107 lines
3.4 KiB
107 lines
3.4 KiB
# $Header: /cvsroot/lesstif/lesstif/include/Motif-2.1/Xm/Makefile.am,v 1.24 2004/08/28 19:23:25 dannybackx Exp $
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in Xm.h Xm.h.tmp
CLEANFILES= Xm.h Xm.h.tmp
# Install headers
xmdir= $(includedir)/Xm
# Only in 1.2
xm_12private_h = \
ArrowBGP.h ArrowBP.h \
DisplayP.h DrawP.h DrawingA.h DrawingAP.h DrawnB.h DrawnBP.h \
DropSMgr.h DropSMgrP.h DropTrans.h DropTransP.h \
FileSBP.h \
GadgetP.h \
LabelGP.h LabelP.h ListP.h \
MenuShellP.h \
PanedWP.h PrimitiveP.h\
ScaleP.h ScrolledWP.h \
ToggleBGP.h ToggleBP.h TransltnsP.h \
VendorSEP.h \
XmAll.h XmP.h XmStrDefs.h
# In other versions above as well
xm_12base_h = \
ArrowB.h ArrowBG.h AtomMgr.h \
BaseClassP.h BulletinB.h BulletinBP.h \
CacheP.h CascadeB.h CascadeBG.h CascadeBGP.h CascadeBP.h \
Command.h CommandP.h CutPaste.h CutPasteP.h \
DesktopP.h DialogS.h DialogSEP.h DialogSP.h Display.h \
DragC.h DragCP.h DragDrop.h DragIcon.h DragIconP.h \
DragOverS.h DragOverSP.h DrawingA.h DrawnB.h DrawnBP.h \
DropSMgr.h DropSMgrP.h DropTrans.h DropTransP.h \
ExtObjectP.h \
FileSB.h Form.h FormP.h Frame.h FrameP.h \
Label.h LabelG.h List.h \
MainW.h MainWP.h MenuShell.h MenuUtilP.h MessageB.h MessageBP.h \
ManagerP.h MwmUtil.h \
PanedW.h Protocols.h ProtocolsP.h PushB.h PushBG.h PushBGP.h PushBP.h \
RCUtilsP.h RepType.h RowColumn.h RowColumnP.h \
SashP.h Scale.h Screen.h ScreenP.h ScrollBar.h ScrollBarP.h \
ScrolledW.h SelectioB.h SelectioBP.h SeparatoG.h \
SeparatoGP.h Separator.h SeparatorP.h ShellEP.h \
TearOffBP.h TearOffP.h Text.h TextF.h TextFP.h TextFSelP.h TextInP.h \
TextOutP.h TextP.h TextSelP.h TextStrSoP.h ToggleB.h ToggleBG.h \
VaSimpleP.h VendorS.h VendorSP.h VirtKeys.h VirtKeysP.h \
WorldP.h \
# Only in 2.0
xm_20private_h =\
CSText.h CSTextP.h \
TransltnsP.h \
XmAll.h XmStrDefs.h
# In other versions above as well
xm_20base_h = \
AccTextT.h ActivatableT.h ArrowBGP.h ArrowBP.h \
CareVisualT.h ColorObjP.h ComboBox.h ComboBoxP.h \
Container.h ContainerP.h ContainerT.h ContItemT.h \
DialogSavvyT.h DisplayP.h DrawP.h DrawingAP.h \
FileSBP.h \
Gadget.h GadgetP.h GrabShell.h GrabShellP.h \
IconG.h IconGP.h IconH.h JoinSideT.h \
LabelP.h LabelGP.h LayoutT.h ListP.h \
Manager.h MenuShellP.h MenuT.h \
NavigatorT.h Notebook.h NotebookP.h \
PanedWP.h Primitive.h PrimitiveP.h \
ScaleP.h ScrolledWP.h ScrollFrameT.h SpecRenderT.h SpinB.h SpinBP.h \
TakesDefT.h ToggleBGP.h ToggleBP.h TraitP.h \
Transfer.h TransferP.h TransferT.h TxtPropCv.h \
XmP.h XpmP.h XmIm.h \
# Only in 2.1
xm_21private_h = \
Print.h PrintSP.h \
SSpinB.h SSpinBP.h \
TransltnsP.h \
XmAll.h XmStrDefs.h
# There's no 2.2 yet :-)
xm_21base_h =
# EXTRA_DIST = Xm.h.in $(xm_21base_h) $(xm_21private_h)
EXTRA_DIST = Xm.h.in
xm_HEADERS = $(xm_12base_h) $(xm_20base_h) $(xm_21base_h) $(xm_21private_h)
xm_DATA = Xm.h
# To avoid useless re-building when dependencies are being used
# only touch Xm.h if it really needs to be updated.
# We create a new, temporary new Xm.h(.tmp) and compare it to the
# old existing one.
# So it will only trigger a rebuild if the version stamps have changed!
Xm.h: Xm.h.tmp
cmp -s Xm.h.tmp Xm.h || rm -f Xm.h && cp Xm.h.tmp Xm.h
Xm.h.tmp: $(top_srcdir)/include/Motif-2.1/Xm/Xm.h.in Makefile
$(top_srcdir)/include/Motif-2.1/Xm/Xm.h.in >Xm.h.tmp