2017-04-21 18:33:55 -06:00

192 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# StormInfo - Version 3.0
# Authors: Matt Belk (BOX), Shannon White (OCWWS), Tom LeFebvre (GSD), Pablo Santos (MFL)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
# Sep 13, 2016 Adjustments from Hermine to add
# Post-Tropical stormType.
# Sep 19, 2016 19293 randerso Initial baseline check in
import os
import time
import ProcessVariableList
import StormNames
import TropicalUtility
MenuItems = ["None"]
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self):
# Get list of available storms
stormList = self.extractStormInfo()
# Get info on what storm this is
bogusStormName = "ZYXWWXYZ" # Define a bogus storm so none will be defaulted
selectedName = self.determineStorm(stormList, bogusStormName)
# Ensure we have a choice
if selectedName == bogusStormName:
self.statusBarMsg("Please rerun StormInfo and select a storm name.", "U")
stormName = selectedName.strip()
# Define a dictionary of PILs to use for each basin
PILs = {
"Atlantic": ["AT1", "AT2", "AT3", "AT4", "AT5"],
"Eastern Pacific": ["EP1", "EP2", "EP3", "EP4", "EP5"],
"Central Pacific": ["CP1", "CP2", "CP3", "CP4", "CP5"],
Numbers = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
"Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen",
"Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", "Twenty",
"Twenty-One", "Twenty-Two", "Twenty-Three", "Twenty-Four", "Twenty-Five"]
# Set things up for the Atlantic by default
Basin = "Atlantic"
maxLists = len(StormNames.NameDict[Basin])
# Get the current UTC year - two digits only
curYear = self._gmtime().timetuple().tm_year % 100
stormList = self.extractStormInfo()
# Build the Variable Lists dynamically based on the chosen storm
# If New, make default GUI
newStorm = False
if stormName == "New":
newStorm = True
variableList = []
variableList.append(("AWIPS bin number", "", "radio", PILs[Basin]))
variableList.append(("Storm Type", "Tropical Storm", "radio",
["Potential Tropical Cyclone", "Subtropical Depression", "Subtropical Storm",
"Tropical Depression", "Tropical Storm", "Hurricane", "Post-Tropical Cyclone"]))
variableList.append(("Storm Name" , "", "radio", StormNames.NameDict[Basin][curYear % maxLists]))
variableList.append(("Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)", "", "alphaNumeric"))
variableList.append(("Storm Number", 1, "scale", [1, 25], 1))
variableList.append(("Advisory Type" , "Routine", "radio",
["Routine", "Special", "Intermediate"]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Number" , "", "alphaNumeric"))
# If existing storm, build GUI using previous choices
for sDict in stormList:
if sDict["stormName"] == stormName:
PIL = sDict["pil"]
stormType = sDict["stormType"]
stormNum = sDict["stormNumber"]
advisoryType = sDict["advisoryType"]
advisoryNum = sDict["advisoryNumber"]
variableList = []
variableList.append(("AWIPS bin number", PIL, "radio", [PIL]))
variableList.append(("Storm Type", stormType, "radio",
["Potential Tropical Cyclone", "Subtropical Depression", "Subtropical Storm",
"Tropical Depression", "Tropical Storm", "Hurricane", "Post-Tropical Cyclone"]))
if stormName in Numbers:
variableList.append(("Storm Name", "None", "radio", StormNames.NameDict[Basin][curYear % maxLists]))
elif stormName not in StormNames.NameDict[Basin][curYear % maxLists]:
variableList.append(("Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)", stormName, "alphaNumeric"))
variableList.append(("Storm Name", stormName, "radio", [stormName]))
variableList.append(("Storm Number", stormNum, "radio", [stormNum]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Type" , advisoryType , "radio",
["Routine", "Special", "Intermediate"]))
variableList.append(("Advisory Number" , advisoryNum, "alphaNumeric"))
# Display the GUI
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
"Set Advisory Information", variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
# Collect all the info provided by the forecaster
pil = varDict["AWIPS bin number"].strip()
stormType = varDict["Storm Type"].strip()
if varDict.has_key("Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)"):
otherStormName = varDict["Other Storm Name (e.g. Alpha but NOT Three)"].strip()
otherStormName = ""
if otherStormName is not "":
stormName = otherStormName
if len(varDict["Storm Name"]) == 0:
stormName = "None"
stormName = varDict["Storm Name"]
# QC the storm number
stormNumber = int(varDict["Storm Number"])
pilModNumber = int(pil[2:])
if pilModNumber == 5:
pilModNumber = 0
self.statusBarMsg("You did not provide a correct bin. Please rerun StormInfo.", "U")
if stormNumber % 5 != pilModNumber:
self.statusBarMsg("The chosen storm number is not correct for chosen bin. Please rerun StormInfo.", "S")
if stormName == "None":
stormName = Numbers[int(stormNumber)-1]
advisoryType = varDict["Advisory Type"].strip()
advisoryNumber = varDict["Advisory Number"].strip()
advisoryNumber = ""
if advisoryNumber == "":
self.statusBarMsg("The advisory number is missing. Please rerun StormInfo.", "S")
if advisoryType == "Intermediate":
advisoryNumber += "A"
if not newStorm:
if advisoryNumber == advisoryNum:
self.statusBarMsg("You did not increment the advisory number. Please rerun StormInfo. ", "A")
# Open the file to store all the info for this particular storm
stormDict = {}
stormDict["stormType"] = stormType
stormDict["stormName"] = stormName
stormDict["stormNumber"] = stormNumber
stormDict["advisoryType"] = advisoryType
stormDict["advisoryNumber"] = advisoryNumber
stormDict["pil"] = pil
# Save the info for this storm
self._saveAdvisory(pil, stormDict)