322 lines
12 KiB
322 lines
12 KiB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# MakeHazard.py
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# Apr 03,2012 436 randerso Converted to Python procedure to allow some
# level of site customization
# Apr 09,2012 436 randerso Merged RNK's MakeHazards_Elevation procedure
# Feb 12,2014 17058 ryu Extend converter for Collections$EmptyList objects.
# Apr 23, 2015 4259 njensen Updated for new JEP API
# Jul 29,2015 17770 lshi Added TY.A TY.W to tropicalHaz
# Author: randerso
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify, Hazards
MenuItems = ["Hazards"]
import SmartScript
import time, string, sys
import HazardUtils
import re
import numpy
import LogStream
import JUtil
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dataManager = dbss
self._afterInit = 0 #flag indicating init is done.
self._tropicalHaz = ['HU.W','HU.A','HU.S','TR.W','TR.A','TY.W','TY.A']
self._natlBaseETN = 1001
def setUpUI(self):
if sys.modules.has_key("MakeHazardConfig"):
import MakeHazardConfig
args = {}
args['dataManager'] = self._dataManager
args['selectedTimeRange'] = self.selectedTimeRange
args['mapColor'] = MakeHazardConfig.mapColor
args['defaultMapWidth'] = MakeHazardConfig.defaultMapWidth
args['timeScaleEndTime'] = MakeHazardConfig.timeScaleEndTime
args['areaThreshold'] = MakeHazardConfig.areaThreshold
args['defaultHazardType'] = MakeHazardConfig.defaultHazardType
args['mapNames'] = MakeHazardConfig.mapNames
args['hazardDict'] = MakeHazardConfig.hazardDict
args['tcmList'] = MakeHazardConfig.tcmList
args['tropicalHaz'] = self._tropicalHaz
args['natlBaseETN'] = self._natlBaseETN
if not hasattr(MakeHazardConfig, 'localEffectAreas') or \
MakeHazardConfig.localEffectAreas is None:
args['localEffectAreas'] = {}
args['localEffectAreas'] = MakeHazardConfig.localEffectAreas
if not hasattr(MakeHazardConfig, 'localAreaData') or \
MakeHazardConfig.localAreaData is None:
args['localAreaData'] = {}
args['localAreaData'] = MakeHazardConfig.localAreaData
# create the Java/SWT dialog and open it
from com.raytheon.viz.gfe.makehazard import MakeHazardDialog
self.__dlg = MakeHazardDialog.createFromPython(
# run the Java/SWT event loop
dismiss = False
while not dismiss:
args = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(self.__dlg.runFromPython(), converter)
dismiss = True;
# if args is None, then Cancel was pressed
if args is not None:
# dismiss is True if the Run/Dismiss button is pressed,
# false if Run is pressed
dismiss = args["dismiss"]
del args["dismiss"]
if self.makeHazardGrid(**args) != 1:
dismiss = False
# close the Java/SWT dialog when Cancelled, Dismissed or exception occurs
# RJM modified this routine from the HazardUtility file
# returns a Numeric mask where each zone in zoneList is set to 1
def _makeMask(self, zoneList, hazLocalEffect):
# RJM had to modify this next line to point to the hazUtils
# for the getGridSize routine.
mask = self.empty(bool)
eaList = self.editAreaList()
# Get the elevation from the GUI input. We'll do this by clipping
# of any numerical digits from the local effect.
# elevation_string = re.findall("\d+", hazLocalEffect)
# print "re elevation=", elevation_string, "xxx"
# try:
# elevation = elevation_string[0]
# except:
# elevation = "None"
# print "re elevation=", elevation, "xxx"
for z in zoneList:
print "in _makeMask processing zone ", z
if z in eaList:
zoneArea = self.getEditArea(z)
zoneMask = self.encodeEditArea(zoneArea)
# Code added by RJM. This checks to see if the local effect
# area was specified and is a valid edit area. If so,
# make a mask from it, and then do an intersection with
# the zone mask.
if hazLocalEffect in eaList:
print "Masking",z,"with",hazLocalEffect
localEffectArea = self.getEditArea(hazLocalEffect)
localEffectMask = self.encodeEditArea(localEffectArea)
zoneMask = numpy.logical_and(zoneMask, localEffectMask)
mask[zoneMask] = True
# else:
# if z in eaList:
# zoneArea = self.getEditArea(z)
# zoneMask = self.encodeEditArea(zoneArea)
# mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, zoneMask)
return mask
# Creates the hazard grid based on the dialog input
def makeHazardGrid(self, selectedHazard, timeRange, areaList, segmentNumber,
selectedTimeRange, defaultAreaList, defaultHazard, defaultSegment,
siteID = self.getSiteID()
usingHazLocalEffect = (hazLocalEffect != 'None')
if len(areaList) == 0:
editArea = self.getActiveEditArea()
mask = self.encodeEditArea(editArea)
# make the mask based on the list selections
if not usingHazLocalEffect:
mask = self._hazUtils._makeMask(areaList)
mask = self._makeMask(areaList, hazLocalEffect)
if usingHazLocalEffect:
# get the segment number and filter for valid characters
segNum = segmentNumber
# get the hazards currently defined as temporary grids
hazParms = self.getHazardParmNames()
# look through the list of grids and create a list of
# segment numbers (if any) that are already in use
# for the current hazard
# if len(hazParms) == 0:
# self.statusBarMsg("No temporary grids to merge.", "S")
# return 0
segList = []
print "selectedHazard=", selectedHazard
selectedPhen = selectedHazard[0:2]
selectedSig = selectedHazard[3]
print "selectedPhen,selectedSig=", selectedPhen, ".", selectedSig
for hazParm in hazParms:
print "hazParm=", hazParm
trList = self._hazUtils._getWEInventory(hazParm)
for tr in trList:
print " tr=", tr, timeRange
intersect_hours = tr.intersection(timeRange).duration()
print " intersect=", intersect_hours
intersect_percent = intersect_hours / timeRange.duration() * 100.0
print " intersect %=", intersect_percent
phen = hazParm[3:5]
sig = hazParm[5:6]
print "phen,sig=", phen, ".", sig
if len(hazParm) > 6:
if hazParm[6:].isdigit():
seg = int(hazParm[6:])
print " seg=", seg
if phen == selectedPhen and sig == selectedSig:
print "appending ", seg
seg = 0
# print "looping through segList"
# for seg in segList:
# print " seg=", seg," elev=", elevation
# if str(elevation) == str(seg):
# print "adding 1 to elevation"
# elevation += 1
# if elevation > 400:
# print "using elevation for segNum"
# segNum = elevation
# # replace the segmentNumber field with the elevation +/- the Above/Below indicator.
# self.__dlg.setSegmentNumber(elevation)
# segmentNumber = str(elevation)
# print "*** segmentNumber=", segmentNumber
index = string.find(selectedHazard, " ")
if index != -1:
selectedHazard = selectedHazard[0:index]
if len(segmentNumber) > 0:
hazardKey = selectedHazard + ":" + segmentNumber
hazardKey = selectedHazard
defaultHazKey = ""
if defaultHazard is not None:
index = string.find(defaultHazard, " ")
if index != -1:
defaultHazard = defaultHazard[0:index]
defaultHazKey = defaultHazard
if len(defaultSegment) > 0:
defaultHazKey += ":" + defaultSegment
weName = self._hazUtils._makeTempWEName(hazardKey)
# if we're modifying, remove the old grid first
if defaultAreaList != [] and hazardKey == defaultHazKey:
self.deleteCmd([weName], self.selectedTimeRange)
# if we have no selection prevent user from making an empty hazard
if 1 not in mask:
self.statusBarMsg("NO EDIT AREA SELECTED: \n Select area from map or load edit area in GFE!", "S")
return 0
self._hazUtils._addHazard(weName, timeRange, hazardKey, mask)
LogStream.logUse("Set: ", weName,
self._hazUtils._printTime(timeRange.endTime().unixTime()), hazardKey,
return 1
def getHazardParmNames(self):
# get the list of loaded temporary hazard parms
parms = self.loadedParms()
hazParms = []
for weName, level, dbID in parms:
if "haz" in weName:
key = self._hazUtils._tempWENameToKey(weName)
index = string.find(key, ":")
if index != -1:
mkey = key[0:index]
segNum = key[index+1:]
mkey = key
segNum = ""
# append the hazard and a description
parmName = "haz" + key
parmName = string.replace(parmName, ".", "")
parmName = string.replace(parmName, ":", "")
return hazParms
def execute(self, timeRange):
#self._hazUtils = HazardUtils.HazardUtils(self._dataManager, self.eaMgr())
self._hazUtils = HazardUtils.HazardUtils(self._dataManager, None)
# save the selected timeRange
self.selectedTimeRange = timeRange
# see if the Hazards WE is loaded in the GFE, if not abort the tool
if not self._hazUtils._hazardsLoaded():
self.statusBarMsg("Hazards Weather Element must be loaded in " + \
"the GFE before running MakeHazard", "S")
# always separate the Hazards grid first
self._afterInit = 1 #initialization done
def converter(obj):
import AbsTime
import TimeRange
retVal = None
objtype = obj.java_name
if objtype == "java.util.Date":
retVal = AbsTime.AbsTime(obj)
elif objtype == "java.util.Collections$EmptyList":
retVal = []
elif objtype == "com.raytheon.uf.common.time.TimeRange":
retVal = TimeRange.TimeRange(obj)
return retVal