257 lines
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257 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# PopulateFromClimo
# This procedure calculates MinT or MaxT grids based on the NCDC or
# PRISM climatology grids stored in a netCDF file. This file must be
# present for this procedure to work.
# Author: lefebvre
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VariableList = [("Weather Element:" , "MaxT", "radio", ["MaxT", "MinT"]),
("Climo Source:" , "PRISM", "radio", ["PRISM", "NCDC"]),
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
from numpy import *
import SmartScript
import types, copy
import time
import AbsTime
import TimeRange
MODEL = "Fcst"
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
# Get the list of time ranges at the grid whose element name is WEName
# contains grids. The level of the weather element is assumed to be LEVEL.
# @param dbName: Name of the database to consult
# @type dbName: string
# @param WEName: Name of a weather element
# @type WEName: string
# @param timeRange: Limits of time range of interest, or None for all times
# @type timeRange: Java TimeRange or Nonetype
# @return: time ranges at which WEName has data.
# @rtype: Python list of Python TimeRange objects
def _getWEInventory(self, dbName, WEName, timeRange=None):
# set up a timeRange if it is None
if timeRange is None:
timeRange = TimeRange.allTimes()
parm = self.getParm(dbName, WEName, LEVEL)
if parm is None:
return []
inv = parm.getGridInventory(timeRange.toJavaObj())
if inv is None: self.statusBarMsg("inv is None","S")
elif len(inv)==0: print self.statusBarMsg("PFC: len(inv)==0","S")
trList = []
for gd in inv:
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(gd.getGridTime())
return trList
# Main cubic spline method that accepts a list of grids and int time
# along with a list of times for which grids are to be calculated.
# This method returns the corresponding list of grids that matches the
# interpTimes list.
def _cubicSpline(self, grids, times, interpTimes):
# STEP 1: Create coefficients for cubic spline curve
# zCoefs : List of cubic spline coefficient grids computed to fit the
# curve defined by grids and times
# n : length of grids - 1.
# Determine coefficients
if grids == []:
self.statusBarMsg("No grids sent to _cublicSpline. No grids returned", "S")
gridShape = shape(grids[0])
timeGrids = []
for t in times:
tGrid = zeros(gridShape) + t
n = len(grids) - 1
zCoefs = self._spline3_coef(n, timeGrids, grids)
# Create interpolated grids using coefficients
# interpTimes : List of times for which we want interpolated grids
# gridList : List of interpolated Grids
# Create interpolated grids
gridList = []
for interpTime in interpTimes:
x = zeros(gridShape) + interpTime # make a grid of times
xGrid = self._spline3_eval(n, timeGrids, grids, zCoefs, x)
return gridList
# This method calculates the spline coefficients that are later used to
# calculate grids at the interpolation times. This method is just a helper
# method to _cubicSpline and should not be called directly.
def _spline3_coef(self, n, t, y):
gridShape = y[0].shape
# These will get filled in later with grids as values
# They are just place holders
h=[0] * n
b=[0] * n
u=[0] * n
v=[0] * n
z=[0] * (n+1)
# Calculate h and b
# range 0 thru n-1
for i in xrange(n):
h[i] = t[i+1] - t[i]
b[i] = (y[i+1] - y[i])/h[i]
# Calculate u and v as functions of h and b
# range 1 thru n-1
u[1] = (2*(h[0] + h[1]))
v[1] = (6*(b[1]-b[0]))
for i in xrange(2, n):
u[i] = (2.0*(h[i]+h[i-1]) - h[i-1].astype(float32)**2.0/u[i-1])
v[i] = (6.0*(b[i]-b[i-1]) - h[i-1]*v[i-1]/u[i-1])
# Calculate z
# range 0 thru n
z[n] = zeros(gridShape)
for i in xrange(n-1, 0, -1):
z[i] = (v[i] - h[i]*z[i+1])/u[i]
z[0] = zeros(gridShape)
return z
# This method accepts the spline coefficients and calculates a grid.
# This method is a help method to _cubicSpline and should not be
# called directly
def _spline3_eval(self, n, t, y, z, x):
for i in xrange(n-1, 0, -1):
if x[0][0]-t[i][0][0] >= 0:
h = t[i+1]-t[i]
tmp = (z[i]/2) + (x-t[i]) * (z[i+1]-z[i])/(6*h)
tmp = -(h/6)*(z[i+1]+2*z[i]) + (y[i+1]-y[i])/h + (x-t[i]) * tmp
return y[i] + (x-t[i]) * tmp
def parmIsLoaded(self, weName):
tupleList = self.loadedParms() # list of all loaded parms
for element, level, databaseID in tupleList:
modelName = databaseID.modelName()
if element == weName and level == "SFC" and modelName == "Fcst":
return 1
# if we got this far we didn't find it.
return 0
# This main method retrieves the climatology grids, assigns
# appropriate times to each and calls the _cubicSpline method
# to calculate the grid values inbetween the given climatology
# grids. This methods creates grids of MinT or MaxT over the
# timeRange selected in the GridManager.
def execute(self, timeRange, varDict):
# get the climo source
parmName= varDict["Weather Element:"]
climoSource = varDict["Climo Source:"]
if not self.parmIsLoaded(parmName):
self.statusBarMsg("You must load the " + parmName +
" element before you can populate it.", "S")
return # can't go on
# get times for all the grids that overlap the selected time range
startTime = timeRange.startTime()
hours = timeRange.duration() / 3600
someTimeRange, gridTimes = self.getGridTimes("Fcst", parmName, "SFC",
timeRange.startTime(), hours)
if len(gridTimes) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select a MinT or MaxT timeRange to populate.", "S")
return # can't go on
# make a list of AbsTimes from the parmName times
interpTimes = []
baseTime = gridTimes[0].startTime()
for g in gridTimes:
siteID = self.getSiteID()
# get all of the grids from the climo database
dbName = siteID + "_D2D_" + climoSource + "Climo"
if parmName == "MaxT":
weName = "mxt"
elif parmName == "MinT":
weName = "mnt"
self.statusBarMsg("Invalid parmName:" + parmName, "S")
# get the climo grid inventory
trList = self._getWEInventory(dbName, weName)
if len(trList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No climatology grids available for " + parmName, "S")
return # can't go on
# Figure out what year it is
currentTime = self._gmtime().unixTime()
jan01Tuple = (time.gmtime(currentTime)[0],1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) # 01 Jan this year
jan01Secs = time.mktime(jan01Tuple) # 01 Jan in seconds
# Fetch the grids from the climo database, but warp the times
# so that they are set to this year.
gridList = []
times = []
for tr in trList:
grid = self.getGrids(dbName, weName, "SFC", tr)
times.append(tr.startTime().unixTime() + jan01Secs)
# tack on the Dec. at the beginning and the Jan at the end so
# calculations from Dec 15 to Jan 15 are correct.
gridList.insert(0, gridList[-1]) # prepend the last grid
gridList.append(gridList[1]) # append what was the first grid
days31 = 31 * 24 * 3600 # the number of seconds in 31 days
times.insert(0, times[0] - days31) # 15 Dec the previous year
times.append(times[-1] + days31) # 15 Jan the next year
interpGrids = self._cubicSpline(gridList, times, interpTimes)
parm = self.getParm("Fcst", parmName, "SFC")
maxLimit = parm.getGridInfo().getMaxValue()
minLimit = parm.getGridInfo().getMinValue()
for i in xrange(len(gridTimes)):
# convert K to F first
grid = self.KtoF(interpGrids[i])
grid = clip(grid, minLimit, maxLimit) # clip to min/max limits
self.createGrid("Fcst", parmName, "SCALAR", grid, gridTimes[i])