2017-06-23 12:21:55 -06:00

545 lines
24 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Interpolation_4D
# Author:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MenuItems = ["Edit"]
VariableList = [
# ("", "Gaps", "radio", ["Gaps", "Based on Edited Data"]),
("Algorithm", "Cubic Spline", "radio", ["Cubic Spline", "Tweening"]),
("", "Gaps", "radio", ["Gaps"]),
("Grid Type", "Scalar", "radio", ["Scalar", "Discrete"]),
("Interpolation Interval in Hours", 1, "scale", [1,24], 1),
("Duration of Grids in Hours", 1, "scale", [1,24], 1),
("Anti-aliasing Supersampling Level", 4, "scale", [1,12], 1),
("Anti-aliasing Downsample Mode", "Region-Weighted Averaging", "radio",
["Region-Weighted Averaging", "Flat Averaging", "Maximizing"]),
("Region Weighting", 5, "scale", [1,10], 1),
("Verbose", "no", "radio", ["yes", "no"]),
from numpy import *
import numpy
import SmartScript
import TimeRange
import types, copy
import random
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
self._dbss = dbss;
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, timeRange, varDict):
# Interpolates active element over given time range
# This is necessary so that the "getGrids" command will
# return numeric grids from a Procedure since the default
# is point-based.
# This should be fixed in future versions!!
# Get Grids and Times based on timeRange and active element
# grids : List of Existing Grids to be used in interpolating
# times : List of times (seconds past the start time) corresponding to grids
element = self.getActiveElement()
elementName = element.getParmID().getParmName()
grids = self.getGrids("Fcst", elementName, "SFC", timeRange,
gridInfos = self.getGridInfo("Fcst", elementName, "SFC", timeRange)
if varDict["Verbose"] == "yes":
self._verbose = 1
self._verbose = 0
# gridShape : dimension of the grids
if varDict["Grid Type"] == "Scalar":
self._gridShape = shape(grids[0])
self._gridShape = 1
times = [zeros(self._gridShape)]
firstTime = 1
for gridInfo in gridInfos:
tr = gridInfo.gridTime()
if firstTime:
beginTime = tr.startTime()
firstTime = 0
times.append(zeros(self._gridShape) + (tr.startTime() - beginTime))
lastStart = tr.startTime()
# Determine interpTimes
mode = varDict[""]
interval = varDict["Interpolation Interval in Hours"]
duration = varDict["Duration of Grids in Hours"]
totalDur = timeRange.endTime() - timeRange.startTime()
interpTimes = []
prevStart = beginTime
if self._verbose:
print "Figuring interpTimes", interval
while 1:
newStart = prevStart + interval * 3600
prevStart = newStart
if newStart >= lastStart:
interpTime = newStart - beginTime
for time in times:
if interpTime == time.flat[0]:
if self._verbose:
print "interpTimes"
for t in interpTimes:
print " ", t
algorithm = varDict["Algorithm"]
if algorithm == "Cubic Spline":
self._cubicSpline(beginTime, duration, elementName, grids, times, interpTimes)
elif algorithm == "Tweening":
sampleFactor = varDict["Anti-aliasing Supersampling Level"]
downsampleMethod = varDict["Anti-aliasing Downsample Mode"]
regionWeighting = varDict["Region Weighting"]
if varDict["Grid Type"] == "Scalar":
self._scalarTween(beginTime, duration, elementName, grids, times, interpTimes,
sampleFactor, downsampleMethod, regionWeighting)
self._discreteTween(beginTime, duration, elementName, grids, times, interpTimes,
# Perform interpolation on scalar grids.
# Basic options:
# beginTime -- start of the time range to be interpolated
# duration -- length of the time range to
# elementName -- name of the element to be interpolated
# grids -- grids to be interpolated
# times -- time grids for provided data grids
# interpTimes -- times for each interpolated frame
# Anti-aliasing options:
# sampleFactor -- up-sample grids by this factor in each direction
# TODO: Introduce quincunx anti-aliasing, possibly?
# (This might be patented.)
# downsampleMethod -- what method to use when bringing the grids
# back to native resolution.
# Options are:
# "Flat Averaging" - Average all the points in a
# point's supersampled area to derive the
# downsampled point.
# "Region-Weighted Averaging" - Like "Flat Averaging,"
# but weight interpolated points
# higher than background points.
# "Maximizing" - Select the highest value from a
# point's supersampled area to generate
# the downsampled point.
# regionWeighting -- Parameter for use with "Region-Weighted Averaging"
# downsample method only. By what degree ought in-region
# points be preferred over out-of-region points?
def _scalarTween(self, beginTime, duration,
elementName, grids, times, interpTimes,
sampleFactor, downsampleMethod, regionWeighting):
if self._verbose:
print "Interpolating scalar grids..."
# Find all points to be interpolated in the source grid. In this case,
# we say all points with a value greater than 0 are to be interpolated.
APoints = []
for x in range(len(grids[0])):
for y in range(len(grids[0][0])):
if(grids[0][x][y] > 0):
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
APoints.append( (tx, ty, grids[0][x][y]) )
# Likewise, find all points to be interpolated in the destination grid.
BPoints = []
for x in range(len(grids[1])):
for y in range(len(grids[1][0])):
if(grids[1][x][y] > 0):
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
BPoints.append( (tx, ty, grids[1][x][y]) )
if self._verbose:
print "Points in A: " + str(len(APoints))
print "Points in B: " + str(len(BPoints))
# We always want to interpolate from more points to less points, to get
# maximum "coverage". Interpolate in "reverse" if need be, and set a
# flag so we remember to flip the results around in the end.
toggle = 0
if len(APoints) < len(BPoints):
toggle = 1
x = APoints
APoints = BPoints
BPoints = x
# Generate a random mapping of points in the source grid to points in
# the destination grid. This works remarkably well, especially for
# high supersample values. Interestingly, it looks significantly
# better than many more intelligent-seeming methods (interpolate to
# nearest point, interpolate by overlaid region).
mapping = []
for i in range(len(APoints)):
mapping.append(random.randrange(0, len(BPoints)))
# Supersample and interpolate the grids, blowing them up to many times
# their original resolution. This is incredibly memory-intensive, but
# when we produce the downsampled output, it is much smoother.
sampleGrids = []
for t in range(len(interpTimes)):
grid = []
tfa = 1.0 - float((t + 1.0) / (len(interpTimes) + 1.0))
tfb = float(t + 1.0) / float(len(interpTimes) + 1.0)
if self._verbose:
print "tfa=" + str(tfa)
print "tfb=" + str(tfb)
for x in range(len(grids[0]) * sampleFactor):
row = []
for y in range(len(grids[0][0]) * sampleFactor):
for i in range(len(mapping)):
grid[int(tfa * APoints[i][0] + tfb * BPoints[mapping[i]][0])][int(tfa * APoints[i][1] + tfb * BPoints[mapping[i]][1])] = tfa * APoints[i][2] + tfb * BPoints[mapping[i]][2]
# Downsample the super-sampled grids using the specified algorithm.
iGrids = []
for i in range(len(sampleGrids)):
igrid = []
for x in range(len(grids[0])):
irow = []
for y in range(len(grids[0][0])):
if downsampleMethod == "Flat Averaging":
value = 0.0
count = 0
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
value = value + sampleGrids[i][tx][ty]
count = count + 1
value = value / float(count)
elif downsampleMethod == "Region-Weighted Averaging":
value = 0.0
count = 0
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
if sampleGrids[i][tx][ty] > 0:
value = value + regionWeighting * sampleGrids[i][tx][ty]
count = count + regionWeighting
value = value + sampleGrids[i][tx][ty]
count = count + 1
if count > 0:
value = value / float(count)
value = -30
elif downsampleMethod == "Maximizing":
value = sampleGrids[i][x * sampleFactor][y * sampleFactor]
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
if (sampleGrids[i][tx][ty] > value):
value = sampleGrids[i][tx][ty]
# If we decided above to flip the order of grids in order to
# maintain our more-points to fewer-points interpolation order,
# switch them back at this stage.
if toggle == 1:
# Drop the grids back into the GFE.
for i in range(len(interpTimes)):
absTime = beginTime + interpTimes[i]
gridTimeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(absTime, absTime + duration * 360)
self.createGrid("Fcst", elementName, "SCALAR", numpy.asarray(iGrids[i]),
# Perform interpolation on discrete grids.
# Basic options:
# beginTime -- start of the time range to be interpolated
# duration -- length of the time range to
# elementName -- name of the element to be interpolated
# grids -- grids to be interpolated
# times -- time grids for provided data grids
# interpTimes -- times for each interpolated frame
# Anti-aliasing options:
# sampleFactor -- up-sample grids by this factor in each direction
# TODO: Introduce quincunx anti-aliasing, possibly?
# (This might be patented.)
# (A number of smoothing options are not available for discrete grids,
# because some operations--such as averaging their values--do not
# make sense.)
def _discreteTween(self, beginTime, duration,
elementName, grids, times, interpTimes,
if self._verbose:
print "Interpolating discrete grids (sample=" + str(sampleFactor) + ")"
# Find all unique "features" (meterological elements) in the
# source grid and a list of the points comprising each of them
# to a set. They will be interpolated independently.
AFeatures = set()
for x in range(len(grids[0][0])):
for y in range(len(grids[0][0][0])):
if not (grids[0][1][grids[0][0][x][y]] in AFeatures):
# Likewise, for the destination grid.
BFeatures = set()
for x in range(len(grids[1][0])):
for y in range(len(grids[1][0][0])):
if not (grids[1][1][grids[1][0][x][y]] in BFeatures):
# We're going to put our generated grids into discreteGrids, but we'll
# have to fill them with suitable null values first, and we need to keep
# them around for multiple loop passes, so declare discreteGrids outside
# the loop, here.
discreteGrids = []
# We only interpolate on features that exist in both A and B. Currently,
# this fails to do things like turn a heavy rain into a light rain. When
# we fix that, this is the line to change.
features = AFeatures.intersection(BFeatures)
# We're going to define a dictionary for features that's shared amongst
# interpolated grids. This reduces headache later.
featureTuples = []
counter = 0
# For each feature, interpolate across all points representing it...
for feature in features:
if feature != "<None>" and feature != "<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:":
counter = counter + 1
if self._verbose:
print "Interpolating on: " + str(feature) + ", " + str(counter)
# As in scalarTween, select all the relevant points from the
# source and destination grids.
APoints = []
for x in range(len(grids[0][0])):
for y in range(len(grids[0][0][0])):
if(grids[0][1][grids[0][0][x][y]] == feature):
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
APoints.append( (tx, ty) )
BPoints = []
for x in range(len(grids[1][0])):
for y in range(len(grids[1][0][0])):
if(grids[1][1][grids[1][0][x][y]] == feature):
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
BPoints.append( (tx, ty) )
if self._verbose:
print "Points in A: " + str(len(APoints))
print "Points in B: " + str(len(BPoints))
## We want to interpolate from more points to less points,
## to get maximum coverage. Interpolate in reverse if need be.
toggle = 0
if len(APoints) < len(BPoints):
toggle = 1
x = APoints
APoints = BPoints
BPoints = x
## Generate a random mapping of points in the source form
## to points in the destination form. This works remarkably
## well, especially for high supersample values.
mapping = []
for i in range(len(APoints)):
mapping.append(random.randrange(0, len(BPoints)))
# As in scalarTween, upsample and dump the results into sampledGrids.
# This step also initializes the grids to <None> (0), if they haven't
# been touched yet.
sampleGrids = []
for t in range(len(interpTimes)):
grid = []
tfa = 1.0 - float((t + 1.0) / (len(interpTimes) + 1.0))
tfb = float(t + 1.0) / float(len(interpTimes) + 1.0)
if self._verbose:
print "tfa=" + str(tfa)
print "tfb=" + str(tfb)
for x in range(len(grids[0][0]) * sampleFactor):
row = []
for y in range(len(grids[0][0][0]) * sampleFactor):
for i in range(len(mapping)):
grid[int(tfa * APoints[i][0] + tfb * BPoints[mapping[i]][0])][int(tfa * APoints[i][1] + tfb * BPoints[mapping[i]][1])] = counter
# Downsample the grids using maximizing downsample
# (neither of the others really make sense, given that
# you can't really average two discrete points. If
# they do exist, this will only overwrite the grid-stored
# values if their values are set to 0.
iGrids = []
for i in range(len(sampleGrids)):
igrid = []
for x in range(len(grids[0][0])):
irow = []
for y in range(len(grids[0][0][0])):
value = sampleGrids[i][x * sampleFactor][y * sampleFactor]
for tx in range(x * sampleFactor, x * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
for ty in range(y * sampleFactor, y * sampleFactor + sampleFactor):
if (sampleGrids[i][tx][ty] > value):
value = sampleGrids[i][tx][ty]
if toggle == 1:
if len(discreteGrids) == 0:
for x in iGrids:
for i in range(len(discreteGrids)):
for x in range(len(discreteGrids[i])):
for y in range(len(discreteGrids[i][x])):
if iGrids[i][x][y] != 0:
discreteGrids[i][x][y] = iGrids[i][x][y]
# Now, drop the finished grids, one by one, into a finished queue.
# ...and add them to the GFE.
for i in range(len(interpTimes)):
absTime = beginTime + interpTimes[i]
gridTimeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(absTime, absTime + duration * 360)
self.createGrid("Fcst", elementName, "DISCRETE", (numpy.asarray(discreteGrids[i]), featureTuples),
def _cubicSpline(self, beginTime, duration, elementName, grids, times, interpTimes):
# STEP 1: Create coefficients for cubic spline curve
# zCoefs : List of cubic spline coefficient grids computed to fit the
# curve defined by grids and times
# n : length of grids - 1.
# Determine coefficients
n = len(grids) - 1
#print "Calculating coeffs"
#print "n", n
#print "times, grids lengths", len(times), len(grids)
zCoefs = self._spline3_coef(n, times, grids)
#print "Done with coeffs"
# STEP 2: Create interpolated grids using coefficients
# interpTimes : List of Times for which we want interpolated grids
# xGrids : List of interpolated Grids
# Create interpolated grids
if self._verbose:
print "Interpolating grids"
for interpTime in interpTimes:
x = zeros(self._gridShape) + interpTime
xGrid = self._spline3_eval(n, times, grids, zCoefs, x)
absTime = beginTime + interpTime
gridTimeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(
absTime, absTime + duration * 3600)
self.createGrid("Fcst", elementName, "SCALAR", xGrid,
if self._verbose:
print "Done creating new grids"
def _spline3_coef(self, n, t, y):
gridShape = y[0].shape
# These will get filled in later with grids as values
# They are just place holders
h=[0] * n
b=[0] * n
u=[0] * n
v=[0] * n
z=[0] * (n+1)
# Calculate h and b
# range 0 thru n-1
#print "Calculating h and b"
for i in range(n):
#print "i", i
h[i] = t[i+1] - t[i]
b[i] = (y[i+1] - y[i])/h[i]
#print "h, b", h[i][0][0], b[i][0][0]
# Calculate u and v as functions of h and b
# range 1 thru n-1
#print "Calculating u and v"
u[1] = (2*(h[0] + h[1]))
v[1] = (6*(b[1]-b[0]))
#print "u1, v1", u[1][0][0], v[1][0][0]
for i in range(2, n):
#print "i", i
u[i] = (2*(h[i]+h[i-1]) - h[i-1]**2/u[i-1])
v[i] = (6*(b[i]-b[i-1]) - h[i-1]*v[i-1]/u[i-1])
#print "u, v", u[i][0][0], v[i][0][0]
# Calculate z
# range 0 thru n
z[n] = zeros(gridShape)
#print "Calculating z"
for i in range(n-1, 0, -1):
#print "i", i
if type(u[i]) is types.IntType:
print "u", u[i]
z[i] = (v[i] - h[i]*z[i+1])/u[i]
#print "z", z[i][0][0]
z[0] = zeros(gridShape)
return z
def _spline3_eval(self, n, t, y, z, x):
for i in range(n-1, 0, -1):
#print "x, t", x[0][0], t[i][0][0]
if x[0][0]-t[i][0][0] >= 0:
#print "using i", i
h = t[i+1]-t[i]
tmp = (z[i]/2) + (x-t[i]) * (z[i+1]-z[i])/(6*h)
tmp = -(h/6)*(z[i+1]+2*z[i]) + (y[i+1]-y[i])/h + (x-t[i]) * tmp
return y[i] + (x-t[i]) * tmp