2017-04-21 18:33:55 -06:00

684 lines
28 KiB

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# InlandFloodThreat
# Author: lefebvre,santos
# Last Modified: April 4, 2012 - Fixed to handle negative gridded FFG.
# Migrated procedure for AWIPS2. Updated 6/22/2012. S.O.
# Comment on 05/21/2014 (Santos): Some sites used QPF and others QPF6hr. Check that parameter
# in getQPFGrid method. Also in AWIPS 2 FFG is gridded and called just FFG.
# This is fixed in getRFCFFGModels method.
# LeFevbre/Santos: This is the version being turned in for baseline in 16.1.2 as of 12/7/2015. It includes fixes
#for new ERP data changes that took place in Summer of 2015 and better handling of grid points where there
#is no FFG guidance available.
# Last Modified
# 7/15/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: working on code to add PQPF to the algorithm.
# 9/2/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Finished integrating {QPF into the algorithm
# 9/7/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Added better logic for grid missing messages and Don't use guidance option.
# 9/7/2016 - Lefebvre/Santos: Change ppffg timeRanges to anchor on 12Z cycles.
# VERSION 17.1.1 = The one checked in.
# 11/14/2016 - Santos - Modified at testbed in Silver Springs to fix overlap variable to do the composite
# of the rfc list edit areas, not just the overlap with cwa mask. Commented out statusBarMsg for the ppffg inventories.
#Search for COMMENTS to see any local config step you might need to take.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
VariableList = [("Gridded/Text FFG Blending Factor" , 0.00, "scale", [0, 1], 0.05),
("Probabilistic QPF Exceedance Level to use:", "10%", "radio", ["Don't Use Prob Guidance", "10%", "50%"]),
# Use the above line for the GUI when testing is finished. the line below will be enabled when we are ingesting 20%, 30%, and 40% percentiles.....................................................
# ("Probabilistic QPF Exceedance Level to use:", "10%", "radio", ["Don't Use Prob Guidance", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%"]),
import SmartScript
import time
import popen2
import sys
import AbsTime
import TimeRange
import GridManipulation
import numpy as np
class Procedure (GridManipulation.GridManipulation):
def __init__(self, dbss):
GridManipulation.GridManipulation.__init__(self, dbss)
# get the current time, truncates to the last six hour value.
# returns a timeRange with this startTime until 72 hrs from this time
def make72hrTimeRange(self, startTime):
# Make the end time 3 days from the startTime
end = startTime + (72 * 3600)
# Convert them to AbsTimes
startTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(startTime)
endTime = AbsTime.AbsTime(end)
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(startTime, endTime)
return timeRange
# returns a list of timeRange with the specified duration in hours over the
# specified timeRange
def makeTimeRangeList(self, timeRange, duration):
trList = []
sTime = timeRange.startTime().unixTime()
delta = duration * 3600
while sTime < timeRange.endTime().unixTime():
trList.append(self.GM_makeTimeRange(sTime, sTime + delta))
sTime = sTime + delta
return trList
# Returns a list of database IDs matching the specified model name,
# weather element name and level
def getModelList(self, modelName, weName, weLevel):
modelList = []
availParms = self.availableParms()
for pName, level, dbID in availParms:
if modelName in dbID.modelName():
if weName in pName:
if weLevel in level:
if dbID not in modelList:
return modelList
# A small algorithm to determine the day number
def determineDay(self, modelTime, validTime):
diff = (validTime - modelTime) / 3600
if diff < 48:
return 1
elif diff < 72:
return 2
return 3
return 0
def baseModelTime(self, modelTime):
oneDay = 3600 * 24
offset = 3600 * 0 # hours after which we expect models to arrive
baseTime = (int((modelTime + offset) / oneDay) * oneDay) - offset
return baseTime
def getProbBaseTime(self):
ERPModelName = "HPCERP"
ERPVarName = "TP10pct6hr"
ERPLevel = "SFC"
# get the list of all available models. They come sorted latest to oldest.
modelList = self.getModelList(ERPModelName, ERPVarName, ERPLevel)
if len(modelList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No ERP Guidance found.", "S")
return None
for model in modelList:
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(ERPVarName, model)
if len(trList) == 0:
latestHr = (trList[-1].startTime().unixTime() - model.modelTime().unixTime()) / 3600
# return the time of the first model we find with enough data
if latestHr >= 72:
return model.modelTime()
# If we get here, we have found no models with 72 hours of data so return the latest model time
self.statusBarMsg("No model runs found with 72 hours of grids. Using latest model")
return modelList[0].modelTime()
# Find the time of the model with a day 3 grid and truncate the modelTime to the last 12Z
def getPpffgBaseTime(self):
ERPModelName = "HPCERP"
ERPVarName = "ppffg"
ERPLevel = "SFC"
# get the list of all available models. They come sorted latest to oldest.
modelList = self.getModelList(ERPModelName, ERPVarName, ERPLevel)
if len(modelList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No ERP Guidance found for ppffg.", "S")
return None
for model in modelList:
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(ERPVarName, model)
if len(trList) == 0:
latestHr = (trList[-1].startTime().unixTime() - model.modelTime().unixTime()) / 3600
# return the time of the first model we find with enough data
if latestHr > 48:
#print "model time with day 3 grid:", model.modelTime()
modelTime = model.modelTime().unixTime() - (12 * 3600)
# truncate the model time to the last 12Z cycle
baseTime = int(modelTime / (3600 * 24)) * (3600 * 24) + (12 * 3600)
return AbsTime.AbsTime(baseTime)
# If we get here, we have found no models with 72 hours of data so return the latest model time
self.statusBarMsg("No model runs found with 72 hours of grids. Using latest model")
return modelList[0].modelTime()
# Format a timeRange string into something smaller and readable
def trStr(self, tr):
return str(tr)[5:7] + "." + str(tr)[11:13] + "-" + str(tr)[29:31] + "." + str(tr)[35:37] + "Z"
# Fetch ERP probabilistic data using the latest available model. In some cases
# the grids retrieved may originate from more than one model version. In all cases,
# latest guidance available for each time slot will returned.
# Returns a dictionary with key as timeRange and grid as the data.
def getERPGuidance(self, weName, trList):
ERPModelName = "HPCERP"
ERPLevel = "SFC"
# Get the list of all available models. They come sorted latest to oldest.
modelList = self.getModelList(ERPModelName, weName, ERPLevel)
if len(modelList) == 0: # No grids found for the model/weName combination
return {} # So just return an empty GridDict
# For each timeRange, find the model with the latest grid and save that
gridDict = {}
for tr in trList:
# Determine the equivalent d2D timeRange based on GFE QPF tr in the trList
d2dTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(tr.endTime().unixTime(), tr.endTime().unixTime() + 3600)
foundGrid = False
for model in modelList:
# See if the ERP grids we want are in this model cycle
d2dInv = self.GM_getWEInventory(weName, model)
if d2dTR not in d2dInv:
# Fetch the grid and save it
grid = self.getGrids(model, weName, ERPLevel, d2dTR, mode="First")
gridDict[tr] = grid
modelStr = str(model.modelTime())[0:13] + "Z"
### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG #### Remove when testing is complete
#print "WE:", weName, "GFE TimeRange:", self.trStr(tr), "using model at:", modelStr, " valid:", self.trStr(d2dTR)
### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG #### Remove when testing is complete
if modelList.index(model) != 0:
# Suppress messages for ppffg for the last timeRange only, since ppffg only arrives once per day
if weName == "ppffg" and tr == trList[-1]:
# else:
# self.statusBarMsg("Using " + modelStr + " model for time period " + self.trStr(tr), "S")
foundGrid = True
# If we get here, no model was found with the TR we want
if not foundGrid:
gridDict[tr] = None
self.statusBarMsg("No Probabilistic WPC QPF found for timeRange:" + str(tr), "S")
return gridDict
# Use this method for testing if you have no luck getting products
# directly from the text database
def getTextProductFromFile(self, filename):
# replace the filename with one on your system
filename = "/tmp/FFGData/" + filename + ".txt"
f = file(filename, 'r')
textList = []
line = f.readline()
while line != "":
line = f.readline()
return textList
# Retrieves a text product from the text database
def getTextProductFromDB(self, productID):
cmd = "textdb -r " + productID
(stdout, stdin, stderr) = popen2.popen3(cmd)
textList = []
line = stdout.readline()
while line != "":
line = stdout.readline()
return textList
# given a text product, this method decodes the ffg values and
# returns a dictionary {area : value}
def decodeFFGText(self, ffgText):
ffgDict = {}
for s in ffgText:
parts = s.split()
if len(parts) < 4:
if len(parts[0]) != 6:
if parts[0][2] != "Z":
area = parts[0]
value6hr = float(parts[3][:-1]) # strip the "/"
ffgDict[area] = value6hr
return ffgDict
# Fetch all of the gridded FFG model names and return just the
# latest version of each type (region)
def getRFCFFGModelName(self, rfcName):
# Find all the models matching this description.
modelList = self.getModelList(rfcName, "FFG0624hr", "SFC")
for model in modelList:
# WARNING!!! This check should be more specific to the DBID string.
if model.modelIdentifier().find(rfcName) > -1:
return model
return None
# Returns the list of RFCs that overlap the local GFE domain
# as defined by getSiteID().
def getOverlappingRFCs(self):
# The list of all the RFCs
RFCEditAreas = ["ISC_PTR", "ISC_RSA", "ISC_STR", "ISC_ACR", "ISC_KRF",
## cwaEA = self.getSiteID()
## cwaMask = self.encodeEditArea(cwaEA)
#cwaMask = self.encodeEditArea(self.getSiteID())
eaList = self.editAreaList()
rfcList = []
for rfc in RFCEditAreas:
rfcMask = None
if rfc in eaList:
rfcMask = self.encodeEditArea(rfc)
if rfcMask is None:
#overlap = cwaMask & rfcMask
overlap = rfcMask
if overlap.any():
return rfcList
# First try to access the gridded FFG from the D2D files. If they exist
# mosaic all the ones we find and return the composite. If we can't
# find any gridded FFG, then fetch the FFG text product, decode it,
# and create a patchwork grid from the guidance value in each county
# or basin.
def getRFCFlashFloodGrid(self, productList, varDict):
ffgGrid = self.empty()
foundGrids = False
factor = varDict["Gridded/Text FFG Blending Factor"]
RFCList = self.getOverlappingRFCs()
#print "RFCList is: ", RFCList
ffgWEName = "FFG0624hr"
# Fetch the gridded FFG, mosaic these into a single grid
for rfc in RFCList:
tmplist = rfc.split('_');
rfcsid = tmplist[1];
rfcName = 'FFG' + rfcsid;
# Find the model for this RFC
modelName = self.getRFCFFGModelName(rfcName)
#print "modelName:", modelName
if modelName is None:
self.statusBarMsg("No FFG database found for " + rfc, "S")
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory(ffgWEName, modelName)
if len(trList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No FFG grids found in database " + modelName, "S")
# Get the first grid
tempGrid = self.getGrids(modelName, ffgWEName, "SFC", trList[0], mode="First")
# Make a mask of the RFC domain
rfcMask = self.encodeEditArea(rfc)
mask = (tempGrid > 0.0) & rfcMask
ffgGrid[mask] = tempGrid[mask]
ffgGrid[mask] /= 25.4
foundGrids = True
# Comment this in to see intermediate FFG grid from gridded guidance
## tr = self.getTimeRange("Today")
## self.createGrid("Fcst","FFGFromGrid", "SCALAR", ffgGrid, tr,
## minAllowedValue = -1, maxAllowedValue=100,
## precision=2)
# Make another FFG grid from the text guidance
editAreaList = self.editAreaList()
ffgTextGrid = self.empty()
for prod in productList:
# Uncomment the next line to fetch FFG data from a file
## ffgText = self.getTextProductFromFile(prod)
# Use this method to retrieve FFG data from the text database
ffgText = self.getTextProductFromDB(prod)
ffgDict = self.decodeFFGText(ffgText)
for area in ffgDict.keys():
if area not in editAreaList:
refArea = self.getEditArea(area)
mask = self.encodeEditArea(refArea)
value = ffgDict[area]
ffgTextGrid[mask] = value
# Comment this in to see intermediate FFG from text guidance
## tr = self.getTimeRange("Today")
## self.createGrid("Fcst","FFGFromText", "SCALAR", ffgTextGrid, tr,
## minAllowedValue = -1, maxAllowedValue=100,
## precision=2)
# Since the gridded FFG tends to have lots of holes in it,
# fill those holes with the text version of the FFG where the
# gridded FFG is less than its non-zero average.
# if we found the grids fill in it in with values from the text products.
if foundGrids:
# get the non-zero gridded average
mask = ffgGrid > 0.0
maskSum = np.sum(np.sum(mask))
gridSum = np.sum(np.sum(ffgGrid))
if maskSum > 0:
gridAvg = gridSum / maskSum
else: # nothing to do but return the text grid
return ffgTextGrid
# fill in textFFG where griddedFFG is less than average
ffgMask = ffgGrid < (gridAvg * factor)
ffgGrid[ffgMask] = ffgTextGrid[ffgMask]
#ffgGrid = where(less(ffgGrid, gridAvg * factor), ffgTextGrid, ffgGrid)
ffgGrid = ffgTextGrid
return ffgGrid
# Returns the QPF sum over the specified timeRange
def getQPFGrid(self, timeRange):
# This assumes QPF has a constraint of TC6NG. If not and your office uses QPF6
# or QPF6hr you will need to change this here accordingly.
# Inventory all QPF grids from the Fcst database
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory("QPF", timeRange=timeRange)
if len(trList) == 0:
return None
qpfGrid = self.empty()
for tr in trList:
grid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "QPF", "SFC", timeRange, mode="First")
qpfGrid += grid
return qpfGrid
def getOverlappingTR(self, tr6, tr24List):
for tr24 in tr24List:
if tr6.overlaps(tr24):
return tr24
return None
def execute(self, varDict):
# # Find the nominal start time when we will be making grids
# start = int(time.time() / (24 * 3600)) * (24 * 3600) # self._gmtime()
# for i in range(start, start + (72 * 3600),(6 * 3600)):
# bTime = self.baseModelTime(i)
# print "time:", time.asctime(time.gmtime(i)), "BaseTime:", time.asctime(time.gmtime(bTime))
### CONFIGURATION SECTION ################################
### Levels must exactly match the levels in the inland threat
### weather element.
ratios = [0.0, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, 100.0]
erps = [0.0, 2.0, 10.0, 15.0, 100.0] # CHANGE TO [0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 100.0] ?????
cumqpfs = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # What is this? We're not using this anywhere
threatMatrix = [
["None", "Very Low", "Elevated", "Mod" ], # lowest ERP
["Very Low", "Elevated", "Mod", "High" ],
["Elevated", "Mod", "High", "Extreme"],
["Mod", "High", "Extreme", "Extreme"], # highest # ERP
] # low ------ QPF/FFG ratio -------->high
# COMMENTS: The list of FFG products that contain FFG data for your WFO
# The following is an example for Miami. Default list is emply. You must
# populate it with your CWA FFG guidance.
if len(productList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("You have not configured Text FFG in Procedure. Create a site level copy, and configure your text FFG Guidance. Search for COMMENTS in the procedure.", "S")
### END CONFIGURATION SECTION #################################
## Replace the "Very Low" with "Elevated" if "Very Low" does not exist
## in the list of discrete keys
threatKeys = self.getDiscreteKeys("FloodingRainThreat")
threatKeys = ["None", "Elevated", "Mod", "High", "Extreme"]
# replace "Very Low" with "Elevated"
if "Very Low" not in threatKeys:
for i in range(len(threatMatrix)):
for j in range(len(threatMatrix[i])):
if threatMatrix[i][j] == "Very Low":
threatMatrix[i][j] = "Elevated"
baseTime = self.getProbBaseTime().unixTime()
anchorTimeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(baseTime, baseTime + (3600 * 72))
ppffgBaseTime = self.getPpffgBaseTime().unixTime()
ppffgTimeRange = self.GM_makeTimeRange(ppffgBaseTime, ppffgBaseTime + (3600 * 72))
#print "Prob TimeRange:", anchorTimeRange
#print "ppffg TimeRange", ppffgTimeRange
# make a 72 hour timeRange and a list of 6 hour timeRanges based on the anchorTime
probTRList = self.makeTimeRangeList(anchorTimeRange, 6)
ppffgTRList = self.makeTimeRangeList(ppffgTimeRange, 24)
# Fetch the probabilistic value selected by the user and make the weName
probGridDict = {}
probStr = varDict["Probabilistic QPF Exceedance Level to use:"]
# If we're not using prob guidance, fill the dictionary with grids of zeros
if probStr == "Don't Use Prob Guidance":
for tr in probTRList:
probGridDict[tr] = np.zeros(self.getGridShape(), np.float32)
probWEName = "TR00pct6hr"
# If we're using prob guidance, make the prob string into an integer so we can figure out the weName
probStr = probStr[:-1]
# Make an int value so we can subtract it from 100 to get the weName
probValue = int(probStr) # This should always succeed, but just in case...
self.statusBarMsg("Error parsing probability string. " + probStr, "U")
# Fetch the probabilistic guidance
probWEName = "TP" + str(100 - probValue) + "pct6hr"
probGridDict = self.getERPGuidance(probWEName, probTRList)
if not probGridDict: # no prob grids found for this weName
self.statusBarMsg(probWEName + " ERP guidance is not available. Please re-run this tool with a different prob exceeedance level or use Don't Use Prob Guidance option in GUI.", "S")
# Create an empty discrete grid
maxFloodThreat = np.zeros(self.getGridShape(), np.int8)
# Fetch the FFG grid either from gridded data or the text product
ffgGrid = self.getRFCFlashFloodGrid(productList, varDict)
# calculate the areas where the FFG is missing. We will fill these values with None eventually
missingFFGMask = ffgGrid <= 0.0
# Get the ERP grids and stuff them in six hour time blocks to match
# the cummulative QPF grids will create later
ppffgGridDict = self.getERPGuidance("ppffg", ppffgTRList)
if not ppffgGridDict: # Didn't find any ppffg guidance
self.statusBarMsg("The current ERP guidance is not available. Please re-run this tool at a later time.", "S")
#### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG ########################################################################################
for tr in probTRList:
self.createGrid("Fcst", probWEName, "SCALAR", probGridDict[tr]/25.4, tr, precision=2)
for tr in ppffgTRList:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "ERP", "SCALAR", ppffgGridDict[tr], tr, precision=2)
#### DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG ########################################################################################
for i in range(len(probTRList)):
probTR = probTRList[i]
#print "probTR:", probTR
# get the EPR grid
# Fetch the erp grids and reference by timeRange (24 hours each)
# Use the probTR in this loop and timeRange.overlaps to figure out which erp grid to use.
# All other code should be the same
ppffgTR = self.getOverlappingTR(probTR, ppffgTRList)
if ppffgTR is None:
ppffgGrid = ppffgGridDict[ppffgTR] #+ in pct (%)
# get the probabilistic grid
pQPFGrid = probGridDict[probTR] / 25.4 # convert mm to inches
qpfFcstGrid = self.getQPFGrid(probTR)
# Get the maximum of the Fcst QPF and the ERP probabilistic grid
qpfGrid = np.maximum(qpfFcstGrid, pQPFGrid)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "MaxFcstPQPF", "SCALAR", qpfGrid, probTR, precision=2)
if ffgGrid is None or qpfGrid is None:
self.statusBarMsg("FlashFlood or QPF grids missing at timeRange:" +
str(probTR), "S")
if ppffgGrid is None:
self.statusBarMsg("ERP grids missing at timeRange:" + str(probTR), "S")
tempffgGrid = ffgGrid * 1.0
tempffgGrid[ffgGrid == 0.0] = 1000.0
ratioGrid = qpfGrid / tempffgGrid
ratioGrid[ffgGrid == 0.0] = 0.0
# tempffgGrid = where(equal(ffgGrid, 0.0), float32(1000.0), ffgGrid)
# ratioGrid = qpfGrid / tempffgGrid
# ratioGrid[equal(ffgGrid, 0.0)] = 0.0
# Clip the ratioGrid to 8.0 to prevent problems when displaying
ratioGrid.clip(0.0, 1000.0, ratioGrid)
# self.createGrid("Fcst", "ERP", "SCALAR", ppffgGrid, probTR,
# minAllowedValue = -1, maxAllowedValue=100, precision=2)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "FFG", "SCALAR", ffgGrid, probTR,
minAllowedValue = 0, maxAllowedValue=10, precision=2)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "QPFtoFFGRatio", "SCALAR", ratioGrid, probTR,
minAllowedValue = 0, maxAllowedValue=1000, precision=2)
floodThreat = np.zeros(self.getGridShape(), np.int8)
for e in range(len(erps) - 1):
for r in range(len(ratios) - 1):
eMin = erps[e]
eMax = erps[e+1]
rMin = ratios[r]
rMax = ratios[r+1]
ratioMask = (ratioGrid >= rMin) & (ratioGrid < rMax)
erpMask = (ppffgGrid >= eMin) & (ppffgGrid < eMax)
mask = ratioMask & erpMask
# ratioMask = logical_and(greater_equal(ratioGrid, rMin),
# less(ratioGrid, rMax))
# erpMask = logical_and(greater_equal(ppffgGrid, eMin),
# less(ppffgGrid, eMax))
# mask = logical_and(ratioMask, erpMask)
keyIndex = self.getIndex(threatMatrix[r][e], threatKeys)
floodThreat[mask] = keyIndex
# Now set the values we found missing to the None key
noneIndex = self.getIndex("None", threatKeys)
floodThreat[missingFFGMask] = noneIndex
# Create the grid
self.createGrid("Fcst", "FloodThreat", "DISCRETE",
(floodThreat, threatKeys), probTR,
maxFloodThreat = np.maximum(floodThreat, maxFloodThreat)
# Make a big timeRange and delete all the FloodingRainThreat grids
startTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600 - (24 * 3600)
endTime = startTime + (24 * 3600 * 10)
dbTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(startTime, endTime)
cTime = int(self._gmtime().unixTime()/ 3600) * 3600
end = cTime + (6*3600)
threatTR = self.GM_makeTimeRange(cTime, end)
self.deleteCmd(['FloodingRainThreat'], dbTR)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "FloodingRainThreat", "DISCRETE",
(maxFloodThreat, threatKeys), threatTR,