
1275 lines
46 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# GenerateCyclone
# Author: lefebvre
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
VariableList = [("ProductID:", "", "alphaNumeric"),
("Background\nModel:", "Fcst", "radio", ["GFS80", "NAM12", "Fcst"]),
("Number of\n Pie Slices:", "20", "radio", ["4", "12", "20", "36", "72"]),
# ("Time Interval\n(hours):", "1", "radio", ["1", "3", "6", "12"]),
("Make Grids over\nSelected Time Only:", "No", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]),
("Decrease Wind over Land by (%):", 0, "scale", [-20, 50], 1),
import TimeRange
import AbsTime
import SmartScript
import string, time
import Exceptions
from numpy import *
## For available commands, see SmartScript
class TCMDecoder:
def __init__(self):
self.pos = 0
# key words in TCM products from NCEP
self.keyWordDict = {"FORECAST VALID" : self.decodeWindForecast,
"TPC/NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER" : self.decodeAltFilename,
"CENTER LOCATED NEAR" : self.decodeCenterLocation,
"CENTER LOCATED INLAND NEAR" : self.decodeCenterLocation,
"MAX SUSTAINED WINDS" : self.decodeMaxSustainedWinds,
"MAX WIND" : self.decodeMaxWind,
"EYE DIAMETER" : self.decodeEyeDiameter,
"KT..." : self.decodeRadii,
# key words for JTWC products
"WTPN" : self.decodeJTWCProductTime,
"WARNING POSITION:" : self.decodeJTWCTimeCenter,
"VALID AT:" : self.decodeJTWCWindForecast,
"RADIUS OF" : self.decodeJTWCRadii,
" ---" : self.endJTWCWindForecast,
"REMARKS:" : self.stopDecodingJTWC,
self.fcstList = [] # a place to store all of the forecasts
self.text = [] # the text product
self.currentFcst = {} # the current forecast we are docoding
self.baseProductTime = 0
self.foundEyeDiameter = 0
self.altFilename = ""
def calcEyeDiameter(self, center, maxWind):
lat = center[0] # latitude in degrees
maxWindC = maxWind / 1.944 # convert to meters per second
rmw = 46.29 * exp(-0.0153 * maxWindC + 0.0166 * lat)
# convert to diameter and convert from km to nm
ed = rmw * 2.0 / 1.852
return ed
def stripText(self):
endStr = chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(10)
for i in xrange(len(self.text)):
self.text[i] = string.replace(self.text[i], endStr, "")
def getFcstList(self):
return self.fcstList
def getBaseProductTime(self):
return self.baseProductTime
def getAltInfoFilename(self):
return self.altFilename
def currentLine(self):
return self.text[self.pos]
def nextLine(self):
self.pos += 1
if self.pos < len(self.text):
return self.text[self.pos]
return ""
def monthNum(self, monthStr):
monthList = ["JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN",
"JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"]
return monthList.index(monthStr) + 1
except ValueError:
return 0
def convertBaseTime(self, timeStr):
# timeStr format: "HHMMZ DAY MON DD YYYY"
# extract time parts from the str
strList = string.split(timeStr)
if len(strList) != 5:
print "Invalid time string:", timeStr
print "Format should be of the form HHMMZ DAY MON DD YYYY"
hour = int(timeStr[0:2])
minute = int(timeStr[2:4])
monthStr = strList[2]
month = self.monthNum(monthStr)
day = int(strList[3])
year = int(strList[4])
# time.mktime returns time in seconds but in local time
baseTime = time.mktime((year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0, 0, 0))
# Adjust to UTC
diffTime = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - time.mktime(time.localtime())
# subtract timeZone and round to the nearest hour
roundedTime = int((baseTime - diffTime) / 3600) * 3600
return roundedTime
def convert_ddhhmm(self, ddhhmmStr, baseTime):
# remove the slash if present
ddhhmmStr = string.replace(ddhhmmStr, "/", "")
if baseTime == 0:
baseTime = time.time()
# extract the time parts
dayStr = ddhhmmStr[0:2]
hourStr = ddhhmmStr[2:4]
minStr = ddhhmmStr[4:6]
day = int(dayStr)
hour = int(hourStr)
minute = int(minStr)
tupleTime = time.gmtime(baseTime)
year = tupleTime[0]
month = tupleTime[1]
# see if we crossed over to a new month
if tupleTime[2] > day:
month += 1
if month > 12:
month = 1
year += 1
newTuple = (year, month, day, hour, minute, tupleTime[5],
tupleTime[6], tupleTime[7], tupleTime[8])
secondsTime = time.mktime(newTuple)
# Adjustment to UTC
diffTime = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) - time.mktime(time.localtime())
return secondsTime - diffTime # subtract timeZone
def decodeProductTime(self):
# Time of the product found on the next line
timeStr = self.nextLine()
# sanity check for the time string
hhmm = timeStr[0:4]
for c in hhmm:
if not c in string.digits:
baseTime = self.convertBaseTime(timeStr)
self.baseProductTime = baseTime
def decodeAltFilename(self):
nameStr = self.currentLine()
parts = string.split(nameStr)
self.altFilename = parts[-1] # grab the last string token
def decodeCenterLocation(self):
locStr = self.currentLine()
# check for the repeat center....don't want this one
if string.find(locStr, "REPEAT") >= 0:
keyWord = "NEAR"
pos = string.find(locStr, keyWord)
if pos > -1: # found it
locStr = locStr[pos + len(keyWord):]
tokenList = string.split(locStr)
if len(tokenList) >= 2:
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[0])
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[1])
if len(tokenList) > 3: # grab the time
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(tokenList[3], self.baseProductTime)
# New fcst (analysis actually)
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst['validTime'] = validTime
self.currentFcst['centerLocation'] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst['radii'] = {}
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
print "Invalid Center Location string:", locStr
def decodeMaxSustainedWinds(self):
windStr = self.currentLine()
pos = string.find(windStr, keyWord)
if pos > -1: # found it
windList = []
tokenList = string.split(windStr)
for i in xrange(len(tokenList)):
if string.find(tokenList[i], "KT") >= 0:
windList.append(float(tokenList[i - 1]))
# Sometimes there is no max wind/gust reported
if windList == []:
print "No Max Sustained Winds or Gusts found."
# store the max wind
self.currentFcst["maxWind"] = windList[0]
self.currentFcst["maxGust"] = windList[1]
# if we have a center location and a max wind we can calc
# the eye diameter
if self.currentFcst.has_key('centerLocation') and \
# if it's zero it's not in the product and the user didn't
# change it, so calculate it based on the Willoughby formula
if self.currentFcst.has_key('eyeDiameter') and \
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] == 0:
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.calcEyeDiameter(
else: # otherwise use what's been defined or read from the text
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeMaxWind(self):
str = self.currentLine()
str = string.replace(str, '.', ' ') # remove ...
tokenList = string.split(str)
if len(tokenList) >= 6:
maxWind = float(tokenList[2])
maxGust = float(tokenList[5])
# store in current fcst
self.currentFcst["maxWind"] = maxWind
self.currentFcst["maxGust"] = maxGust
# if we have a center location and a max wind we can calc
# the eye diameter
if self.currentFcst.has_key('centerLocation') and \
# if it's zero it's not in the product and the user didn't
# change it, so calculate it based on the Willoughby formula
if self.currentFcst.has_key('eyeDiameter') and \
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] == 0:
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.calcEyeDiameter(
else: # otherwise use what's been defined or read from the text
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeRadii(self):
if self.currentFcst == {}: # can't continue
str = self.currentLine()
str = string.replace(str, '.', ' ') # remove ...
tokenList = string.split(str)
# check for KT in the second slot
if len(tokenList) < 4 or tokenList[1] != "KT":
print "Invalid TCM wind string:", str
radiiWindValue = float(tokenList[0])
dirList = ["NE", "SE", "SW", "NW"]
radiusList = []
for token in tokenList:
for d in dirList:
pos = string.find(token, d)
if pos >= 0:
radiusStr = token[:pos]
radius = float(radiusStr)
if len(radiusList) == 0:
print "Error decoding radii in string:", str
# store the radii info
if not self.currentFcst.has_key("radii"):
self.currentFcst['radii'] = {}
self.currentFcst['radii'][radiiWindValue] = radiusList
def decodeWindForecast(self):
# if we're decoding a new forecast, save the old one first
if self.currentFcst != {}:
self.currentFcst = {} # reset
str = self.currentLine()
str = string.replace(str, '...', ' ') # remove ...
tokenList = string.split(str)
# decode the validTime
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(tokenList[2], self.baseProductTime)
if self.baseProductTime == 0:
self.baseProductTime = validTime
# decode the center location
if len(tokenList) >= 5:
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[3])
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(tokenList[4])
# If we can't decode the lat or lon it's probably an outlook
# with no guidance so just return
if lat == None or lon == None:
print "Failed to decode latStr:", lat, "lonStr:", lon
# initialize a new forecast and begin filling values
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst['validTime'] = validTime
self.currentFcst['centerLocation'] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst['radii'] = {}
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeEyeDiameter(self):
str = self.currentLine()
tokenList = string.split(str)
diameter = int(tokenList[2])
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = diameter
# Since we found it in the procuct, set the default diameter
self.defaultEyeDiameter = diameter
self.foundEyeDiameter = 1 # mark that we found it
def decodeTCMProduct(self, TCMProduct, eyeDiameter):
self.text = TCMProduct
self.pos = 0
self.fcstList = []
self.defaultEyeDiameter = eyeDiameter
while self.pos < len(TCMProduct):
line = self.currentLine()
for k in self.keyWordDict.keys():
if string.find(line, k) > -1:
self.pos += 1
# store the last forecast in the list of forecasts
if self.currentFcst != {}:
self.currentFcst = {} # reset
def decodeLatLonToken(self, latLonStr):
dirList = ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']
for d in dirList:
pos = string.find(latLonStr, d)
if pos >= 0:
value = float(latLonStr[0:pos])
if d == 'S' or d == 'W':
value = -value # flip the numeric sign
return value
# it was not decodable (not numbers)
print "Failed to decode lat/lon token:", latLonStr
return None
# undecodable latLon for some reason
return None
def decodeJTWCProductTime(self):
line = self.currentLine()
tokenList = string.split(line)
ddhhmmStr = tokenList[2]
self.baseProductTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(ddhhmmStr, 0)
self.baseProductTime = int(self.baseProductTime / 3600) * 3600
return None
def decodeJTWCTimeCenter(self):
line = self.nextLine()
tokenList = string.split(line)
if len(tokenList) >= 5:
dateTimeStr = tokenList[0][0:6]
latStr = tokenList[3]
lonStr = tokenList[4]
print "Error decoding JTWC Time/Center string:", line
print "Format should be: DDHHMMZx --- NEAR Lat Lon"
# could be None
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(latStr)
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(lonStr)
if lon > 0:
lon -= 360.0
productTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(dateTimeStr, self.baseProductTime)
# make a new fcst object to store the analysis
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst['validTime'] = productTime
self.currentFcst['centerLocation'] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst['radii'] = {}
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeJTWCWindForecast(self):
line = self.nextLine()
tokenList = string.split(line)
# Grab everything just to the left of the first 'Z'
zPos = string.find(tokenList[0], 'Z')
if zPos >= 0:
timeStr = tokenList[0][0:zPos]
validTime = self.convert_ddhhmm(timeStr, self.baseProductTime)
print "couldnt find Z in timeStr:", line
latStr = tokenList[2]
lonStr = tokenList[3]
lat = self.decodeLatLonToken(latStr)
lon = self.decodeLatLonToken(lonStr)
if lon > 0:
lon -= 360.0
# make a new currentFcst and store the info
self.currentFcst = {}
self.currentFcst['validTime'] = validTime
self.currentFcst['centerLocation'] = (lat, lon)
self.currentFcst['radii'] = {}
self.currentFcst['eyeDiameter'] = self.defaultEyeDiameter
def decodeJTWCRadii(self):
line = self.currentLine()
radList = []
windSpeed = 0
while string.find(line, "---") == -1 and line != "":
tokenList = string.split(line)
if string.find(line, "RADIUS") >= 0: # it's the first line
# check to see if we need to store the radii first
if radList != []: # we decoded some already
self.currentFcst['radii'][windSpeed] = radList
radList = []
# extract the windSpeed for these radii
windSpeed = float(tokenList[2])
if string.find(line, "QUADRANT") == -1: # no "QUADRANT" found
radius = float(tokenList[6])
radList = [radius, radius, radius, radius]
else: # QUADRANT found
radius = float(tokenList[6])
radList = [radius]
else: # no RADIUS found so maybe a QUADRANT line
if string.find(line, "QUADRANT") >= 0:
radius = float(tokenList[0])
line = self.nextLine()
# save the last radii info
if radList != []:
self.currentFcst['radii'][windSpeed] = radList
# save the whole forecast in the list
self.currentFcst = {}
def endJTWCWindForecast(self):
if self.currentFcst != {}:
self.currentFcst = {}
def stopDecodingJTWC(self):
line = "ZZZZZ"
while line != "":
line = self.nextLine()
# end class TCMDecoder
# begin class CircleEA
# This class helps make circular edit areas and quadrants thereof.
class CircleEA(SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, latGrid, lonGrid, center, slices):
pi = 3.1459
RadsPerDeg = 2 * pi / 360
cosLatGrid = cos(latGrid * RadsPerDeg)
self.xDist = (lonGrid - center[1]) * 111.1 * cosLatGrid
self.yDist = (latGrid - center[0]) * 111.1
self.distGrid = sqrt(pow(self.xDist, 2)+ pow(self.yDist, 2))
self.tanGrid = arctan2(-self.xDist, -self.yDist)
# mask off all but the specified quadrant.
self.quadList = []
for quad in xrange(1, slices + 1):
minValue = -pi + (quad - 1) * 2 * pi / slices
maxValue = -pi + quad * 2 * pi / slices
quadrant = logical_and(greater_equal(self.tanGrid, minValue),
less(self.tanGrid, maxValue))
# Return an edit area for just one quadrant.
# By convention quadrant numbering starts at 1 (due North) and
# progresses clockwise by one slice increment
def getQuadrant(self, quad, radius):
# trim the mask beyond the specified radius
radiusMask = less_equal(self.distGrid, radius)
quadrant = logical_and(radiusMask, self.quadList[quad - 1])
return quadrant
def getDistanceGrid(self):
return self.distGrid
def getXYDistGrids(self):
return self.xDist, self.yDist
# end class CircleEA -------------------------------------------------------
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
self.fcstWindGrids = {}
# Use this method if you want to get your product
# from a simple text file
def getTextProductFromFile(self, filename):
f = file(filename, 'r')
print filename, "not found when getting product from file."
return []
textList = []
line = f.readline()
while line != "":
line = f.readline()
return textList
# Reads decodes depression information using the specified product.
def decodeDepressionInfo(self, textProduct):
for line in textProduct:
parts = string.split(line, ",")
if len(parts) < 20:
if parts[4] == " CARQ" and parts[5] == " 0":
outsideRad = int(parts[18])
rmw = int(parts[19])
return (rmw, outsideRad)
return (0, 0)
def injectDepressionInfo(self, fcstList, rmw, outsideRad):
if rmw == 0 and outsideRad == 0:
return fcstList
eyeDiam = (rmw + 8.0) * 2.0
for f in fcstList:
f['eyeDiameter'] = eyeDiam
# add the maxWind radius
maxWind = f['maxWind']
maxWindRadii = [rmw, rmw, rmw, rmw]
f['radii'][maxWind] = maxWindRadii
# Make an arbitrary radius at the outer most isobar
outSpeed = maxWind / 3.0 # somewhat arbitrary
f['radii'][outSpeed] = [outsideRad, outsideRad, outsideRad, outsideRad]
return fcstList
def getWEInventory(self, modelName, WEName, level):
yesterday = self._gmtime() - (2 * 24 * 3600) # two days ago
later = self._gmtime() + 10 * 24 * 3600 # 10 days from now
allTimes = TimeRange.TimeRange(yesterday, later)
parm = self.getParm(modelName, WEName, level);
inv = parm.getGridInventory(allTimes.toJavaObj())
trList = []
for gd in inv:
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(gd.getGridTime())
return trList
# returns a wind grid from the specified model most closely matched in
# time
def getClosestWindGrid(self, modelName, timeTarget):
t1 = AbsTime.AbsTime(0)
t2 = AbsTime.current() + 300 * 24 * 3600 # 300 days out
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(t1, t2)
siteID = self.getSiteID()
if modelName == "Fcst":
level = "SFC"
elementName = "Wind"
modelName = siteID + "_D2D_" + modelName
level = "FHAG10"
elementName = "wind"
topo = self.getTopo()
calmGrid = self.makeWindGrid(0.0, 0.0, topo.shape)
gridInfo = []
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(modelName, elementName, level, timeRange)
except Exceptions.EditActionError:
print "No grids found for model/level:", modelName, level
if string.find(modelName, "GFS") >= 0:
modelName = siteID + "_D2D_" + "AVN"
level = "BL030"
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(modelName, elementName, level, timeRange)
except Exceptions.EditActionError:
print "No grids found for model", modelName, "level:", level
print "Using calm grid."
return calmGrid
if len(gridInfo) == 0:
print "No grid info found for:", modelName, "at:", timeRange
print "No grid info...Using calm grid."
return calmGrid
minDiff = 3600 * 24 * 365 # just a large number
gridIndex = -1
tr = None
# figure out which grid is closest in time
for i in xrange(len(gridInfo)):
gridTime = gridInfo[i].gridTime()
gTime = gridTime.startTime().unixTime()
diff = abs(gTime - timeTarget)
if diff < minDiff:
tr = gridInfo[i].gridTime()
minDiff = diff
if diff == 0:
if minDiff > 3 * 3600:
print "Returning calm grid as background."
return calmGrid
grid = calmGrid
# fetch the grid
if modelName == "Fcst":
if self.fcstWindGrids.has_key(tr):
grid = self.fcstWindGrids[tr]
# hunt down any grid that overlaps the timeTarget
for gridTR in self.fcstWindGrids.keys():
if gridTR.contains(AbsTime.AbsTime(timeTarget)):
grid = self.fcstWindGrids[gridTR]
grid = self.getGrids(modelName, elementName, level, tr, mode="First")
grid = (grid[0] * 1.944, grid[1])
return grid
# makes a direction grid where winds blow counter-clockwise about
# the specified center.
def makeDirectionGrid(self, latGrid, lonGrid, latCenter, lonCenter):
cycWt = 0.7 # cyclonic circulation weight
convWt = 0.3 # convergence weight
cycU = -(latGrid - latCenter) # pure counter-clockwise circulation
cycV = lonGrid - lonCenter
convU = -cycV # pure convergence
convV = cycU
u = cycU * cycWt + convU * convWt
v = cycV * cycWt + convV * convWt
mag, dir = self.UVToMagDir(u, v)
return dir
# interpolates radii information based on the specified info.
# returns a new radii
def interpRadii(self, t1, t2, newTime, f1Radii, f2Radii):
# set the list of radii based on the first set: f1Radii
radiiList = f1Radii
newRadii = {}
for r in radiiList:
quadList = []
for i in xrange(4): # always and only 4 quadrants at this point
r1 = f1Radii[r][i]
if f2Radii.has_key(r):
r2 = f2Radii[r][i]
msg = "Wind forecast missing wind value: " + str(r) + " knots. "
msg += "Recommend defining wind radii for " + str(r) + " knots."
##self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
r2 = r1 # just use the f1 value so we can keep going
radius = r1 + (r2 - r1) * (newTime - t1) / (t2 - t1)
newRadii[r] = quadList
return newRadii
# interpolates the wind forecasts inbetween the two specified forecasts.
# interval is assumed to be specified in hours.
# returns a new list of forecasts with f1 at the front of the list
# and f2 not present at all in the list.
def interpolateWindFcst(self, f1, f2, interval):
intSecs = 3600 * interval
t1 = f1['validTime']
t2 = f2['validTime']
# Just return the first fcst if the interval is too big
if t2 - t1 <= intSecs:
return [f1]
f1Lat = f1['centerLocation'][0]
f1Lon = f1['centerLocation'][1]
f2Lat = f2['centerLocation'][0]
f2Lon = f2['centerLocation'][1]
f1Eye = f1['eyeDiameter']
f2Eye = f2['eyeDiameter']
tDiff = f2['validTime'] - f1['validTime']
f1MaxWind = f1['maxWind']
f2MaxWind = f2['maxWind']
timeSlots = int(tDiff / intSecs)
dLat = (f2Lat - f1Lat) / timeSlots
dLon = (f2Lon - f1Lon) / timeSlots
dEye = (f2Eye - f1Eye) / timeSlots
dMaxWind = (f2MaxWind - f1MaxWind) / timeSlots
f1Radii = f1['radii']
f2Radii = f2['radii']
fcstList = [f1] # include the first fcst in the list
for i in xrange(1, timeSlots):
newTime = t1 + (i * intSecs)
newLat = f1Lat + (i * dLat)
newLon = f1Lon + (i * dLon)
newEye = f1Eye + (i * dEye)
newMaxWind = f1MaxWind + (i * dMaxWind)
newRadii = self.interpRadii(t1, t2, newTime, f1Radii, f2Radii)
f = {}
f['centerLocation'] = (newLat, newLon)
f['eyeDiameter'] = newEye
f['validTime'] = newTime
f['maxWind'] = newMaxWind
f['radii'] = newRadii
return fcstList
# Smooths the specified grid by the specified factor
# With factor == 3, 3x3 smooth, factor == 5 5x5 smooth, etc.
# Even factors (4, 6, 8,...) round up to the next odd value
# If factors <3 are specified, the unmodified grid is returned.
def smoothGrid(self, grid, factor):
# factors of less than 3 are useless or dangerous
if factor < 3:
return grid
st = time.time()
half = int(factor)/ 2
sg = zeros(grid.shape,float64)
count = zeros(grid.shape,float64)
gridOfOnes = ones(grid.shape,float64)
for y in xrange(-half, half + 1):
for x in xrange(-half, half + 1):
if y < 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(-y, None, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(0, y, None)
if y == 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(0, None, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(0, None, None)
if y > 0:
yTargetSlice = slice(0, -y, None)
ySrcSlice = slice(y, None, None)
if x < 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(-x, None, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(0, x, None)
if x == 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(0, None, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(0, None, None)
if x > 0:
xTargetSlice = slice(0, -x, None)
xSrcSlice = slice(x, None, None)
target = [yTargetSlice, xTargetSlice]
src = [ySrcSlice, xSrcSlice]
sg[target] += grid[src]
count[target] += gridOfOnes[src]
return sg / count
def printFcst(self, f, baseTime):
print "=============================================================="
print "Time:", time.asctime(time.gmtime(f['validTime'])),
print "LeadTime:", (f['validTime'] - baseTime) / 3600 + 3
print "Center:", f['centerLocation']
print "Eye:", f['eyeDiameter']
if f.has_key('maxWind'):
print "Max Wind:", f['maxWind']
radKeys = f['radii'].keys()
print "RADII:"
for r in radKeys:
print r, "kts:", f['radii'][r]
# Smooths the direction grid without regard to the magnitude
def smoothDirectionGrid(self, dir, factor):
mag = ones(dir.shape, float) # 1.0 everywhere
u, v = self.MagDirToUV(mag, dir)
u = self.smoothGrid(u, factor)
v = self.smoothGrid(v, factor)
mag, dir = self.UVToMagDir(u, v)
return dir
def makeWindGrid(self, mag, dir, gridShape):
mag = ones(gridShape, float) * mag
dir = ones(gridShape, float) * dir
return mag, dir
def decreaseWindOverLand(self, grid, fraction, Topo):
mask = greater(Topo, 0.0)
grid = where(mask, grid * fraction, grid)
return grid
def getTimeConstraintDuration(self, element):
return self.getParm("Fcst", element, "SFC").getGridInfo()\
# Blends the specified grid together
def blendGrids(self, windGrid, bgGrid):
# make a mask around the edge
windMag = windGrid[0]
backMag = bgGrid[0]
mag = windMag.copy()
# make a weightingGrid
lower = average(backMag)
# calculate the average value over the area where blending will occur
upper = lower + 10.0
ringMask = logical_and(less(mag, upper), greater(mag, lower))
avgGrid = where(ringMask, backMag, float32(0.0))
# a nearly calm grid means no blending required
if lower < 1.0:
return windGrid
wtGrid = greater(mag, upper).astype(float32)
ringMask = logical_and(less(mag, upper), greater(mag, lower))
wtGrid = where(ringMask, (mag - lower) / (upper - lower), wtGrid)
wtGrid[less(mag, lower)]= 0.0
wtGrid = self.smoothGrid(wtGrid, 5)
# calculate the new mag grid
mag *= wtGrid
mag += backMag * (1 - wtGrid)
# calculate direction grid
onesGrid = ones_like(mag)
gridU, gridV = self.MagDirToUV(onesGrid, windGrid[1])
bgU, bgV = self.MagDirToUV(onesGrid, bgGrid[1])
gridU *= wtGrid
gridU += bgU * (1 - wtGrid)
gridV *= wtGrid
gridV += bgV * (1 - wtGrid)
# get the dirGrid and toss out the magnitude
magGrid, dirGrid = self.UVToMagDir(gridU, gridV)
return mag, dirGrid
def getLatLonGrids(self):
# Try to get them from the fcst database to save time
startTime = AbsTime.current() - 86400
endTime = AbsTime.current() + 86400 # 1 day
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(startTime, endTime)
latGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "latGrid", "SFC", timeRange,
mode = "First", noDataError = 0)
lonGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst", "lonGrid", "SFC", timeRange,
mode = "First", noDataError = 0)
if latGrid != None and lonGrid != None:
return latGrid, lonGrid
# make the latGrid and lonGrid
latGrid, lonGrid = SmartScript.SmartScript.getLatLonGrids(self)
# Temporarliy save them in the forecast database
startTime = AbsTime.current()
endTime = startTime + 86400 * 7 # 7 days
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(startTime, endTime)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "latGrid", "SCALAR", latGrid, timeRange,
descriptiveName=None, timeConstraints=None,
precision=1, minAllowedValue=0.0,
self.createGrid("Fcst", "lonGrid", "SCALAR", lonGrid, timeRange,
descriptiveName=None, timeConstraints=None,
precision=1, minAllowedValue=-360.0,
return latGrid, lonGrid
# This method interpolates the specified radii in rDict to the
# number of slices specified in pieSlices. This adds more angular
# resolution to the wind forecast which typically comes with 4 slices.
def interpolateQuadrants(self, rDict, pieSlices):
# make sure we have something to do first
if pieSlices <= 4:
return rDict
newDict = {}
for k in rDict.keys():
rList = rDict[k] # fetch the list of radii
interpFactor = pieSlices / len(rList)
newList = []
for i in xrange(-1, len(rList) -1):
minVal = rList[i]
maxVal = rList[i + 1]
dVal = (maxVal - minVal) / interpFactor
for f in xrange(interpFactor):
radius = minVal + dVal * f
# Since we started with the NW quadrant we need to shift
# the list so that it starts at North to conform to convention
shift = int(pieSlices / 4)
shiftedList = newList[shift:]
shiftedList += newList[:shift]
newDict[k] = shiftedList
return newDict
# Makes a Rankine Vortex wind speed grid that decreases exponentially
# from the known values at known radii. Inside the Radius of maximum
# wind the wind decreases linearly toward the center
def makeRankine(self, f, latGrid, lonGrid, pieSlices):
st = time.time()
rDict = f['radii']
validTime = f['validTime']
center = f['centerLocation']
circleEA = CircleEA(latGrid, lonGrid, center, pieSlices)
rDict = self.interpolateQuadrants(rDict, pieSlices)
# get the distance grid and make sure it's never zero anywhere
distanceGrid = circleEA.getDistanceGrid() / 1.852 # dist in NM
distanceGrid[equal(distanceGrid, 0)] = 0.01
# make a grid into which we will define the wind speeds
grid = self.empty()
# insert the maxWind radii
if f.has_key('maxWind'):
maxWind = f['maxWind']
if f.has_key('eyeDiameter'):
maxRad = f['eyeDiameter'] / 2.0 + 8.0
print "Error --- no eye diameter found."
maxRad = 12.5 # half of default 25 nm eye diameter
# add an entry that uses the max wind and radius
rDict[maxWind] = [maxRad] * pieSlices
# make a list sorted by average radii value
wsList = rDict.keys()
if len(wsList) == 0:
print "No radii found. Returning calm grid."
return (grid, grid)
radList = []
for ws in wsList:
rList = rDict[ws]
sum = 0
for r in rList:
sum += r
average = sum / len(rList)
radList.append((average, ws))
wsList = []
for rad, ws in radList:
maxRad, maxWindValue = radList[-1]
maxWindValue += 0.1
rDict[maxWindValue] = [1.0] * pieSlices
# for each rDict record and quadrant, make the grid one piece at a time
for i in xrange(len(wsList) - 1):
if not rDict.has_key(wsList[i]):
radiusList = rDict[wsList[i]]
nextRadiusList = rDict[wsList[i + 1]]
for quad in xrange(len(radiusList)):
outSpeed = float(wsList[i])
inSpeed = float(wsList[i + 1])
outRadius = float(radiusList[quad])
inRadius = float(nextRadiusList[quad])
# get the edit area for this quadrant
mask = circleEA.getQuadrant(quad + 1, outRadius * 1.852)
# log10 and exp math functions are fussy about zero
if inSpeed == 0.0:
inSpeed = 0.1
if outSpeed == 0.0:
outSpeed = 0.1
if inRadius == 0.0:
inRadius = 0.1
if outRadius == 0.0:
outRadius = 0.1
# no wind speed can never exceed the maximum allowable wind speed
if inSpeed > maxWind:
inSpeed = maxWind
if outSpeed > maxWind:
outSpeed = maxWind
# don't bother with trivial cases
if inRadius < 2.0 and outRadius < 2.0:
if inRadius > outRadius:
# calculate the exponent so that we exactly fit the next radius
denom = log10(inRadius / outRadius)
if denom == 0:
exponent = 1.0
exponent = (log10(outSpeed) - log10(inSpeed)) / denom
# make sure the exponent behaves itself
if exponent > 10.0:
exponent = 10.0
# inside RMW gets a linear slope to largest of max wind forecasts
if inRadius <= 1.0:
dSdR = (outSpeed - inSpeed) / (outRadius - inRadius)
grid = where(mask, inSpeed + (dSdR * distanceGrid), grid)
else: # outside RMW
grid = where(mask, inSpeed * power((inRadius / distanceGrid), exponent),
grid.clip(0.0, 200.0, grid)
dirGrid = self.makeDirectionGrid(latGrid, lonGrid, center[0], center[1])
# clip values between zero and maxWind
grid.clip(0.0, maxWind, grid)
# apply the wind reduction over land
fraction = 1.0 - (self.lessOverLand / 100.0)
grid = self.decreaseWindOverLand(grid, fraction, self.elevation)
return (grid, dirGrid)
def execute(self, varDict, timeRange):
self.toolTimeRange = timeRange
# define the default eye diameter for bulletins where they are missing
self.dialogEyeDiameter = 0.0
Topo = self.getTopo()
## interval = int(varDict["Time Interval\n(hours):"])
tcDuration = self.getTimeConstraintDuration("Wind")
tcHours = int(tcDuration / 3600) # durations are expressed in seconds
# set the time interpolation interval to the duration
interval = tcHours
# get the product ID
## productList1 = varDict["Product to\ndecode:"]
## productList2 = varDict["Product to\n decode:"]
## productList1 = productList1 + productList2 # concatenate
## if len(productList1) != 1:
## self.statusBarMsg("Please select one TCM bulletin only.", "S")
## return None
## productID = productList1[0]
# special code for GUM since they do things just a little differently
siteID = self.getSiteID()
if siteID == "GUM":
productID = "GTW" + productID
bgModelName = varDict["Background\nModel:"]
# If we're using the Fcst, grab all of the grids now
if bgModelName == "Fcst":
inv = self.getWEInventory("Fcst", "Wind", "SFC")
for tr in inv:
self.fcstWindGrids[tr] = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Wind", "SFC",
tr, mode="First")
pieSlices = int(varDict["Number of\n Pie Slices:"])
self.lessOverLand = int(varDict["Decrease Wind over Land by (%):"])
self.elevation = Topo
## # Use this method to fetch a text product from a file
## fileName = "Your path and file name goes here"
## textProduct = self.getTextProductFromFile(fileName)
## productID = string.split(fileName, "/")[-1]
# Use this method to fetch a product from the text database
productID = varDict["ProductID:"]
textProduct = self.getTextProductFromDB(productID)
if len(textProduct) < 5:
print productID, "could not be retrieved from text database."
return None
decoder = TCMDecoder()
decoder.decodeTCMProduct(textProduct, self.dialogEyeDiameter)
fcstList = decoder.getFcstList()
print "Decoded:", len(fcstList), " forecasts."
# Attempt to get the alternate info from a file or the textDB
altFileName = decoder.getAltInfoFilename()
# get additional info if available
altProduct = self.getTextProductFromDB(altFileName)
## ## use this version to fetch from a file
## altProduct = self.getTextProductFromFile(altFileName)
rmw, outsideRad = (0, 0) # initialize
if len(altProduct) < 5:
print altProduct, "alternate info file could not be retrieved from text database."
rmw, outsideRad = self.decodeDepressionInfo(altProduct)
# Set the baseDecodedTime - validTime of first entry - 3 hours
if len(fcstList) > 0:
self.baseDecodedTime = fcstList[0]['validTime'] - 3 * 3600
## # See if the decoded fcst is close to the current time. This is needed
## # so the tool will work on archived data sets
selectionTROnly = 0
## if abs(time.time() - self.baseDecodedTime) > 2 * 24 * 3600: # older than 2 days
## testMode = 1
# restrict grids to the selected time period if option is selected.
restrictAnswer = varDict["Make Grids over\nSelected Time Only:"]
if restrictAnswer == "Yes":
selectionTROnly = 1
# push this info in the fcsts
fcstList = self.injectDepressionInfo(fcstList, rmw, outsideRad)
# interpolate the wind forecasts we got from the decoder
print "Interpolating wind forecasts:"
selectedStartTime = self.toolTimeRange.startTime().unixTime()
selectedEndTime = self.toolTimeRange.endTime().unixTime()
interpFcstList = []
for i in xrange(len(fcstList) - 1):
newFcstList = self.interpolateWindFcst(fcstList[i], fcstList[i+1],
# if we've processed the last time segment, append the last forecast
if i == len(fcstList) - 2:
# Make sure the fcst is within the selected time range
for f in newFcstList:
if (selectionTROnly and (f['validTime'] >= selectedStartTime and \
f['validTime'] < selectedEndTime)) or not selectionTROnly:
if len(fcstList) == 1:
interpFcstList = fcstList
if len(interpFcstList) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No cyclone forecasts found within the Selected TimeRange",
print "Generating", len(interpFcstList), "wind grids"
# get the lat, lon grids
latGrid, lonGrid = self.getLatLonGrids()
# make a grid for each interpolate forecast
gridCount = 0
for f in interpFcstList:
windGrid = self.makeRankine(f, latGrid, lonGrid, pieSlices)
validTime = int(f['validTime'] / 3600) * 3600
bgGrid = self.getClosestWindGrid(bgModelName, validTime)
if bgGrid is None:
print "Using calm background grid."
bgGrid = self.makeWindGrid(0.0, 0.0, latGrid.shape)
grid = self.blendGrids(windGrid, bgGrid)
start = AbsTime.AbsTime(int(validTime))
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(start, start + interval * 3600)
name = "Wind"
self.createGrid("Fcst", name, "VECTOR", grid, timeRange,
precision=1, minAllowedValue=0.0,
gridCount += 1
print "GenerateCyclone tool:", productID, "- Generated",gridCount, \
"out of", len(interpFcstList), "grids"
return None