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: findlowobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
* Now we start from that level and find the first level where
* we have valid data
while(!qc(sndg[i][idx])) {
if (i >= numlvl) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: findlowobindex: No good data found.\n");
return -1;
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][j] == bottom)
else if (itype == I_HGHT) {
j = getParmIndex("HGHT");
if (j == -1)
return -1;
while(sndg[i][j] < bottom) {
if (i == (numlvl-1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: findlowobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
while(!qc(sndg[i][idx])) {
if (i >= numlvl) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: findlowobindex: No good data found.\n");
return -1;
lptr = i;
if (sndg[i][j] == bottom)
return lptr;
* Routine to find the highest observation in a sounding
* top - maximum level to search to (mb for pressure, meters for height)
* itype - I_PRES for pressure and I_HGHT for height
* idx - the index of the variable you're looking for
* -mkay
short findhighobindex(float top, short itype, short idx)
short i, j, uptr=-1;
if (!sndg || idx >= ndsetparms || idx == -1 || !qc(top))
return -1;
if (itype == I_PRES) {
j = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (j == -1)
return -1;
while(sndg[i][j] < top) {
if (i == 0) {
"Warning: findhighobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
while(!qc(sndg[i][idx])) {
if (i <= 0) {
"Warning: findhighobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
return -1;
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][j] == top)
else if (itype == I_HGHT) {
j = getParmIndex("HGHT");
if (j == -1)
return -1;
while(sndg[i][j] > top) {
if (i <= 0) {
"Warning: findhighobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
while(!qc(sndg[i][idx])) {
if (i <= 0) {
"Warning: findhighobindex: Breaking out early.\n");
return -1;
uptr = i;
if (sndg[i][j] == top)
return uptr;
#ifdef BLAMMO
float parcelx(float lower, float upper, float pres, float temp,
float dwpt, Parcel *pcl)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Lifts specified parcel, calculating various levels and */
/* parameters from data in SNDG array. B+/B- are */
/* calculated based on layer (lower-upper). Bplus is */
/* returned value and in structure. */
/* */
/* No virtual corrections are used. */
/* */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=SFC] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=TOP] */
/* pres = LPL pressure (mb) */
/* temp = LPL temperature (c) */
/* dwpt = LPL dew point (c) */
/* pcl = returned _parcel structure */
short i, lptr, uptr;
float te1, pe1, te2, pe2, h1, h2, lyre, tdef1, tdef2, totp, totn;
float te3, pe3, h3, tp1, tp2, tp3, tdef3, lyrf, lyrlast, pelast;
float tote, totx, ls1, cap_strength, li_max, li_maxpres, bltheta, pp;
float cap_strengthpres, tpx, ix1, blupper, pp1, pp2, dz, blmr;
/* ----- Initialize PCL values ----- */
pcl->lplpres = pres;
pcl->lpltemp = temp;
pcl->lpldwpt = dwpt;
pcl->blayer = lower;
pcl->tlayer = upper;
pcl->entrain = 0;
pcl->lclpres = -999;
pcl->lfcpres = -999;
pcl->elpres = -999;
pcl->mplpres = -999;
pcl->bplus = -999;
pcl->bminus = -999;
pcl->bfzl = -999;
pcl->li5 = -999;
pcl->li3 = -999;
pcl->brn = -999;
pcl->limax = -999;
pcl->limaxpres = -999;
pcl->cap = -999;
pcl->cappres = -999;
lyre = -1;
cap_strength = -999;
cap_strengthpres = -999;
li_max = -999;
li_maxpres = -999;
totp = 0;
totn = 0;
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1)
return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if( lower == -1)
lower = sndg[sfc()][1];
pcl->blayer = lower;
if( upper == -1)
upper = sndg[numlvl-1][1];
pcl->tlayer = upper;
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if( lower > pres )
lower = pres;
pcl->blayer = lower;
if( !qc( i_temp( upper ))) { return -999; }
if( !qc( i_temp( lower ))) { return -999; }
/* ----- Begin with Mixing Layer (LPL-LCL) ----- */
te1 = i_temp( pres );
pe1 = lower;
h1 = i_hght( pe1 );
tp1 = temp;
drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &pe2, &tp2);
h2 = i_hght( pe2 );
te2 = i_temp( pe2 );
pcl->lclpres = pe2;
bltheta = theta(pres, i_temp(pres), 1000);
blmr = mixratio(pres, dwpt);
/* ----- Accumulate CINH in mixing layer below the LCL ----- */
/* This will be done in 10mb increments, and will use the */
/* virtual temperature correction where possible. */
pp1 = pp;
pp2 = pp-10;
if (pp2<blupper) pp2=blupper;
dz = i_hght(pp2) - i_hght(pp1);
/* old CIN routine below LCL */
/* tp1 = theta(1000, bltheta, pp1);
tp2 = theta(1000, bltheta, pp2);
tdef1 = (tp1 - i_temp(pp1)) / (i_temp(pp1) + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - i_temp(pp2)) / (i_temp(pp2) + 273.15);
/* new CIN routine below LCL - RLT 3/9/05 */
tp1 = theta(pp1, bltheta, 1000);
tp2 = theta(pp2, bltheta, 1000);
tdef1 = (tp1 - theta(pp1, i_temp(pp1), i_dwpt(pp1))) / (theta(pp1, i_temp(pp1), i_dwpt(pp1)) + 273.15);
tdef1 = (tp2 - theta(pp2, i_temp(pp2), i_dwpt(pp2))) / (theta(pp2, i_temp(pp2), i_dwpt(pp2)) + 273.15);
lyre = 9.8F * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0F * dz;
if (lyre<0) totn+=lyre;
if( lower > pe2 )
lower = pe2;
pcl->blayer = lower;
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][1] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][4]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][1] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while(sndg[i][1] < upper) { i--; }
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][1] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
pe1 = lower;
h1 = i_hght( pe1 );
te1 = i_temp( pe1 );
tp1 = wetlift(pe2, tp2, pe1);
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i < numlvl; i++)
if( qc(sndg[i][3]) )
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
pe2 = sndg[i][1];
h2 = sndg[i][2];
te2 = i_temp( pe2 );
tp2 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe2);
tdef1 = (tp1 - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrlast = lyre;
lyre = 9.8F * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h1);
/* ----- Check for Max LI ----- */
if ((tp2 - te2) > li_max)
li_max = tp2 - te2;
li_maxpres = pe2;
/* ----- Check for Max Cap Strength ----- */
if ((te2 - tp2) > cap_strength)
cap_strength = te2 - tp2;
cap_strengthpres = pe2;
if( lyre > 0 )
{ totp += lyre; }
if(pe2 > 500) { totn += lyre; }
tote += lyre;
pelast = pe1;
pe1 = pe2;
h1 = h2;
te1 = te2;
tp1 = tp2;
/* ----- Is this the top of given layer ----- */
if((i >= uptr) && ( !qc(pcl->bplus)))
pe3 = pe1;
h3 = h1;
te3 = te1;
tp3 = tp1;
lyrf = lyre;
if( lyrf > 0 )
pcl->bplus = totp - lyrf;
pcl->bminus = totn;
pcl->bplus = totp;
if(pe2 > 500)
{ pcl->bminus = totn - lyrf; }
{ pcl->bminus = totn; }
pe2 = upper;
h2 = i_hght( pe2 );
te2 = i_temp( pe2 );
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (tp3 - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8F * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h3);
if( lyrf > 0 )
{ pcl->bplus += lyrf; }
{ if(pe2 > 500) { pcl->bminus += lyrf; } }
if( pcl->bplus == 0 ) { pcl->bminus = 0; }
/* ----- Is this the freezing level ----- */
if((te2 <= 0) && ( !qc(pcl->bfzl)))
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght( pe3 );
te3 = i_temp( pe3 );
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
lyrf = lyre;
if( lyrf > 0 )
{ pcl->bfzl = totp - lyrf; }
{ pcl->bfzl = totp; }
pe2 = temp_lvl( 0, &pe2);
h2 = i_hght( pe2 );
te2 = i_temp( pe2 );
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
tdef3 = (tp3 - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8F * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h3);
if( lyrf > 0 )
{ pcl->bfzl += lyrf; }
/* ----- LFC Possibility ----- */
if(( lyre >= 0 ) && ( lyrlast < 0 ))
tp3 = tp1;
te3 = te1;
pe2 = pe1;
pe3 = pelast;
while( i_temp( pe3 ) > wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3) ) { pe3 -= 5; }
pcl->lfcpres = pe3;
tote = 0;
pcl->elpres = -999;
li_max = -999;
pcl->cap = cap_strength;
pcl->cappres = cap_strengthpres;
/* ----- EL Possibility ----- */
if(( lyre <= 0 ) && ( lyrlast > 0 ))
tp3 = tp1;
te3 = te1;
pe2 = pe1;
pe3 = pelast;
while ( i_temp( pe3 ) < wetlift(pe2, tp3, pe3) ) { pe3 -= 5; }
pcl->elpres = pe3;
pcl->mplpres = -999;
pcl->limax = -li_max;
pcl->limaxpres = li_maxpres;
/* ----- MPL Possibility ----- */
if(( (tote <= 0) && ( !qc( pcl->mplpres ) ) && ( qc( pcl->elpres ))))
pe3 = pelast;
h3 = i_hght( pe3 );
te3 = i_temp( pe3 );
tp3 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe3);
totx = tote - lyre;
pe2 = pelast;
while( totx > 0 )
pe2 -= 1;
te2 = i_temp( pe2 );
tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
h2 = i_hght( pe2 );
tdef3 = (tp3 - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
tdef2 = (tp2 - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
lyrf = 9.8F * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h3);
totx += lyrf;
tp3 = tp2;
te3 = te2;
pe3 = pe2;
pcl->mplpres = pe2;
/* ----- 500mb Lifted Index ----- */
if( sndg[i][1] == 500 )
pcl->li5 = sndg[i][3] - tp1;
/* ----- 300mb Lifted Index ----- */
if( sndg[i][1] == 300 )
pcl->li3 = sndg[i][3] - tp1;
/* ----- Calculate BRN if available ----- */
pcl->brn = bulk_rich( *pcl, &ix1 );
return pcl->bplus;
#endif /* BLAMMO */
float mean_omeg(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the Mean omega from data in */
/* SNDG array within specified layer. */
/* Value is returned both as (param) and as a RETURN;. */
/* */
/* *param = Returned mean omega (microb/s) */
/* lower = Bottom level of layer (mb) [ -1=700mb] */
/* upper = Top level of layer (mb) [ -1=500mb] */
short i, okl, oku, lptr, uptr;
float num, dp1, dp2, totd, dbar, p1, p2, pbar, totp;
short pIndex, oIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
oIndex = getParmIndex("OMEG");
if (!sndg || numlvl < 1 || pIndex == -1 || oIndex == -1) return RMISSD;
/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
if( lower == -1) { lower = 700; }
if( upper == -1) { upper = 500; }
/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
if( !qc( i_temp(upper, I_PRES))) { *param = RMISSD; }
if( !qc( i_temp(lower, I_PRES))) { lower =sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }//Chin fixed 8/30/2011 was { lower = i_pres( sfc() ); }
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower) { i++; }
while ( !qc(sndg[i][oIndex]) ) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
while( sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--;}
uptr = i;
if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
dp1 = i_omeg(lower, I_PRES);
p1 = lower;
num = 1;
totd = 0;
totp = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++)
if( qc(sndg[i][oIndex]) )
/* ----- Calculate every level that reports omeg ----- */
dp2 = sndg[i][oIndex];
p2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2;
pbar = (p1 + p2)/2;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
dp1 = dp2;
p1 = p2;
num += 1;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
dp2 = i_omeg(upper, I_PRES);
p2 = upper;
dbar = (dp1 + dp2) / 2;
pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2;
totd = totd + dbar;
totp = totp + pbar;
*param = totd/num;
return *param;
float advection_layer(float *param, float lower, float upper)
/* John Hart SPC OUN */
/* */
/* lower = lower end of layer (mb) */
/* upper = upper end of layer (mb) */
/* *param = Returned value (C/hr) */
int i;
float mw_u, mw_v, mw_drct, mw_sped, dpth;
float sh_u, sh_v, sh_drct, sh_sped, mean_t;
float ix1, advt, term1, term2, term3, con1;
Parcel pcl;
short pIndex, tIndex, wsIndex, wdIndex;
*param = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
wsIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");
wdIndex = getParmIndex("DRCT");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || wsIndex == -1 || wdIndex == -1) return RMISSD;
/* Mean wind through the layer */
mean_wind(lower, upper, &mw_u, &mw_v, &mw_drct, &mw_sped);
if (mw_drct < -999) return RMISSD;
/* Mean temperature through the layer */
mean_t = mean_temp(&ix1, lower, upper) + 273.15;
if (mean_t < -999) return RMISSD;
/* Shear through the layer */
wind_shear(lower, upper, &sh_u, &sh_v, &sh_drct, &sh_sped);
if (sh_drct < -999) return RMISSD;
/* Depth of the layer */
dpth = i_hght(upper, I_PRES) - i_hght(lower, I_PRES);
if (dpth < -999) return RMISSD;
term1 = kt_to_mps(mw_v) * (kt_to_mps(sh_u)/dpth);
term2 = kt_to_mps(mw_u) * (kt_to_mps(sh_v)/dpth);
con1 = (.0004 / 9.81); /* -f/g */
term3 = con1 * mean_t * (term1 - term2) * 3600;
*param = term3;
return term3;
float coniglio1(void)
/* Coniglio MCS Maintenance Parameter */
int i;
Parcel pcl;
short pIndex, tIndex, wsIndex, wdIndex;
float lr38, mw312, cape, mbs110, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
float mw_u, mw_v, mw_dir, mw_spd, l1, l2, p1, p2;
float a0, a1, a2, a3, a4;
float maxshr, answ, sfcpres, sfcdwpt, sfctemp;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
wsIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");
wdIndex = getParmIndex("DRCT");
/* 3-8km AGL LR */
lr38 = lapse_rate(&ix1,i_pres(msl(3000)),i_pres(msl(8000)));
/* 3-12km AGL Mean Wind Speed */
mean_wind(i_pres(msl(3000)), i_pres(msl(12000)), &mw_u, &mw_v, &mw_dir, &mw_spd);
mw312 = kt_to_mps(mw_spd);
/* CAPE */
ix1 = unstbl_lvl(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-300);
sfcpres = ix1;
sfctemp = i_temp(ix1, I_PRES);
sfcdwpt = i_dwpt(ix1, I_PRES);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
cape = pcl.bplus;
/* Max Bulk Shear between 0-1km and 6-10km levels */
p1 = i_pres(msl(l1));
p2 = i_pres(msl(l2));
wind_shear(p1, p2, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
if (ix4 > maxshr) maxshr=ix4;
mbs110 = kt_to_mps(maxshr);
/* printf( "Computing Coniglio Maintenance Parameter:\n
CAPE = %f\n
3-8km LR=%f\n
3-12km MW=%f\n
1-10km MBS=%f\n", cape, lr38, mw312, mbs110);
/* Calculate Probability based on regression equation */
a0 = 13;
a1 = -4.59E-2;
a2 = -1.16;
a3 = -6.17E-4;
a4 = -0.170;
answ = 1 / (1 + exp(a0 + (a1*mbs110) + (a2*lr38) + (a3*cape) + (a4*mw312)));
/* printf("Returning MCSM: %f\n", answ);
*/ return answ;
void blep_technique( float *blep1, float *blep2)
/* BLEP Technique Parameter */
/* */
/* BLEP1 = Maximum Straightline Wind Speed (kt) */
/* BLEP2 = Maximum Rotational Wind Speed (kt) */
Parcel pcl;
float t1, t2, t3, t4, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, wslcl, ws700, MM, cape;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, mtha, mmr, bldelta, blthediff;
float lrlcl500, lcl700tdd, v1, lclh, v2, v21, v22, v23, v3, kk;
float blep, sfclclshear, ss;
int pIndex, tIndex, tdIndex, wsIndex, wdIndex, debugflag;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
wsIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");
wdIndex = getParmIndex("DRCT");
debugflag = 1;
/* Lift ML Parcel */
mtha = mean_theta(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-50);
sfctemp = theta(1000.0, mtha, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]);
mmr = mean_mixratio(&ix1, -1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-50);
sfcdwpt = temp_at_mixrat(mmr, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]);
sfcpres = sndg[sfc()][pIndex];
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
t1 = sndg[sfc()][wsIndex] * 1.5;
wslcl = i_wspd(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES); /* LCL wind speed */
ws700 = i_wspd(700, I_PRES); /* 700mb wind speed */
bldelta = fabs(i_wdir(700, I_PRES) - i_wdir(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES)); /* wind speed difference between 700mb and LCL */
blthediff = thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][tdIndex]) - thetae(pcl.lclpres, i_temp(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES), i_dwpt(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
MM = blthediff / 18;
if (MM < 0) MM = 0;
if (MM > 1) MM = 1;
t2 = ((wslcl + ws700) / 2) * fabs(cos(bldelta * (180.0 / PI))) * MM;
cape = sqrt(pcl.bplus);
v21 = cape;
lrlcl500 = lapse_rate(&ix1, pcl.lclpres, 500);
if (lrlcl500 <= 6.5) cape *= .8;
lcl700tdd = ((i_temp(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES) - i_dwpt(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES)) + (i_temp(700, I_PRES) - i_dwpt(700, I_PRES))) / 2 ;
if (lcl700tdd >= 10) cape *= 1.1;
v1 = cape;
v22 = v1;
lclh = mtof(agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES)));
v2 = .75;
if (lclh < 2000) v2 = .5;
if (lclh > 3000) v2 = 1;
v2 *= v1;
v23 = v2;
v3 = 0.7;
if (v2<58) v3 = 0.8;
if (v2<50) v3 = 0.9;
if (v2<40) v3 = 1.0;
v2 *= v3;
kk = 0.3;
if (blthediff > 3) kk= 0.7;
if (blthediff > 7) kk= 1.0;
if (blthediff >10) kk= 1.5;
if (blthediff >14) kk= 2.0;
if (blthediff >17) kk= 3.0;
if (blthediff >20) kk= 5.0;
t3 = v2 * kk;
ss = 0.67;
if (lclh > 2000) ss= 0.75;
if (lclh > 3000) ss= 1.0;
v3 = t3 * ss;
wind_shear( sndg[sfc()][pIndex], pcl.lclpres, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &sfclclshear);
ss = 0;
if (sfclclshear > 6) ss = 0.5;
if (sfclclshear > 9) ss = 1.0;
if (sfclclshear >14) ss = 2.0;
if (sfclclshear >18) ss = 3.0;
if (sfclclshear >21) ss = 3.0;
if (sfclclshear >22) ss = 5.0;
t4 = (v3 * ss) * (blthediff / 10);
*blep1 = t1+t2+t3;
*blep2 = t1+t2+t4;
if (debugflag > 0)
/* printf( "---------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
printf( "Using 50mb Mixed Layer Parcel (P=%.1fmb, T=%.1f F, Td=%.1f F)\n", sfcpres, ctof(sfctemp), ctof(sfcdwpt));
printf( "Sfc Wind Speed = %.1f kt\n", sndg[sfc()][wsIndex]);
printf( "Wind Speed LCL = %.1f kt\n", wslcl);
printf( "Wind Speed 700mb = %.1f kt\n", ws700);
printf( "Wind Dir Diff (LCL-700) = %.1f deg\n", bldelta);
printf( "Cos(winddiff) = %.3f\n", fabs(cos(bldelta * (180.0 / PI))));
printf( "Sfc-LCL Thetae Diff = %.1f K\n", blthediff);
printf( "Sqrt of CAPE = %.1f kt (%.0f J/kg)\n", sqrt(pcl.bplus), pcl.bplus);
printf( "LR LCL-500mb = %.1f C/km\n", lrlcl500);
printf( "Avg LCL-700mb Tdd = %.1f K\n", lcl700tdd);
printf( "LCL Hgt (AGL) = %.1f ft\n", lclh);
printf( "K = %.1f\n", kk);
printf( "Term 3 - Value 2 = %.1f\n\n", v2);
printf( "Term 4 - SS = %.1f\n", ss);
printf( "sfc-LCL vector shear = %.1f kt\n\n", sfclclshear);
printf( "BLEP Term 1 = %.1f\n", t1);
printf( "BLEP Term 2 = %.1f\n", t2);
printf( "BLEP Term 3 = %.1f\n", t3);
printf( "BLEP Term 4 = %.1f\n\n", t4);
printf( "BLEP StraightLine Wind Max Speed Estimate = %.1f kt\n", *blep1);
printf( "BLEP Rotational Wind Max Speed Estimate = %.1f kt\n", *blep2);
printf( "---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
*/ }
float pbl_top(float *pres)
short i, j, pIndex, tIndex, dIndex;
float tv1, tv2, tvsfc;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
dIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
/* Determine Thetav of surface parcel */
tvsfc = theta(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], virtemp(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][dIndex]), 1000);
for(i=sfc();i<numlvl;i++) {
tv1 = theta(sndg[i][pIndex], virtemp(sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][dIndex]), 1000);
/*printf( "TVSFC = %.1f P = %.1f TV = %.1f\n", tvsfc, tv1, sndg[i][pIndex]);*/
if (tv1 > tvsfc +.5) {
*pres = sndg[i-1][pIndex];
return *pres;
float fosberg(float *param)
/* Fosberg Fire Weather Index */
/* */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* returns Fosberg Index */
int i;
Parcel pcl;
short tIndex, wsIndex;
float rh, em, fmph, em30, u_sq, fmdc, tmpf, ix1;
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
wsIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");
tmpf = ctof(sndg[sfc()][tIndex]);
fmph = 1.1516 * sndg[sfc()][wsIndex];
rh = relh(-1, &ix1);
if (rh <= 10) em = 0.03229 + 0.281073*rh - 0.000578*rh*tmpf;
if (10 > rh <= 50) em = 2.22749 + 0.160107*rh - 0.014784*tmpf;
if (rh > 50) em = 21.0606 + 0.005565*rh*rh - 0.00035*rh*tmpf - 0.483199*rh;
em30 = em/30;
u_sq = fmph*fmph;
fmdc = 1 - 2*em30 + 1.5*em30*em30 - 0.5*em30*em30*em30;
*param = (fmdc*sqrt(1+u_sq))/0.3002;
return *param;